Tmtdsf, kUrcft 18, 175 ft I J On Csmpus The Women" yIih pn ppl fei venom, Clare Booth Luc wrote felt catting comecy aoout New York society women (led by Rosalind Russet!) who try to destroy the marriage of good, kind Norma Shearer. No man eppeare In the film; only the female characters who have since become cliches but they were here first Russell as a Gdssip monger, Joan Crawford as hard-as-nal!s mistress Crystal! Allen and Paulette Goddard as an adventuress give smashing performances. (Tuesday at 7 and 9:30 p.m., Greenlaw Auditorium, $1.25, the Alternative Cinema.) "Paris Belongs to Us" Jacques Rivette created most of the sensation around this year's New York film festival with the premieres of "Celine and Julie Go Boating" and "Out OneSpectre," but this late Fifties film shows the controversy surrounding Rivette Is nothing new. Rivette's use of music is haunting. (Wednesday at 8 p.m. the Great Hail, Union free flick. French Cinema Series.) "Good News" Elizabeth Taylor introduced It In That's Entertainment" as "everybody's favorite college music." The second March musical written by Betty Comden and Adolph Green ("On the Town" was the first) springs from a 1927 Broadway musical which Introduced the Varsity Drag. Peter Lawford is the girl-crazy football hero who's about to flunk French and won't be able to play In The Big Game unless plain-Jane June Allyson helps him along. From M-G-M. (Thursday at 7. and 9:30 p.m., Greenlaw Auditorium, $1.25, the Alternative Cinema.) Chapel Hill "Murder on the Orient Express" An all star cast the likes of which hasn't been seen since the Thirties climbs aboard Agatha Christie's legendary train and gets Involved In Ksrcute Polrot adventure. Albert Finney plays Polrot with delicious Invention, ccecrdlng to fee crises, end he sot en Oscar' nomination for It Ingrid Bergman Is also nominated, end the cast Includes Vanessa Rsdjreve end Anfeony Perkins. (Carolina, at. 2:10, 4:30, 6:50 and 9:10 pja, $2.25.) The Uaids" Jean Genet's play was revtved last year In London starring Glenda Jackson, Vivien Merchant end Susannah York; directly following the engagement It was filmed, stage sets, original cast end s!L The American Film Theatre Is presenting the absurd comedy as part of its Second Season and the reviews have been quite good. Christopher Miles, who made The Virgin and the Gypsy," directs. (Varsity, at 2 and 8 p.m. today, $2.50.) "Young Frankenstein" Mel Brooks is In control again, with a smoot and hilarious homagetakeoff to the Karioff classic. Marty Feldman Is a perfect Igor who practically steals the show. (Plaza 1, at 3:05, 5.-05, 7:05 and 9:05 p.m., $2.25.) "You and Me" David Carradlne and a child bike around the West Coast developing a relationship In this "personal" film on which Carradlne has been working for three years. It "Introduces" Barbara Seagull because it was the first film she made under her new name. (Nee Hershey, her body was invaded by the soul of a seagull who died during the filming of "Last Summer.") (Plaza 2, at 3:45, 5:30, 7:1 5 and 9 p.m., $2.25.) "Lenny" Bob Fosse's bravura "biography" of comic Lenny Bruce may be a selective presentation of the facts, but what is presented Is in sharp focus: a documentation's style make the film sober and compelling, alternating Dustin Hoffman's good periormsnce wife bis by Jan tllner and Gary Morton, who play frtshtenky real cnlocktrs. Ytljrtj Psntet to ttreng es Honey Bruce, but is ft acting? (Plaza 3, at 2S3, 5, 7.-1 0 end 920 p jiu, (&25.) 'Forum Phfflp Berrlgsn wH speak at 3 p.m. today In the Pine Room. Admission is free. Tom Wolfe, author of The Electric Kool-aid Acid Jest and The Pump House Can.wCI speak at 8 p.m. Thursday in Memorial Hall. Admission is free. or The Henneford Circus presents shows at ,4:20 and 8 p.m. today In Carmichael Auditorium. Tickets, $1, are on sale at the Union desk. The Muitigravitational Aerodance Group will perform at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Stewart Theatre on the N.C State campus In Raleigh. Can 737-31 C5 for tickets. The Louis Falco Dance Company will perform at 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 25 in Memorial Ha!!. Tickets, $2, are on sale at the Union desk. The Falco Company w8 also perform at 8 p-m. Usndiy, March 24, In Stewart Theatre on fee H.C. State Campus In Ri!J;h. Ct.1 737-31 C5 for Cektti to fee Raleigh performance. ii3i n Ji through Sunday, and Thursday, March 27 fercu'h Sunday, March 53 In Crthsa Memorial Lounge. Tickets, $2X0, are on sale ft pen TJ n IT it 1C2 Grshsni L!tr?.erii! end et Us Pickard downtown. The Carolina Playmakers present "Henrik U ben's Peer Gynt Show" at 8 p-m. Thursday Shows of The Rlvtr N!;tr" w!3 be st 2 end 8 p,ra. Saturday In Stewart Thestre on the N.C. State campus In FUlsijh, and at 4 and 823 pjn. Sunday In Duke's Page Auditorium. C&I1 737-31 C5 for tickets to Lie RaStI;h shows. This week's winner of the STEAK PUB. LTD.'s "Dinner for Two" Series is the driver of the car with the following license plate number; SV3b and l3rs. Georg FriSlannen License No. DLW-134 Congratulations and Bon Appetit! Specializing in Seafood . guitar & vocal Free Night Tuesday, March 1 8 tho rvvnn fSAR-B-QtJE FRIED CHICKEN STEAK I Eat in or Carry out .. 383-2519 1330 HILLSBOROUGH RD. DURHAM iftTM 834-0524 J In Historic Hillsborough . . . Jt 4 Sinn I "jvj ! -tt&Q I .' Featuring Old South Cooking I. 153 West King Street 4 V.V. "PETE" Thompson, Inhkseptr u Restaurant & Entertainment Forum Cameron Village Subway Raleigh i& Wi (6) mi liy (c It flft it an if - " - . Jt WESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY GILEISE II? W OF ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST LAW SCHOOL FULLY ACCREDITED BY THE COMMITTEE OF BA1 EXAMINEES OF THE STATE BAR OF CAUFC1NIA OFFERS A CHOICE OF FOUR PROGRAMS OF LAW STUDY: IN EITHER 2Vi or 3 YEARS of FUU-TIME law study 15-16 classroom hours per week), or t IN EITHER 3 Vi or 4 YEARS of FART-TIME day, evening, or weekend law study (3 classes per week, 3-4 hours per class), You can earn your JURIS DOCTOR (J.D.) degree and become eligible to take the CALIFORNIA BAR EXAMINA TION. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Dept. 77 1111 North State College Blvd. Fullerton, CA 92631 (Coordinate Campus, Provisionally Accredited, at 1333 Front St. San Diego, CA 92101) FALL SEMESTER BEGINS AUGUST 28, 1975 ALL PROGRAMS ALSO START IN JANUARY 1976 STUDENTS ELIGIBLE FOR FEDERALLY INSURED STUDENT LOANS APPROVED FOR VETERANS Learn, to land apt here and yon can land one t . anywhere. : Bringing in a supersonic jet on a 1 0,000 ft. cement runway is tough enough. But landing one on a 500 ft. piece of a carrier deck, moving at 25 knots, is even tougher. Only a few men are good enough to do it. And they're all Navy trained. How can you become a member of the Naval Air team? One way is to join while you're still in college. One of the advantages of being part of the Aviation Reserve Officer Candidate (AVROC) Program is that it lets you continue working toward your degree. Getting your Navy Wings isn't easy. The training is tough. The ieast that will be expected of you is the best that other pilots can do. Their limits are your starting blocks, their expertise your primer, But if you succeed, your future is assured whether you remain in the Navy or not. For more information, talk to your local Navy Recruiter. Be Someone Special. Fly Navy, On Campus Student Union 17-21 March 1975 or call or write Lt. P.A. Alfieri P.O. Box 2506 Raleigh, N.C. 27602 "Sli n uJeHOPEHDuVl N017 1 1 NEPP I NEEPED $0M l ! TtRv DCfTTMlNP, SCMEDlSTRK 60ME OlRT PlKT FOR OUR J hrrY Cv, CHA&ie 1 AWfiARPfN... FOR OR I WlHDCW BOX... ft H - o o o z m w c 5 yestTHISISYOURUFZ, awl ruuK yL'V' UAgZ (Jf- fWK vl" wii- WQJW5'. r m OAPl CLfiytr WELCOME, MARL0! TBU US-MEN YOU THINK ABOUT HBm KtSStNOe TQPAY, T UUATAZB YOU 1 RSMINPZDOF? RALPH, I'MRBMINDBO OF THE MANY CHILDREN WHO IUER5 MAIMEP AND KILLED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BOMBINGS OF tACH MM I C - BACH MAI XJ2 BUT. .. YOU BET! THATS... WHY DO YOU 1HATS THINK WE AZFUti STOPPED 5 DATING Y ASFUUl STOPPED (JL.Jk PORK If it's TUESDAY it must be the BARBECUE DINN " speciae: R TUESDAY k Olrolllois "- P-S fr with that "real hickory taste You don't need a lot of money in your pocket to get a lot of dinner in a box. o "Real Hickory Taste" Pork Barbecue Creamy Cole Slaw o Zesty Potato Salad o Crispy Hushpuppies Now appealing at all fntutfky fried Chidmu restaurants in the Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill areas only. All Day Tuesday o 319 E. PJlain St ., Carrboro We also cater: Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pork Barbecue, and all the fixin's. Durham 688-6304 Raleigh 833-3047 Chapel Hill 929-1169 so