't jr.; of Editorial Freedom Thursday, October 21, 1971 Vol. 80. No. 44 Founded February 23, 1893 If 7 ? O Fenu increase .Dorm if fx ! '' "') r "N, - -W f ' L" f . w" An unidentified Indian woman puts a dot on a little girl's forehead at the UNC Indhn Association-Sponsored "row of to vote on by Karen Pusey Staff Writer Student Legislature (SL) will have the first vote tonight on a resolution to approve the constitution of the Graduate Professional Student Federation (Gl'SF). According to Rep. (Jerry Cohen, the Rules Committee has reported out a resolution to approve the GPSF constitution, allowing the graduate group to receive $3,000 appropriated to the group in last year's budget. Cohen said, "The commit'ee didn't favor giving the money to GPSF, just bringing the matter to a vote." The Dramatic arts professor "TT o Memorial services for Kai Olaf Heiberg-Jurgensen, Professor of dramatic art at the University, will be at 3 p.m. today at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Chapel Hill. Jurgensen, 55, died Tuesday night in N.C. Memorial Hospital after an extended illness. A member of the dramatic arts faculty for 30 years, Jurgensen was active in evety area of theatre in Chapel Hill. He directed at least two plays here each year ior 2( years and acted in doens of productions. He translated numerous works by Henrik Ibsen and other playwrights for his native Denmark and wrote an original full-length play, several poems and short stories. Jurgensen taught thousands of students in dramatic art classes during his years at the University. His play, "Down to the Sea." was produced by the Carolina Playmakers in 1943 and won the Roland Holt Cup. the highest UNC award for playwriting. Jurgensen was the first director of Kermit Hunter's outdoor drama in Boone, "A Horn in the West," and he operated the production from 1952-5(. He worked with former Gov. Luther Hodges as his personal television director from !l57-oO. He came to Missoula. Mont, from Copenhagen Denmark, at the age of Id and began acting in high school there. 77 jo. affile (Editor's note: This article is the fourth in a series ; restructuring higher education in Xorth Carolina.) by MikeParnell Managing Editor The battle to restructure higher education in North Carolina will be over within two weeks -- one way or the other - but the struggles of the comb combatants won't soon be forgotten. Who are these man and how did they get involved? Gov. Bob Scott was and is the motivator behind the whole issue of restructuring. It was he who first proposed publicly (in December, ll70) the need for a reorganization of higher education in this state. It was he who appointed (in January) the Warren Commission to study the issue. Why did Bob Scott become o concerned with higher education hi -i ' - " A resolution would not set up a separate GPSF government. Cohen said, so the graduate students may introduce their own resolution to obtain separation. SL will also consider a bill by Rep. Charles Gillian to establish the procedure for impeachment of Student Government officials. Gillian presented the impeachment bill to SL last week, but representatives requested additional time to read it. The bill is not controversial and is expected to pass SL tonight, he said. In other action. SL will vote on a bill to allow the student body president to have a vote in SL in case of tie. nirffenseiiL He earned his B.A. in Fnglish literature at the State University of Montana: studied at the Royal Academy of Acting. Theatre Royal. Copenhagen; and, working under a Rockefeller Fellowship, received his M.A. in dramatic art at UNC. Awarded a Fulbright grant in 1958-59, he taught at the University of Copenhagen. Royal Academy of Acting and Askov Folk High School. Thomas M. Patterson, UNC professor of dramatic art, said the thing that struck him most about Jurgensen was "the way he could make everything so human and warm. "I doubt if there is anyone in the department who has as many friends as Jurgensen did," he said. "He was a stimulating lecturer, imaginative in his work and a fine player himself." Survivors include his widow, Pacquita; six children, Mrs. Karen Jurgensen Thompson, Boston. Mass., Christopher Jurgensen. University of Miami, Fla., Michael Jurgensen, Tufts University, Mass.. Mrs. Robin Fine Mays. Atlanta, Ga.. Robert Jurgensen and Deborah Fine, both of Chapel Hill: and a sister, Mrs. Gerda Hekberg-Jurgensen of Copenhagen, Denmark. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the Kai Jurgensen Scholarship Fund. UNC Department of Dramatic Art, Graham Memorial Building. Chapel Hill. edmc he became 'governor, his knowledge of education and its problems was minimal, if that. Gov. Scott quickly b e c a m e indoctrinated, though. With the governorship comes the chairmanship of the UNC Board of Trustees, and. in la under a new law. the chairmanship of the N.C. Board of Higher Education. Besides hearing first-hand all of the problems of the various universities. Gov. Scott became aware of an unhappiness among the legislators. Many of the legislators were appalled at what they had done to higher education in ll67 and Wol, when the "regional" universities were created. So he began his push for reorganization and authorized the Warren Commission to study the issue. When the majority report of Warren Commission called for the the creation Ot .! no.i ml ri..,.ntv sn' 4 -; t ' t " lights" festival. The "festival of illumination" was held Tuesday night. (Staff photo by Leslie Todd) F byl aw; Other items on tonight's agenda include consideration of 25 appointments to the attorney general's staff and appointments to fill vacancies in the Men's Honor Court. Six nominations for a minority court will come to a vote, as will the nomination of David Putnam for chairman of the Audit Board. Kathy McGuire, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, said a bill will be introduced calling for a referendum to change the school song from "Hark the Sound" to "Carolina On My Mind." With regard to the Nov. 9 elections, the R'.j'cs Committee has compiled 3 list dead Kai Jurgensen it ' ' . 1 bat ation University. Scott supported it. And, in May . the Governor stepped up his verbal attack. He said Consolidated University President William C. Friday. East Carolina University President Leo Jenkins and Board of Higher Education director Cameron West were "acting like kids" in their approach to his proposals. He also criticized Friday's hold on the Consolidated University. Scott modified the Warren Commission in his proposal to the General Assembly . But the Governor was unable to cash in the necessary votes to win. and. when it appeared opposition torces could delay the issue until W -3. Scott gave in. A deal was made to schedule a special session on Oct. 26. And though the Governor continued to criticize Consolidated University .-!:.! '- !' ! .-. -. ' I K nee by Ens Kitt An increase in dormitor' room rents is mandatory due to increased dormitory operation costs, according to Robert Kepner. director of the office of Residence Life. Kepner said L'NC dormitories lost almost S8.800 in the 1970-1971 fiscal year. A loss of $96,000 is possible for the current fiscal year unless rents are increased and costs lowered, he added. The financial situation of the dormitories was revealed in a study conducted by Kepner and John Temple, assistant vice chancellor for business. Kepner currently has put forward two proposals for rent rate increases and one major idea for lowering costs. The first rent proposal is a multiple rates system determined by the actual cost of operating the men's, women's and coed dorms. The other system proposed of 29 vacancies to be filled. A change of polling times from 10 a.m. 7 p.m. to 10 a.m. -5:30 p.m. will be voted on also. Petitions for vacant seats, signed by at least 25 persons in on-campus districts and 10 persons in off-campus districts, must be submitted to the Elections Board by midnight Monday. The following seats are vacant: MD I Outside Chapel Hill and Canboro, three vacancies; MD II - Granville, two vacancies; MD III Canboro, C.H. west of Columbia Street, four vacancies; MD IV - Chape! Hill east of Columbia Street, three vacancies; MD VI- Upper Quad, one vacancy; MD VIII Teague and Avery, one vacancy; MD X Craige, two vacancies; MD XII - James, one vacancy; WD I Outside Chapel Hill and Carrboro, one vacancy; WD II - Chapel Hill and Carrboro, two vacancies; WD III Alderman, Kenan, Mclver, one vacancy; WD IV - Spencer, Whitehead, one vacancy; WD V James, Morrison, two vacancies; WD VI - Cobb, two vacancies; WD VIII Granville, two vacancies; WD X - Craige, one vacancy. (MD - Men's District; WD District.) Women's Sen. Burney, Watts Hill to discuss restructuring Two major figures in the controversy of restructuring higher education, state Senator John J. Burney (D-New Hanover) and Watts Hill, Jr., a member of the Warren Commission on Higher Education, will discuss the restructuring question here tonight. The open discussion of "Higher Education: The Question of Restructuring" will be held at 7:00 p.m. in Hill Hall. The discussion is sponsored by the Inter Fraternity Council (IFC). Burney is an attorney from Wilmington in his third term in the General Assembly. He is a member of the N. C. Board of Higher Education and chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. Hill, former chairman of the N. C. Board of Higher Education, is a chairman itie roil complimented Friday at an AFL-CIO meeting in September, where he said "the spirit of compromise has never been stronger." Since that time he has met privately with all persons involved, and though occasionally he has criticized University officials, as at the UNC Faculty Club meeting two weeks ago, the Governor has been quietly acting out his master plan to restructure education. He cashes in his chips next week. Lindsay Warren, the man who headed the commission which initially studied higher education, has not played as major a role as might be expected. The proposals to restructure higher education have been altered so much since May, when the Warren Commission report was released, that there is little resemblance between the two. F-rt'vr v;jjv- senator I iridviy Warrc-A 1.1 -i iiijJe two rcpoilv One. Ilie ary by Kepner was one based on eq; :a! room rents for men and omen with no differentiation based on the operation cost. Kepner also proposed an Increase of S2.00 per resident in room rent to fund a special equipment fund. "The idea has been that just to keep the dorms at the present level is enough," Kepner explained. 'This is to fund improvements in the residence colleges on an ongoing basis." In addition. Kepner has planned a decrease in the amount of housekeeping in the dorms, which would allow a S12.50 decrease in the room rent per semester. The reasons for this decrease in the housekeeping services are two-fold. Kepner said. "First, the students say they can do the cleaning of their own rooms," he said. "Second, the students have voiced an increasing concern about privacy in the rooms," he added. Under the proposed housekeeping system, janitors and maids would not clean private rooms but would clean all common areas and halls on a daily basis. There would be a semi-annual cleaning of all private rooms on an announced schedule, Kepner said. The dorm rent increase due to rising costs and the decrease due to lower housekeeping costs will partially offset each other. Rates for men's dorms for a double Athlete: to Arnold death. by Mark Whicker Sports Editor Bill Richardson, chairman of the Committee of Concerned Athletes, said Wednesday an investigation of the Carolina football program "cannot, practically or morally, be separated from an investigation into the death of Bill Arnold." The statement answered a call by Student Body President Joe Stallings Tuesday for a committee to investigate questions about the football program which were raised by a Faculty Council subcommittee which investigated the Arnold death. A group of Chapel Hill ministers and of the board of Home Security Life Insurance Company in Durham and has been an influential figure in the restructuring fight. The discussion will center around the issue of restructuring N. C. higher education. The General Assembly will meet in special session Tuesday to consider the issue. There are currently three plans before the General Assembly. One calls for deconsolidation of the Consolidated University and the creation of a powerful centeral governing board. The other two plans call for the building of a new education organization upon the foundation of the Consolidated University, and the strengthening of the Board of Higher Education and leaving the Consolidated University intact. majority report, called for a strong board of regents plus deconsolidation of the Consolidated University; it created the initial stir among University administrators and trustees. The other report, the minority report, called for no deconsolidation of the University and the strengthening of the state Board of Higher Education. The Wan-en Commission helped to stake out both sides early; the compromises now have eliminated some of the ground between the combatants. Lindsay Warren, in an interview with The Charlotte Observer earlier this month, said: "I don't think the legislature should be involved in the day-to-day operation of the institutions - period. I look upon the legislature's role as one of determining what percentage of the state's tax dollar whouKI he spent for higher education. "Once the appropriation is m.i.le shon-'d be .1 iiulicr fr the .uliriiiii ,ir.:o .' by Of Till f HJ 1J I S.eDiier room ou!d r.e Si) 50 women's rite; would r, . - . - . semester, a w ou!J vocd r. ratev No !' .1 .a! decision ha -..ice T TV rA .-. t f.H be p.:t in ect. the Kepr.e: explained He su id bt re :o:e chancellor w:!l from Res. den, Committee on act on an mcreiv input e Co'.lece Federation and l'n;ers;tv Residence Life (CURL) Under favored b will the m r e :np:e obtained rate ss!em n men's dorms Kepner. rer.ts would co trom I U rer semester tor a double room to S 1 5 w . 5 ll per semester. Women's rent would go trom Sll)0 to S 209.50 for j double room under this s tern . In coed dorms, both men and women would pa Slf'9.50 for a double room compared to the SI 50 charged this semester. Single room rates for men would go from S225 to $244.50. women's single rates from S2n5 to $.'19 50. and ad room rates for a single room from S225 to $259.50. under the multiple rates system. TODAY: Variable clomlinevs and cool: highs in the 60. lows in the 50's; 30 percent chance of rain. probe community workers released a statement Wednesday commending StaUings for his call for further investigation of the football program. The statement said: "We agree that both the reports of the Faculty Committee on Athletics and the Committee of Concerned Athletes raise questions about athletic policy on this campus and that these questions need to be studied by an impartial and representative group of students jnd faculty." The statement was signed by t he Rev. Robert L. Johnson. Anne Queen, the Rev. Lex Mathews, the lev. Carl Culberson, the Rev. F. Josephs Clontz, the Rev. Robert M. Phillips, the Rev. Thomas J. I'alko. Rabbi Robert A. Seigel. Bernard Davis, the Rev. Hugh Stohler. 'ean Luker and Norman Gustaveson. Stallings said there was no great difference between questions raised by the faculty group and Richardson's group of 10 former football players which called for a reinvestigation of the Arnold case on October 1 0. "We do not feel the faculty committee dispelled rumors at all, but rather served to reinforce them," said Richardson. "We cannot accept an investigation which does not examine the Arnold committee testimony or drnrs not recall witnesses. "I do not feel that anything can be gained by another inquiry into Arnold s death," the student body president sa;d. "although I do not obi-.ct to further investigation." Richardson called for an immediate reinvestigation "into the events and attitudes which resulted in the death of Bill Arnold. Such a reinvestigation should be done in the context of the whole football system," he added. Richardvjn. a co-captam and all-ACC linebacker on last year's Peach Bowl team, added. "It is trasic that one of our fellow students must die before that typ of football program is challenged." many to take those funds and be. or: stewards of those funds." good William C. Friday became president of the Consolidated University at the age of 36. The quiet, dignified f ndav has been most effective in his lobbying for the University. Friday is also currently holding the position of president of the Association of American University Presidents, having succeeded Harvard's Nathan Pusey in that post. His reputation as an educator is excellent, both in state and out. Reportedly, Gov. Sott wants Friday as his number one man in any new education organization, despite the "acting like kids" charges and other criticisms w hich Scott has hurled. Throughout the early part of the controversy, Friday remained publicly mute. To the pubUc last spring, he said C "011 tiirj. J 0:1 p. - 1 le