2 The Daily Tar Heel Tuesday, April 4, 1978 Campus Calendar Compiled by Kelly Carr Public service announcements must be turned in to the box outside the DTH offices in the Union by 1:00 p m If they are to run the next day Each Item will run at least twice ACTIVITIES TODAY The Association ol Business Students will meet at J: 30 pm in 1 06 Carroll. C.G-A. will sponsor an informal discussion group from 9-II pm at the Friends Mcttmg House on Raleigh Road. The UNC Table Tennis Club will meet at 7 p m. in the Women's Gym. Friends ol Luther Hodges will meet st 7 p it. in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge Carolina Union Charlie Mercer will speak at I p.m. If you cannot attend, call 93J-642J or 933-2472 The Policy Committee ot the Association of Business Students will .meet at 3:30 p.m. in T-l New Carroll. Alltnterested student! art invited to attend. PCA will meet at 7:30 p.m. at Kenan Fieldhotue. A free, one-hour resume workshop will be held at 2 p.m. in 306 Hanes. The Odum Villas Hearth Sendee will present the films. Sexuality and Communication and Parents to Children About Hex st 7 pis. over the Odum Village Laundry. The recent Him Irom South Air lea. Rami TWr.will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in Room 207 Carolina Union. Dennis Brutus will comment on the film after the showing. Raymond Dawson will speak on "Academic Affairs in the University'' st the Faculty Club at 12:30 p.m. at theC'aiolina Inn. "Spring Sky Rambles" will open at 8 p.m. at the Morehead Planetarium. The show it a tour of spring constellations and current sky objects. Shows are at 8 pm weekdays, at lla.m.. 1.3. and I p.m. Saturdays and at 2, 3. and 8 p m Sundays. Schubert's song cycle "Oie Schone MuUertn" will be presented st 8 p.m. in Hill auditorium. Freshmen and Transfer Orientation Counselors should attend the convocation at 7 p.m. in 100 Hamilton. This will be the first joint meeting of the year for the Orientation commission. Area Coordinators, and Orientation Counselors. UPCOMING EVENTS Prereglstralton Adtrlsment Sessions will be held for rising juniors and seniors in the School of Education from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday. The Outing Club will have a potluck dinner at 6 p.m. Wednesday in Room 209 Carolina Union. Elections for next year's officers will be held. The Order of the Golden Fleece will meet at 7:30 p m. Wednesday and at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge Carolina Union. The Science Fiction end Fantasy Club will have a meeting of horror at 7 p m Wednesday in 308 Alumni. The Carolina Reader's Theatre will present Through the Eyes of Dorothy Parker at 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday in Rooms 202-204 Carolina Union. The 1S76-79 Carolina Union Activities Board will meet at 4 p m. Wednesday in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge Carolina Union. An IRSS Short Course. Survey Research Session 4 of 4. will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in 212 Saunders. The fourth and seventh floors of the Hilton-James are sponsoring The Dating Game at 9 p.m. Wednesday in the first floor lounge. The UNC Recreation Society will meet at 7 p m. Wednesday in Room 213 Carolina Union to nominate officers for next year. The N.C. Coastal Club will meet at 7:30 pro. Wednesday in the South Lounge Carolina Union. Frank Donateofl Smith Jr. will speak on "Models of Multi processing for Transaction-Oriented Computer Systems" at 3:30 p m Wednesday in 210 New West. , The Sodedad Hlapanlca Carollnesa will present "Aspects of Staging Playi in the Corrales of Golden Age Spain" at 4 p.m. Wednesday in Toy Lounge Dey Hall. ITEMS OF INTEREST Absentee ballot application carde will be available at the Hodges tabic in the Carolina Union from 10 a.m. -I p.m. Apr. 5,6. 10. 1 1 and II For further information contact Boh Mann at 933 1538. The Association of Business Students would like to answer any business preregistration questions all this week on third floor of South Building. After this week, questions can he answered in 214 Old Carroll. Information on summer Job opportunities In the Federal Government is now available in 21 1 Hanes. Announcement 414 lists both clerical and non-clerical openings with locations. Application for the written test is also included.' This year's Hill) Seders will be held at Beth El Synagogue at 6.30 p.m. Apr. 21 and 22 in Durham. Deadline for reservations it Apr. 3. For more information or to make a reservation call H illel al 942-4057 or drop by the Hillel House al 210 W Cameron Ave. Students interested in filling one of two student seals on the Student Educational Broadcasting Inc. board starting Apt. 15 are invited to submit a statement to Ihe SfB Appointment Committee. The statement should include inlormalion about the applicant's Background and what unique qualities the applicanl could bring to the board. Interviews lor these applicants will he held April 10-14. All completed applications must he placed in E liabcth Crech's mailbox in Swain no later than noon April 7. All girls interested in trying out foi Marching Carolines are asked to meet at 5 p m Apr. 14 on Carmichael Field. I ryouts will consist of flag and dance routines in competition Sunday afternoon. For lurther inlormalion. call 933-6176 or 933-1975. The Panhellenlc Council rs accepting applications for the Pan hellemc Freshman Scholarship offered to any freshman woman. Applications may be picked up at the Carolina Union desk or from dorm presidents and musl be returned to Suite A Carolina Union by Apr. 17. Varsity Cheer leading finals and semifinals will be held Apr. 17 and 18. Workshops will be held Apr. 12 and 13. Mike man tryouls also will be held Call 942-2393 if you have questions. Interviews lor the co-chatrperaons ol the Campus V Tutoring Proed begin April J-7. All interested persons please come by 102 Campus Y to sign up. One Act Play Competition will be held April S and 6 in the Morrison recreation room. The group musl direct, produce and perform an original one act play, a published work or a scene from a larger play. Applications are available at the Carolina Union desk UNC Ski Club members are invited to attend a spring ski club cookout at Umstead Park on Apr. 14. Watch for more details. CAROLINA SYMPOSIUM Tom Wicker, a North Carolina native. UNC graduate and current Associate Editor of the New York Timet, will speak on the boundaries of fact and fiction al 8 p.m. in Memorial Hall. m t "'wLiUUifc" ' .-'fiHgf I ejass JL ae" ! i H ft J9) Let the Daily Tar Heel putitbacKtogetheragain f Are you ready for life after graduation? 5 1 a, a L A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE UP THE LADDER OF SUCCESS By Charles Guy Moore, Ph.D. Executive Director, National Institute of Career Planning Just starting out? Let career wizard Charles Moore advise you every step of the way-from how to choose the right career and sell yourself in today's job market to when and how to move up to the big-money executive level. It's all in the handbook that shows you how to play THE CAREER GAME -and win. CC riC lllh Ar Al je paperbacks are sold vjJ BALLAHTINE BOOKS GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY Summer Sessions HOME GovernmentBusinessSociology internships Language courses J English as a Foreign Language Writers Conference ( Washington Laboratory College Preparation Over 200 graduate and undergraduate courses Sessions: Pre May 22 - June 16 First June 12 - July 15 Second July 17 - August 18 Cross June 1226 - August 4 ABROAD Quito, Ecuador Spanish Dijon, France French Trier, Germany German Oxford, England Business Administration SEND MORE INFORMATION (check above) Name f 4 v Address Zip .. Mail to: S hool for Summer and Continuing Education CtrorsH'town I'nlvervty W-,!iii)KtoD, U.C. 28057or Cull (202) 625-300! I GturiUmn t-'Piversify u an equal opportunity, a'fii maUve frn iminu'ifin in emjiiinur), and adnusM fi. Wicker talks in symposium Tom Wicker, a Hamlet, N.C. native and UNC alumnus who now serves as associate editor of the New York Times, has returned to North Carolina. Wicker will speak at 8 tonight in Memorial Hall as part of the Carolina Symposium on communication. . Wicker says he is skeptical of advocacy journalism but openly expresses his opinions. "Spurious objectivity is the press' biggest weakness," he says. As a journalist, Wicker has often renounced the role of impartial observer for that of the participant. He has castigated the White House for managing news, spoken out against the war in Southeast Asia and called for more news analysis at a time when Vice President Spiro Agnew was condemning media interpretation of news events. Wicker's remarks were responsible for his inclusion on the so-called "enemies list" compiled by Nixon aides in 1973. Besides serving as associate editor of the Times, Wicker writes a nationally syndicated column. In the Nation. He also has written 12 books, both fiction .iiiisiasasaaaaassaaaaaaasjsMM x-V I Uve Entertainment Nightly! yfX JL- - -' 1 T . i. yMfi y We serve t I Tonight Slt D , , . v. eL - I A Y Breakfast 1 X 6:00-10:30 i ' 1 Suzy Blackwcll J-VWeekdays - Try us! " ! Dave Youngman ftx I jHE HOLLA BAND I J Phone 942-8588 jone Ferry Bd. at Davie Rd. - Carrboro Lir QfflssMedl and non-fiction, including JFK Without Tears and A Time to Die. His most recent media book, On Press, was published this year. In On Press, Wicker says his real achievement as a journalist has been "to rise above the facts and open my mind to the possibilities." A recent Playboy review said the book "wouldn't be a bad idea for university journalism departments as required reading," and would be "a good handbook for the average citizen who would like to know just what sort of crap he is being fed in the major newspapers." ooooooooocOUPONoooooooooo o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 00 OFF ANY LARGE PIZZA! Where you get great pizza at a great price! O O o OFFER GOOD ANY DAY THRU v-w APRIL 30TH AND AT BOTH PEPPI'S LOCATIONS: 208 W. FRANKLIN 942-5149 15-501 Bypass Across from Eastgate 929-0289 o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooo The Chancellor's Committee on Established Lectures and The Carolina Symposium proudly announce the 1978 WEIL LECTURE e DANIEL SCHORR "Whose First Amendment?" Wednesday, April 5 8:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall Public Reception follows at the Carolina Inn WANTED By The F.B.I. SPECIAL AGENT APPLICANTS AGE 23-35 with any of the following backgrounds: Law degree 4-Yr. Accounting degree no experience 4-Yr. Language Degree plus 3 yrs. experience 4-yr. Science degree plus 3 yrs. experience Any college degree with 3 years executive professional experience Starting Salary Approx. $20,600yr. Group Seminars To Be Held Wednesday, April 5, 1978 1:30-3:30 p.m. In The Undergraduate Placement Office Hanes Hall Interested Applicants Should Sizn Up in the Placement Office in Advance Equal Opportunity Employer Announcements Lost & Found FOUND: PURPLE KEY CHAIN with gold letter C on it in Caldwell Lecture Hall. Call Carol any night, 933 0351. FOUND: One woman's ring in front of Mitchell Hall 10:00 Wednesday 29th: Describe and it's yours. LOST: SMALL BLUE U.N.C. SPIRAL NOTEBOOK, Thursday afternoon. Neded desperately. If found, please call 929-5777. WILL THE GUY WHO CALLED US about our lost kitten, "Nicky," please call us back. We couldn't find your friend's apt. 929-17R7. MAX IS LOST - DOG , black and white short haired pointerdal. mix med. size chain collar very friendly. Please call Jim French at 942 6493 or 929-5002. Reward FOUND: CALCULATOR Fri. around 4:00 across from Davie. Call 933-4135. LOST: KEYS between Greenlaw and Davie. Reward offered. Call 933 1777. FOUND: APO Operates Campus Lost and Found in the basement of Smith Building, 9-4 p.m. daily. Call 933-3996 or come by. : Help Wanted TYPING THESES, PAPERS,. RESUMES", APPLICATIONS - Reasonable raes. Executive Secretarial Services, 100 Eastowne Drive, Suite 202 (Across from Blue CrossBlue SKield), 929 0286. WANTED: SUMMER LIFEGUARDS AND POOL MANAGER for Heritage Hills pool. Full time, part-time positions available. Life saving certification required. WSI, coaching, or recreational skills needed for some positions. &$6hr. minimum. Send resume and two letters ol recommendation by April 7 to Seth Reice, 406 r'crktown Dr., Chapel HiH.:r" r.r !' "' $18a$480 WEBLY:stuffinS envelopes on campus. Information - Rush stamped addressed envelope. Southern Publishing, Box 171802-TH, Memphis, Tenn. 38117. HELP WANTED: AM & PM Hours available for waitress, dishwasher, busboy, and salad bar. Apply in person. Talk of the Town, 1010 Hamilton Rd. (formerly Auggies) between 2 & 5 p.m. ONLY. WANTED: COMMERCIAL FASHION ARTISTS for free lance work lith ad agency. Can possibly work through mail and phone contact. Call or write: Severance, Givens and Company, 703 West Nash St. Suits BtffoNfc. 27893. 919-237-2111. jf WANTED: POOL MANAGER FOR .SUMMER. 38 to 42 hours per week. $140 per Week. WSI preferred, Senior Lifesaving fecceptjable. Send resume to Charles L. Easton, Stanley Recreation Club, Box 1 Stanley N.C. 28164 (twenty miles from Charlotte). CHEZ CONDORET needs a dishwasher part time'. Come by 143 W. Franklin St. of call 942 7996. CAMP TOWANDA has openings for specialty (arts and crafts, music, drama, tennis, swimming, sailing, basketball, baseball, rollerskating and nature) as well as general cabin counselors, male and female for more information contact local representative at 967-3705. GOVERNESS - SUMMER POSITION. ASSIST WITH 8-year-old daughter. Long hours Excellent pay. Send resume to: Division of Neurosurgery, UNC Memorial Hospital. INTERVIEWS: April 29th. NEED SUMMER WORK? Opportunity to earn $880 month. Interviews on Monday April 3 and Tuesday April 4 at 1:00 and 4:00 Rm. 204 Union and at 7:00 Rm. 103 Greenlaw. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, watch two children, ages 9 and 7. Flexible hours. References required. Call Dick 967 9284 day or 942-7172 night. HELP WANTED! Need eligible, able body mechanic to service Kim's Ford. Must be expert at Front End re alignment and have that Midas touch when handling muffler. Call 929-6647 for appointment. Who loves you Baybe? Wally For Sale OVER 1,000 RECENT LP'S FOR SALE. Rock, folk, jazz, blues, classical, etc. $1.00 $2.50 Monday April 3rd through Friday April 7th at HE'S NOT HERE BAR (Downstairs) 11 a.m. 5 p.m. Travel SKYBUS 78. Europe, Israel, Mideast, Asia and Africa at "No Frills" prices Gbbal StudentTeacher Travel Service, 521 Fifth Avenue, New York, N Y. 10017 212 379-3532. Roommates Wanted ONE OR TWO MALE STUDENTS wanted to share a two bedroom Foxcroft Apartment during summer school. Either both summer terms. AC, 2 baths, swimming pool, tennis courts. For more information, call 929-1759 after 6 p.m. on weekdays. Personal ErLF.Lddif and Miuh: Thanks for putting upwith me (bitch) and for always being here. Don't know what Id do without ya'll so don't ever stop coming to se me (you love it). Lustfully yours, Rt-Re HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA D! From the g.iys on the other side M.L.D. Just another way to say 1 love you, just another way to say I care, just a way to thank you for the Good Times, for all the happy moments we share... WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN how to juggle? Let us teach you! This Thursday afternoon, 4-6 in the pit. Everyone welcome The UNC Jugglers. TO AN APRIL FOOL: Thanks for the cupcake. I am sorry I follow from in front. If you blow in my ear, I'll follow from behind. J.A. GRACIOUS GRANVILLE GUY: We are waiting to hear from you. Greek Goddess hopes you've stayed in your pants, and I still have a nice personality. Curiosity killed the cat you know! Two of East's love-lorned. G.G. and T.F. FIJI: "ALIAS TEDDYBEAR:" How was it with the Blonds last weekend in Miami? Bunny Rabbit TO THE GUY WITH THE LEGS: I can't wait until this weekend! I'll best you look great in a swtmsuit. Chicken Legs. M.L.D. Just a way to let you know you're special, to say how proud of you I'll always be, just another way to say 1 love you, for you will always mean the world to me. T.E.R. TO RONALD IN CP & V MONDAY. Can your dad really get me a job? See you at the interviews. BONNIE: How about a 4 at 6 to celebrate our 5? Love, Jim. For Rent NEED A ROOM FOR THE SUMMER? Kappa Psi Fraternity at 208 Finley Rd. is renting rooms to both males and females for the summer sessions. Only $75 per session. A $25 refundable deposit is required to reserve a space for you. Rooms will be held on a first-come, first-serve basis. Call 968 9390 or 968-9010 today. FOR RENT: CONTINENTAL MOBILE HOME PARK, Old Lystra Road, Trailers and Trailer Spaces for Rent. Near Campus. From 8 to 5 p.m. call 942-7549; evenings 942-2523. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR SUMMER. Single: $120 per session. Double: $80 per session. Limited space. Terms negotiable. Phi Sigma Kappa, 212 Finley Rd. 929-6612. SUBLET - TWO BEDROOM APT AT FOXCROFT May 15th Aug. 15th. $215 plus utilities a month. Call 967-4701. . s t Miscellaneous tsUZY BLACKWELL AND DAVE; ! J YOUNGMAN. Live tonight, Compardies.. i Ask about dates and prices for private parties.; ? Compardies, Jones Ferry Road at Davie Rd.. i Carrboro. 942-8588. ; j BAY MEADOWS CAMP a complete recreational day camp for boys and girls. Offering horseback riding, sailing, canoeing, arts and crafts, all sports and more. Sessions start June 12. For more info, call Joe Falcone, 942-5518 $800 SCHOLARSHIP for UNC undergrad women sponsored by Delta Delta Delta. Applications available at 210 Pittsboro. 967-9324. Apply by April 5. Don't miss a great deal! ATTENTION ALL CHRISTIANS! Come to the first meeting of the Full Gospel Student Fellowship for singing, praise, and worship Tuesday, Room 205, Union, 7:30 p.m. Maranatha! AT LAST! All items featured in our famous catalog are available in one convenient showroom. Exotic lingerie, swimsuits, menswear, books, condoms and gift items including belly dance sets and body paints for lovers. ADAM & EVE CATALOG SHOWROOM, Franklin & Columbia (over the Zoom), 929-2147, Tuesday Saturday 10-6. Classified info Pick up ad forms in any classified box at all DTH pickup spots or at DTH Office. Return ad and check or money order to DTH Office 12:00 (noon) I day before the ad will run or in campus mail 2 days before. Ads must be prepaid. Rates: 25 words or less Students $1.50 . Non-Students 2.50 5c for each additional word $1.00 for boxed ad or bold type Please notify the DTH Office if there are mistakes in your ad, immediately! We will onIy.be responsible for the first ad run. Tha Daily Tar Haal la pubUahad by tha Daily Tai Haal Board of Dkactora of tha Unlvararty of North Carolna dally Monday through Friday during tha raguiar acadamlc yaar axcapt during axam parted, vacations and aummar aaaaldna. Tha following dataa ara to ba tha only Saturday laauaa: Sapt. 17, Oct. 1, (, 22. Nov. 8. Tha 8ummar Tar Haal la publiahad waakly on Thuradayi during tha aummar aaaaiona. Off leaa ara at tha Frank Portar Graham 8tudant Union Building. Unrvarahy of North Carolina. Chapol Hill. N.C. 27614. Talaphono numbara: . Nawa, Spofta-933.0246, 833-0246, 933 022, 833-0372; Buainaaa. Circulation, Mvartialng-933-1 1 63. - Subscription rataa: 2B par yaar; 12.BO par Tha Campua Oovaming Council shall hava powara to dtiarmlna tha Student Activities Faa and to appropriate all revenue derived from tha 8tudent ActMtlee Faa (1.1.14 of tha Student Constitution). Tha Dally Tar Haal la a etudent organization. The Daily Tar Haal reserves tha right to regulate tha typographical tone of all advartieementa and ta revise or turn away copy It considers objec tionable. The Dally Tar Heel wHI not consider ad kistments or payment for any typographical errors or erroneous insertion unless notice is given to the Business Manager within (1 ) one dey attar the advertisement appears, within (1 ) day of receiving the teer sheets or subscription of the peper. The Daily Tar Heel will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an adver tisement scheduled to run several times. Notice for such corrction must be jiven before the next insertion. ClelreBauley Bus,ns Manager .Can Conine Advartising Manner

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