2 Th Daily Tar Heol Wednesday, February 15. 1978 2 Juoriol candidates BiSScnfs iM-, , '."""!; English economic RTVMP ' 5 Assistant pre secretary. Editor, high school ... J: Massachusetts state yearbook. government; writer, . Carolina . magazine; ., associate editor, DTH. . ... f ' r, - Too many mundane lack ot a cohesive I-stories ort Faculty . editorial policv. Cr;.-if, CGC, etc. -'''' v ,1 Broaden coverage. . Establish editorial board . I... of organizational leaders. P "' " , i f -: T ' K't important foens of Most important Ovns ot D77 hot coverage must DTH. Ik' broadened, . . . : ; j: DTH should be voice of DTH should seek input student body as a whole. from various organizations. L : ' '.' Starred distribution at No suggestions. of'.L'n-ur.ed drop boxes. i,'. . Run smaller paper in the No suggestions. inn tnus making it possible to use the money Mvrr! fn run birpirp.mrrs ... ..... . Ballots available for nominating distinguished undergrad teachers Ballots are now available for Distinguished Teaching Awards, presented annually to full-time UNC faculty members for excellence in undergraduate teaching. Six awards will be presented. They are the Nicholas Salgo Distinguished Teaching Award, which is accompanied by an honorarium of $1,500; four Tanner Awards valued at $1,000 apiece; and an Amoco Foundation Good Teaching Award, also worth $1,000. Ballots may be obtained at theCampus Y. the undergraduate and graduate libraries, the Carolina Union. Chase Cafeteria, the Pine Room, the cafeteria in Berryhill. the Health Sciences Library and the Medical election Continued from page 1. Mark Adams is running unopposed lor president of the Graduate and Professional Student Federation. The following students are running forCampus Governing Council seats: District I. Bruce Tindall: 2. Michael Freeman: 3. Melissa Walker: 4. 5 and 6. no candidates (write in): 7. Joseph Newton: 8. R. Glenn Cutler: 9. Rhonda Black; 10. Al Godwin: I I.Jimmy Everhart.Gary Mason; 12. Mark Mann: 13. Tom Buske. Michael Davis. Meg Milroy; 14. Bob Long. Clay Shugart; 15. Chris Capel, Steve Jacobson; 16. Debbie Weston. Walter Shroeder; 17. no candidates (write-in): 18. Charles Carpenter, Lyndon Fuller: 19. no candidates (write in); 20. Randall Williams. A list of apartments, sorority and fraternity houses and their districts will be posted at the off campus polling places. Center Bookstore. They must be returned to 201 Steele Building by Feb. 24. "Students and professors are encouraged to nominate teachers and professors who have demonstrated what they believe to be excellence in undergraduate teaching." said Hal Levinson. a member of the Chancellor's student-faculty Committee on Distinguished Teaching Awards. This committee will present the nominations to Chancellor N. Ferebec Taylor, who will make the final decisions. Persons making nominations are encouraged to indicate their reasons for believing a particular faculty member should receive one of these awards. "This is one of the lew chances lacultv members have lobe rewarded for teaching as opposed to the usual emphasis on research." Levinson said. "And it's a good chance for students to support what they believe the conception of a good faculty member to be." Former recipients of the Distinguished l eaching Award include Doris Betts. Robert Bain. E. W. Brooks. Jeffrey Obler. Gerald Unks and Sam Williamson. Professors who have won awards within the past live years are ineligible this year. 4-; .,?-Ml Don't Be A Hot Dog Read the Daily Tar Heel housing Continued from page 1. I! I w ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS STUDENTS PRESENTS A nAL ESTATE SPEAKER FOP.L'M, FEATURING Zack Bacon Rick Pindell r t, N.C. P. -altars Assoc. N.C. Real Estate Educ. Found. Frce- Fccdty Lounge, 3rd Floor, Old Carroll 4:00 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 16 -Everyone Welcome- college or simply say 'any men's hall' if he wants to." she said. She also noted that a student who is readmitted to his dorm usually retains priority over the room in which he is currently living. If both roommates are readmitted to their dorm and want the same room but don't want to room together, the roommate who has submitted his application with another student, must move out of his former room. The single student cannot be forced out of the room because of the priority rule. Gibbs said students desiring designated single rooms should make a note somewhere on their contract because a large number of single rooms are available each year. She also said that this year for the first time. Granville Towers residents who wish to move into University housing will be allowed to enter their names (along with students closed out in the general drawing) into the lottery for spaces on the central wailing list. Th Daily Tr HMl is puWWMd by ttw DaOy Tw HmI Board of DlractMiaf tha Unlvaraity at North Carolina daily Monday threuotl FrMiy during tha , regular acaa'amla yaar aoaat Witt aaa parioo. vacations anal awfflmar aasatovtc THs following datas ara to ba tha anty Saturday iaauaa: tapt. 17. Oot. 1. S. 22. Nov. Tha $ummar Tar Haal la pub li abas' wnafcly on Thursday during tha aammsi aasaams. OWom ara at tha Frank Portar Oraham Studant Union BuUding. Univarsity al North CsroNna. Chapal Hi. N.C. 27114. Talaahaaa mmaara: Nawa. SporU-33-024S. S334244. S3J 0252. 813-0372; Buamssa. ClrcuteOot). Advartiatne-B33-11S2. Subaoriptlon rntac 2S par yaar: 12.BO par Tha Campus Oovarniiif CounoH ahaS Ksva powari to daurmina tha Studant AatWtldi Fas and to approprisM aH ravexua dortvad from tha 8tudont AetMtfes Faa (1.1.14 of tha SsudaM Constitution!. Tha Daily Tar Haal it a Mudant organisation. Tha OaHy Tatllasl rsiarvss tha riofn la rspulats Wu typographical Wrta Of aisiiiisillasni mi to raviai or turn away ospy k oonaidara aajae Uonabta. Tha DaMy Tar Haal wW not aowaldar ad juatmanta or payntant lor any typoprapMcal . arrors or arronaoiis tnaartlon yiMaaa notloa is givan to tha Sualnass Manaoar Srtthln 1 Iowa day aftsrthaaoanlsswamsppaars.wMn1)dayof raooiving tha taar ahaatt or suuaeilplton pf (ha papar. Tha Dairy Ttr Haal vrM not aaroaponaaMs for more thaw one iMOtvtot inrt4ou of mi mIvw tiMtmnt ichsdutvd to fun wiffll ttmoV Mottoo pnMftion. Cltiro Bftgtvy Butirwi Mnft Dan CoHmt Admtiuing MtMtg&r v ? f a n o , , , 'm. ,' : 'k.. . , J( 3 ssmssmssc-"- The fact that The MBAMcalculator was designed for business professionals is a great reason for buying one while you're a student. We designed The MBA to help professionals arrive at fast, accurate answers to a broad range of business and financial problems. The same ones you'll face in your busi ness classes. more difficult calculations at the touch of a key. Instantly. Accurately. You may also enter your own programs up to 32 steps long, saving significant time if Interest, annuities, ac counting, finance, bond analy sis, real estate, statistics, marketing, forecasting, quanti tative methods and many more course applications are in your hands with The MBA. This powerful calculator also features preprogrammed functions that let you perform 1978 Texas Instruments incorporated I you'redoing repetitive classwork problems. The MBA comes with an illustrated text, "Cal culator Analysis for Business and Fi nance." This new guide shows Texas Instruments INCORPORATED you how simple calculator analysis can be with The MBA calculator. It's 288 pages of understandable, easy-to-follow reading. And it's coupled to more than 100 real-world ex amples that show you step-by-step how to make calculator analysis work for you as never before. Ifyou're building a career in business, The MBA business financial calculator can be one of your;strongest cornerstones. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ...INNOVATORS IN PERSON AL ELECTRONICS ii "ShST" Texas Instruments I N C UK r'U K A I t- U . If ! .nipi nr or " 1 - - f f f (LiUOuO(B(flJ HELP RESTORE PRDE IN N.C. and help defeat Jesse Helms; come to a 'Friends of Luther Hodges' meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15 in Union Room 209. Lillian Woo will be present to answer questions. MEET THE DEMOCRATIC SENATE CANDIDATE best able to beat Jesse Helms. State Senator McNeill Smith will speak and discuss issues with students today, 2:00 p.m. at the Pit. FOR SALE: MEN'S CENTURION 10-SPEED bike in excellent condition. Price negotiable. Call 967-5692 or 933-7788 evenings. GRANVILLE EAST CONTRACT for immediate sale. Negotiable discount. Call 933-1931. Keep trying. 1971 RAT 124 SPIDER (CONVERTIBLE). Red wnew custom tan interior. Wire wheel covers, AMFM stereo. Carefully maintained, outstanding condition. 88,000 miles. $1950. 383 5140 (Durham). 1970 OPa KADETT RALLYE, 65,000 Mi, good cond., $900. Call 493-2359 (Durham) after 7, or 933-7533 (Day, ask for Tara). $50 REWARD for information leading to the recovery of portrait of Zeb Vance removed from the Phi Gam house on 21. 968-9033, 108 W. Cameron. FOUND: HONDA CAR KEY in Union parking lot Thursday night. Contact Kyle at 933-4483, identify the rams head key ring and its yours. LOST: 1975 GREENE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL class ring. Blue stone. Initials LWP inside. In or near Rosenau Hall or Phillips Computation Center. Call 942-3081 after 5. FOUND: ONE BROWN GLOVE in front of Howell, Sat. afternoon. I'm going to keep it and look for the other one. Che lives! LOST: GREEN DOWN JACKET at the Bacchae on Friday night. Call Charlie at 933-1558. Reward. No questions asked. FOUND: SILVER ID BRACELET engraved "Gwen" between Wilson and South Building, Monday afternoon. Call Liza 967-1636. LOST - GOLD BENRUS CALENDAR, WATCH Lost Tuesday after 5 p.m. in vicinity of racquet ball courts and gym. Reward offered. Call Clay 967-2062 after 5. COUNSELORS FOR PRIVATE CAROUNA Co-Ed Summer camp, mid June to mid August. Only clean cut conservative college students need apply. Camp Pinewood, 1801 Cleveland Rd., Miami Beach, Fla. 33141. GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR WANTED, male or female, excellent hourly rate, only experienced need apply. Call 976 0306. OVERSEAS JOBS Summeryear-round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500-$ 1200 monthly, expenses paid, sightseeing. Free information Write: BHP Co., Box 4490, Dept. NL, Berkeley, CA 94704 SELL SOME SUNSHINE on the street, on campus, in dorms. THE SUN is a Amagazine of Ideas, the only publication in North Carolina you can't put a label on. Vendors give us 50t for every $1 issue sold. If you're unfamiliar with THE SUN, send $1 for a sample copy. THE SUN, Box H.412 West Rosemary Street, Chapel Hill. THERE IS AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for you to interact and befriend international students. Be an orientation counselor for next fall's program. Sign up at International Center in Bynum Hall today. THE UPWARD BOUND PROJECT is recruiting UNC students to tutor 10th, 11th and 12th grade high school students. If interested, please call 933 1281 or 933-1282 or come by 201 Vance Hall and sign up. We need you! CIRCULATION AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGER WANTED IMMEDIATELY! Contact Mrs. Bagley at the DTH office in the Student Union. Bldg. Hours are flexible for this part-time job. Ideal for student schedule. TENNIS PROS AND ASSISTANT PROS -Seasonal and year-round clubs; good playing and teaching background. Call (301) 654-3770, or send 2 complete resumes and 2 pictures to: Col. R. Reade, W.T.S., 8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1011. Chevy Chase, MD 20015. , BOBBY WHEELER: If life is a bowl of cherries then you are the pits! Wild Cherry Inc. TO THE CUPIDS OF BETAS, Phi Dehs, Dekes, KA, SAE; we hold your composites close to our hearts. Happy Valentine's, love for the devilish sweethearts. WELL, BEV, YOU CAUGHT IT TOO! Not the flu but twenty-two! Happy B.D. - from J&J in 103. LETS GO SKIING! The UNC SKI CLUB has a chartered bus going to Sugar Mountain for skiing 6 p.m. -10 p.m. this Friday, 17th. Depart C.H. 1 p.m. Cost: $9.50 plus $1.00 for non-members including transportation and party. Not included -lift ($6.00), equipment ($5.00). Sign up at Union Desk by Wednesday. Ray Luce, 933-24. DAYTONA BEACH! This is going to be THE Carolina Beach trip for spring break. We've got a fantastic deal for only $11950 (includes transportation)- C'mon join us! Bill Verch, 933 2567. (Drive-to available). C SUMMER JOBS FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Camps Glen Arden for Girls and Arrowhead for Boys, located in the midst of a 1000 acre tract of , Appalachian Mountain forest, need counselors for their five-week 1978 summer sessions. Primary requisite is a sincere love for children. Teaching ability is desirable in one or more of the following areas: backpacking and wilderness camping, rockclimbing, Whitewater canoeing, horseback riding (English), gymnastics, nature, crafts, woodworking, fly fishing, music, land and water sports. If interested, Contact J. O. Bell III, Arrowhead Glen Arden, Tuxedo, N.C. 28784 WANTED - NON-SMOKING GRADUATE STUDENT to live with two female medical students in condominium. Furnished room; laundry. Kitchen, pool, tennis courts, $100 plus 13 utilities. Occupancy immediately. 967-6079. Legal Clinic of Winston, Coleman, and Bernholz Offering legal services at reasonable orices at convenient times. Some of the services available are: UnconteVeITvorces: ;3- ..-;V.'" ,$90';.pfe.c9urcosts Name changes $35 plus court costs Consultation $15 for 30 minutes V r- (,- For an appointment call 929-0394. Legal clinic located in NCNB Plaza above Blimpie's. CAMPUS COPY CENTER - Copies 5t and under. Fastest, highest quality copies in town. Nobody else has the Xerox 9200 "Miracle Machine" that makes copies better than the original. You get to watch while we do it in a matter of few seconds. Located in big house on the alley, campus side of Franklin Street. Phone 929-3119. INSTA-COPY Offset printing and quick copying while you wait. 100 satisfaction guaranteed. Check our fast service and low prices on theses work. Insta-Copy, corner of Franklin & Columbia (over the Zoom), 929-2147. WE REALLY CANT AFFORD this ad, but we're running it anyway. Why? Because even though we've been publishing The Sun here in Chapel Hill for four years, not enough people know about us and we think it's time they did. The Sun is a Magazine of Ideas. It's the only magazine in North Carolina where you can read about childbirth at home, black holes in space, world hunger, dreams, Ram Dass, spiritual fascism, nulcear energy, psychic readings and much more. Published monthly, it's an exquisite blend of articles, poetry, photographs, artwork, humor, and the gentle inspiration we all sometimes need. Does this sound like your kind of magazine? Send $4.50 for a half-year subscription (6 issues). If . you're disappointed with your first issue, send it back and we'D refund all your money. Or just send $1 for a sample copy. Write THE SUN, Box 732, Dept. H, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. HELLO BEAUTIFUL, I LOVE YOU! A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck. Please come back. I will always love you, T. NEW YORK CITY NATIVES interested in helping a Speech 192 class create a workshop indicative of the culture, call 9294168 and ask for Laura. ATTENTION FACULTY AND GRADUATE STUDENTS: HESHE, the Triangles personalized, non-computerized dating service is having a special for professionals like you. Watcn for coupon tn Friday's DTH. HESHE, P.O. Box 1109, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 TO THE GIRL AT THE GRADUATE Saturday night: "I know you from somewhere." Let's get better acquainted. Meet me Wed. 15 at 10 p.m. in the front of the Undergraduate Library. CONGRATULATIONS TO STEVE BRADY, who won the DTH Valentines Dinner for two! To claim your dinner, see the receptionist at the DTH office. r i Q I! 111 . , f -, , BROCCOLI. BROCCOLI. Fresh, frozen, I don't care anymore! How 1 long to taste it, to smell it, to hear the word (sigh) just to hear the word. SARAH, URSULA, SALLY, ANN, NANCY -1 love you all Doug (that's if you don't know, dummy) . Watch out for Fred. P.S. Please come to Boston. FRANK: Thanks for the Valentine! I smiled all day. "M:s. Robinson." y Classified info Pick up ad forms in any classified box at all DTH pickup spots or at DTH Office Return ad and check or money order to DTH Office 12:00 (noon) I day before the ad will run or in campus mail 2days before. Ads must be prepaid. Rates: 25 words or less Students $1.50 Non-Students 2.50 5c for each additional word 51.00 for boxed ad or bold type