I I Thursday, SeotWTvber 14. 1972 Th Daily Tar Hee UNC's Hyman selected Writers determine All-America predictions i s i by David Zucchino Sports Editor They sit in quiet motel rooms late at night with nothing to do but watch TV. After a few beers, they yawn and search for a diversion-any diversion-to put some sort of meaning back into the late-night hours. From sheer desperation, they sort aimlessly through a stack of dull white papers piled half a foot high on a motel desk. From the top of the stack falls a three-page list of college football players, in order by position with the name of each player's school in parentheses. Suddenly they breathe easier, grab the nearest pencils, and gleefully begin to soccer is a for Heels9 by Elliott Warnock Sports Writer An amateur is one who cultivates a pursuit for the sheer pleasure of it without pursuing it professionally, specifically in sports. Perhaps no player on the Carolina soccer team epitomizes this attitude better than Steve Dawson. He loves soccer for what it is, a free sport where skill is the single most important factor. r; "A small man -can compete with a larger one," he says. "What he lacks in skill, he can make up with desire and skill. That's what the game is all about." Steve learned how-to play at North Springs, where he met and played on the same team as UNC forward Danny Ariail. "I talked to Danny before coming up Yie ' br "'' '"uish? ' chooJ u. . laciuf was ..ii.-.j. Dawson's style of play fits his ' attitudes toward the game. F;t - feet nine inches tall and weighing i , Uii.i, .it depends mostly on his speed and passing to beat larger opponents. Underrated by spectators but not by the rest of the team, he is rarely seen with the ball because he passes off so quickly. "We don't have any ball hogs on our team," says Dawson. "We're basically a one touch team; we move around to the open space." A sophomore Dawson-, till has an : almost freshman ex uber arice tabouf Track meeting A meeting for all persons interested in running track at Carolina will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in 304 Woollen Gym. Carolina track coach Joe Hilton will discuss plans for the ap coming season. All students interested in track are urged to attend. -If The Daily Tar Heel Is published by the University of North Carolina Student Publications Board, daily except Sunday, examination periods, vacations and sum mer periods. Offices are at the Student Union building, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. Telephone numbers: News, Sports 933-1011; 933-1012; Business, Circula tion, Advertising 933-1163. Subscription rates: $10.00 per year; $5.00 per semester. Second class postage paid at UJS. Post Office in Chapel Hill, N.C. The Student Legislature shall have powers to determine the Student Activities fee and to appropriate all revenue derived from the Student Activities Fee (l.lll.4 of the Student Constitution). The Daily Tar Heel reserves the right to regulate the typographical tone of all ad vertisements -and to revise or turn away copy it considers objectionable. The Daily' Tar Heel will not consider ad justments or payments for any advertise ment involving major typographical errors or erroneous Insertion unless notice is giv en to the Business Manager within (1) one day after the advertisement appears, or within one day of the receiving of tear sheets, of subscription of the paper. The Daily Tar Heel will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisement scheduled to run several times. Notices for such correction must be given before the next insertion. Murray Pool.... Beverly Lakes on . Business Mgr. , . . Adver. Mgr. ''a uaki HEY, F&Wk; LOOK fir THAT LfiPY &DfN' WITH THOSE -fe&)KS m CO c 5 HEY -MAW, I ll mark elaborate checks and X's in some of the spaces provided beside each player's name. And as they do, another pre-season All-America team is born. The men are sports reporters. To them goes either the honor, the responsibility or the duty of selecting most pre-season All-America squads. Sometimes they take their selections lightly, other times they're entirely serious. Regardless, the teams that they pick are pure fantasies that spring to real life only in the minds of sports publicity men. The sportswriters generally think All-America teams picked at the end of every season is a darned nice idea. It gives a few hard-working college kids the credit 11 skill HI Dawson soccer. "Soccer players are different from aP other sects of athletes. There are no jock on our team, it's really a very intelhgen game. I am very happy about playing with this team." He goes on to say, "Even the practices are enjoyable, although we work very hard." Head coach Marvin Allen thinks of Dawson as one of the team's hardest workers. "Steve is an excellent player and a very fine halfback," he said. "He's the (Anson) Dorrance type. I put him out there and don't worry about him; I know he'll play the game." When asked if he would start, Allen laughed and said, "Yes, yes, of course." Allen says one of Dawson's strongest assets is his passing ability. "He ''stributes the ball very well, and he has Ood ball control." Dawson can play halfback or fullback, whichever is necessary. As a freshman he playeu with the varsity and started at the end of the season. The regular season begins this Friday when the team travels to Buies Creek to play Campbell College of the NAIA. Dawson is not taking them lightly. "We've seen them play before and they're a tough team. They are very skilled and have their foreign flavor, their imports. "We've been working more on defense this week in preparation for Campbell, ; trying to get it to congeal . . . We are determined to win. We will win." Don't Be Left Out! THE PEDDLER Dinner Club 115 E. Rosemary St.-Chapel Hill, N.C. THE Here at the Peddler your steaks are cut at the table and cooked to perfection. We guarantee your satisfaction. We ask you to help yourself to our generous salad bar and invite you to sample our fine wines and beers. Brown bagging is also permittedfT7T!!TTrT!!MP Membership In Our New Gourmet Dinner Club Lets To Become A Member Just fill out and mail the coupon. You will receive your beautiful pocket-size membership card which entitles you to 12 Complimentary Dinners of your choice. TWO DINE FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Enjoy 12 Complimentary . Dinners For Only $15.00 Membership is good until Sept. 15. 1973 . Mail Youi Coupon Now Once our membership list is filled we must return all applications-so HURRY! Don't DISAPPOINTED. Clip & mail now Or THE PEDDLER P.O. Box 843. Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 Enclosed is my check for $15. Send me one membership in your Gourmet Dinner Club. As a member I will receive 12 Dinners of my choice and I can start using my membership at once. tiAc A riAiioirco Jrn IN ONE HEAR "THE MAN A 50N.0KE 50N 15 THREE YEARS OUTER THAN THE DAUGHTER SIX TIME5 AS OLPASTHE IS NOUJ.AND IN TEN WEAf5$ HE WILL 5E FOURTEEN OLPERTHAN THE !MNP A6E5 OF HIS WHAT IS THE MANS 0U6 OFF, you BI6 . illllllllillllfi) they deserve, and besides, they're secretly flattered to be doing the picking. But picking a pre-season All-America squad is like having a group of international writers give out Olympic medals sometime in the middle of March. It's simply a matter of pick and choose, of choosing the names that sound familiar and the schools with the winning reputation. The reporters are considered well-informed if they've seen one-third of the players on the list either in person or on television. A sportswriter would have to travel from coast to coast for four solid months in order to see every possible candidate for any single pre-season list. r" " ' "S-' -1 .v -: a x;5 ?v . , . " ."V y - ; V ' r . 4 .C'" a , " J. . 4- : Steve Dawson receive 12 complimentary dinners of your choice from our regular menu. Use your membership as often as you wish. All you need do is be accompanied by one or more guests. Cost of the membership is only $15.00. A full refund if not delighted and completely satisfied within 30 days. JOIN NOW. DON'T BE MEMBERSHIP STRICTLY LIMITED Don't set this aside, thinking you will join later, Call 929-8851 Membership limited. DINNER CLUB UlLL &E I'M WE ARE UNABLE TO PAU6HTER COMPLETE TO CALL JUA5E CHECK THE NUM&ER AND PlAL A6AIN i CHILDREN ... PRESENT A6Ef 'ir : ; -. - As for the sophomore All-America candidates, the task borders on the impossible. Very few full-time sportswriters get in the habit of watching freshman football teams mix it up. Those that do aren't invited to choose pre-season All-America teams anyway. The publicity men, the people who narrow down the possible choices to a manageable hundred or so, are faced with the same kink of problem. Most of the players are strangers to them, too. They rely instead on what they read, what the coaches in their areas are saying, and regrettably, what they hear from other sports publicity men. And by the time all the pre-season All-America teams are announced, almost - ... mmm - - w" -f, A'- - ' V . - - Guess the number of Swingline Tot staples in the jar. The jar is approximately square -3" x 3" x 43". Look for the clue about "Tot" capacity. The "Tot 50" is uncondition ally guaranteed. It staples, tacks, mends and costs only 980 sug gested retail price at Stationery, Variety and College Bookstores with 1,000 staples and vinyl pouch. Swingline Cub Desk and Hand Staplers for $1.98 each. Fill in coupon or send postcard. No purchase required. Entries must be postmarked by Nov. 30. 1972 and re ceived by Dec. 8, 1972. Final decision by an independent judging organization. In case of tie, a drawing determines a winner. Offer subject to all laws and void in Fla.. Mo., Wash.. Minn. & Idaho. IMPORTANT: Write your guess outside the envelope, lower lelthand corner. I Clue: (You could fill between 200 and 300 Tots with the Staples in the jar.) Swingline Honda H P.O. Box 1 New York, N.Y. 10016 THERE ARE STAPLES IN THE JAR Name- I Address. Cify I .Zip. I State. I Telephone No. I I I 37-00 SUMiun Ae Long ivand Cir- N.r 1 1 id I e&L -;.v----w- nimi:r. :...--- :-' 3 i- X -I t w --io i every major school in the nation can lay claim to at least one pre-season All-America, or at the very least a "possible All-America mention." Carolina is no exception. The Tar Heels seem to come up with one every year, and this season defensive tackle Eric Hyman is their man. Hyman, however, offers a refreshing change. He realizes the kind of things that go into making up All-America teams and views them as curiosities rather than as hard core realities. To Hyman, pre-season squads are the ingredients of which sandwiches are made. "Most of it is a bunch of baloney," he said when asked for his opinion. i think an awful lot of it amounts to little more Hite paces grid stats Tailback Billy Hite carried the ball twenty times in Carolina's 28-18 victory over Richmond last Saturday and ended up as the Tar Heels leading rusher. Hite carried the ball a total of 86 yards for a 4.3 average. Quarterback Nick Vidnovic had a higher average (4.5 yards) but carried the ball fewer times (11) for a second place total of 49 yards. Fullback Tim Kirkpatrick took third place rushing honors with 40 yards in 8 carries for a 5 yard average. Back-up quarterback Johnny Klise had the highest average of all the UNC runners (6 yards), but had only six carries for 36 yards. Both Vidnovic and Klise passed for 34 yards, but Klise had the better completion percentage. He went 3 for 3 while Vidnovic completed four of nine attempted passes for a .444 average. No Tar Heel caught more than one pass but seven receivers totaled 68 yards against Richmond. Richmond led the Heels in four categories: yards passing, passes attempted, passes completed, and yards lost in the running game. 04) Unwanted pregnancy can steal the magic from moments like these and rob your tomorrows of love. 0 o t rUh fi Emko Foam offers you the contra ceptive protection and peace of mind you want and need for your todays and tomorrows. Developed with your needs in mind. No hormones that might disturb your body system or affect your general health and well being. Feminine. Dainty. Gentle. Natural. (Neither of you will be aware of its presence.) Use only when protection is needed. Applied in seconds; effec tive immediately. Backed by over ten years of clinical testing and use by millions of women. AT DRUGSTORES. WITHOUT PRESCRIPTION. EMKO . . . FIRST IN FOAM ...TWO WAYS vilb tbt applicator that is filled at time f use. -r f U H I si AX " ' -jfirri.TninnniniiriilnrrrrminiiiiMi i , REGULAR, PRE-FIL,H u ilb the I applicator 1 fv"l that can I fft waw , . I than publicity. There are some regional biases involved, too, which makes the selections pretty inaccurate." It could make Hyman's pre-season pretty inaccurate, too. Does this mean that he doesn't deserve the recognition? Tm afraid I don't, he said flatly. "It's a nice honor, so don't get me wrong. But I'd much rather wait until after the season, when the selections are at least partly accurate. Right now there are plenty of guys in the ACC alone that could ve been picked as easily as myself." Hyman began getting the AO-American build-up at the tafl end of last season, when he acquired a reputation around the ACC as a virtually unstoppable pass rusher. But injuries, the single factor that keeps more players off All-America teams than anything else, kept Hyman off the playing field for the entire 1970 season. He also missed two games last season due to a shoulder separation, and played only sparingly in Carolina's 28-18 win over Richmond Saturday because of an ankle injury. But if the injuries' only effect was keeping him off All-America teams, Hyman wouldn't give the matter a second thought. "You have to be halfway decent to make the team, of course," he said. "But you also have to be lucky, get the right publicity and be in the right place at the right time. It's almost meaningless. "For instance, I talked to Don McCauley and Lewis Jolley after they went to a couple of these college all-star games, and what they told me was amazi.ig. They said they couldn't believe some of the guys who made the squad. They really felt let down, so 1 figure there must be something wrong with the way the players are chosen." And in the case of the pre-season teams, what's wrong is the fact that they're chosen at all. I I i TONIGHT IS I NIGHT AT CHASE CAFETERIA v. i 1 This Includes: Corn Frittors Green Peas Jello Molds Iced Tea Punch 1 i I I 8 Thursday From 5 to 7 1 Meal Plan Tickets Will Be Honored . ft