r ... "7 . . Part-time problem The Athletic Department recruits many coaches from Physical Education; several instructors are having difficulty deciding on priorities. See story on page 5. Please call us: 933-0245 SHU cold The skies will be clear today as the mercury creeps to 35. The low last night was about 10. Serving the students and the University community since 1893 Tuesday, February 8, 1977, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Volume No. 84, Issue No. 92 i P Deer sa rewin 1 .J ft i i hird try for on -campus fl n H B .-:-:;.MC,8y -1 les in the d IS - :.: "5 ' - '"t F f 1 I " .4 , w- y -- vT'W:;,.w-:i:.!T'r-.-:.v.w: r 1 : r.. 7 -.-5- yy.A:i V."wX-:r.v 4 If Staff photos by Rouse Wilson The third attempt in 3 years to legalize beer and wine sales Now, students must do as this young man and venture to off on campus is about to be launched by student government. campus locations to buy their alcoholic beverages. Final platforms meet skepticism by Karen Millers Staff Writer It was 12:15 a.m. Monday before a handful of candidates, ' campaign workers and voters left the Ehringhaus lounge after a typically long night of campaigning door to door and reciting all-too-familiar speeches. The candidates for student body president all agreed that apathy was the campus norm. Cancelled meetings at Parker Sunday night and the Great Hall Monday afternoon due to lack of voter interest supported their charge. And when the candidates spoke to small groups at Morrison and Ehringhaus, the few nonpartisan voters were far outnumbered by campaign workers and candidates. Amidst the blur of proposals and promises, one voter asked, "Why should 1 vote for any of you?" . Each candidate had his own answer, as has been the case the entire campaign. Joe Roberts, Bill Moss, Tal Lassiter and Mark Miller all have presented ideas concerning academic reform, ranging from drop-add policies to four-course loads. Such changes would have to be approved by the Faculty Council. Maynard Adams, chairperson of the faculty, said the council would have to study extensively the results that such changes would have before implementing them. The Faculty Council will try to make judgments of that kind on sound educational reasoning rather than just political pressure," Adams said. Moss proposes to l6bby at the state legislature for having beer sales on campus and keeping tuition rates down. Trish Hunt, Orange County representative to the legislature, said maintenance of tuition rates two years ago was a miracle and said to maintain the rates again would be difficult. She pointed to the need for faculty salary increases and to the fact that North Carolina's in-state tuition is the lowest in the South: She said combining the two issues, beer and tuition, would create more problems. "You just don't talk about putting beer on campus if (you say) students are starving," Hunt said. "The two don't go together." She added that lobbying is definitely feasible and that it can be effective. Mike Hickman also supports beer sales on campus. Moss wants to explore having closed-circuit broadcasting of home basketball games in Memorial Hall. Bill Cobey, director of athletics, said such broadcasts made nine or 1 0 years ago were poorly attended and would be expensive to implement again. "We'd be willing to put some money into it if it were a practical thing," Cobey said. Editorial candidates: a study of their platforms Taylor said that while increasing advertising revenue is possible and she is working to hire a full-time professional ad manager, a 12-page paper would not be possible until next year. Greg Porter has said he will work to obtain grants and donations from publishers 1 and foundations to bring more money to the DTH. John B. Adams, dean of the UNC journalism school, said grants and endowment funds are possible, but would take several years to establish. Porter also has said he wants to use work-study students to expand the distribution procedures of the DTH. but he said that he has not checked with the student aid office to see if this is possible. - For all the distinctions among them, the candidates platforms have similarities," too. All three candidates plan to include more information about intramural and club sports. Fulwood said he plans to report on all major ACC; games, not just sports or football. To provide room for the additional sports articles, he said he would probably allocate space from the features page. Porter said he would run occasional front-page sports interviews or features and provide the top ten standings for each intramural sport. He said he w ould try to retain the present space allocations for sports, but would occasionally limit the space for features, if necessary. York said each men's and women's team would have a reporter assigned to cover its events, something that is done now. He proposes a series . of personal interviews with varsity team members and intramural coverage by students actually playing on the teams. Moss also proposes organization of student members of chancellor's committees into a forum. In addition to academic reforms, Tal Lassiter stresses that he will be available to students. Richardson said a president must choose his priorities when he decides how much time he will spend with students, and he emphasized balance. "If you're out in the Pit talking to students, you're not in Dean Boulton's office working on internships for students." Richardson said. One of Lassiter's other proposals is expansion of the bus system to Carrboro. Gerry Cohen, Chapel Hill alderman, said the town is now very close to making such an extension. Mark Miller proposes the formation of departmental student associations, which are already existing in some departments. He advocates improvements in the Honor System through the addition of proctor ing. Student Atty. Gen. Chuck Lovelace said the change would have to go through several channels to be approved, including approval by the chancellor. "But 1 think Mark k approaching a topic that needs to be approached by Student Government." Lovelace. said. Miller also proposes publishing reports of SG activities, implementing a recycling program and channeling profits of dorm pinball machines back to dorms. The profits now go to the Student ' Stores. "This is the umpteenth generation of political candidates that have proposed this. . .No one has ever carried it out." said lorn Shelley, manager of the Student Stores. However, the UNC Board of Trustees would have to approve any profit rechanneling. Trustee Charles Jonas Jr. said he could not conclude how the board might react.- "It doesn't strike me as an impossible idea." he said. "If the numbers make some sense. '. . I would have no philosophical problem with it." One major proposal in Joe Roberts' platform is to encourage use of fringe parking lots to alleviate the parking problem on campus. Paul Arne. SG director of transportation, agreed that this is the most "practical solution now. He added that it would not solve the parking crisis which he foresees next fall. Roberts wants to have free films shown in Chase Cafeteria. Please turn to page 2. by Mark Lazenby Staff Writer With strategy sessions near completion. Student Government (SG) is on the verge of launching its third attempt in three years to legalize beer and wine sales on the UNC campus. Stressing that such sales would bring increased revenue to campus. Student Body President Billy Richardson said these profits would be channeled into t he U NC financial aid off xre and student programming. "It's a long shot," Richardson said. ( noting the conservative nature of the state legislature, "but it's an effort that could really benefit the campus. "We've got to have student interest and help in this effort." Tom Worth, director of the SG student ' affairs committee, said a petition supporting on-campus beer and wine sales will be at the Carolina Union desk today, and other petitions soon will be circulated on campus. "We are going to circulate the petition on all 16 campuses (of the consolidated University)," Worth said. "I hope we can get as many as 20,000 signatures." Students interested in helping should contact Worth in Suite C of the Union; Unifying the University system behind the effor - with the exception of Appalachian State University, which is located in a dry county is one move SG hopes will demonstrate to the legislature the widespread support the proposal will have. Worth and Richardson, who will continue work on this effort after Richardson's term as president ends this week, explained that the bill will be introduced at what the committee perceives to be a strategically appropriate time. The effort will come before liquor-by-the-drink is debated. Worth said. In addition to strategic timingand the aiiticipatecTunified campus support. SG is utilizing the beer distributors' association and brewers' association lobbyists. The original attempt to legalize the sale of beer and wine on campus was headed by senior Gary Thomas - then chairperson of the UNC State Affairs Committee and two N.C. State students in 1974. It was introduced by Senator Eddie Knox of Charlotte, but the bill never made it to the floor for debate. The higher education committee barely defeated it. 7-6. Launching another effort the follow ing year, Thomas had to abort the proposal because the legislators were debating tuition increase. SG feared that advocates of increasing tuition would use the. proposal to fuel their arguments. - The next step facing SG is finding a state senator or representative from an urban area other than Chapel Hill to introduce the bill. Worth said several have been contacted and one has probably been chosen; however. Worth would not identify the legislator. Duke University. Davidson College and Queens College, a girls school in Charlotte, are all private institutions now selling beer on their campuses. SG hopes' to argue that the success of the Duke program and the results of a recently conducted survey made at the University of Rhode Island, showing all schools throughout the nation with similar programs to have revenue increases and, no social problems, are both good reasons why the UNC system should have beer and wine sales on campus. Research on the success of the Davidson program and the Queens College program' is underway. Originated in public schools Flu is waning at UNC by Laura Seism Staff Writer ' An illness , identified as the Hong Kong B-type flu, which has caused w idespread absenteeism in schools in 15 states, is declining at UNC. "Generally speaking, a flu will peak after two to three weeks, then taper off," Dr. James A. Taylor, director of the Student Health Service (SHS) said Monday. He said Friday and Monday w ere light days for treatment of the flu. " Several UNC students have been hospitalized and an undetermined number of others have been treated at SHS for symptoms of the flu which began spreading across the country about a month ago. The first outbreak of the B-type flu in Chapel H ill was in mid-January, The flu peaked in public schools Jan. 18. when school officials reported absenteeism as high as 30 per cent of enrollment. Local doctors, said waiting rooms were overflowing. Taylor said the flu was transmitted to UNC by students and professors having contact with persons who carried the flu's virusf The flu is considered highly contagious. "We've seen a fair amount of patients with flu, but it's not fair to say it ever reached epidemic proportions," Taylor said. In other areas of the state, scattered cases of the B-type flu have been reported. But according to Dr. J.N. MacCormack. head of the Communicable Disease Control Branch of the N.C. Division of Health Services, there are no outbreaks of epidemic proportions. The illness was first reported at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn., where health officials said they treated 60 to 70 students per day. Along with the flu's outbreak in Tennessee and North Carolina, cases have been confirmed in 13 other states: Vermont, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey. Pennsylvania, Delaware, Michigan. Minnesota, South Carolina, Georgia. Louisiana, Texas, and Colorado, according to a report issued Monday by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta. The report said the B-type flu is most prevalent in the Middle Atlantic, Southeast and Gulf states. The only outbreak of the generally more severe strain of A-type Victoria flu reported so far has been at a Miami, Fla.. nursing home where three deaths have occurred, one of which was possibly flu-related. More than 50 of the 176 residents and staff members were affected. Last year, an A-Victoria epidemic caused at least 11,000 deaths in the United States. Symptoms of the B-type Hong Kong flu include a sore throat, cough, fever, aches and sometimes nausea. The only way to treat the flu is with time and rest. "The only treatments are what we call symptomatic treatments. You can take cough medicine for your cough, and something for your sore throat, but it mainly just takes time," Taylor said. Persons who received swine flu inoculations earlier this year are not protected against the B-type flu. by Ton i Gilbert Staff Writer With the Feb. 9 elections drawing near, each of the three candidates for editor of the Daily Tar Heel has been busy stressing his platform in an effort to convince students that he can.increase student interest and readership. Sam Fulwood, Greg Porter and Mike York have proposed different methods of achieving these goals, and these differences are ' reflected in their platforms. Fulwood has said one of his prime objectives as editor would be to increase the publication of the DTH to six days, at a cost of approximately $600 per edition. Fulwood said the added Saturday edition would resemble the format of the football editions and would provide more space for features and in-lepth stories. A separate editor to manage the Saturday paper would be appointed. . , Verna Taylor, DTH business manager, said that a sixth edition is economically possible, but it might result in smaller Monday and Friday papers. She said that advertisers would probably be given the option of placing their ads in either the Friday or Saturday paper. She added that Friday is already a hard day for selling ad space. Mike York has been campaigning for publishing a 12-page paper. He said it will cost approximately $1,900 a day to print the larger paper, and an expanded advertising staff will work to bring in the additional advertising revenue needed to support it. Taylor said that the current six- or eight-page DTH costs $1,500 to print and that advertising finances $1,200 of that cost. She said to publish a 12-page paper. $2,000 in advertising revenue must be collected because printing costs will increase next year. PekSimg Garaeim A question of aesthetics and culture by Russell Gardner Staff Writer Six years ago, UNC scientists Norman S. T. Chen and Eng-Shang H uang v isited Chapel Hill's first Chinese restaurant. Both were dissatisfied with the decorations and menu offered and decided to open their own restaurant. "The restaurant calling itself Chinese did not have a genuine oriental atmosphere." Chen says. "The decorations did not symbolize genuine Chinese culture. The food offered was too Americanized and the menus so limited that people didn't have much of a selection." Chen, a research analyst at the cancer research center, and Huang, an assistant professor of medicine, spent the next four years building up capital for their restaurant and learning more about the Chapel Hill area. In 1974. Wen-Ping Wang, now a post doctorate in chemistry, became the third partner in the restaurant project. Chen spent the next two years visiting Chinese restaurants around the United , States. Finally, in September 1976. the three opened Peking Garden on West Franklin Street. Chen says Peking Garden's most distinctive features are its decor, menu and privacy. "We spent over 4.000 hours working on the interior decorations. We've tried to depict highlights of the 5.000 years of Chinese history in our interior." Afsin Meymandi, a UNC chemistry student, designed the interior and painted more than 900 square feet of murals. "Mey mandi is a genius artist. But at the very beginning he didn't know anything about Chinese culture. After a short period of time doing research in the library, he started designing and painting the interior in a very professional. Chinese way," Chen said. The paintings, which are done in vivid colors, are framed by windows and reflect a small part of the Chinese philosophy. One painting depicts evil and good men being judged. "Chinese philosophers believe the good man will always win." Chen said. Another depicts a girl crying beside the Great Wall of China. "This is a very famous story in Chinese history that happened about 2,000 years ago." Chen' said. "The girl's husband was recruited by the king to build the Great Wall. The king recruited men to build and then treated them like slaves. In Chinese history, the king has been criticized a lot because of this inhumanity. "The king made a great contribution to China when he built the wall, but there's also a moral question. The Chinese believe that anything that interrupts the happy family will be punished by God. Many believe the Great Wall is falling down as a punishment "because so many men died building it." Chen says a painting of a Chinese beauty presented problems for the Persian designer. "He painted the Chinese beauty over 10 times. Each time, most Americans liked it but no Chinese liked it. 1 finally gave him a feeling of w hat a Chinese beauty looks like and he painted her beautifully. "A Chinese beauty should have crying eyes, with skin so delicate that you can squeeze the juice out of it. The waist should be so small that two of your fingers can break it. This is a feeling I gave the designer. The real Chinese beauty looks like a delicate girl, and it's really pretty." The designer spent 700 hours on' a plexiglass design at the rear of the restaurant. ' "This represents the sum of three different trees that grow in China in the winter bamboo, pine and plum. In China, they are still growing in the winter and are called 'Friends in a Cold Winter.4 We picked them as one of our windows because we wanted them to represent our three owners and our everlasting friendship and business. "The second plexiglass painting is of a painter painting a dragon. The Chinese believe that the eye is the hardest part of the dragon to paint. If the eye is too real, the dragon may fly away." When all the paintings are completed, Peking Garden will have five distinct rooms. The main dining room is called "Peking Palace." Four smaller rooms will have Hawaiian. Mongolian, Japanese and Formosa n themes. The owners built the booths of the restaurant according to the design of the Forbidden City. The major joints of the booths have no nails in them, which is how the Forbidden City is constructed. "People enjoy sitting in booths because they feel they have a lot of privacy." Chen said. "The booths are designed in a zig zag way. We built them so they gave room and privacy enough for a football player and a basketball player. We had real 1 players come in and check the booths for roominess and privacy." Chen said the restaurant's food is authentic Chinese. "We have four chefs specializing in the four principal schools of Chinese cooking: Peking (Northern Chinese style). Szcchuan (Hunan and Western Chinese style). Canton (Foochow or Southern Chinese style) and Shanghai (Eastern Chinese style). We also have a chef specializing in appetizers," Chen said. "Faculty members at UNC have given us much input on every thing. That's their contribution. "The whole idea of our restaurant is summarized in one sentence on our exterior sign, 'Enjoy Chinese food in the depth of Chinese culture!" 1 6" " i Out ttt-" -J:"-.' i lit r'' i ;w - f I $miiS?-S l 111 Staff photo by Roum Wilson This is one of the over 900 square feet of murals painted and designed by UNC chemistry student Afsin Meymandi for the Peking Garden Restaurant. r