I '" ' H 111 'p Hp im; w liiuj y-i.iiiTj.T'-4j-" imiriimi-"-iif-"r"'ni"""i)r Carolina blue sky It will be clear today with a high in the 40s. The overnight low was about 22. There is no chance of rain. f r J i mm il l IP Volume No. 84, Issue No. 83 Serving the students and the University community since 1893 Wednesday, January 26, 1977, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Tipoff set for 9:10 The tipoff for tonight's basketball game against Wake Forest has been moved to 9:10 p.m.; the game will be televised on Channel 5. Please call us: 933-0245 hearing mmit ntinu wan bv Tonv Hi inn rH" I start writer The Faculty Hearings Committee , postponed its sessions Saturday, unable to decide whether David Stewart has proved to J a substantial certainty Nit hat an abusive v fexercise against freedom of speech and considerable dement of personal I malice were involved in me aecision not to ! renew his contract. 4 "We decided to .go Stewart the last mile," said H. Pollitt. chairperson of the committee, and hear the few remaining witnesses who had not testified before we make a decision." The committee, he said, is doing a painstakingly thorough job, having met for 'more than 20 hours. "We will feel much better in our minds when we have done everything possible." Stewart, an assistant professor of geology who has been denied tenure, concluded his presentation to the committee Saturday. The committee, unable to reach a decision then, has requested interviews with the 11 full professors in the geology department. The committee has previously heard from three of those professors: John M. Dennison, David E. Dunn and Roy L. Ingram, chairperson of the department. The hearings will resume at 10:00 a.m. Saturday in Carrington Hall. If the committee determines that Stewart has established a case, the geology department will be allowed to present its side and rebut Stewart's testimony. If the committee rules against Stewart at this point, then Stewart cannot appeal to the chancellor.. Neither Pollitt nor J. Dickson Phillips, a former dean of the UNC School of Law and chairperson of the group that wrote the tenure regulations, could say whether Stewart would be able to appeal to the UNC Board of Trustees. To be able to carry his appeal to the UNC system Board of Governors, Stewart must allege that one or more specified provisions of the UNC Code have been violated. Stewart said he has observed no such offenses. If Steward appeals are denied at all levels; Stewart said he could either accept the decision or sue. "I haven't decided what to do," he said. In a telephone interview Thursday, Stewart was very critical of the tenure system and regulations. "It is extremely difficult for a person in my position to demonstrate to a substantial certainty that feedom of speech and personal malice were controlling factors," Stewart said. "To demonstrate that there's smoke is one thing, that there's fire is another, and that there's a raging inferno is very difficult." Stewart said that he has limited access to data such as his personal department files, which contain letters of information. "It's the same for every professor in my situation," Stewart continued. "Considering the inequality of accessibility to data, I'm wondering if it is possible for anybody to win a case of this type. The regulations are such that it may not be possible for anyone to win, regardless of how strong their case is." Stewart said that the members of the hearings committee have been extremely I J yJXJI CZOAC7U I VI by Laura Seism Staff Writer fair, but they are handicapped by regulations, too. During the hearings, however, he said he has come to realize that academic freedom for tenured professors is different for those without tenure. The grounds for dismissal are different. According to the tenure regulations, any faculty member can be dismissed for "misconduct of such a nature as to indicate that the faculty member is unfit to continue as a member of the faculty, incompetence and neglect of duty." - A faculty member on probationary term appointments, however, can be dismissed for "any factors deemed relevant to total institutional interests," except for exercise of freedom of speech, discrimination based upon race, sex, religion or national origin, or personal malice. One loophole in the regulations, Stewart said, is that the department never has to publicly reveal the actual reasons for dismissal. "They can always say they have changed their minds about the emphasis they want to put in their department. That's legitimate. That's the perfect, foolproof loophole. It doesn't protect anyone except the department and the University." He proposed two solutions to the tenure problem: include in every University brochure and catalogue the statement that the University has a dual standard of academic freedom for tenured and non tenured faculty members; or abandon the tenure system. Stewart said he also was going to suggest that the department write a statement defining the requirements of a faculty member before he is hired. If the person has met those requirements by the time his contract comes up for renewal, he should be granted tenure. "A person should get tenure for doing his job," Stewart said. State Sen. Charles Vickery, D-Orange, said Tuesday he was optimistic that faculty memhers of the University system would receive a salary increase greater than the 6.5 per cent recommended by Gov. James B. Hunt Jr. The consolidated University Board of Governors recommended a 20 per cent salary increase for the 1977-79 biennium a 10 per cent increase each year. Hunt made no recommendation for a salary increase in the second year, but most legislators have assumed an increase would be considered in 1978. Vickery, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said chances are good that the legislature will grant a salary increase of between 6.5 and 10 per cent. "I guess the safe answer is that the 3.5 per cent in the first year of the biennium that separates the recommendation (6.5 per cent) from the request (10 per cent) some of it will be granted. "I have some realistic hope that all of it (the 10 per cent increase) will be," he said. But Vickery said the final appropriations would depend on availability of revenue. "There's just been a long drought of salary increases in the University system," Vickery said. "We have got to make some changes, or we are no longer going to be known as the greatest university in the South. "If the legislators recognize that fact, I think they'll give the teachers substantial increases in salary. But State Rep. Trish.Hunt, D-Orange, said that although for faculty raise she was hopeful for a faculty salary increase, "It's much too early to be optimistic.' She said that in talking to other legislators she had not found much support for the 10 per cent increase. But she said any extra money not budgeted by the legislature would go to education. The UNC-CH Faculty Council passed a resolution Friday endorsing the increases recommended by the Board of Governors. In addition, more than 500 faculty members have signed a petition addressed to Gov. Jiunt and members of the legislature which also endorses the 20 per cent increase over the two-year period. Vickery said both the Faculty Council resolution and the faculty petition would present a united faculty front to legislators and would describe the faculty's plight in concrete terms. Both the resolution and the petition cite the deterioration of faculty earnings in terms of real purchasing power and in relation to salaries at peer institutions. The petition, drafted by a committee of five professors from four departments, also cites a recent study by the local American Association of University Professors (AAUP) which indicates a salary increase of 27 to 3 1 per cent would be necessary to bring salaries up to the level of 1972-73. Vickery said the use of such statistics represented the best . chance for faculty members to convince legislators to support the 10 per cent increase this year. Joel Schwartz, One of the drafters of the petition, said he did not expect a salary increase greater than 6.5 per cent this year. Hickman's goal as president: bring government diversity by Karen Millers Staff Writer With a focus on bringing diversity to Student Government (SG), junior Mike Hickman entered the competition for the office of student body president Tuesday." "The trend has been that the student body president and the administration have established a sort of clique," Hickman said. "I think SG needs a new face." A history major from Charlotte, he has had no experience with SG at UNC, and he sees this as an advantage. Hickman proposes to bring diversity by appointing an advisory committee open to student opinions. He said the committee would meet periodically with students in different places on campus. Hickman would attend all meetings. "I don't think there's much of an attitude of really caring in SG," he said in support of the plan. He said he felt sure students would respond to the committee. "We should go to the students," Hickman said. "If they're apathetic, we shouldn't be." The candidate supports aggressive student lobbying in both the N.C. State Legislature and Chapel Hill town government. He said he would consider hiring professional lobbyists. Hickman mentioned pressuring town officials to upgrade the bus system, and asking legislators for more state funds. "The Chapel Hill campus should receive priority over other campuses," Hickman said. "The state should give us priority to maintain our level of excellence." He said the present student administration has done some work toward achieving such recognition for UNC but he said that it had generally been ineffective. Hickman has not conferred with local or state officials to determine how effective lobby pressures might be. Another major premise of Hickman's campaign is to improve the entertainment and cultural activities of the campus! "On a level compared with Duke and State, we are slack," he said. Hickman plans to have SG and Union committees work closely with the music department to choose which performers are invited to UNC. He said he would try to draw more big names to the campus. He admitted that economic problems may be inherent in the job, but said the solution was merely a matter of priorities in budgeting. I & .-.V. V."V-"-v 5. few-. . s Ws I I Mike Hickman Hickman's only proposal for academic reform is to work toward a uniform grading system, eliminating variations in curves among different professors. . The candidate denied that he is seeking personal gain from the office. "It would look fine on a resume, but that's not why I'm running at all," Hickman said. "I feel I can open theSG up to diversification and break up the clique." 4, rf 4 It yyss. AW An f v J" A ' ' ? . - pllilllK . . y"yyyyy. yA-y.-.-. : . ::wv. - a . v : .' 3y W "J-" " ' & i. Amid tell-tale signs of modern-day construction stands Alberta Mill, an. 80-year-old structure in Carrboro now being renovated into a shopping-offics complex. The Staff photo by Bruc Clarke complex, to be known as Carr Mill Shopping Village, is scheduled to be finished March 30. Carrboro recalls bygone days as old mill becomes new mall by Russell Gardner Staff Writer The townsfolk entering Carrboro Baptish Church for the midweek service paused to look up at the sparrows. There were at least 500 flying in a circle over the old Alberta Mill complex across Weaver Street. A few daring birds veered off toward the north, but soon fell back into formation when the other birds refused to fly in a new direction.' ' Both birds and townsfolk in Carrboro sometimes find it difficult to head in new directions, especially if it means upsetting old traditions. Some longtime Carrboro residents are particularly skeptical of the new direction their town has taken in recent years. "What we have now, really, are two Carrboros," said one longtime resident. "The old Carrboro is made up of the folks who worked to build up the town, but we're saddled with all these new apartment complexes and their transient residents. "They (the apartment dwellers) pay taxes only on their personal property. That doesn't add much to the town budget. Why, some of them spend more on wine and beer in one weekend than they spend on taxes the entire year." The transients in Carrboro are mostly students and staff of UNC. Faced with housing shortages in Chapel Hill, many have spilled over into Carrboro's 12 apartment complexes. Although longtime Carrboro residents may resent the use of their town as a bedroom to Chapel Hill, they are faced with the reality that the University is the largest single employer for both Chapel Hill and Carrboro. But Carrboro hasn't always been without industry. Many residents remember Carrboro as the world's largest railraod cross-tie center and the home of the Alberta Cotton Mill. The Alberta Mill complex, located at the corner of Weaver and Greensboro streets, remains a symbol of Carrboro's past. Much of Carrboro's history is reflected in the history of the 80-year-old structure. The Alberta Mill was built in 1896 by Tom Lloyd. Until 1908, Lloyd's mill produced cotton yarns for knitting and weaving. Lloyd sold the mill to Durham Hosiery Co., which remained in the structure until 1938. At the outbreak of World War U, the National ' Munitions Corp. set up a munition's plant on the mill site. After the war, the building was used by Pacific Mills for manufacturing wool. The last industry to be housed in the mill building was Burlington Mills, which ceased operations in Carrboro 1 1 years ago. Since that time, the Alberta Mill complex has been vacant. Now even the Alberta Mill is being renovated to satisfy the growing consumer needs of Carrboro. Last spring, the Carrboro Board of Aldermen approved a plan to renovate the mill for a shopping-office complex of about 20 small shops to be called Carr Mill Shopping Village. An additional structure will house a Revco Drug Store and a Harris-Teeter supermarket. Can Mill is expected to open March 30, if weather conditions do not further delay the renovation. The renovation was hotly contested by some residents until the developers of the mall, Southern Real Estate of Charlotte, agreed to leave the exterior of the mill intact; sandblast and preserve the floors, walls and beams, and copy the architecture of the old structure in any new construction. The renovation presented a challenge for the developer. What one resident called the sturdiest foundation in Carrboro shows signs of neglect. Random bricks have fallen from the structure and come to rest on the lawn. Late afternoon sunlight bounces off the windows, many of which have just been replaced by the developer. The interior of the mill, which the developer says will be decorated in pastel colors, is dark and empty. The wooden beams and floor are sturdy, but it will take some work to transform the mill into a mall. Kent Walker of Southern Real Estate said the developer had first planned to tear "down the mill building and erect a new structure for the mall. The developer was encouraged by preservationist groups in Carrboro to preserve the mill structure. Walker said the developers faced a potential problem with stores using standardized exterior designs, but that tenants have been enthusiastic about the mall plans and have altered their store designs to comply with the renovation plans. As workers continue renovating the mill, many Carrboro residents grow nostalgic. Rows of frame houses line the streets adjacent to the mill complex. Many of these houses were once owned by the Alberta Mill Company and later were sold to private citizens. The Carr Mill development is one topic of conversation in th neighborhood. "Oh yes, I'm excited about the mall. I can't wait," a 65-year-old housewife who worked at the mill as a teenager said. "I'm just so glad they won't tear down the mill. That mill is the only landmark we have in Carrboro. "I forget jusf how much I made working at the mill, but I remember turning part of the money over to my dad. I'd save about 25 cents a week for spending money. But that was enough for me. You could get by with a whole lot less back then." Please turn to page 3. n a u Petitions due Friday nion All candidates running for office in the election Feb. 9 must return their petitions to Suite C of the Carolina Union by 9 p.m. Jan. 28 for their names to appear on the ballots. Candidates must also attend a meeting at 8:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 28 in Room 202-204 of the Union. Election laws and financing regulations will be discussed at the meeting. The elections will be officially certified 8:30 p.m. Feb. 10. Runoff elections, if necessary, will be Feb. 16. In an attempt to increase voter turnout this year, the Union Current Affairs Committee will sponsor a series of "Meet the Candidates' meetings. The schedule is as follows: forums DATE TIME Tues., Feb. 1 12-3 p.m. Tues., Feb. 1 7-10 p.m. Wed., Feb. 2 7 p.m. LOCATION AREAS COVERED Great Hall All candidates Great Hall All candidates Granville Editor, president, Cafeteria CGC Dist. 7 and 8 Wed., Feb. 2 8:45 p.m. Old West Old West, Old East, Carr, Whitehead, editor, president, CGC Dist. 8 and 12 Wed., Feb. 2 10:30 p.m. Kenan Thu Feb. 3 7 p.m. Cobb Thu., Feb. 3 8:45 p.m. Joyner Thu., Feb. 3 10:30 p.m. Connor Sun., Feb. 6 7 p.m. Parker Sun., Feb. 6 8:45 p.m. Morrison Sun., Feb. 6 10:30 p.m. Ehringhaus Mon., Feb. 7 12-3 p.m. Great Hall Mon., Feb. 7 8 p.m. James Women's Triad, editor, president, CGC Dist. 8 and 9 Lower Quad, Cobb, editor, president, CGC Dist. 14 Upper Quad, Joyner, editor, president, CGC Dist. 12 and 13 Henderson College, editor, president, CGC Dist. 13 Scott College, editor, president, CGC Dist. 12 Morrison, editor, president, CGC Dist. 11 Ehringhaus, under graduates of Craige, editor, president, CGC Dist. 9 All candidates James, editor, presi dent, CGC Dist. 10