:-x-xx-x::x:.xx-s I 1 I 1 y. i V. 1 I 8 These other fine BIC products are on sale in the Student Store. 1 V i : .... vy-nn-m :.K.x.K.:.K.: - - - -i 1;:: ' C-WrWtW::; l y 0 juJIIJ . 1 jg 1 1 CmCft'SSSSEi Wednesday, September 23. 1978 The Daily Tar Heel 5 V'. ' '7 : ... V". This banana is from Jamaica. Notice the clever package. 4, ' 1 V ' . M .I. . r m : 1 ' A For centuries in Asia scholars have recognized the close association of the banana and good ideas. . ? .- r In ancient times sages reposed in the shade of the wild banana plant and ate the fruit. Good ideas even today are the fruit of the banana. In this case, the felt tip banana you will find in the Student Store. Notice the clever package. f porous SY PENS HI, POROUS POJNTFEN As in Jamaica, bananas in the Student Store are available at all times of the year. Tfere More ie - n . . JdRITTS GTD3 5-f sr. If '"-