r Th DsRy Tr HI Thursday, OctcSsr 17, 1274 Registration Bicycles may be registered from noon to 5 p.m. on Friday at the Pit. ' Chapel Hill police advise students to register their bicycles early to prevent the inconvenience of waiting in line, the probability of which wili increase as the Dec 1 deadline approaches, Lt. Arnold Gold said Wednesday. "Anybody who resides in Chapel Hill must have their bike registered penalties for not doing so will be as much as a $10 fine plus court costs," Gold said. Gold also warned students that the police are strictly enforcing North Carolina state motor vehicle laws, which state that bike riders must obey traffic signals and laws. Today's ActhrSIes Meeting lor students tntarasM in fh North Carolina crater of PWO,4-t tonight, 297 Union. Oueatiena w3 b anewafad: and rafraersfiienia Mntd Thar wB be no meeting of fhe Forum Contrni3aa today. Meeting of P.HA LMng AltemaQvee Comm&tee, 4 today, 285 Union. AM interested people may attend. BSM Bowling, 850 tonight. Union bovttng alley. AuoTSona tor Preludes V, 730 tonight. 103 Bingham. Panal discussion on Communiealton Careers for Woman, tonight, 282-204 Union. For information esB Margaret Bateom or Nan Friend. SOS Bynum, 833-2591. "Why Study Russia?" sponsored by th Carolines' Chapter Campus J fi or f tha American AseocfeBow of Teachere of Siavfc and Eastern European Language arS be efcown 7 tontgnt channel 4. Oon Boon. Oaan of Stadarrta, N on raoant dawtapmants in 8w araa of student Bfa on Thursday Worship at Baplat Sajdent Cantor. 233 BaOa Lane, begins I p-m. Topsc arS ba a student-tad debate on fhe validity or invalidity of B&te study. Candldataa tor Oranga County Board of win maat wtlh parsons Interested In the pubSe support of day can servieas, tonight, Wasiay Foundation Any students Intaraatad in a aariaa of eouraas about tha American South plsasa cal fhe Student Aeadamic Affaire Commltee, 1-S Monday-Friday, S33-5283. Tabto-Taft, an open discussion forum for students, faculty and others, al maat 12rtS-2 today, Presbyterian Studant Cantor tounge. Bring a sandwich and soft drinks wil ba provided. Dr. Frederick P. Crooka, chairman of tha department of computor actonca, afl apaok on fhe topic, "Am We Bringing In 1 W?-The Sodai Effects of Atrtomatton" S tonight In tha 01 Soctety Chambers, 3rd Boor New Wast, at tha regular wasting of too tHaiecfc end PMtotwopie SoctatSaa. Tha pubac la conSaBy toattad. BaekafbaS organizational masting: Anyona Intaraatod In trying out tor tha team ahouid ba praeent. tonight. 504 Woofian. If unable to attend, contact Coach Angaia Lumpkin. S33-22S1. leeetlng tor psychology majora who ara thinking about grad school or what to do after graduation: repfeeenteltvae from fields of business, education. P haara. psychology, social work, guidance tasting and earaar planning and placement aril speak and anawar cjuesBona. CAPT. JOHN'S -g- FISH HOUSE I Serving Fresh Seafood Daily J DAILY SPECIALS J A LA CARTE SPECIAL 11:30 to 7:30 p.m. 5 Oz. Ribeye. Baked Your Choice of Potatoe: Salad and : 2 Vegetables, Meat ci 07 Glass of Wine of eOfiQ & Drink (Coffee or Tea) yi.Yf ; Our Choice 9e.70 : j . i ,- n fi- r m m rf ,f n m if . niml The Week Of Oct. 1419 0nty FISH SPECIAL " 11 1 : KJel'0"' $1.95 : "VoroRd-- ' Seconds Free V J - Phone 929-9753 f '" " " " " - - - -- - - - ... COME SEE THE 1 974 VERSION OF THE 1973 MARP.HIMn TAR HFFI Q' QCYtTATW rr lAvythe SATURDAY, OCT 19! ...As a special attraction for your enjoyment, the UNC football team will beat State before and after the show!!! Plusl Free Squad 1 8 buttons to the 1 st 100 people contributing to the Lou Holtz Retirement Fund. A Home for The Heels vrT nil a, t I a A Solaiie Factory Outlet Now Is Your Chance To Buy A ColorfulWarm Home For Your Heels Simply Take This Coupon To THE ROLANE FACTORY OUTLET, 300 East Main Street, Carrboro, And Get . . . . .-. -.aajL.a.a a a aV a 1 5 off Women's Fancy Knee Socks All Men's Fancy Socks g All Men's & Children's Tube Socks & . . ::: Good through October 26, 1974 a W FMTHSKAMCC OF ITS HYlNDtH6 PLOT TO C0MQV8 THE NlWPS of AfifRiOW yVTH, BXAD6Xi W'Tff KWT0WH W kVL SHOW 0F. -AM PCATURIN THE ;VEMIH6OFM0flRlfilft. I& SIX FAMOUS TV SHOWi FflOfJ FLft LOWE RANGERST CHw ! NO NOR t F inK t KAIL HTlKO- KTt 4'V ?i i vt . imi ur J i.i i His 32 r.v. T THt ENP THIS VfiAR KCMO f ABE FiALLS BRINC- THE CAVCNPISH TO JUSTICE. ZZ!E AMD HARRIET FATMS' NiftMT .T TMC FMtTCRNtTV. TZfiXVfkXHt rllCt . KNOCKING 'CM PSAP WITH HIS SIN6IM& AfiO FAT KNacKINfr Sn iMCOMSaeuS WITH Hi MOfELCSS AKO INeuwpCS AMOS W ANDY THIS spisopc Show anpy anp kin&fish INPiV.TR ATI M 6- A SECRET PCpeNSe PuNT. Bi;T WHAT IT RXAUV.V SHOWS ARE THC INCftffOllUE, R.AtAL STERfOTVfC WHCM WMfTT AMtCA KUCVtP iwj NIXON'S CHECKERS SPEECH CAULS A L-CAOINfi. POLITICAL '""trr FOR HOMfcSTT IN &OVtRNnfcr- TYOUHLIPS -o ni lj r ruOMC uic u7AV lilTrt VoUft HEAftT BY IWSAuTWfr SV6AY COMTBSTAMT IM THC OWLY TV GiVilX SHOW THAT KCVfK WAS M6GEP. ... i a. m m At f Ml JtAm IdM va I COMPbCTe WITH A POnAcO iCK CA TOO, ClXXY ; 1 R'i' 6AVK THE OfCNVO CtOflMfi- S0Mi5 , THC FAPUJ. J M005KCTECR ACIL CAU, -P A ClAl r'liT l BY THE 3lOEST MlCXCY MOUSE. Of TMCM ALL. FRL SflT.ySUlI.) OCT TCOl.to pftiJ HAW.; SAT.SUl-HAMIUToM H-UU Youir O M C Sportswear that's the Student Stores Clothing Department... A wide selection and great values on popular styles you'll be proud to own. Available in UNC colors and also in the colors of your favorite sorority or fraternity. Most items can be imprinted with your choice of names numbers, slogans or even your own special design. L , : 1 : ' ill VVrT-- COIYlpUS j I V YTT-rtJ Z,. 1 -rr -rs ' 1 - For Fall: UNC ' y r?:V3vl m : Warmup- Iff N S3 r V J? Jackets- H a !l! V ' l ' t 4 .aS: 4f . V J football t t 1 I 1 iVl1 For sports or anytime 1 fC. 1 VI "T" Shirts, Jerseys, Sweatshirts. ( I 2 ,'; TdfnSSrf .1 Sportshirts all with popular 4 J rCllil ! N (w.yU A , UNC designs 1 flfeoS, K 1 738 tanigM 112 Daeia. Tha NaerephCae Aawaaaaa Group aK3 Friday. paJholocy tfapartaaaM at Carrboro MoapaMtagacMaataaaaatelaaefebtaiiagCSC A ttSSa fun and qiwiii arS teCow Vta ataatng. Kka faatratlon. 1-4 today. Lowar Quad. Items of tntemt Get paychad up tor tha Faat Annual Bact ttaaa Extrawagarua, coming FrMay. An aTtomoon o( tun, irofie and hefiraislng, al lor tta CysSc Ftoroaia Raaaardt FeundaSon. Go Tarhaata, BEAT STATE! Friday buflet at tta Weeley Foundation afl ea a 5:45 p.av cookput Soma affll ba going to tta State Fair afterward. Cal 42-2152 betora noon Friday tor reeenraBena. Nomina Bona for tha order of toe Va&yrtea ara nam being accepted. Junior and eentor women wno have been outstanding In the Unharaity corrwm.-nity are elgibie. Women who ara not atudenta, but have bean outstanding contrSKitora to the University community lie, ara aleo aligfcla. Nomina ton forma ara avertable at Union deck and mual ba racahwd no later than Friday. Student Government asks that any parson Interested In helping with the Studant HeaKh Service ptease comabySutta C between 1 and 5 p-iit. Cards tor Absentee ballot applications can ba picked up from tha rack beside the Union desk or at tha YDC table. Canto must be in before Oct 30 to receive an appHcation. Union Music committee will aponaor a dance, 730-11 JO p.m. Friday, tha Pit to commemorate tha CeroJIne-State game week and. The band wfil be the "Royal Kinga.'nwight pleca band from Roanoke, Va. Oont misa mam. If you ara a complete "Non-Animal-Prodiict-Conaumar" please coma 2 pjn. Sunday to the Forest Theatre and find out who eiee la into It Christmas House needs new and repairable toys and Infant and toddler clothing up to size 6. Barrels at Eastgala NCNB, Fowlers Food Store, Glen wood School and Epheeua Road School. Pickup also aval table, call Mrs. Robert Ramsay, 829-4033. Man sought for stabbing A Chapel Hill man is being sought by police for the stabbing of his wife late Saturday night. Chapel Hill police U. Arnold Gold said Wednesday. Nathaniel Brown. 511 Craig Street, has been charged with felonious assault for allegedly stabbing Parcnthia Brown, 223 N. Graham St., in the right lung with a butcher knife. The stabbing reportedly occurred at their Craig Street residence after an argument between the two concerning with whom their child would stay. Gold said. Parenthia Brown was admitted to the emergency room of N.C. Memorial Hospital at 10:30 p.m. Saturday and immediately underwent surgery. She was unable to describe to police what had happened until Tuesday. Her condition was listed as good Wednesday afternoon. 1904 viewed Dr. Frederick W. Brooks, chairman of the Department of Computer Science, will be the guest of the Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies at their regular meeting at 8 tonight in the Dialectic Chambers, located on the third floor of New West. Brooks will speak on the topic, "Are We Bringing in 1984? The Social Effects of Automation." The public is invited. 12 Pnce F it y st m cj I it Entire Stock New Fall Arrivals 55: Suits Sportcoats Pants Shirts Sweaters Ties Shoes iMT'.V.W.'.V.'.V.V.'.'i 12 ''4 .M Two Cupboards Full of Unreal Buys Try It You Won't Believe It Downtown Hours 10:00-7:00 University Mall Hours 10-9 The Daily Tar Heel isjHiblished by the University of i ; North Carolina Student Publications Board, daily except Sunday, exam periods, vacation, and summer periods. No Sunday Issue. Tha following; dates are to be tha only Saturday Issues: September 14. October 5 19, and November 2, 16 23. Offices are at the Studant Union building, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. Telephone numbers: News, Sports 933-1011, 933-1012;' Business, Circulation, Advertising 833-1163. Subscription rales: $20.00 par year; $10X0 par semester. ' . - a Second class -postage paid at U.S. Post Office In Chapel Hill, N.C. The Campus Governing CouncI shall have powers to determine tha Student Activities Faa and to appropriate 'all revenue derived from tha Studant Activities Faa (1.1.14 of tha Studant ConstHutlen)! Tha Dally Tar Heel reserves tha right to regulate thej typographical tone of aH advertisements and to revise or turn sway copy It considers objectionable Tha Daily Tar Heel wfb not consider adjustments ori payments far any typerapMcal errors or erroneous' Insertion unless notice la give to the Business! Manager within (1) one day after tha advertisement appears, or within one day of tha receiving of tear1 sheets or subscription of tha paper. Tha Daily Tar Heal will not ba responsible for mora than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement scheduled to run severe! times. Notice for such correction must be given before tha next Insertion. tIILilSi.lMi . - , C2$v CENTIMETER? J IF ANV CENTIMETERS COME CKAidUNS INTO THIS ROOM, 'LL STEP ON .'EM! HAHAHAHA!! o o o 2 m CO CD c 5 so you've : that$ri6HT veaveoTo ihavemhb STAY IN N07HW URDN6! Xl, MZ. I CANNOT ACCBPT SM00T? THB FORD AMNESTY 1 PLAN! - INSmi I mL REMAIN IN CANADA CANAm, tWBZB COMPASSION ISH0PB 7HANJUST AN EMPTY PROMISE! IF AMERICA 15 NOT READY 10 BIND HER. liXXMS, JU PLEDGE MY ALLEGIANCE TO HER NEiemGRTO TH NORTH! fmm 0,OWPA! 000,ffllADA! PHOTO OPPORTUNITY, EVERYBODY! :A CSV 9Pv- V-l C Crossword Puzzler ACROSS 1 Quotes 6 Plague t 11 Notoriously bad- t 4 I 12 Dried grape 14 Man's name 15 Turn inside out 17 Prefix: down 18 Scottish for "John" 19 Consecrate 20 Meadow 21 Conjunction " 22 Transactions 23 Saucy . 24 Not sacred 26 Gleam 27 Condescend ing look 23 Pnncipal 29 Chiefs 31 Woods 34 Gaelic 35 Europeans 38 Above 37 Knock 33 Shows concern 39 Macaw 40 Bone 41 Rabbits .42 Dock 43 Stop 45 Barters 47 Coins 43 Mephlsto-pheles - e i 6 Lock ol hair 7 Organs of . hearing 8 River island 9 Steamship x i $ 10 Downy audks 11 Assumed name . 13 Below (poet.) 16 Change "direction 19 Bundles 20 Inclfnes 22 Tanned skin 23 Works at one's trade 25 Embrace 26 Journeys forth . 23 Interferes with Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle pARisiEf ft uTsn in P OlLj I Cl iSIPl I IN EITI s i RL TM r it$rt$7M 5 1 A U T iMSll 131 1 P- ZllM. IE R 1)5 ZIlNPsrElvef " Q TllA Lj j P A L T 5TEl ISnUTT 6 Rjif ttAL E"JP A ta TLoTrT U p gg a jN!A!M'eif fTlRlll5li 17 DOWN Fold metal , Sunburn Printer's measure Pertaining to the stars 30 Wiped out 31 Golf cry 32 Soup dish 33 Masts 35 Separates unwarrantably 38 Crate 29 King of Judea 39 Opera bv til! a 14 IS 21 29 34 37 3d 47 27 Verdi 41 Pronoun 42 Stroke 44 Spanish for "yes" 43 Sun god 2l 41 9 15 16 31 12 2 4S 26 46 42 20 3 Diatr. by Unitad feature &vadieata. Inc. 10 17 13 32 36 33 n Murray Pool . Business Mgr.,