! . i 2 The Daily Tar Heel Wednesday, February 22, -campus calendai Public service announcements mult be turned In Union by 1:00 p m. If they ere to run the new day ACTIVITIES TODAY The Chapel HM Ecot will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. in 209 Bint ham. All mem hen art urged to come and help plan a party. COA will sponsor a volleyball game at 7 p.m. on Court 7 of Woollen Gym. Everyone ts invited The Lutheran Campus Ministry will meet at S: 13 p.m. at the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church A Campus Center on Rosemary Street. Holy Communion is at 5: 1 J p.m. followed by supper at 6 p.m. Paul Crawley, news reporter for WRAL-TV in Raleigh will speak at 1:30 pm. in Room 202 Carolina Union at a meeting of the CSB. Broedcatt Joumallem Student!, CSB members and other interested persons are invited to attend. Career Planning and Placement will sponsor two workshops: a one-hour resume workshop at 2 p.m. in 2 10 Hints and a career planning workshop at J p.m. in 30b Hancs. All interested students are invited. Education seniors and graduate students seeking employment who want to use the services of the Career Planning end Placement Office are invited to attend an orientation meeting from 2 to 4 pm in 201 Peahody Hall. Sign up in 21 1 Hanesif you plan to attend. All spectrum of jau, from New Orleans Dixieland to contemporary electric will be featured on the Jau Show 9 p m to midnight Wednesdays on WXYC 89.3 FM-RadioFreeCarolina. UPCOMING EVENTS The Mid-Cempua Chapter of Inter-varelty Chrlatien Fellowship will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Room 2 IS Carolina Union. The topic "The Church - Just an Option" will be discussed. Everyone is invited. The South Campus Chapter ol the lnler-arlty Chrlatien Fellowship will meet at 6 p m. Thursday in Parker Lounge. The meeting will include singing and a discussion of future plans. Everyone is welcome. All members of the North Caroline Student Legislature arc urged to attend the Bill Rook Party from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday in Jf .sjtMfirm-yiiiWii fyiiiMiii ' Everybody's rushing to the Student Store's Annual Clothing Clearance Sale Just in time for Spring Break! A Large Selection of T's, Jerseys, Jackets, Sweaters, Rugby s, Ten nis Shirts and odds and ends, now Misprints There's More In The ( i T MM I f 1978 to the box outside the DTH offices in the Efch item will run at least twice Room 202 Carolina Union Popular i-nntcmporan dances will he demonstrated. Refreshments and music are provided. The UNC Juggler Association w ill meet at 4 p m Thursday outside 106 Berryhill. Beginners and non-jugglers who would like to learn are especially invited Collegiate Clvltana mil meet at 6.JO p m Thursda in Room 213 Carolina Union. Visitors invited Career Planning and Placement will sponsor a meeting lor students in the Fducation-Spccial Protect Group Irom I to 2:30 p.m. fhuriday at Seawell School. Mary Miller will he pcrtorming at 9 p m Ihuisdav at Deep Jonah. . The Flrat Collegian Baaamaatera will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at 749 Hinton James. Discussion will (ocus on the upcoming Lake Burner loutnamcnt Hoi more inhumation, call Keith Brewer at 933-4763. The Granville Chapter of Intor-varaily Chrlatlan Fellowship is featuring the Christian folk-rock band at 7 p m. Friday in the Chapel ol the Cross pat lor Everyone is invited Gordon A. Craig, a noted historian, will deliver (he John Snell Memorial lecture at 8 pm, Thursday in 111 Murphy. He will speak on "German Academic Youth and Bourgeois Society" Admission is free. BSM will hold a general body meeting and a "Meet the Candidates" meeting at 7 p.m. Vhursday in the Upendo Lounge. Plans for the Tenth Year Anniversary will be made. The Union bellydancing class will have a guest to dance and discuss Middle Eastern rhythms at its 7:30 p.m class Thursday. Members of the class are urged to attend. WXYC will give away a case ol beer to one ol Us listeners Friday between 9 p.m. and midnight Portuguese T.A.s will sponsor a Brazilian Carnival at 8 p m Friday at Craige Coffee House All are invited The University Counseling Center has limited openings in a Couples Enrichment Group to meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Nash Hall. If interested, call Ross Sharer or Jim Whiteside at 933-2175 and ask for an appointment. There will be a petition-signing and letter-writing tahlc for the Nanlahala Gorge Highway controversy in the Carolina Union 50 SPECIAL' and slightly damaged Sale starts Monday, February 20 and lasts until we've sold out. p ! J I fit m v .-.3 Li Irom 10 a.m. to 3 p m this Thursday and nrs.1 Monday through 1 hursday. ITEMS OF INTEREST With every subscription to the 1978 Yeckety Yecti get a Irce "Carolina Basketball" ranter. For a Yecti and Irce poster come by Suite D of the Carolina Union any weekday between land 5pm or call 933-1259 tor more mlormation. The price is $10. . Nomination forms for The Order of the GoMen Fleece are available at the Carolina Union desk. Nominations must he In by Feb. 17. Interested in being a counselor at the 197S-7S Freahman Camp? Sign-up sheets for interviews are in Room I02 o) the Campus Y. Interviews will be held Friday. Sunday and Monday . Persons interested in being trained an a Sew Games Rcteree and helping with a town-wide New Garnet Fealhrsl, contact I horn Adorney at 942-665 or Rick Fondren at 929-1 1 1 1 . ext. 2I4. at the Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Department. I he cw Games Festival iv pmorcd bv the Carolina Union Colby support either their government or the American assistance. "The central contradiction (in U.S. policy)," Porter said, "is that the United States supported governments which we knew were unpopular and we maintained them only by military force." Porter said the South Vietnamese hated Diem as much or more than the communists because Diem supported the colonial social system and used massive police reprisals, with CIA help, to stifle dissent. But Richard H unt, an Army historian currently writing a history of the pacification program, said U.S:' policy failed in Vietnam for a different reason. Pacification was brought to a standstill in 1968. Hunt said, by the Tet Offensive, a thrust by communist forces into South Vietnam's major cities that began on Jan. 31, 1968. The communists pushed deep into the cities, at one time reaching merchandise 50$ fi' CT7mM ' x- i 1 i i t Students who will he luniofs, aeniori or graduate atudenle neat yew, who have good verbal eonununlcetloni skins and haw linancial need may he eligible loi a Career Assistanlship at the Career Planning and Placement (Mike lor I97K-79 C areer Assistants help other students with intnrnuiuin and advising on career possibilities. Interested students should call Jane Kendall at W.U507 by Wednesday. Information on internships in stale government tSummcr '78 Internship Program) is now available at Career Planning and Placement. 211 Ha no. Complete apnlicai ions-and support materials must be returned on or before February 27 to the North Carolina Internship Office in Raleigh. Voter registration will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and Thursday at the Chapel Hill Municipal Building and the Carrboro I own Hall and from 9 a m. to 9 p m. at the Chanel Hill Public Library. Current law students or outstanding undergraduates with law -related backgrounds may be eligible for an internship with National Institutes of Health (HEW). Interested students should come by Career Planning and Placement. 21 1 Hanes Hall and read the ml or malum available at the Irom desk. Continued from page 1. the grounds of the U.S. embassy in Saigon, before being repulsed. "The American press by February and March '68," Hunt said, "shocked by the offensive, assumed pacification had been dealt a serious blow." Hunt said the psychological effect of Americans viewing the Tet Offensive led to the eventual U.S. withdrawal from the war. South Vietnam was overrun by North Vietnam in 1975, ending a conflict that had lasted for over two decades. Colby said the South Vietnamese had planned a thrust against the communists in 1976 and anticipated a communist offensive in 1973. The psychological effect of the U.S. Congress' refusal of military aid to South Vietnam, Colby said, was the "root cause" of South Vietnam's downfall. each Second ot third year graduate atudents pursuing a Ph I) in Public Health Willi emphasis on hiostalislics ma he eligible lor a summer internship with the VcU-iuns Administration Interested students should come h t aiccr Planning and Placement. 211 Hanes. and read the mlormation asailahle al the Ironl desk. Seniors and graduate students In chemistry, microbiology, biology, biological eclencee, agriculture, natural reaourcea management, etc. may be eligible lor a summer internship with the rood and Drug Administration IHKWI. Interested students should come by Career Planning and Placement. 2 1 1 Hanes. and read ihe inlormalion availahle at the Ironl desk Sophomore through graduate atudenti majoring in computer aclence, political science, economics or social science and graduate students in social science statistics. iLIg)SDiaiMlg) FOR SALE: EHR1NGHAUS DORM CONTRACT. $ negotiable. Call 933-3484 anytime. Keep trying. UP TO 50 OFF. Pick your own discount during February. Great cold weather & camping gear. Authentic Army-Navy surplus. Poor Richard's, Eastgate Shopping Center, Around corner next to Eckerds. 929-5850. JUST RIGHT FOR SPRING BREAK. . .1970 Hornet, low mileage, new tires, vinyl roof, manual transmission, great condition. 929 8331 (evenings or mealtimes best). 1971 DODGE DART, power steering, air conditioning, extremely clean and dependable. This car a steal at $1,000. Firm. Call 942-7307 or try 929-8364. DIXIE COMPUTERS - Affordable computers for home, and business. Computers, peripherals, books, magazines, wire, cable, components, etc. 108 Henderson (above old Record Bar) 929 8265 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 5-8 p.m. FOUND: AN EXPENSIVE RED pocket knife on the curb in front of the Tri-Delta sorority house, on Pittsboro Street. Call 967-2521 and identify type and claim. LOST: GOLD SIGNET RING with initials J.W.N. Reward offered. Ask for Neal at 968-9068. $20 REWARD LOST men's gold ring, diamond between two blue sapphires. If found please call Randy 933-4233. LOST: AN OPAL RING with white gold setting. Much sentimental value! If found please call 933 1886. Cash reward. CHALLENGING, INTERESTING WEEKEND POSITION requiring dependability, accuracy and pleasant personality. Call 966-4793. ' . OVERSEAS JOBS Summeryear-round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia.etc, AH fields, $500-$1200 monthly, expenses paid, sightseeing. Free information - Write: BHP Co., Box 4490, Dept. NL, Berkeley, CA 94704 APPLY AT ONCE $5.00 per hour part or full time today at 3:30 Room 205 Union. ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Looking for a part-time job with good income, flexible hours, and real experience with a career opportunity in the business world? Call Jim Morgan, Northwestern Mutual Life, 942-4187. SUMMER JOBS FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Camps Glen Arden for Girls and Arrowhead for Boys, located in the midst of a 1000 acre tract of Appalachian Mountain forest, need counselors for their five-week 1978 summer sessions. Primary requisite is a sincere love for children. Teaching ability is desirable in one or more of the following areas: backpacking and wilderness camping, rockdimbing, Whitewater canoeing, horseback riding (English), gymnastics, nature, crafts, woodworking, fly fishing, music, land and water sports. If interested, contact J. O. Bell III, Arrowhead - Glen Arden, Tuxedo, N.C. 28784 TENNIS PROS AND ASSISTANT PROS -Seasonal and year-round clubs; good playing and teaching background. Call (301) 654-3770, or send 2 complete resumes and 2 pictures to: Col. R. Reade, W.T.S., 8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1011, Chevy Chase, MD 20015. . ROOM FOR RENT. Ideal location close to campus. Kitchen and living room privileges. $110 mo., all utilities included. Mature male with good references. Call James Farlow 942-4755. WORK IN JAPAN! Teach English conversation. No experience, degree, or Japanese required. Send long, stamped, self-addressed envelope for details. Japan-163, 411 W. Center, Centralia, WA 98531. COPYQUICK - LOW COST QUALITY COPIES Legalcolor3-hole punch paper - no extra cost. Free sorting Thesesdissertations All work guaranteed Monday-Saturday. 133!4 E. Franklin St. (over N.C. Cafeteria). MCAT REVIEW COURSE $170 tuition. $20 refundable deposit. Why pay more? Begins March 13th. Call 471-4588 or write MCATRC 2532 Glendale Ave., Durham, N.C. 27704 WILL BUY NEW or used Stereo albums and entire collections. Good prices. Call 929-6175, leave name and number. LNSTACOPY offset printing & quick copying while you wait. 100 satisfaction guaranteed. Check our fast service and low price on theses work. Insta-copy, corner of Franklin & Columbia (over the Zoom). 929-2147. ATTENTION FACULTY AND GRADUATE students: He, She the Triangle's personalized, non-computerized dating service is having a special for professionals like you. Watch for coupon in Friday's DTH. He She P.O. Box 1109 Chapel Hill, N C. 27514. accounting, business administration, political science or related lields ma he eligible lor a summer internship with the Office ol Management and Finance. Pent of Justice. Interested students should come by Career Planning and Placement. 211 Hanes. lor more information. Graduate students with eaceptlonal writing and research skills and an interest in and some knowledge of ihe federal government's role in education may be eligible for a summer internship with the Office of Education. HEW. Interested students should come by Career Planning and Placement, 211 Hanes Hall, and read the availahle information. Radio Free Caroline broadcasts 24 hours a day for your aural gratification. Tune them in any time on 89-F M WXYC for a non commercial, progressive rock format. jUelttlllfc.l HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHERRY and an early bon voyage! L & L. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY KATHY! From all your pals, including: Boopie, Mikey, Percy, 227 and Druid. We can't wait for March! P.S. Hope you're well enough to go to Aurora' tonight. TO SNOOZIN SUSAN from Crazy Jane, raise hell tonight till you feel no pain, you're a great roomy. Happy twelve plus seven! ThereH be mixed drinks in Boston but there's no beer in Heaven! CALL AGAIN! I seemed to have lost your number from your call Sunday night. Brent. JKLR: SIX months later and I don't have to "remember to have fun" it comes naturally when I'm with you. Tracy. P.S. Your Christmas present will be finished Saturday night MARTHA JANE! Congrats! 19 at last! Just wait, dear Siamese, IH catch up. Have a wonderful B-day! Love, Bionic Woman, Ahab, Queequeq, Moby, and Raggedy Anne. TO "BIG D" ALIAS UA. Happy 20 in O! In the clothes of our lives, you're a bra! You're so witty! Beware of 20 double-cuties! Love and YSMC fromIBM-140, Bugga-Bugga, Becky II.ILTS, 25, Freudy, Wet-Head, Space Queen, BB-32, and 5 inches off the floor. P.S. You're still a wuss!! DR. BILL, heard your weekend went real well, not counting all the times you fell. You put your family to the test, But we sure hope today's the best! Happy Birthday "B.P."! We luv you, L3. HAPPINESS IS SUE, BILL, Marti, Tricie, Sandy, Julie, Robbie, Dwight, Ken, Peggy, Felix, Spurgeon, J.W.M., Ann, Lynn, Lea, Tom Corbi. My heart goes "boom boom" for yous! Heey! TO THE MEN of the last suite 3rd floor Morrison, thanks for help with dinner Sunday. I enjoyed doing it, y'all made it worthwhile. Your slave. DAYTONA BEACH! This is going to be THE Carolina Beach trip for spring break. We've got a fantastic deal for only $119.50 (including transportation). C'mon join us! Bill Verch 933 2567. 942-4041 (Drive-to available). ' SKYBUS 78 Europe, Israel, Mideast, Asia and Africa at "no frills" prices Global StudentTeacher Travel Service, 521 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 - 212-379-3532. WANTED A RIDE TO BALTIMORE late Thursday or Friday. Return Sunday, will share gas and driving. Urgently needed. Call 942-5035 and ask for Jane D. NEED TWO NON-STUDENT tickets for Duke game. Seats anywhere. Will pay top money. Call 933-5325 ask for Eric. Please leave message if not there. Please help. HELP! WILL PAY $25 for Duke ticket, or $5hour for someone to sit and wait for ticket on Wed. Jeff Trepel 942-2809 or 933-3780. Leave message. NEED TO BUY two tickets to the Duke game. We're desperate! Call 966-1348 during the day or 967-5439967-8491 at night. Nonclassified info Pick up ad forms in any classified box at all DTH pickup spots or at DTH Office. Return ad and check or money order to DTH Office 12:00 (noon) 1 day before the ad will run or in campus mail 2 days before. Ads must be prepaid. Rates: 25 words or less Students $1.50 Non-Students 2.50 5c for each additional word $1.00 for boxed ad or bold type Please notify the DTH Office if there are mistakes in your ad, immediately! We will only be responsible for the first ad run. The Daily Tar Heel la published by the Daily Tar Heel Board of Oirectoraof the University of North Caroline daily Monday through Friday during the reguler , academic year except during exam period, vecetiona end summer sessions. The following dates ere to be the only Saturday issues: Sept. 17. Oct. 1, 8. 22. Nov. B. The Summer Ter Heel ta published weekly on Thursdays during the aftmmer sessions. Offices ere et the Frank Porter Graham Student Union Building. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. N.C. 27614. Telephone numbers: Nawa. Sporte-933-0245. 933-024S. 933 0262. 933-0372; Busineas, Circulation. Advertising 933-1 163. Subscription rates: 26 per yeer; 12. 60 per , esmsstsr. The Campua Governing Council shall have powers to determine the Student Activities Fee and to appropriate ell revenue derived from the Student Activities Fee (1.1.14 of the Student Constitution). The Dairy Tsr Heel is 4 student orgeniiation. The Deily Tar Heel reaervea the right to regulate the typographical tone of all advertisements and to revise or turn eway copy H considers objec- i tmnsbte. The Deily Ter Reel will not consider sd justments or payment for any typographical errora or erroneoua insertion unleaa notice ia given to the Business Manager within (1 ) one day after the advertisement appeera. within (1 1 day of receiving the teer sheets or subscription of the paper. The Daily Ter Heel will not be responsible for more then one incorrect insertion of an adver tisement scheduled to run severel times Notice for such correction must be given before the next insertion. Claire Bagley pusmest Mtnagar Dan Collma :. Advertising Mtntgu OV CAUPVS"