2 The Daily Tar Heel Monday, October 31, ompus Compiled by Jodi Bishop Public eervice announcement mud bo turned m to the box outside trie DTH office in the Union by 1 00 p.m. it they (re to run the next day Eech Hem will run at least twice ACTIVITIES TODAY The Ceroena Club Football ear caravan to Raleigh will meet at 12:30 p.n. at Navy Field to to to the UNC-N.C. State match. The fame nana at p.m. The School o4 Education will hold pre-reglermtlon advisory aaaalont (or all undergraduatt majors from 4 to 6 p m in Pea body Hall Studenn should check the notica potted in Peabody Hall for the local ion of htete meetinp. A llelaawaen Harveat Celebration at planned for the campus from aooa to 3 p.m. ia the Pit. Entertainment which includei the Hickory Hollow Bluearau Band and the Apple Chill Clogarrs will be leal ured. A Monelar Maah Dlaco wiU be held in Great HaU from p m. to midnight with Roy Rosen 's Dynamite Diaco and Light Show. Admission to the diaco it free with a lludent ID and proof of age Bring your own beer and wine. A UNCCC Short Court entitled PL I (Session 3) will be held at ) p.m. ia 228 Phillip Hall. Aa MM Snort Court entitled Survey Research (Station 3) wil he held at 2 p.m. ia 209 Manning Hall. AI students interested in the Poetical Science Honors Program arc invited to a meeting at 3:30 p.m. Monday in 510 H aminos HaU. A colloquium iponaored by the Department of Computer Solano entitled The Tamable-Layout Problem will be held at 4 p.m. in 107 Smith. The speaker will he Herbert Freeman, protestor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Lab Theatre presents "An Evening of One-Acts" at 8 p m. in 06 Graham Memorial: "Tynan' by Schistal and 'Marriage PropossT by Chekov. Admission is free. Tickets are available outside the bos office in Graham Memorial or sign the waiting list outside 06 Graham Memorial, This is a project of MFA Acting Students. WXYC News has openings for local reporter. Experience not required. Chance to work with copy editing, feature wnlina. Faculty opinion forces change in Code Continued from page 1. "The feeling coming through is that of a police state with a faculty-student adversary relationship," Thompson said. The committee will consider its recommendations to the Faculty Council at 3:30 p.m. today in 310 Davie Correction In a story in the Daily Tar Heel Friday on black and female faculty members reactions to Chancellor N. Ferebee Taylor's call for increased recruitment of minority faculty, two quotations were misattributed to Johnny L. Greene, assistant professor of English. Blyden Jackson, special assistant to the dean of the graduate school, not Greene, said Taylor's call for increased recruitment of blacks and females was more than a defensive action stemming from recent Department of Health, Education and Welfare guidelines asking for an increase in the number of black and female faculty members at the University. Jackson, and not Greene, also said, "I've talked with Taylor more than once about this. His report is more than a gesture; it comes from years of study. He has given profound thought and diligent attention to the matter." The Daily Tar Heel regrets the' error. 1977 calendar - production and sports. Attend newt meeting si 4 p. m. in room 2 1 3 Carolina Union or call 933-7768. The UNC Club Volleyball team will scrimmage the Duke Club ' Volleyball team at 7 p.m. in Women't Gym. The public is invited to attend. The UNC Astronomy Club will hold its monthly Hireling at 7:30 p.m. in room 224 Phillips Hall. Dr. Jon Thomas will speak on "The Role of the Amateur Astronomer." Upcoming club activities also will be discussed. Carolina Bridge Club will hold its club championship at 7:30 p.m. in Room 209 Carolina Union. All players SI. 00, tiudents 75 cents. UPCOMING EVENTS The Carolina Union Performing Arte Committee will meet at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge, Carolina Union. All interested person are encouraged to attend. I hr Outing Club will meet 7 p.m. Tuesday in. room 207 of the Carolina Union. Upcoming trips will he discussed and a film about the club will be shown. Parliamo Italiano. Come to the Tevola Mariana 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Rendervous (formerly Tello's). Eokankar, The Path ot Total Awareness, presents a film "Eckankar: A Way of Life" 7: 30 p.m. Wednesday in Toy Lounge on the fourth floor of Dey Hall. Free admission. The Premed-Predental Society. Alpha Epallon Delta will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in 103 Berryhill Hall. The topic is "Forensic Pathology An Unusual Forum of Health Care Delivery" by Dr. Page Hudson. Everyone is welcome. Young Democrats and others campaigning fur the Gubernatorial Succession Amendment and Democratic candidates for Aldermen, will meet 7 p.m. Tuesday at 3 !9Connor. Hall. Recommendations of the Committee on Student Conduct (COSC) are to delete the "rat clause" (the requirement that students report violation of the Honor Code by other students), to begin a system of faculty proctoring and to increase the severity of sanctions handed down by the student honor courts. Thompson said the committee is considering several options for its recommendation to the Faculty Council, including recommending that the proposals of COSC be adopted as they are, that the proposals be rejected, that the Faculty Council adopt the proposals with modifications or that the proposals be sent back to the Committee on Student Conduct. "We've talked to Henry Boren (secretary of the faculty), and he said we could do any of those things," Thompson said. A forthcoming proposal, which the committee is not considering now, would change the composition of the honor courts to include faculty members as well as students. This proposal has not been sent to EPC because the method of placing minority members on the Honor Court currently aiiift If you are interested in math, physics or engineering, the Navy has a program you should know about. It's called the NUPOC-Collegiate Program (NUPOC is short for Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate), and if you qualify it can pay you as much as $611 a month for the remainder of your senior year. Then after 16 weeks of Officer Candidate School, you will receive an additional year of advanced technical education, education that would cost thousands in a civilian school, but in the Navy we pay you. And at the end of the year of training, you'll receive a $3,000 cash bonus. It isn't easy. Only one of every six applicants will be selected, and there are fewer than 300 openings. But those who make it find themselves in one of the most elite engineering training programs anywhere. With unequalled hands-on responsibility, a $24,000 salary in four years, plus travel, medical benefits and education opportunities. For more details on this program, ask your placement officer when a Navy representative will be on campus, or call the Officer Program Office listed below; or send your resume to Navy Nuclear Officer program, Code 312, 4015 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va. 22203. The NUPOC-Collegiate Program. It can do more than help you finish college; it can lead to an exciting opportunity. OFFICER PROGRAMS OFFICE, NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT, 000-000-0000 HR? Am?. Posters will he given and assignments made lor election day. The 1977 Homecoming Dane and Concert sponsored annually by the General Alumni Association will he held from 9 p.m. to I a.m. Saturday. Nov. 5 in Woollen Gym. Music will be provided by the Shirellcs and Swamp Fox. Tickets are $7.50 per person. (Two for the price of one lor studenis only). Tickets available daily at Alumni Office. Alumni House. Doug Mayes front YBTV in Charlotte will be in the Pit at noon Tuesday to tape "man on the ttreel" interviews for "On The Square" newt feature. Sociology Department Career Night 7 p.m. Tuesday at 151 Hamilton Hall. Career planning advisers and representatives of potential employers and various graduate and professional programs will be on hand to provide information and answer questions. ITEMS OF INTEREST Vote for your Lady Blue in this Wednesday's Homecoming Queen Election. Orders lor flowers will be taken at all voting booths at the Carolina Union. Undergraduate l ibrary, and i YMCA. . ' The Term Paper Clinic, a sers ice ottered by the Undergraduate Library Reference Department, begins Tuesday and will continue throughout the semester. Sign up at the 1)1. Reference Desk for help through research stages of your term paper. Womancrafl-Handmade goods. Free demonstrations and special orders Creative workshops and classes. Exhibited in early November will be hats and scarves, and for the remainder of the month dolls. Come by 412 W. Franklin St. across from McDonald's or call 929-8.162. Free portraits will be taken every weekday from no until Nov. 4 for the 1978 Yackety Yack. All undergraduate, graduate and professional students should make appointments at the Carolina Union from 9 to 3 p m. Applications are now being accepted from graduate and professional students interested in serving on the Kerr Lake Committee Call the GPSF ollice at 9.13-5675. The Carolina Court Review, an evaluation ot professors and courses n available in the Undergraduate Library and at the Union Desk. The Fine Arte Festival is sponsoring a logo contest. The winning entry will be the official logo. Entries aredue by Nov. I2and may be submitted to Box 315 Carolina Union. is being challenged in the courts. The minority-court rule permits an accused student to request that four of the seven judges on the trial bench of the Honor Court be of his or her race or sex. The procedure was declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in July. The case has been appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The EPC meeting is open to all interested students and faculty members. LUNCH BUCK n Tifi.es eeARUxb OH coupon n ZZl. CA"sJil V 05 W. u i Y iVCaa V tc M m aaaaaaaV L W Baf ' III " A 12 jmww u mi Afj km? 13 Trial period ends today Board to Today is the end of the trial period for night taxi service set in a contract agreement reached earlier this month by Chapel Hill and the University. No decision on the future of the service is expected this week by Paul Arne, student transportation director. Arne says UNC and town officials will evaluate the system this week. In the contract agreement, the shared-ride service would be re-evaluated if the average nightly ridership fell below 100. The average has been about 55 riders per night. The Chapel Hill Transportation Board will discuss what Tape player, radio, banner and wallet among items stolen An eight-track tape player and an AM FM radio were stolen from an automobile parked at a Manning Drive parking deck Thursday, University Police reported. Vicky Evans of Rt. 3, Hillsborough told police she discovered the theft when she returned to her unlocked car at 2:58 p.m. Thursday. A banner belonging to Playmakers Repretory Company was stolen between 10:30 and 1 1:30 a.m. Sunday.The6-foot by 12-inch black and white burlap banner was valued at $80. Shu-Hui Ong, a clinical sciences employee, told police her wallet was missing from an unlocked room wrfile she was out to lunch Thursday. Missing items include several credit cards, the victim's driver's license and $10 cash. Jinny Lingner of 401 Seven St. reported her red backpack, shoes and a change of clothes missing from Fetzer Field Sunday. The backpack was later found in the nearby woods and returned to University Police. Total value of the missing items is S20. s RESERVE COlPON 2 TACOS or . ENCHILADAS lH ITACO.SMAU chili '&0kqq -rajk Ad feja ' " sv OT-r-et IOWT 4mk Z:SO fcVIRY MY TO toe, 11 i 1 discuss night on dropping the surcharge, but it prooaoiy win oe oone. HOT AND DELICIOUS SOUPS AND DONUTS "Best Coffee In Town" ewae i 4je fcriiiiaeel 407 w Franklin OPEN 24 HOURS SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FRESHMAN You can still be eligible for Air Force ROTC in our 3 12 year program. Pre-registration for AERO 11a, 11b, and 31 L allows you to catch up now.. Scholarships are available. $100 tax free monthly allowance. Approximately $12,000 starting salary. SEE CAPTAIN ANDERSON, 201 LENOIR HALL, OR CALL 933-20742143. DTH Classifieds Announcements UNBELIEVABLE! SKI VAIL, COLORADO with the UNC Ski Club over spring break! Only $376.00 for lodging, lifts, airfare and Denver transfers. A refundable" deposit of $75.00 is due before 9:00 a.m. Monday,Novemuer 7. Fiist 23 . deposits get to go. Circle Tours. 942-4196; Bill Verch 933 2567 on Oct. 31. UNC SKI CLUB MEETING. Tuesday, November 1, 7:00 p.m. in 111 Murphey. Bring Vail deposit! Legal Clinic of Winston, Coleman, and Bernholz Offering legal services at reasonable prices at convenient times. Services available are: Uncontested Divorces $125 plus court costs Name changes $35 plus court costs Consultation $15 for 30 minutes For an appointment call 929 0394. Legal clinic located in NCNB Plaza above Blimpie's. Tickets NEED TO BUY FIVE TICKETS to Blue-White game. Desiderate! Call Steve at 933 8618. Please keep trying and or leave message! I NEED ONE OR TWO Blue-White tickets. Please call Trent at 933-3831! NEEDED TICKETS (guest or student) to the Blue-White Basketball game. Phone 933-2780 or 9332777. NEED 3 OR 4 TICKETS for Clemson UNC game. Any seals will do (as long as they're close together). Call 933 5114 immediately (keep trying)! For Sale SAILBOAT - Alcort Sailfish 138" bng, 125 pounds, fiberglass, blue and white. Good condition. Can be carried on car lop. $365.00. Call 933 9657 after 5:30. Help Wanted NEED MONEY? Sell Lacoste sportswear on campus. High profits, info, call (215) 387 8882. Write: Golden Gator, Inc., 506 S. 41st St., 2K, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. TEACHER NEEDED. Local Christian school needs experienced first grade leacher. Sponsored by a fundamental church. Write or call Liberty Christian Schools, P.O. Box 11 186, Durham. 668 7616. OVERSEAS JOBS summeryear-round. Europe, S- America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500 $1200 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free inform. Write: Internatbnal Job Center, Dept. NL, Box 4490, Berkeley, CA 94704 ' ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Looking for a part time job with good income, flexible hours, and real experience with a career opportunity in the business world? Call Jim Morgan, Northwestern MutualLife,94241jj7. For Rent 4 BEDROOM HOUSE in country for rent. $250 monthly. Kids, nMs ok Cull 942 2512. Keep trying Lost and Found LOST: WOMAN'S BEIGE WOOL JACKET in Alum-it 1 1.11 Reward Call 383 5827. taxi service revisions it will suggest for the service at its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Municipal Buuaing. John Temple, UNC vice chancellor for business and finance, has suggested the town consider dropping the 25 cent surcharge for the taxi service and include some fixed-route bus service at night. ' However, Arne says the most important revision for the taxi service was instituted when the required one-hour advance notice for pick-up was eliminated. "I am undecided F . a t t -It V.J 942-7870 LOST: ALL GOLD, square, ladies watch, at or around Kenan Stadium, October 22. Sentimental value. Please call 933-8224 and claim reward. LOST: ON CAMPUS, men's brown glasses with "Austria" written inside frame. Call 942 1486. FOUND: A PAIR of girl's glasses in the Student Health Center. Contact Dr. Schaeferle. LOST: NORTH FORSYTH HIGH School class ring. White gold, ruby stone. Initials JRR. Lost October 17, reward offered. If found contact Jeanna 933-4737. Roommates Needed ROOMMATE WANTED for house in country. Ten miles from campus. Female preferred. Call 362 4214 after 6:00 p.m. for information. Pleasant atmosphere and nice people. Miscellaneous 1NSTA-COPY offset printing. & quick copying while you wait. 100 satisfaction guaranteed. Check our fast service and bw price on theses work. Insta-copy, corner of Franklin & Columbia, (over the Zoom). 929-2147 ' RE-ELECT ALDERMAN SILVER, because Marvin uses his technical skills as. a physicist for our benefit, such as a noise ordinance fair to students Bruce Tindall, UNC Law. RE-ELECT GERRY COHEN to the Chapel Hill Board of Aldermen. He's worked hard for better bus service and against Southern Bell rate hikes. Vote Gerry Cohen, Tuesday, November 8. PARENTS AND FRIENDS OF UNC. Don't miss out on all the campus news. Subscribe to THE DAILY TAR HEEL this fall. Personal JOEY, CINDY, GLENDA: Land Shark returns! Beware UNICEF collectors on Halloween. Trick or Treat! A warning from Debbie and Susan. H. Mc. - BEWARE OF THE SPOOK lurking in your shadow. He's searching ior a Halloween treat. Tha Dally Tar Haat la published by tha Dally Tar Heel Board ol Directors ot rhs University ol North Carolina dally Monday through Friday during tha ragular academic year aicapl during axam period, vacallona and aummar aaaalona. Tha following data ara to ba tha only Saturday laauts: Sapt. 17, Oct 1, 8, 22, No. 5. Tha Summar Tar Haal la published weekly on Thuradaya during tha aummar aaaalona. Ottlcaa ara at tha Frank Portar Graham Studant Union Building, University ot North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27S14. Tataphona numbara: Newe, Sports S33-0245, (33-0248, 933-0252, 933-0372; Quslntss, Circulation, Advartlalng-933-1163. , Subscription ralaa: $25 par year, $12.50 par ' aamaatar. Tha Campus GovtrnWig Council ahall hasa powara to dalarmlna tha Studant ActMtlaa Faa and to approprlals all ravanua darlvad from tha Studant ActMtlaa Faa (1.1.14 ot tha Studant Conatltutlon). Tha Dally Tar Haal la a atudant organization. Tha DaMy Tar Haal ratarvas tha right to ragulata lha typographical tons of all advarUtamants and to rarlaa or turn away copy H conatdara obactionabta. Tha Dally Tar Haal will not consldar adluatmanta or paymant lor any typographical arrora or arronaous Insertion unlaaa notica la glsan to tha Bualnaaa Managar within (1) ona day altar tha advartlsamant appaara, within (1) day of racalsing tha tsar ahaata or subscription ol tha papar . Tha Dally Tar Haal will not ba raaponslbla tor mora than ona ktcorract Insertion of an advatlaamanl achadulad to run aavaral llmts. Notica lor such correction muat ba given tutors the neat Insertion. Vema Taylor . Dan Coll'ns . . . . . Business Managor . Adverting Manapaf

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