Israelis plan phased withdrawal From staff and wire reports JERUSALEM - Defense Minister Ezer Weizman and Army Chief of Staff M ordecai Our briefed the Israeli Cabinet Sunday on plans for a phased withdrawal of Israeli forces from occupied territory in southern Lebanon. Cabinet Secretary Aryeh Naor declined to give details of the withdrawal plan, which U.N. officials said would beginTuesday with Israeli troops movingsouth one to four miles from forward positions in the eastern sector. News Briefs The second stage of the pullback is scheduled to begin Friday with troops withdrawing up to three miles in the central sector. U.N. Secretary Kurt Waldheim has criticized the Israeli plan as inadequate, and Naor said Prime Minister Menachem Begin sent a reply to U.N. headquarters. In a tour of the region, reporters found hundreds of casings of American-made cluster bombs dropped by Israeli warplanes on guerrilla positions. In Washington, the State Department said the bombs, anti-personnel explosive units that spray sharpnel over a wide area, were supplied under an agreement that did not provide for their use in instances such as the seven-day Israeli campaign in Lebanon. Mayor must pay $70,120 Gates fined in illegal arrest incident From staff reports HILLSBOROUGH A Superior Court jury Friday ordered Hillsborough Mayor Fred Cates to pay an Orange County family more than $70,000 in punitive damages for the mayor's role in the illegal arrest of a family member more than three years ago. The suit stems from the arrest of Geary Blackwood in December 1974 at the home of his parents in Carrboro by Cates, Hillsborough police Sgt. Larry Biggs and Carrboro police Patrol Officer Larry Edwards. CAMP SOMERSET FOR GIRLS CAMP COBBOSSEE FOR BOYS IN BEAUTIFUL MAINE Top salary accommodations and bene fits to experienced counselors with ex perlise m any ol the following Swim ming (WSI) Sailing 'Canoeing Water Skiing. Scuba Oivmg Archery Rilelry Tennis Golf Teamsports Fencing Gymnastics. Crafts & Woodworking Dramatics. Tripping. Photography. Ham Radio. Riding (English! Call or write tor information & application Act now our openings till quickly1 Minimum Aae (jo"P1 CAMP OFFICE, Dept." 225 E- 57 St . NY. NY 10022 (212) 752-5853 GREEK WEEK '78 April 9-13 Sunday, April 9: Interfraternity Council, Faculty Picnic (4:30 p.m. Monday, April Community Service Project (Meet in Pit at 3:00 p.m.) Tuesday, April Pie-Eating Contest Announced Live (3:00-5:00 p.m. in Pit) Pan Hellenic Plant Sale (All Day, NCNB Plaza) BYO alcohol. Wednesday, April 12: Pan-Hellenic Scholarship (5:30 Forest Theater) Thursday, April Greek Games (3:00-5:30 p.m. Ehringhaus Field) 8-11 Kegs, Tape Show Culminating with the APO Campus Chest Carnival from 6:30-12:00 p.m. on Ehringhaus Field. Onii n'j ran rnilP drppk jj all, come out and have Il I. ,.nin,l events win utr ucttjcu m Contact Rick Graves (968 - The Israeli military command Sunday admitted that the bombs were used but did not say how many or where. Coup attempt fails MOGADISHU Somali President Siad Barre said Sunday his army had quickly crushed a long-expected coup attempt by a group of disgruntled officers and the ringleaders will be punished. News reports said a number of senior officials were killed in the short-lived rebellion. However, it was not immediately clear if they were part of the government or rebel forces, and the extent of other casualties also was not known. Mogadishu Radio reported the ringleaders had been quickly arrested and the government is in control of the situation. Diplomatic sources said the coup attempt had been expected for several weeks in Mogadishu in the wake of Somalia's military defeat in the Ogaden war against Ethiopia, but it had received no widespread support either from the army or ruling part and appeared doomed before it began. UNC-TV to hold forum Each of the eight Democratic candidates for the U.S. Senate will be given free air time later this month to discuss campaign issues. The 30-minute programs are scheduled for broadcast on the UNC Television Network at 7 p.m. April 18-21 and 25-28. Candidates will draw lots to determine what dates they will appear. An Orange County grand jury, the week after Blackwood filed suit for false arrest, charged Blackwood with raping Cates' daughter. Blackwood was acquitted in 1976. Cates, Biggs and Edwards earlier were found liable for trespassing on the property of Blackwood's parents near Chapel Hill the night of the arrest and for unlawful imprisonment of Blackwood. The jury ordered Biggs and Edwards to pay nominal damages to the Blackwoods. Hillsborough attorney Lucius Cheshire, one of Cates' lawyers, said the mayor plans to appeal the jury's decision. The Blackwoods' lawyer, Lonnie Coleman, said the decision was a RAMS HEAD RATHSKELLER Weekly Luncheon Special Monday: Toasttd C'heesf and ' : : . Noup . . . M.W v.:.- ' Tuesday: Quarter Barbecue Chicken . . . 51.99 Wednesday: Tuna Salad Sandwich Plate Thursday: Hot Koast Beef Platter ... 52.15 Friday: Barbeque Platter . . Barbeque Sandwich 52.00 52.40 . . 51.25 Fried Shrimp . . . 52.59 Daily Special: Chicken Salad Sand. Pan-Hellenic Council, Forest Theater) 10: 11: Picnic 13: Week from the dead. Most of a good time. Entries for all tin until ihp nrpvin?j: dnv hms" "- .vr. v 9082) for more info. I he network has provided this type of forum for candidates for statewide office since the primary election in 1972 and will provide similar programs prior to the fall general election for all candidates for the Senate seat now held by Republican Jesse Helms. Each program will open with the candidates making a brief statement. He then will be questioned by a panel. In addition to the eight 30-minute broadcasts, UNC-TV will provide the opportunity for Democratic Senate candidates to present brief position statements for broadcast during breaks between regularly scheduled prime time programs. GOP endorses students WINSTON-SALEM - The N.C. Federation of College Republicans recently approved resolutions supporting students in voting rights cases at two North Carolina universities, said Doug Markham. former president of the statewide group and a member of UNC College Republicans. Students at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee have asked the N.C. Board of Elections to order Jackson County officials to allow students to register to vote. A group of conservative Orange County Democrats has asked the state courts to purge the names of UNC students from voter rolls who give permanent addresses outside of Orange County when enrolling for classes. "The College Republicans want one policy statewide," Markham said. "Residency requirements and tax and voting laws all hallmark in legal efforts to protect the sanctity of the home. Cates has been mayor of the Orange County seat for more than 10 years. He announced last month his resignation effective July 1, saying his political differences with members of the Hillsborough Board of Aldermen had nothing to do with the civil suit the jury decided Friday. The suit originally also sought damage from the towns of Carrboro and Hillsborough, from Cates' daughter for slander and from the mayor for slander, assault and battery. The suit against the two towns was later dropped. In instructing the jury before delibeiations began, Superior Court Judge James H. Pou Bailey said damages could be awarded only if jurors found the defendants had acted with malice or wanton disregard of the rights of the plaintiffs. ').''" Grand Opening ' - . St JT A, Oriental Massage ? Ladies Welcome - 942-1814 HON. Graham Open U AM until 11 PM . YOUR ENERGY $ Work with us this summer, full or part time, selling unusual flying toys. Make $100 day and more. Please write: Jack Schylling Schylling Associates P.O. Box 53 Manchester, Ma. 01944 i April 15 May 13 June 17 , July 22 August 19 September 16 October 14 Call Howard at If mm It f.1tt!llW;-. 511 Gtj ; Peugeot. Proven by race after race, bike after bike, year after year Peugeot bikes are built to ride and built to last You can't beat Peugeot parts, Peugeot design, Peugeot construction, T7 A TT taw 1 1 0 Wut Main. Doug Markham define residency differently. There ought to be one definition." Economy headed for trouble? WASHINGTON The nation faces an economic "hemorrhage" in 1980 a stiff recession and a 10 percent or more inflation rate - unless President Carter reduces federal spending, former White House economic adviser Alan Greenspan said Sunday. Carter is expected to announce an anti inflation plan in a speech Tuesday to the American Society of Newspaper Editors. Aides have said the strategy does not include new programs but stresses voluntary restraint. television Monday It i Arbor Day , Charlie Brown Ai Hp m on Channel 2 and II. Baaeball The New York Yankee vs. the lexas Rangers at K:.M) p.m. on Channels 5 and tt. To Kill a Cop, Part Ona A New York City police detective tries lo end violence against his fellow members ol ihe force. Ai V p.m. on Channel 2H. Tueaday National Geographic: Journey to tha Outtr Umlta - Students ol the Colorado Outward Bound School climb a peak in the Peruvian Andes, Al H p m on Channel 4 Vietnam: Picking Up tha Placaa A 1977 documentary about Vietnam after the Communist takeover. At 9 p m. onChanneU. To Kill a Cop, Part Two - Conclusion of Monday's movie at 9 p.m. on Channel 28. Wsdnssday Caribou: Tha Incrsdlbla Journey A special following caribou herds on their 2.000 mile trek from ihe Yukon to ihe Arctic Circle. As 8 p.m. on Channel 2H. Great Performance!: School tor Scandal The Guthrie Theater Company of Minneapolis presents Sheridan's IHth century comedy al 9 p in. on Channel 4. Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is Ha Saying Those Terrible Things About Me? (1971) Starring Dustin Hoflnun and Barbara Harris. Al 9 p.m. on Channel 2H. theatre Dutchman Ihe play, dealing wilh ihe problems of black w hue communication, is a pjrt of the Carolina Symposium. At 8' p.m. I hursday through Saiurday in 108 Graham Memorial. Mr. Roberta - The I'laymukcts Repertory Company opens wilh this last play of Ihe season at 8 p.m. I hursdsay in I'laymakers Theatre. Performances nightly except Sunday and Monday al 8 and at 2 p.m. Sundays through April .10. Call 9.13-1 121 lor information. The Wonderful Wizard ol Ol Chapel Hill Theater Co, .presents Ihe musical al 8 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday at the Mad Haiier. Additional shows at J p m. Wednesday and Saiurday and at 6 p.m. Sunday. The Sound ol Music - Opening Tuesday al 6:30 p.m. at the Village Dinner Theater. Performances nightly except Monday al :J0 and at 1 1:30 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Call 787-7771 for information. The House ol Blue Leavea - This production by the Duke University Players continues for another weekend beginning I hursday at 8 15 p m in Branson Theatre. Basic Kayak Basic Canoe Intermediate Kayak Intermediate Canoe Basic Kayak Basic Canoe Advanced Kayak 383 - 2106 for information mm i,lj t 5t Ij.inr.i, otg or Peugeot perfor mance. You can't even beat the 7 Peugeot guarantee, VVI llvl l wwws cvci y iiniiy, ' ui lite, even in racing situations. Believe in Peugeot. You can bike on it. nn A iTll TT!TTTTT Carrboro 967-5 1 04 Weekda y Fare n mEHilB m BS. UNC group controversial By KAMI A TREANOR Staff Writer A planning committee of the UNC Board of Governors is to decide Thursday if establishment of the controversial Center for Labor Education and Research at N.C. Central University in Durham is a worthwhile project for the 16-campus UNC system. The board approved plans for the center in October but sent the idea back to the planning committee after state legislators complained the project would benefit labor unions. University officials asked for a second delay in February to request a study to determine if the program is necessary. Board member Harley Shuford, president of Century Furniture Co. in Hickory, said the proposed center would be "a step toward the University supporting organized labor." One of the most outspoken critics of the center is Bill Treadaway. executive vice president pf Printing Industry of the Carolinas Inc., who has attacked the center as being pro-union. Supporters of the center are trying to dispel beliefs that the center would be pro union by demonstrating what they say are the benefits of locating the center at traditionally black NCCU. The program will also foster employer-employee relations in North Carolina through training, proponents say. cinema Chapel Hill The Front - This film about blacklisting in the theatre will he shown as a part of the Carolina Symposium at 7 and 9 p m. Monday in Carroll Hull. Woody Allen stars in his lirsl straight dramatic role. The Autobiography ol Mlsa Jane Plltman Cicely 1 yson gives a memorable performance as a woman whose life story spans Ihe century Irom the Civil Wat to the beginning ol the Civ il Rights movement Shown at 8 p m. f uesdat in 1 1 1 Murphey Hallasaparl of the Carolina Symposium American Avanl-Garda Sundish 1 awdcr's Dangling Participle and Shirley Clarke's Portrait ol Jason al 8 p m. Tuesday in Carroll Hall. National Velvet - At 7 p m. 1 uesday and Wednesday in the Meeting Room ol the Chapel Hill 1 ibrary Nosteratu (1922) - Blake tdwards' first mm starring Peler Sellers as Inspector Clouscau. this lime invest iguting a Icwel ihelt. With David Nivcn. Claudia Cardinale and Robert Wagner. Al 7:30 and 10 p.m. Thursday in the Hinton James Rec Room Duke University The 17th Parallel - At 7 and 9:30 p m f uesday in the Bio-Sci Auditorium. Arsenic and Old lace - Al 7 and 9 30 p ni 1 hursday in the Bio-Sci Auditorium. music Monday Clomp) Quartet - The Duke University Department of Music sponsors this corjctrl in memory of Julia Mueller, featuring music by Haydn. Vaiighan Williams and Beethoven. Al 8 15 pm. in Baldwin Auditorium. Chris Detany - Performing Southern folk music Irom 1 1 a m. to I p.m. in the Pit. N.C. String Quartet - Performing music by Moart, Bartok and Beethoven al 8 p m. in Hill Hall Auditorium. PIMIMIIIIMIIMMMMMIHMMIIIMMMIIIIIHMIMHTJ jj Commercial Plastics & Supply Corp. ; PlOXtglaS All colors) - We Cut to Size Bargain Barrel for Cut Offs All Accessories Most Other Plastics in Stock 731 W. Hargett St. Raleigh. N.C. 27603 828-4100 gMJHMt.llltlttlMMIIAiiJUUIMll"tM Could you pass this Red Cross swimming test? SWIM: I. Breastsirokc-100 Yds. 2 Sidcslrokc-10(1 Yds. 3. Crawl stroke -100 Yds. I Back crawl -50 Yds. 5. On back (legs only) -50 Yds. 6. Turns (on tronl, back, side). 7. Surface dive -underwater swim -20 Ft. 8. Disrobe -float wiihcloihes-5rruns. 9. Long shallow dive. 10. Running Irom dive. 11. tO-minuie swim. r1 Red Cross is counting jbbS onyou. u Students earn $175.00 or more a week this summer selling Good Humor Ice Cream. You're given the help you need to earn top income, including excellent training in this interesting job with Good Humor. Come to Office of Career Placement to sign for an interview on Tues., April 11, 1978. , How To Qualify: Minimum Age: 18 Need a valid driver's license and must be able to drive a clutch transmission. If you are selected, you can reserve your jcb now for this summer in Washington, D.C. Monday, April 10. 1978 The Daily Tar Heel 3 to consider labor center i ne Droiect is to Be an adult-education training project to help union and non-union workers understand the industrial enterprise system, NCCU Chancellor Albert Whiting said. Whiting acknowledged that the easiest access to the work force is through the unions but said the center itself would not be union-oriented. People's Alliance spokesperson Bob McMahon criticized business interests and other proponents of the plan" saying corporate executives favor management but not the work force. "The People's Alliance believes that state's institutions should be run for all our people," McMahon said. "When the boards that make the decisions are composed of a wealthy few, then democracy becomes a sham." t he state spends large sums of money on programs for management and business training courses. The same should be done for the workers by establishing centers such as the proposed NCCU project, McMahon said. State AFL-CIO President Wilbur Hobby proposed the labor center last year, saying courses offered through the program could be taught by NCCU faoilty. If approved Thursday, the center could offer courses in labor law, occupational health and safety, pension reform, labor economics and communications skills. McMahon said he is pessimistic about the center's chances of approval. Wednesday Saudargas and Baker 1 he classical guitarists perform al I p m in lireal Hall ol Ihe C arolina Union Tha Grateful Dead - Duke University Maior Atiiiciions presents llm concert ! Cameron liulooi Slailium al 8 p m. Thursday Meal Loal In concert at 8 p in in Memorial Hall Tha University Chokr - Works bv Andrea Gabrieli. Ernst Krenek. Hugo Duller. Charles Ives and UNC composer Roger Hannay will be pcrlormed under Ihe direction of Carl Slam al I pm in Hill Hall Auditorium. Voice Concert - Susan Baraban. San Francisco soprano. performs at 8 p m in Jones Auditorium ol Mereduh College. lecture Dr. Ray Blrdwhlstell - The father of kinetics will speak on body language al 8 p m Wednesday. Place to be announced. stall t he father of l p m Wednesday. Place radio In Focus WDBS-107 FM - This week's featured artists: Monday: t.oggms and Messina und Tim Hardin Tuesday Jackson Browne and Vassar Clements. Wednesday: Hall and Dates and ITimaa Blues Band. Thursday: Crosby and Nash and Manfred Mann. Aired nightly from Ho II p m Earth Newe WXYC St.3 FM - Lou Erwin interviews Peler Sellers. Daily ar 4 and 9 p m New Voices WUNC (1.S - This week's young writer is Ski Shetlon. At 8 p m. Wednesday. nite life Cat's Cradle - Wednesday: Mac Weisman from 8 to II p.m. Thursday, the Bluegiasi Experience, Compardle t Monday: Sam Milner. Wednesday: Piedmont Serenaders. Thursday. McCabe and Whitley. The Pier. 1 uesday: Crack the Sky. Wednesday: Snyper Thursday: Snuff. planetarium Spring Shy Rnblw - The pringihow isfealurcd night.y at 8 p.m. Rod-Shoot-Tubos wa Aocapt Matte Charga 10 Discount with this Ad Am knit ho's laki : a Red! rosssttun course knows how tough iuan he I here's agood reason. Vc behove drowning is a serious business. Ijsi year alone, we taught 2.W.20! Americans nol to drown - in the seven dillerenl swim courses we oiler .ill across the country. (Incidentally, most ol ihe teaching -as with almost everything American Red Cross docs is done by dedicated volunteers ) A good many ul ihe youngsters nol only are learning to keep lU-mrhrs sate. Thousands upon thousands ol them arc learning to become hlesavcrs. And the lilc they save - may be your own. A Public Service ol This Newspaper 1 Tha Council il iliiJJiliilll!