The Bayit Opinion, Evans Witt, Editor Saturday, September 16 1972 W brldl ignores terrorist attacks Bail (Far &rl ecycimg neeoiecii :for glass, One of the latest manifestations of Chapel Hill's liberal traditions is the recycling program begun originally as small group efforts and now sponsored by the town. The town has set up recycling centers at six locations in Chapel Hill to collect newspapers and glass. The materials collected at these points are then sold to manufacturers who use them to produce more glass and more newsprint. Some interesting facts about the amount of reusable material consumed in Chapel Hill by both townspeople and students were published recently in a booklet distributed with local telephone bills this month. The booklet estimates, for example, that 40 tons of newsprint enter Chapel Hill each week 80,000 pounds of newspapers. That's a lot of newspapers and the DTH is a considerable portion of that figure. r3ut the discouraging point the booklet makes is that only an average of 6.25 tons of newsprint DTH award The Fence-Straddler Award To two dairymen's lobby groups, Associated Milk Producers Inc. and Dairymen Inc., who contributed money to the primary campaigns of bottv Sen. B. Everett Jordan and his opponent, Rep. Nick Galifianakis. Letters to the To the Editor: , Though I've had a few minor difficulties with UNC in the past, none have : been of consequence enough to prompt a letter of indignation to the DTH until now. Most of my strenuous efforts of the past few years to develop an aura of infallibility in the eyes of my subjects have been nullified by my showing in the DTH Football Picks. Last year, not even knowing which team was supposed to win, these dumb jocks fouled everything up. So this year, I revealed my new ' KNIPPLE (King Nyle's Infallible Program for Prognosticating with Less Errors). After correctly picking the Carolina and State games, I lay confidently back a perfect season now only a matter of time. And now I find myself 2-8! Centipedeshit! I demand an IOC '(Invisible Olympic Committee) Investigation so as to rightfully restore my record to 2-0 (and perhaps credit for some ' of the 6 other games, being as I came within just a single point of picking all of those correctly, also). With Invisible Greatfulness, King Nyle I P.S. Well, how about at least 5y2-32 to keep IUNC ahead of Epps' place? Cross mistaken about Palestine To the Editor: .'After reading Steve Cross's letter on September 12, I .was amused by the degree of imagination he used in presenting his facts. In justice to the readers, I must correct the major points of his letter. There are no "Defence (Emergency) Regulations" dating from the British occupation that are now being used to drive thousands of Arabs into exile. The Arabs that have left their homes did so before and during the 1948 war. Most of these people left when Arabic radio asked villagers to leave their homes to allow the advancing Jordanian and Egyptian armies to make a clean sweep of the countryside. The Arabs that have chosen to remain in Israel have lived in peace with no fear of paper has been collected per week at these recycling centers, about 15 per cent of the total entering the town. This means that more than 60,000 pounds of easily reusable newsprint is thrown in the garbage here each week. A similar waste is estimated in the use of glass. The booklet says approximately 50 tons of glass enters Chapel Hill each week but only seven to 10 tons is collected and sold for refuse. The ecology mania that swept the country in the past few years clearly went too far in some of its suggestions, but the people of Chapel Hill and UNC students just as clearly have not appreciated the waste they are creating each week in just newsprint and glass. Although, of course, there are many other materials that can be recycled, the glass and newsprint situations are particularly discouuging in light of the easy, relatively cheap methods for reuse and the demand for those used materials. There can be little excuse in not recycling these materials the depots for deposit are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week in some cases. They are conveniently located, including ones at the Chapel Hill Municipal Building, the Carrboro Town Hall, the No. 2 and No. 3 Fire Stations. Let's . try to end this gigantic waste of glass and newsprint in Chapel Hill recycle them. editor .Nyle demands Invisible Olympic Committee being exiled. It is true that Israel has moved some Arabs, from Gaza and other occupied areas, to other locations in the interest of safety. During the summer of 1971, the murder rate in Gaza was averaging over 70 people a week. Most all of these deaths were through the effort of Mr. Cross's valiant "Freedom Fighters," who killed their brothers who would not fight for the "Palestinian Cause." Now Gaza is safe to live in. Mr. Cross blatantly misinformed the public with his statement that Arabs must run on the tickets of Jewish Political parties. In fact, the Arabs have been encouraged to form nationwide parties such as the Arab Communist Party that now exists. Although this party's platform is against the establishment of the state of Israel, it has elected members to the national parliament. Civil law marriages are not yet law in Israel, but every religious order has the right, to perform marriage ceremonies under Israeli law. This law does not exclude any sect. The Israeli government has always been careful to insure that no religious shrine, Christian, Moslem, or Jewish, should ever be desecrated. I am not familiar with Mr. Cross's vague example from the 1950's. Contrary to this is the fact that during the '67 War, Israel lost more soldiers than necessary in an effort to spare the religious shrines in the Old City from possible destruction. One-sixth of the total Israeli casualties occured in Jerusalem alone, largely because Israel did not use heavy artillery while advancing on Jordanian strongholds. Nor has Israel avenged the complete desecration of all Jewish shrines in the Old City by Jordanian troops. If the goal of the Palestinian "Freedom Fighters" is to construct a secular state for Arabs and Jews, why do they follow a path of destruction? Has the death of 26 people at Lod airport; the numerous hijacking and bombing attempts; and the deaths of 11 Israelies and one West German brought them any closer to their goals? Only the most misdirected minds operate at "this level. These people are not "Freedom Fighters." They act like social deviants bent on violence as an outlet for their frustrations caused by the failure of their A week has passed since eleven Israeli athletes and one German citizen were murdered in Munich. We've had enough time for much of our horror to dissipate; perhaps enough time for many to forget or to relegate the tragedy to a category in our minds marked "so it goes." And as we have seen, there has certainly been enough time for various elements in the world to divert the blame for last week's tragedy from its rightful recipients. Can we listen to the Egyptian government's assertion that the West German police force was responsible for the murders without questioning, "Are we liable to submit to such deception?"; or, more importantly, "Have we already submitted to such deception?" Can we listen to Munich's Chief of Police, as he verbally attacks Israel for refusing to TKPFT VAGJJL. Y1D TO &6 ' LOlTB XT " HOW "T2 HOA3 F OKINt? NftnD, RHD JLCMT THE Arab brothers to deal with reality in the Middle East problems. I believe there are possibilities for a Middle East settlement, but violence will only forstall any rational efforts. As long as an immediate threat is present, how can any people agree to lay down their arms? Wayne Gerber 923 Morrison General shift to right on campus To the Editor: The image of Chapel Hill as a bastion of Southern liberalism suffered a serious blow during the recent Olympiad, as students, both long-haired and short, showed their true colors: Red, white, and blue, instead of the supposed light (baby) blue and pink. The so-called radical element could be seen in bars, in dorm lobbies, in the privacy of their homes, even on the sidewalk on Franklin Street, cheering the forces of capitalism (the "USA") versus the forces of Communism (everybody else, who could not be told apart on black and white television). People cursed the Russians in basketball, cursed the Russians in track; cursed the East Germans and Italians in diving; cursed the whole Iron Curtain in gymnastics. Chapel Hill liberals could . even be caught cheering white men to knock out black men. The true culprits were left unscathed. Avery Brundage, the symbol of fat American elitism, got in one more lick before stepping down, but attention was focused on the "casual posture" of the track stars rather than the senile bigotry of the IOC chairman. The U.S. track, swimming, and gymnastics coaches escaped virtually unscathed, when they in fact should have been dismissed from all further competition. And in basketball, American coach Hank Iba is still coaching in the 1940's; the American team, had it played to even half its potential, could have avoided the controversy of the gold-medal game. The editorial judgement of ABC, to whom the IOC monopoly sold (shades of professionalism) the television rights, yield to the guerrilla demands, without asking ourselves, "Have we lost our powers of perception?" Will we allow ourselves to be confused so that we can see no possible action to stop future terrorism? The world has ignored the hijackings and attempted hijackings of international flights; the world has ignored the unremitting terrorist attacks on innocent people in Israel? The world has ignored the mass murders at Lod Airport. And yes, the world is quite capable of ignoring the latest murders. But if the nations of the world are sincerely committed to preventing terrorism, the actions they will take are obvious. All relations with countries that aid or harbor terrorists should be cut off immediately, through the cessation of economic aid to such countries and the HOUi12 tJFWtefc tofTHOLrr deserves a few barbs. Aside from the jingoistic coverage (how "many events were shown in which an American did. not compete?), the very continuity of the games was wracked by commercials and distorted to keep people up until the end v by saving the best (either Mark Spitz, or the end of the volleyball game) for last. Texaco could well have spent less on their extravaganzas trying, apparently, to - outdo even Munich and made more tasteful, less obnoxious commericals. Yes, maybe they could have given a new one each week, instead of showing the same thing six times an hour, i But how has the local public V reacted? Boycotts of ABC and Texaco, or outcries and rebellion against general ineptitude and indifference by ' administrations and bureaucracies? No. Instead, a general wave of chauvinism, coupled, with a McCarthyistic red-scare attitude, is rolling unchallenged across the campus, and the students are rushing to Woollen to begin training for the parallel bars in Moscow, where they can really give the Russians a beating. Is this an indication of a general shift' to the right on the UNC campus? There seems evidence of less hair and more bras than in previous years. Or could it be a subtle tightening of screening policies by the admissions staff, combined with prohibitive tuition for potential out-of-state agitators? Tad Smith Kingswood Apartments Competition is U.S. way of life To the Editor: .s Dear Mr. Thompson, : On your question of America's "megalomaniacal obsession with winning," I submit to you this passing thought. When Duane Bobick was resoundingly defeated in his match with the Russian (sic) heavyweight, did you hear any complaints about the way in which a gold medal passed into the hands of a Russian? No, you didn't not even a whimper from Howard Cose 11. Did you hear any halting of all economic transactions with these nations. International flights into these countries should be suspended. Only with the consent (and sometimes approval) of certain nations can the numerous terrorist groups continue to exist. It is no longer in question that Libya gives aid directly to Arab terrorists and the likelihood is that Syria does also. Egypt's refusal to help save niie lives last week can be construed only as approval of the guerilla actions. The Lebanese government continues to turn its back on the terrorists who station themselves in that country and who are constantly attacking Israeli settlements. If the Lebanese government refuses to take action to stop these guerillas, it this not an undeclared state of war with Israel? And if Lebanon claims she is incapable of stopping the terrorists, complaints about the way in which Jim Ryun lost his chance to run against Kip Keino? No, you didn't and ABC went to special lengths to illustrate why Jim Ryun fell down and how it was clearly his fault. In fact, Mr. Thompson, if you remember, no complaints were made about any American who lost under the rules. That, Mr. Thompson, is where the rub lies. Bob Seagren was defeated because the fiberglass pole was declared illegal three days before competition began. Why? because he was .unbeatable with the fiberglass pole; so, the East Germans raise a fuss in order to win. Is that in the rules, Mr Thompson? Two Americans were disqualified from any future Olympics because of acts unbecoming an Olympic athlete. Mr. Thompson, is that in the rules? The Olympics are supposed to be a field of athletic events, not an arena where one's loyalty to his country is tested. I will, though, concede to you the points about the American sprinters being late and the illegal medicine for one of our swimmers with the results being that the runners were disqualified from their special event and the swimmer had to give ttJje BatUj Evans Witt, Editor 79 Years of Editorial Freedom The Daily' Tar Heel strives to provide meeningf ul news interpretation and opinions on its editorial page. Unsized editorials are the opinions of the editor, while letters and column represent only ew of individual contributors. then she should allow another force of her own choosing to do the job for her. These nations have shown their unwillingness to act. There is no reason to suspect they will act unless pressured to do so. This is the obligation the nations of the world face. Israel has waited almost twenty-five years for the world to respond and act. Her waiting has so far been unrewarded. But if nations are sincerely committed to halting terrorism, they will act decisively. If, indeed, the world is sincerely committed. The Bayit invites the public to its Mezzuzzah ceremony, or house dedication, and open house this Sunday at 2 p.m. Location is The Bayit's bayit, 110 Barnes Street, in Carrboro, off Jones Ferry Road. HOUo TO 5Uf?OIU ftp BAi-VOqf4 his gold medal back. Alright - these people did disobey the rules but think of how trivial 30 minutes and prescribed medicine are at the "Olympics of Serenity." Does not one smell a rat somewhere? And finally, Mr. Thompson, concerning the theft of a gold medal that should have been ours due to the efforts of our basketball players. Mr. Thompson, get yourself a stopwatch and a rulebook - and if after looking at the replay of that game, you can find for me a clause in the rulebook that allows a referee to give a team three extra seconds and two chances at a basket, then I will concede my argement to you. You are confusing an American way of life (competition) with legitimate complaints about blatantly illegal actions taken against the American teams in Munich. But, Mr. Thompson, the Olympics will go on and so will you - so don't fret, it only takes a smile to make the world seem a whole lot better. Hive a nice day. John Richardson 302 Pritchard Avenue ar fed Norman Black, Managing Editor Jessica Han char. News Editor Howie Carr, Associate Editor Lynn Lloyd. Associate Editor David Zucchino. Sports Editor Bruce Mann, Feature Editor