r I lit. v w -vsr vr 4 4 (J I Bring your loved one for a nice evening at the Ranch House No reservations required Airport Road Friday. January 28. 1977 The Daify Tar Heel 3 Publick Know! 3 by MARY ANNE RHYNE and CHRIS FULLER Ali - I I I I y vi I ! 1 1 1 -v ! I 'l i :1 I -1 APRIL 15 DEADLINE ; 27 Italian Medical and Veterinary Schools Accept American Students Medical and veterinary school aspirants who are thinking of applying to Italian medi cal schools, and their families, must act immediately. New Italian government regula tions require that preinscription applications be filed with Italian Consulates before April 15, for consideration for medical and veterinary school admission in 1977. 27 distinguished Italian medical schools accept Americans. Several hundred Ameri cans now are studying at Italian medical and veterinary schools. Medical, dental and veterinary school aspirants who need assistance in language and cultural orienta tion and preparation before, during and after medical school to enable the practice of medicine in the U.S., should contact the Institute of International Medical Education. The Institute has helped more Americans enter European medical and veterinary schools than any other organization. Advanced placement for holders of science post-graduate degrees. INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL EDUCATION ptiartered by the Regents of the University of tf Stats d Nw York 3E. 54 St, New York 10022 (212) 832-2089 New York 1 0022 (212) 832-2089 J INSTOro COPY . Quality Copying Franklin & Columbia (over The Zoom) 929-2147 MonFn.9 6 Kiger Me and Ali. . .In the fall of 1973, UNC Associate Professor of Business Dr. Clinton Bidwell spent an evening with Muhammad Ali, quite by accident. While vacationing at Lake Tahoe over Thanksgiving, Dr. Bidwell went to the Sahara Club, hoping to get a ticket for the Ali-Bob Foster fight which was to be held in the showroom. "I found out that the tickets were $150 per person and only the last row seats were left." Bidwell, feeling rather dismayed, turned to walk away when a little Italian man came up to him and said, "If you want to see the fight, follow me." Bidwell followed the man to the pressroom and was told to go through there to the showroom where the fight was about to begin, and the man left. "I walked directly through the press room with no problem and came to the showroom." Once inside the showroom, Bidwell realized that he had no seat. He spied one empty seat right on ringside and sat down. Also seated near him were Howard Cosell and Bill Cosby. The seat that Bidwell was occupying belonged to a newspaperman from a Sacramento paper. "The man never showed up for the fight. It was really sort of a fluke that I got that particular seat." Bidwell noticed a card on his seat which gave him admission to Ali's dressing room. A policeman took him to the room and Love MacDougal N y" .Jilill ua ro)fo)nr?re jb 3000 the Bull's Head Bookshop Student Stores Paperback ooks! s3 1 "WHY DO THE HEATHEN RAGE? Psalms 2 and Acts 4:25 We trust It will be an encouragement to all the true and sincere people of God to be reminded of several long periods of time in the earth when men dwelt without fear for their families, loved ones, and property, due to kings, rulers, and governing authorities who would not countenance or put up with lawlessness. May I ask any of the "birds," or "beasts," or "humans," or In whatever category you may belong who claim to believe that the "death penalty" does not prevent crime: Did you ever see a dead man commit murder? Did you ever see a dead man rape a woman or girl? Do you reckon there was any rape, adultery, homosexuality, or other crimes in Sodom on that morning shortly after Lot went out of the City and God rained fire and brimstone from heaven upon it? The following statement is made not for the purpose of offending any man, but rather for the purpose of the writer not offending God Almighty: From my knowledge of The Bible If I take the position the "death penalty" does not res train and prevent, I make God out to be a liar many times in His Word, and In , fact reject the entire economy of The Almighty revealed in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth In Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Maybe we need to meditate on these words of The Lord Jesus Christ "Ye do err, not knowing The Scriptures, nor The Power of God!" Meditate on them, AND REPENT! Regardless of what others do, or profess, you continue to "FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS: FOR THIS IS THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN." "Be not weary In well doing, for In due season we will reap, if we faint noL" Con tinue to pray as Christ taught us: THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE IN EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. DELIVER US FROM EVIL." Remember that a number of times God has told us in His Word: "THE EARTH SHALL BE FULL OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GLORY OF THE LORD, AS THE WATERS COVER THE SEA." "For nothing should the people of God more devoutly pray than that their great men might be good and God-fearing men!' ") "Democratic Institutions exist by reason of their virtue. If ever they perish it will be when you have forgotten the past, become Indifferent to the present, and utterly reckless as to the future." From the Monument of Thos. E.Watson on the Capitol grounds in Atlanta. Our "Democratic Institutions" are now perishing as they are being "integrated" with socialist and communist ones. This is a great day for "Integrations" of many kinds! "WHEN YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN THE PAST!" The following is a reminder of a few Incidents of the past 1360 YEARS AGO: in the year 617 A.D. Edwin was crowned King of Northumbrla, one of the seven divisions of England In the period of The Heptarchy. It was from this King that Edinburgh got her name. He was the most powerful of the several kings, and they were more or less subject to him. It was said first of him that in his days "a woman with her babe might walk scatheless from sea to sea." The people tilled their fields and gathered their harvests In quiet and ' safety. Men no longer feared the thief and robber; stakes were driven by the roadside spring, where the traveler found a brass cup hanging for his use, and no thief durst carry It off. . . Thus the church as the great civillzer, had already begun Its work in Teutonic Britain." What is the trouble? The answer Is as plain as the nose on your face: We have forsaken the Commandments of our God! There is almost no end to the numbers of our churches, but righteousness is about as scarce as "hen teeth! There Is no end to our schools and educational Institutions, church and secular, but it looks as if we are "fools for want of sense!" I will accept my part of the responsibility, but I don't want to . keep carrying my portion of the burden, and would like to unload! God help us! REGARDLESS OF WHAT OTHERS DO OR PROFESS. YOU CONTINUE TO: "FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COM MANDMENTS, FOR THIS IS THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN!" P. O. BOX 405, DECATUR, GA. opened the door; a voice inside said, "We're not admitting anyone," and then someone else said, "He's all right, let him in." Bidwell spent almost two hours talking to Ali about everything from the fight to social issues. "1 told him my name and he called me by it, but he never asked me who I was, instead he asked my opinion on things. He is a very quiet, soft-spoken, very bright man; totally opposite from what you'd expect." Hawaiian Punch... passersby do a double take when they pass Freddie Kiger's window at 115 Teague. Inside, over 500 Hawaiian Punch cans are proudly displayed in seven foot towers and smaller pyramids. Kiger, a graduate student in education history and an RA for three years, has collected the cans during his seven in l eague. "During my sophomore year my roomate and I thought it would be a clever idea to save all the cans we drank and make the room more colorful," he says. Word of Kinger's collection spread and soon other Teague residents and interested strangers began to make contributions. Today, the cans stand in four seven-foot towers, two pyramids, two half-towers and form the base for the table. "I've had plenty of people walk by the window and just stop and stare," he says. Kiger admits his collection has its drawbacks.."Being an RA, 1 have to change floors every year. I've got some cans hidden in various dorm closets. Some poor janitor's going to open a door one day and suffer a loss of life or limb due to falling cans." At the end of spring semester, Kiger and other dorm residents stage a contest to see who can carry the most cans down to the dorm storerooms. Sophomore Reid Baker . holds the record with 33 cans in one trip. Kiger says he's never received any flack from housing officials about storing his collection. "I leave a big note saying 'valuable for dorm treasury Cans will be sold for recycling and money will go to the treasury. Nobody ever bothers them." "Hawaiian Punch is the champagne of fruit punches," Kiger said. "Hi-C and Welch's taste like rotgut." "Some of these cans are real collector's items," he says. "Ever hear of Cool Citrus or Mandarin Cooler? They went on the market for two or three months and were dropped." Kiger isn't sure what will become of his collection when he leaves UNC in May."I've got to find an upstanding student who's lived in Teague for a long time to leave the towers with. Or else I could just wait until the next K. C. HUNG'S MONGOLIAN BAE1-B-Q Only $250 & china inn LUNCH BUFFET Choose ' From Ten Dishes All You Can Eat. Served 11:30 Until 2:00. (Buffet available in Mongolian Bar-B- Q only.) LUNCH DINNER Specials from $1.25 LUNCH SERVED 11:30 A.M.-2:00 P.M. (MON.-FRI.) DINNER DAILY 4:30 P.M.-9:30 P.M. FRIDAY & SATURDAY 'TIL 10:30 P.M. Banquet room is available free of charge upon requests. Personal checks, BAC, Master Charge accepted. ALL ABC PERMITS AVAILABLE. Mongolian B-B-Q for China Inn Village Shopping Center reservations 2701 Hillsborough Rd. Elliot Road 929-8794 or take out call Durham 286-2444 Elegant Hunam Specials and Mongolian Bar-B-Q World War and sell them for scrap metal." Ice (apades... UNC junior Debb) Love is majoring in psychology, but she'd rather be ice-skating, professionally. Last June, Love started taking lessons at the Ice Capade Chalet in Eastland Mall in Charlotte, and she practices ut the Daniel Boone rink in school. At her first competition, an Ice Skating I nstitute of America competition, she won a gold medal and she is now working for high marks at another competition at the end of February. Love often gets asked why she stays in school, when her real wish is to skate professionally. "1 think I will audition for the Ice Capades whe I graduate, then maybe teach ice-skating after that. Since I've come this far at UNC, I might as well finish." Love thinks she may be able to relate her major in psychology with ice-skating. "I think ice-skating could help retarded children. They need things to get involved in, and they really seem to love ice-skating." According to Love, skating can involve a lot of pain and agony. "It's real discouraging sometimes, because it takes months to get certain maneuvers. Everything has to be perfect or you'll kill yourself." "Despite the agony, skating is something you can't explain. It's beautiful; skating feels like you're flying. It just flows, and there are so many things that you can do when skating." Thinking ahead. . .Paul MacDougal, a junior botany major from Charleston, S.C., needn't worry about the citrus shortages created by record-breaking cold temperatures in Florida this winter. He's started his own orange grove on his window sill at 220 Teague. Actually, MacDougal started growing his three orange trees more than a year ago. He became interested in oranges after reading a book, Oranges, by John McPhea. "The orange trees grow from ordinary seed," he said. "They now stand about one-and-one-half feet and are just about to branch." It will take at least 15 years before MacDougal's trees bear fruit. But he plans to speed up the process by grafting buds form already producing trees to the root stock of his own. MacDougal plans more study about oranges, "I want to know why oranges grown in Florida don't have thorns. My trees have terrible thorns." His botanical interests aren't limited to oranges. His window garden also includes a sedge plant that once belonged to Gen. William Westmoreland and a multitenacled oxalis. His roommate, D 77 writer David Stacks, is concerned about his personal safety living in such a jungle. "I'm afraid that one morning I'm gonna wake up with an 'Octapus' tenacle wrapped around my ankle. This Tarzan business isn't what it's cracked up to be." I SR-56 $10 Rebate. Taw- inrinimMte tutti roKot cm ftft nf uAiir ftrininal R-5fi nurch;rci nrir whan I you (1) return this completed coupon. (2) along with your completed SR-56 ' customer information card (packed in box), and (3) a dated copy of proof of your ... . . . . .. j k L. 1 .ATI . I purcnase. verifying purcnase Between Jan. , ana much o i , ia , iu. Texas Instruments Incorporated I P. O.BOX1210 1 Richardson. Tens 7SC53 i i SR-56 Serial No. Please allow 30 days for rebate. Name Address. City. State Zip. from back of calculator) Texas Instruments are available at the Student Stores There's More in tho ON CAMPUS" SYOQdENTSTOE"' 1

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