2 The Daily Tar Heel Thursday, February 23. 1978 I campus calendar Compiled by Katha Treanor Public service announcements must be turned in to the box outside the DTH offices in the Union by 1:00 D m. it they are to run the next dv" Each item will run at len twine ACTIVITIES TODAY The third session of the art series, Tha Joy of Art, will be held at 8 p.m. at the Art School, ISO E. Main St. in Carrboro. No previous attendance is necessary. "The Church Just an Optionr will be the issue discussed at the mid-campus chapter of Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. H istorian Gordon A. Craig will deliver the John Snell Memorial Lecture at 8 p.m. in 1 1 1 Murphey Hall. He w ill speak on "Germanic Academic Youth and Bourgeois Society." Admission is free and all are invited to attend. The BSM general body meeting and "Meet the Candidates" discussion of the 10th year anniversary celebration will be at 7 p.m. in the Upendo Lounge. All interested in the elections and the anniversary celebration should attend. The South Campus chapter of Inter-varalty Christian Fellowship will meet at 6 p.m. in the Parker Dorm lounge for a special time of singing and discussion of future plans. All members and interested persons are urged to attend. There will be a meeting for students in the Education Special Project group from I to 130 p.m. at Seawell School. This is sponsored by Career Planning and Placement. , A petition-signing and letter-writing table for the Nantahala Gorge highway controversy will be in the Union from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please come and get involved. Voter registration will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Chapel Hill Municipal Building and the Carrboro Town Hall and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Chapel Hill Public Library The Dl-Phl Uteray Societies will host a "reading night" at 8 p.m. in 300 New West. Everyone is invited and is to bring a reading. The Society ot Janus nominating committee will meet at 5 p.m. in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge. Carolina Union. Seniors or graduate students seeking employment who want to use the services of the Career Planning and Placement office are invited to an orientation meeting at 3:30 p.m. in 306 Hanes. The Christian Science Organization will meet at 6 p.m. in the Carolina Union. All are welcome. The Apple Chill Cloggers will hold a square dance from 8 to 1 1 p m in Great Half, Carolina Union. There w ill be performances by the Cloggers and square dancing for all. Admission is $ I 50, and proceeds will go towards the Cloggers' upcoming European tour. Be a tnend of the family and become an orientation counselor. Applicat ions are now available at the Union Desk and from R As. For more information, call 933-2375 or come by the orientation office in Suite D of the Carolina Union. Collegiate Clvltans will meet at 6:30 p.m. in Room 213 of the Carolina Union. Visitors invited! The UNC Jugglers Association will meet at 4 p.m. outside 106 Berryhill. Beginners and non-jugglers who would like to learn are especially welcome. Members of the Union Class in belly dancing should make a special effort to be present at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Middle Eastern rhythms will be discussed. The University Counseling Center has limited openings in a couples enrichment group to meet on Thursday nights. Its focus is on increasing intimacy, negotiating wants and dealing with anger. If interested, i. ill 933-2175 and ask for an appointment with Ross Sharer or Jim Whitehead. The meetings are from 7: 30 to 9:30 p m. Thursdays in Nash Hall. A First Collegiate Bassmaster meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 740 James. The upcoming Lake Burner tournament will be discussed. For more information, call Keith Brewer at 933-4763. Trade - doin' what you like J A Lf7Q s n e'even snackbars e. j,iii -JLjjgjgg. .t j ;.. mJ ..,..-.,,J,J......T-. r .T..,,l.-.iU!'!lWi'"J'"' AT THE M0REHEAD ,(11111.1 , ,11, II- 119: i eit. 3 J !) ' IC III 1, 1ml 'I Hill) PERFORMED LIVE BV L ASE L ASERGCK (new show) L ASE R AY&. A Y : fV 1 1 r L Thurt. Fri. Sat. 9:15 9:15 9:15 10.30 10:30 10 30 12:00 12 00 bun. 6:30 915 Mary Miller's music will he stealing yoar heart in Deep Jonah, the Union's basement coffeehouse, at 9 pm. UPCOMING EVENTS The Granville Off-Campus chapter of Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship is featuring the Christian folk rock band, Rainbow, at 7 p.m. Friday in Chapel of the Cross parlor. Everyone welcome! All members of the N.C. Student Legislature are urged to attend the Bill Book Party in Room 202 of the Carolina Union from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday. New dances will be demonstrated, and refreshments will be served. Music will be provided by a local radio station WXYC will give away a case ol beer to one of its listeners Friday night. Tunc in between 9 p.m. and midnight on 89-FM Radio Free Carolina. Portuguese TAs are sponsoring a Brazilian Carnival at 8p m Friday at Craige Coffee House All are invited to enjoy, dance and drink. BYOB or red wine fro sangria. Need to polish your skills interviewing? The Career Planning and Placement Office will offer a free, one-hour interview workshop at 2 p.m. Friday in Room 210 Hanes. Students of all ages are invited. A Health Book meeting will be held at 3 p.m. Friday in the SCAU office. New volunteers are welcomed. It's never too late for a rush! Tht SOT sorority will be having their informal rush at 9 p.m. Saturday at Laurel-on-thc-Hill. All interested persons are invited toattend. Attention Speech teaml Practice deadline for Morehouse Spelman has been moved to Saturday. You must be heard once in each event by midnight. The Community Film Group will show Sail of the Earl, the story of men and women organizing against a New Mexico copper mine. Discussion and refreshments will follow. It will be held at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Wesley Foundation. The second poetry reading in the Regulator Poetry Series will take place at 3:30 pm Sunday in the Regulator Bookstore, Durham. The featured poet is UNC Professor William Harmon Also reading is local poet Ralph Earle. Admission is free. All Valkyries are urged to attend a meeiing at 6 p.m. Sunday in Room 213 of the Carolina Union to plan this spring's tapping of new members. ITEMS OF INTEREST Publicity lor your non-prolit group! WXYC radio oilers organizational access - a program that offers air time to non-profit groups, fell people about your club or service. It's free! Call 933-7768. Students interested in showing their work in the Carolina Union's North Gallery should sign up at the Union Desk through March I. WXYC is training people for alrshilts this summer and next fall. Positions also are available now If you have your FCC third-class license or want help getting it. see Don Moore or Gary Davis at WXYC soon. If you are interested in a local chapter of Women Against Violence Against Women, an activist organization to stop the sexist and violent usage of women in the mass media, contact Diane Spaugh. War Resisters League. 108 Purefoy Road. Chapel Hill. Second-year law students may be eligible for summer internships with die Washington Headquarters Services (Department of Defense). Interested students would come by Career Planning and Placement. 211 Hanes Hall and read information at the front desk. Zoology or biology seniors or graduate students may be eligible for a summe internship w ith the Food and Drug Administra!ion(Department of Health, Education and Welfare). Interested students should come by Career Planning and Placement. mark PLANETARIUM --.'Hit ) , tf.Dl R 1ST BILL KLIMOWYCH tUM (original cosmic laser concert) VJ''. S y W I ? FA i :y x- "": 1 I. 7 sat. Sun. 2:00 4:15 4:15 6.30 Information on summer ob opportunities in the Federal Government is now available in 21 1 Hanes Hall. Rising seniors in liberal arts and graduate students in health care administration may be eligible for a summer internship with the Social Security Administration (Department of Health. Education and Welfare). Interested students should come by Career Planning and Placement. 211 Hanes Hall. With every subscription to the 1978 Yackety Yack get a free "Carolina Basketball" poster. For a Yack and free poster come by Suite D of the Carolina Union and weekday between I and 5 p.m. or call 933-1 259 for more information. The price is $10. Interested in being a counselor at the 1978-79 Freshman Camp? Sign-up sheets for interviews are in Room 102 of the Campus Y. Interviews will be held Friday, Sunday and Monday. Persons interested in being trained as s New Games Referee and helping with a townwide New Games Festival, contact Thorn Adorney at 942-6665 or Rick Fondren at 929-1 1 1 1, ext. 214, at the Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Department. The New Games Festival is sponsored by the Carolina Union. Students who will be unlors, seniors or graduate students next year, who have good verbal communications skills and have Financial need may be eligible for a Career Asistantship ' the Career Planning and Placement Office for 1978-79. Career Assistants help other students with information and advising on career possibilities. Interested students should call Jane Kendall at 933-6507 by Wednesday. Information on internships in state government (Summer '78 Internship Program) is now available at Career Planning and Placement, 211 Hanes. Complete applications and support materials must be returned on or before Feb. 27 to the North Carolina Internship Office in Raleigh. Current law students or outstanding undergraduates with law-related backgrounds may be eligible for an internship with National Institutes of Health (HEW). Interested students should come by Career Planning and Placement, 211 Hanes Hall and read the information available at the front desk. Second or third year graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in Public Health with emphasis on biostatistics may be eligible for a summer internship with the Veterans Administration. Interested students should come by Career Planning and Placement. 21 1 Hanes. and read the information available at the front desk. Seniora and graduate students In chemistry, microbiology, biology, biological sciences, agriculture, natural resources management, etc. may be eligible for a summer internship with the Food and Drug Administration (HEW). Interested students should come by Career Planning and Placement. 211 Hanes. and read the information available at the front desk. Sophomores through graduate students majoring In computer science, political science, economics or social science and graduate students in social science statistics, accounting, business administration, political science or related fields may be eligible for a summer internship with the Office of Management and Finance. Dept. of Justice. Interested students should come by Career Planning and Placement, 211 Hanes, for more, information. Graduate students with exceptional writing and research skills and an interest in and some knowledge of t he federal government's role in ed ucation may be eligible for a summer internship with the Office of Education, HEW. Interested students should come by Career Planning and Placement. 211 Hanes Hall, and read the available information. Uxko'i attest (anon Rcmcho Villa Cequila rl 02 Pancho Vitla Tequila, 1 ox. Grvnadin. orang juict to fill. Mix in a blender at hake well with cracked ice. itrain into chilled tour glan. Top with lime tlict and enjoy! I 0 Preol A Product el Moiteo ' Imported ft lotliexJ by t McrrtlMol Co.. Sob Fraactftco. CA ft Saxrtlbj. WA FlwlH IN,-U- state MWT &carina A' lu Sculptured Heads in gold & &?Y Will silver plato, 3 inches long or ficsAl IH round and oval styles in liyj 111 school colors, 2 inches long J YOUR CHOICE $g vi JL There's more in the Js if Vi H n II ajr -sr ra. r- i fm f r-- r" f""" !; - , 1 ! i ' M - , t -j ....(' a v....js a w " . ' i. j ' ' CGC to consider bill Tuesday Allotment process may improve By ROBERT THOMASON Staff Writer The Rules and Judiciary Committee of the Campus Governing Council approved a bill Tuesday which it says will streamline the process of funding campus organizations. The bill, drafted after approximately three months work by the CGC Budget Review Committee, will be considered by the CGC at its meeting Tuesday. If passed, it will provide guidelines for the funding process this year and in subsequent years. The provisions of the bill are designed to make CGC members more familiar with the various organizations requesting funding. The bill states as its general philosophy that "the student activities fee should be used primarily for the funding of programs, services and events of benefit to the student body at large." To meet this end, the bill requires that organizations requesting money complete a budget request form that is more detailed than forms in the past. The form requires the organization to list the rtvmp Settle and Nickell spent approximately two months working on Quare Medecine. Susan Lee, a graduate student from East Northport, N.Y., was associate producer of the show. "I loved working on the show," Lee said, "but it took a lot of time. I felt like my life revolved around the production for a month." Lee said working for Settle and Nickell was a challenge. "Nickel is demanding," she said. "He acts like he is still in the CBS studio, and he expects us to act professionally also. If he asked for three elephants and two donkeys on the set, he wants to hear us say. 'yes, we can get that.' . "Settle approaches the production from every angle; he wants to make sure everything is covered so he will be prepared for any problem that might come up." Dave Rubinsohn, a senior from Philadelphia, was a camera operator for Quare Medecine. "It is a good experience for students," Rubinsohn said, "because nam U America's most various programs, services or events that it might be sponsoring in the fiscal year and to itemize anticipated expenses. A project like Black Ink would be considered a service whereas a project like the Women's' Festival would be considered a program, said Gus LeHouck, chairperson of the Budget Review and the Rules and Judiciary committees. LeHouck also said the bill was vague in places, to allow greater flexibility in the budget procedures. Procedures will require organizations to make several appearances before CGC members. Organizations first will go before the Rules and Judiciary Committee. The committee will review the bylaws and constitution of the organization. It also will try to determine that the organization does not deny membership on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, sexual preference or age. The bill states that the second step of the process is "an in-depth review and evaluation of the preceding year's programs in addition to examination of prospective programs for the Continued from page 1. students are used to working in classroom situations where students alternate as directors. It gives the crew a sense of professionalism to work for a real-life director and not just a fellow student." Another important aspect of studio production work is the way the crew members work together. Rick Harril, a junior from Greenville, said he is amazed at the sense of teamwork in the studio at production timr. rsr-sats UP TO 50 OFF. Pick your own discount during February. Great cold weather & camping gear. Authentic Army-Navy surplus. Poor Richard's, Eastgate Shopping Center, Around corner next to Eckerds. 929-5850. DORM SIZE REFRIGERATORS for sale. New with 4 yr. compressor warranty. 2 c.u. ft. $125 delivered Tuesday evening between 6 & 9 p.m. Call 1-467-2852 and leave your name, campus address and telephone number. Collect OK. ALBUMS AND PAPERBACKS for sale. 12 price or less at The Fair Exchange. We also buy and trade. Next to Byrd's in Carrboro. - i 1 11,11 1,11 ' LX.UI.1. FOUND: AN EXPENSIVE RED pocket knife on the curb in front of the Tri-Delta sorority house, on Pittsboro Street. Call 967-2521 and identify type and claim. LOST: GOLD SIGNET RING with initials J.W.N. Reward offered. Ask for Neal at 968-9068. $20 REWARD LOST men's gold ring, diamond between two blue sapphires. If found please call Randy 933-4233. FOUND MON. NIGHT in front of Bingham Hall steps: a red, navy, and white striped toboggan. Pick up at the Union Desk. WORK IN JAPAN! Teach English conversation. No experience, degree, or Japanese required. Send long, stamped, self-addressed envelope for details. Japan-163, 411 W. Center, Centralia, WA 98531. OVERSEAS JOBS Summeryear-round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500 $1200 monthly, expenses paid, sightseeing. Free information - Write: BHP Co., Box 4490, Dept. NL, Berkeley, CA 94704 SUMMER JOBS: FREE Fifty State Summer Employer Directory. Send name and address to: SUMCHOICE Box 530, Dept. S, State College Pa. 16801... Tell a friend. $5.00 PER HOUR TO START can lead to statewide summer openings part or full time apply today at 3:30 in Room 204 Student Union. I NEED A RIDE to and from East Texas for Spring Break. Can leave by afternoon of March 2nd. Will help with expenses. Call 942-4564. a IjJpltQjH 1 ROOM FOR RENT. Ideal location close fo campus. Kitchen and living room privileges. $110 mo., all utilities included. Mature male with good references. Call James Farlow 942-4755. DAYTONA BEACH! This is going to be THE Carolina Beach trip for spring break We've got a fantastic deal for only $119.50 (including transportation). C'mon join us! Bill Verch 933 2567. 942-4041 (Drive-to available). INTERESTED IN SHARING AN apartment in The Villages, Carrboro, with a male graduate student? Call 966 2241 (work), 929 7053 (eves, weekends) and leave your name and number (or Gene Herzog. Available immediately. f 1 ljtlclHJiHtiWl MCAT REVIEW COURSE $170 tuition. $20 refundable deposit. Why pay more? Begins March 13th. Call 471-4588 or write MCATRC 2532 Glendale Ave., Durham, N.C. 27704 l ' ' . : coming year." This evaluation would be conducted by the CGC Student Affairs Committee, which would report its findings to the CGC Finance Committee. The Finance Committee then would assess the total funds available through the student activities fee, compared with the total of budget requests from all organizations. Should the total of all requests exceed the available funds, the Finance Committee would determine, after meetings with officers of the organizations, where reductions would be made. The Finance Committee then would prepare a budget summary for the CGC and submit it at. least 48 hours before the meeting at which the budget is considered. The summary would indicate the amount each organization requested the previous year, the amount received, the amount requested for the upcoming year and the Finance Committee's recommended appropriation to that organization. The Finance Committee would set time limits' for budget hearings, under the new bill, limiting the hearings to one evening session. The Finance Committee would determine randomly the order in which organizations are heard. Currently, the hearings are conducted in alphabetical order. FOR THE RECORD Mistaken Identity An article on the African Film Series which appeared in the Daily Tar Heel Wednesday incorrectly identified Robert Dunbar as the . director of the African Studies program. Roberta A. Dunbar is the director of that program. ATTENTION FACULTY AND GRADUATE students: HeShe the Triangle's personalized, non-computerized dating service is having a special for professionals like you. Watch for coupon in Friday's DTH. HeShe P.O. Box 1109, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. WILL BUY NEW or used Stereo albums and entire collections. Good prices. Call 929-6175, leave name and number. CONDOM SAMPLERS: learn the differences between condoms with one of our famous sample packs. Preshaped, textured, color, lubricated, skins, stubs. Designed to increase sexual satisfaction. ADAM & EVE, Franklin & Columbia (over the Zoom), 929-2147. MAMA, HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY. Even though you don't seem a day over thirteen, your wrinkles are beginning to show. But I love 'em and you. Wimp. TO PATTY: Hope you have decided to accept our offer to be the "110 sweetheart." We'd be lost withput you! R & N. NEED TWO NON-STUDENT tickets for Duke game. Seats anywhere. Will pay top money. Call 933-5325 ask for Eric. Please leave message if not there. Please help. HELP! WILL PAY $25 for Duke ticket, or $5hour for someone to sit and wait for ticket on Wed. Jeff Trepel 942-2809 or 933-3780. Leave message. NEED TO BUY two tickets to the Duke game. We're desperate! Call 966-1348 during the day or 967-5439967-8491 at night. REWARD! Willing to pay generously for one ticket to Duke game. Call 929-7780. Keep trying! y Classified info Pick up ad forms in any classified box at all DTH pickup spots or at DTH Office. Return ad and check or money order to DTH Office 12:00 (noon) 1 day before the ad will run or in campus mail 2 days before. Ads must be prepaid. Rates: 25 words or less Students $1.50 Non-Students 2.50 5t for each additional word $1.00 for boxed ad or bold type Please notify the DTH Office if there are" mistakes in your ad, immediately! We will only be responsible for the first ad run. L 1 The Daily T HmI it published by tha Daily Tar Heel Board of Director, of ih. University of North Carolina daily Monday through Friday during tha regular academic year except during axam period, vacation! and summer aeaaiona. Tha following datts art to ba tha only Saturday 'issues: Sept. 17. Oct. 1, 8. 22. Nov. 6. Tha Summer Tar Heal it published weekly on . Thursdays during the summer sessions. Of f toes sre at tha Frank Porter Graham Student Union Building, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hid. N.C. 27614. Telephone numbers: . News. Spofta-933-0248. 933-0246 933 0262. 933-0372; Business. Circulation. Advertising 933-1 1 63. Subscription rstes: $26 par year; 12.60 per semester. The Campus Governing Council shall have powers to determine the Student Activities Fee and to appropriate all revenue derived from tha Student Activities Fee (1 .1 .14 of tha Student Conatitution. The Daily Tar Heel is a student organization. The Daily Tsr Heel reserves the right to regulate the typographical tone of all advertisements and to revise or turn away copy it considers objec tionable. The Daily Tsr Heel will not consider ad justments or payment for any typographical, errors or erroneous insertion unless notice is given to the Business Manager within (1 ) one dey sfter the advertisement appears, within (1 ) day of receiving the tear sheets or subscription of tha paper. Tha Dairy Tsr Heel will not be responsible for more then one incorrect insertion of en adver tisement scheduled to run several times. Notice for such correction must be given before the next insertion. Cle..e Bsoley Bus,nss M,n.g,r Ban Colhns Advmtsmg M,n,gar T ;-,, 1 n ft , si! h! t ' hr mil, nn r ill 911 1 ?1B

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