Monday, Feb. 17, 1975 Campus Calendar oard to hem report, oir tad. Z v.v.v.v.v.".v ! The Daily Tar Heel B by Mike Home Staff Writer Town Manager Chet Kendzior will disclose details of the Eubanks Road sludge affair, in a report to the Board of Aldermen tonight. Public Works Director Joseph Rose last week admitted that he authorized digging the 30-by-1 00-foot trench and filling it with sewage, in violation of Chapel H ill's landfill agreement. The agreement with Carrboro and Orange County prohibits disposal of sewage in the area on the south side of Eubanks Road until it is officially designated as a landfill. Kendzior's report will include the total cost of the project, including Recruiters' schedule set for Feb. 24-28 The following organizations will be recruiting on campus the week of Feb. 24-28 at the Career Planning and Placement Office. 2ll Gardner Hall. Monday. Feb. 24: Citizens and Southern National Bank of South Carolina Goldman. Sachs and Company Alexandria City Schools Tuesday. Feb. 25: U.S. General Accounting Office Cincom Systems. Inc. "TNeed AT Roof? See the 'For Rent' sectioh in the DTH Classifieds Board of Education of Frederick County American Can Company National Association for the Southern Poor Fieldcrest Mills Vick Chemical Company Wednesday, Feb. 26: Vick Chemical Company Mutual of New York Rose's Stores, Inc. Richmond Public Schools Montgomery County Public Schools Arthur Andersen and Company Thursday, Feb. 27: Arthur Andersen and Company Allied Chemical Corporation Burlington Industries, Inc. Greensboro Public Schools . Friday . Feb. 28: Oscar Mayer and Company McLean Trucking Company PUlsbury Company Integon Corporation Fairchild Industries removing the sludge and covering the trench. Mayor Howard Lee said at last week's board meeting that Kendzior would be held responsible for the incident. Kendzior. however, denied last week that he was aware of the landfill agreement because it was formulated before he was hired. The estimated 75,000 gallons of sludge dumped into the trench were to be used at fill in the north side landfill area when it dried out. In the meantime, prophylactics and sanitary napkins floated on the surface. The sludge had gone unnoticed until Neil Kirschner, an Airport Road resident, petitioned the board for its removal last Monday night. Kirschner said he was concerned with the effect on area water well, and the odor, which he said would attract insects in warmer months. Mayor Lee assured Kirschner that the sludge would be removed beginning last Tuesday morning. - A good portion of the sludge still remains in the trench, and the Public Works Department is having trouble disposing of it without affecting other neighborhoods. Rose said Sunday. "We're still running it through the Waste Treatment Plant, but we haven't gotten down to the heavy sludge and we anticipate some problems here," Rose said. Kirschner questioned Rose and Kendzior's ignorance of the landfill agreement, saying, 1 doubt it very highly that they didn't know the basis of the agreement. 1 would claim that what they did is clearly illegal. It's really a gross mistake on their part, since it leaves the town open fora law suit." f n ,,ia a i-1 a n h Kx.rjju?138 FIRST IN FRiZDOf" 1 : I. NOfTH CAROLJJUfr rc n frufi'f Pit in yrni' ) 4 Today Is the deadline for N.C. drivers to affix their new license plates Today's Activities Today H the last day you can get J07 oney or book Irani the APO Book Co-op. Com by the Uwnwti ol Smti BuikJlrvg from 9-5. The AntWacoWn League wW meet tonight, Frank Porter Graham Lounge, Union. Discussion topic wM ba Trie Voegettn artd the Crusade against Gnosttciem.' For further toformatton ul Larry Uzz. 97-1192- Sta titties colloquium: Prol. T. Tobertson. University of Iowa and UNC. -Isotonic Regression: A Unffiad Approach." 4 today. 265 Phillips. Refreshments. 3:30, 316 Phillips. Carolina Ga y Association wtfl have a general meeting. 7 M tonight Craige dorm Green Room. AH are Invited. Carolina Ice Hockey Ctub mandatory practice, tonight In Greensboro. Team will meet, 8:15, first floor. Union. Bring $2-50 tor ice tees and transportation. The Guidance and Testing Center is open 7-10 Monday nights in addition to its regular week-day hours. Come by Nash Halt to talk with a counselor or use the information library. Call 933-2175 if you want an appointment "Lucia.- a Cuban epic film, will be shown 6:30 and 9:15 tonight Greenlaw auditorium. Admission $1. Sponsored by New American Movement Worker-Student Alliance and Venceremos Brigade. Computation Center Short Course, "Packaging J CI (Writing and Using Catalogued Procedures,- 3 today, 220 Phillips. IRSS Short Course. "How to Use FORMAT Text Processor," 2 today, 09 Manning. Inter-fraternity-sorority Christian fellowship, 8 tonight fourth floor lounge, Oey.' Odum Village residents interested in joining and completing organization of a baby-sitting co-op are invited to meet 7 tonight, Odum Village Health Service. Upcoming Events Full Gospel Student Fellowship meets 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, fifth floor lounge, Greenlaw. The Women's Health Clinic is a two-phase educational discussion and examination clinic held two nights a week in the Student Health Service. A group discussion is held 7 p.m. Tuesdays, 205 SHS. Examinations for contraception are also available, by appointment, 6-9 p.m. Wednesdays. Go to parachute class Tuesday through Thursday, Jump this weekend! Interested students may leave a not at Boi 8, Union or call 929-8837 after 7 p.m. The Parachute Club Is staffed fully by U.S. Parachute Association-rated instructors. Carolina Ice Hockey Club meeting 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, South Gallery, Union. $10 dues will be collected. Anyone interested in playing in Charlotte over the weekend must attend. iPJcVJ LlJ vy J L,JLl J UJi5J S-BP 3B-.?V, y asiiiJ cm i i r I rm i m Ml1 V rS PiJ MMl ( 0 W LAJ rAl r W I V V( lo mm Inform progrs- on Cub 7 JO pjn. Tuesday. Toy ou, DiWaaMea by Gary MacBefh. Sponsors by the Sociedad Hispanic. Mornson Senate w meet 10 PJ" Tuesday, large rsoeatton room- y B00 tn9 ptoaM arteod. BBIs to be presented- Ctdates tor DTH editor w debate. 2:15 pm TuJay muig, audrtortum. Sponsored by the Journalist editors in cooperanon wtth School ol Joumaiism- Banal faHh topic for discussion: "The 20th Century Transition to Universal CoekHnesa.- 8 pjn. Tuesday. 202 McCeuley St AM are walcoma. Young Democrats Club w meet 7 JO p.m. Tuesday. 204 Union, omcers wtt be eied: lobbying to be dicuei An members urged to atlend- Career Planning and Placement seminar "Carw Opportunities In State Government- 3J0 p m. Tuesday. 210 Get your kicks dogging! The Clogging Club will show you how. 7 p-m- every Tuesday. 302 Woollen. No experience necessary. Carolina Association of Handicapped Students will meet 7 30 p.m. Wednesday. 206 Union. Architectural barriers to tne handicapped on campus wW be discussed. Chemistry colloquium: Dr. R.F. Hirschmann. Merck Sharp ft Dohme. Inc. "Peptides are In Season." 8 p.m. Wednesday. 207 V enable. Refreshments, following colloquium. Kenan Laboratories lobby. UNC-Duke Joint Physics Colloquium: Prol. Leonard Parker. University ol Wisconsin. "Creation of Particles artd Cosmology and Near Black Holes." 3 p.m. Wednesday. 265 Phillips. Tea and coffee. 2:30 p.m.. lounge. Carolina Readers win hold auditions for "Aucassin and Nieolette," 7 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, 103 Bingham. 7 parts open. 2 recorder players needed should be prepared to play short piece. Biology Perspective film. "Mzima: Portrait of a Spring." 7:30 p.m. Thursday. 106 Carroll. Free. Full Gospel Student Fellowship Bible study. "Centratity of the Cross." 7:30 p.m. Thursday. 215 Union. Latter-day Saint Student Association will present the film. -Ancient America Speaks." 7:30 p.m. Friday, fourth floor lounge. Dey. PubHc invited. Statistics colloquium: Dr. B.U Joiner, University of Wisconsin. "Designing Experiments when Time Order is Important" 3 P-m. Friday. 247 Phillips. Refreshments. 2:30 p.m.. 316 Phillips. Second annual Black Health Oriented Festival. 8 p.m. Friday. Great Hall. Union. Semi-formal: entertainment by New Cavaliers Band and BSM Ebony Readers. Student couples. S5. student singles. S3, other couples, S10. Items of Interest Student Aid and PACE applications now available. 300 Vance. Due by March 1. rjaDDQCCOUPONaaaair D ROAST BEEF PLATTER Ooff 0 Coupon ngood anytime y -one coupon per customer, nlease. a a Q a a s OPEN Sun.-Thurs. til 1 a.m. Fri.-Sat. til 2 a.m. uuanu :v::::; TAR HEEL CAR WASH Full Service Have your car cleaned inside and out. ns5uainit WITH GAS Open Daily 8 a.m. -5 p.m. Except Sunday At the curve where Chapel Hill meets Carrboro. 929-1351. The Brass Mister ror misting plants, or the driest martinis M3-50 Mon-Sat lO:0O- S- Fri ill too FA 9J8 W rrtun Durham The Dany Tar Heel la published by the University ol North Carolina Media Board; dally except Sunday, exam periods, vacation, and summer periods. No Sunday Issue. The following dates are to be the only Saturday Issues: September 14. October S & 19. and November 2, 18 & 23. Offices are at the Student Union buidllng. University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill. N.C. 27514. Telephone numbers: News, Sports 933 1011. 933-1012; Business. Circulation. Advertising 933-1163. Subscription rates: $20.00 per year, $10.00 per semester. 'TTi.aV0 Pa,d U-S- Post Office In Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. The Campus Governing Council shall have powers to determine the Student Activities Fee and to appropriate all revenue derived from the Student Activities Fee ( of the Student Constitution. The Dally Tar Heel reserves the right to regulate the typographical ton of aH advertisements and to revtee or turn away copy It considers objectionable. The Dairy Tar Heel wiH not consider adjustments or payments for any typographical errors oc erroneous insertion unless notice Is given to the Budrma Manager within (1) one day after the advertisement appears, with (1) one day of the receiving of the tear sheets or subscription of the paper. The Dairy Tar Heel will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement scheduled to run several times. Nobce lor such correction mutt ba given before the next Insertion. Reynolds a Bailey. . Business Mgr. Elizabeth F. BaMey- .Adv. Manager