f Slje Satlg alar Opinions of The Daily Tar Heel are expressed on its editorial page. All unsigned editorials are the opinions of the editor. Letters and columns represent only the opinions of the individual contributors. Harry Bryan, Editor Monday, November 22. 1971 Interim iaeed a The Consolidated University Board of Trustees will meet today to select the 16 UNC representatives for the interim Board of Governors that will begin work in January as a planning committee for the new restructured system of higher education. One of those 16 should be a student. At present, each of the student body presidents on the six campuses of the Consolidated University now serve as ex officio members of the 100-membcr board of trustees. Through their positions, they are able to provide at least some input into the board's general policies. However, if a student is not included among the 16, that input will be lost, and students will be right ulh? Satin aartwl 78 Years of Editorial Freedom Harry Bryan. Editor Mike Parnell . Managing Ed. Doug Hall News Editor Lou Bonds Associate Ed. Lana Starnes Associate Ed. Mark Whicker Sports Ed. Ken Ripley ... Feature Editor Jim Taylor Night Editor Bob Wilson Business Mgr. Paddi Hughes Adv. Mg. Evans Witt Profe) Remember how many problems this new academic calendar was supposed to solve? You weren't going to have to worry about exams or term papers over the Christinas break since all those would already be over. Professors would not be able to assign papers and give tests before and after both the Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations. The profs would only have the Thanksgiving holidays to use as a bufferin for their conscience in assigning three term papers and two tests within a period of 10 days. "Oh certainly you will have to come back to school a few weeks earlier than usual - like in August but just think about getting rid of those exams before going home for a couple of weeks vacation," the argument went for the new schedule. Gerry Cohen Nixon Most of us remember back in 1965 when Lyndon Johnson told the American people of the tremendous atrocities that were being committed by the North Vietnamese upon the people of South Vietnam. Revelations of the past week, however, lead me to ask exactly what point we are now pressing in Vietnam. The report out of Saigon was of an Operation Fhoenix, designed by the U.S. Army to eliminate Vietcong operatives. The program consisted of the systematic execution and torture of over 1000 Vietnamese whom the Army had determined were Vietcong political agents. The commander of the program, an American general, denied that Phoenix breached any international law. A wire service report, which appeared in many board. student back where they were before their representatives were named to the CU board living under regulations they had absolutely no voice in making. The argument that minorities should be represented on the Board of Governors has been pushed by Gov. Bob Scott as well as others in the state. However, no one has recognized the student minority, a group that is more deserving of representation than any other. It is the students who are paying for their education, and they deserve the right to help protect their own interests when the new board begins setting down plans for higher education in North Carolina this spring. It has been argued that most of the board's decisions will not be of direct concern to students, but that argument is totally unjustified. Every decision made over higher education affects every student in state-supported universities. The N.C. General Assembly endorsed the concept of student representation on governing boards when it made the six student body presidents ex officio members of the CU board of trustees. And since they were named to the board, the student members have served ably, not only protecting the interests of the students in the six schools, but also in protecting the interests of the Consolidated University. They have also provided members of the board who no longer maintain close ties with the college campuses with a look at prevailing student attitudes and needs. If the board is truly concerned over the fate of students when the UNC System takes over, it will insure today that they will indeed be represented. TV i mil; That was the way the calendar was supposed to work all for the benefit of the students and a sacrifice for the professors. And we students just ate it up. We thought it was going to be the greatest thing that has hit this campus since visitaion. Somehow it hasn't quite turned out that way. To start with, there is now a nice long, uninterrupted stretch of academic efforts from the last of August to Thanksgiving an unbroken stretch of class effort, or lack of it, for almost three months. That three month stretch is the longest period of classes uninterrupted by "vacations" in the academic calendar new or old. If the attention span of the college student is only as long as some professors claim it is about 20 minutes - to throw a three month stretch of classes at us is ridiculous. should state newspapers, had the General saying, "they were only animals anyway, so it wasn't really murder." Now that the army has the power to summarily indict, try and execute (put to sleep?) any Vietnamese at will, we are safe from Communist subversion. In 1965, we were told that the barbarism of the North Vietnamese was beyond belief, yet our own barbarism surely matches that of political terrorists of 10 years ago. Nixon insists we must remain in Vietnam until all American POW's are released, and a residual force must be left in Vietnam indefinately. Meanwhile, we end American combat deaths by replacing them with deaths in the crack South Vietnamese army (those slope eyes don't count as people, anyway). " by Lam Starnes and Dr. Takey Crist Question: This is a serious question. We were wondering if it is possible for a man, paralyzed from the waist down, to have an erection. If it is possible, could he ejaculate? Signed, Granville South. Dear Granville South: Every question is a serious question. Despite what some neurological textbooks say, 90 percent of paraplegics can have an erection and can have intercourse, but they cannot ejaculate. Question: I have a friend who has recently been put on the pill (Norinyl). She says that the pill is effective after taking it for seven days, however, some of her friends say she must take it for one complete cycle. Who is correct? Also, someone said that if you have a blood test, they can tell if you are on the pill. Is this true? Signed, Pill Wonderer. Dear Pill Wonderer: Some physicians believe that if you start on the fifth day of your period and take your pill every day, you will be safe. Others believe that you must take the pill for at least two weeks before you are safe. We know of no blood test that can tell if a girl is on the pill. Question: My problem is that I am unable to achieve orgasm through vaginal stimulation. My only fulfillment is through clitoral stimulation. Can you explain why this should be the case and what, if anything, I could do to reach orgasm during intercourse? Signed, Concerned Coed. Dear Concerned Coed: This question is asked over and over again and has long been debated in literature 'Is there a difference between vaginal and clitoral orgasm? Most sexologists today believe that the findings of Masters and Johnson Letters to the editor Rep To the editor: Keith Weatherly appears to have gift for metaphor, but, sadly, not for equanimity. I found his reaction to Rep. Bella Abzug's address to be rash and prejudiced. His diatribe against women's rights is his most inconsequential argument, and I do not feel I have to speak against his position which seems to be one of uncomfortable squirming. But in reference to his "Vietnam turnip" that shameful and inhumane war which had laid America low in the eyes of the civilized world does Mr. Weatherly find it glorious that we support a government that holds a presidential "election" totalitarian style? Yet he would denounce Israel as "imperialistic" because she has acquired (in self-defense) t adapt But the most aggravating aspect about this new calendar is the way some professors are refusing to adapt to it. It seems like some professors have just not adjusted their schedule of giving tests, assigning papers and setting due dates for reading from the old schedule. They have just loafed along for these first three months of the semester as they were accustomed to doing under the old calendar. A test dropped in here, a mid-term there and an occasional quiz were in the same old time-worn pattern from the old calendar. But, along about the last of October or the first of November, some of these crusty old profs began to wake up to the realities of the new system. They began to realize that they only had six weeks left in the semester and that only a fifth of the material of the course had been touched. B set a date for troop withdrawal Whatever happened to tne North Vietnamese seven-point peace proposal of last April, and why haven't we accepted it? The North Vietnamese have made it fairly clear that they will release all American prisoners when we set a date, Nixon will set a date only when the prisoners are released. Meanwhile, the POW families are used as tools by the cynical Nixon administration's PR campaign to keep us in Vietnam. Why doesn't Nixon just set a date, and take the North Vietnamese up on their offer. For god sakes, Dick, if you agree to pull out January 1, and the North Vietnames refuse to release the prisoners, then you are all set, and could perhaps even make a good case for taking direct action against the North Vietnamese. Of "if' ; t t - ti-ir--i have dispelled the myth that women have two kinds of orgasm. From a physiological point of view, clitoral stimulation produces a somewhat stronger orgasmic response than does indirect stimulation of the clitoria, via vaginal penetration. Many women are unable to achieve orgasm in any manner other than direct stimulation of the clitoral area. This is normal. ella Ahzug land strategically necessary for survival. Israel is a small nation surround on three sides by hostile countries which have vowed to drive her into the sea; now, for the first time, Israel has territory like the Golan Heights, from which the Arabs have, for decades, fired upon the kibbutzim. To accuse Mrs. Abzug of supporting Israel because it is a predominantly Jewish nation is simply shabby. Mr. Weatherly seems to have forgotten that many other politicians, who do not "happen" to be Jewish among them Robert Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy -have come to the support of Israel as a small nation of threatened existence. As for "Fun" City, I invite Mr. Weatherly to walk down some of her to new Immediately these faculty came out of the musty offices with pronouncements of quizzes to be given this Wednesday. Term paper due dates were set for Nov. 29, the day we get back from Thanksgiving "vacation" or soon thereafter. Monumental reading assignments appeared on the black boards behind old professors who lectured from their dog-eared, yellowed three by five notecards to their sleeping students. It seems like almost every course in the University suddenly had a quiz scheduled for Dec. 2. And what's the last day quizzes can be given? That's right, Dec. 2. Granted that most of the course work on this campus is done by students in the last two weeks of class, the professors just seem to be determined to fill those two weeks with lovely other duties like 15 course, tne reason Nixon does not set a date is because he knows the North Vietnamese will release our POW's, leaving him with no further justification for continuing the war. As tor the agruement that we can't withdraw precipitously because the North Vietnamese would massacre us as we leave, this notion is absurd when we examine it closely. If the North Vietnamese government had as its main goal the exit of the U.S. from Indochina, it would do all icould to geus out as fast as possible. So why would u anacjc us as wc withdraw, thus incurring a U.S. reinvohement? Obviously they wouldn't (not so obvious my critics would say, but it's obviously a matter of opinion). If you really want peace, Mr. Nixon, mJ. .vxj.-. -i - - . - Question: I would like the following information in regard to the susceptibility of women to the measels. If one has had the measels is it possible to catch them again? Where could a student wife receive the blood test and vaccination for the measels? What is the charge? Is it necessary to postpone pregnancy for any specific time after taking th preventive vaccine. Signed, Thank You. offered a congested ghetto streets, to thread his way along the pitifully overcrowded corridors of Bellevue Hospital, to see the debris-strewn lots where small children play and where teenagers are accosted by drug addicts. That Mrs. Abzug spoke with passion about the need to rechannel government spending is understandable when our cities are crumbling, we can't afford luxuries like napalm. Mrs. Abzug did nothing more than tell us that we, the people (to quote another liberal democrat) must use our Constitutional rights to improve and save our country. That was trie solution she offered, the one which Mr. Weatherly was so "hard pressed to find." I am sorry to see him slap the label of "pseudo-sophisticated claptrap" on Mrs. gystem page term papers and little five page book reports. The point is that the new academic calendar is really a good idea. The new system has a lot of advantages for the students with the one disadvantage of three straight months of academics. But that disadvantage can be worked out with little individual, extended week-end vacations during those months. Professors on this campus are going to have to wake up to the fact that one of their ingrained rhythms of life has changed and that they are going to have to change with it. It might almost kill some professors to move from their long accustomed ruts. The students bear the burden of the professors' refusal to change with the system. It is the students who need to pressure their teachers into the new rhythm of academics at UNC. why don't you try the Vietcong peace plan. You have nothing to lose, except perhaps the big defense industry contributions to your campaign. But what's a few dead GI's, anyway. 45,030 doesn't look any bigger than 45,000 in the history books. Let's wind down Nixon when we wind down the war. recent criticism in the DTH letters column of the Chapel Hill police department is an accusation that they are systematically eliminating parking spaces. The reductions in parking were carried out by the police department, it is true, but by order of the Board of Aldermen. In the last two months, the town Board has passed several ordinances cutting back on-street parking. That's democracy, folks. Dear Thank You: In the adu': population only S5 percent arc thegh; to have a high level of inun unity x-i 15 percent are considered ; -e susceptible. Vaccination of prec-.i-: women is contraindicated ur.ier i: circumstances. The best time for persons -e vaccinated is immediately post ?:-.r. (after delivery) and patients seer. :r? premarital examinations who hi.; negative antibody titers, When pit---, axe given the vaccine it is advise d they not become pregnant for it two months. A student wife could recede ;. blood test and vaccination through Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology N.C. Memorial Hospital or through Student Health Services or through of the private physicians in town. Question: ...Is there a vpec;i! department at UNC Hospital to treat students for V.D. and if so how J0 1 reach them? It is awfully embarassing to go into the infirmary seeking advice. I would appreciate your advice very much as soon as possible. Signed R.C. Dear R.C: You may go to any tv : health departments in this area or ou may make an appointment with th; Medical Screening Clinic by cillrg 966-223 1 , or you may call the Committee for Human Seua!;;. 933-5201. For the letter and newspaper clspp rg that we received from Mr. L.E.G.. than, you very much for your kir :.! consideration. (Questions sfiould be addressed ; Lara Stames and Dr. Takey Crist, in car? of The Daily Tar Heel, Student L'ninr. Cliapel Hill, N.C 27514.) COPYRIGHT (C) 1971 by Lana Starnes and Dr. Takey Crist. All rights reserved . solution Abzug's speech, because he does not like her interpretation of patriotism. Her "starry-eyed idealism," which Mr. Weatherly is so quick to criticize, is simply faith in a country that has the potential for greatness. I pray that everone who heard her speak will share that faith.. Jane S. Gabi.n Craige 309 Election farce carried too far To the Editor: Your editorial on campus elections deserves comment: Each year the student body is bombarded with a pile of trash, an Ipana smile and ear full of bull as campus politicos dance around senselessly urging deification of their egos in a high-school like mock democracy. Face it - you insecure blabber-mouths - all you are doing is wasting your time and bothering me. The facts are that 4 out of 5 students don't vote in any of these farces. Almost every student here would vastly prefer dividing up the million dollars that's spent during one's tenure by Student Government and using it for drink or smoke. This entire charade has been carried too far. Who cares who wins? What difference does it make? If you ask me, spending one's college career being involved in Student Government is a waste of an opportunity for an education. The mouthings by campus politicos does little to change anything. It would be much more democratic to have a vote on Student Government itself. But then, what would happen? The same thing that happens right now. Arlan P. Garvey 600 N. Greensboro Street Carrboro To reiterate my stand taken at the last meeting of the Chancellor's student stores committee (of which I am a member). I do not favor running the student stores at break -even so as to lower prices. It is true that the student stores rips off everyone for SI 4.83 per year in profits, however, $14.83 returned to any one student makes little difference. But taking away the $350 dollars on average that each of 600 students receive as scholarships could easily mean the difference between attending school and dropping out. Adding to my point, let me simply say that redistribution of income, like charity, begins at home. Deadline for voter registration for the May primaries is April 7. Register early and avoid the rush Tuesdays, Thursdays, Thursday nights and Saturday mornings.

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