continued from page 10 Howard believes there are advantages in being gay. "It's OK for me to share some of my feelings with other men. It's OK for me to cry in front of other men. I think that a straight man's fearing that somebody else might label him as queer is the reason why straight men don't share as much. He says, 'I can't be a poor athlete in front of somebody else 'cos then they 11 think I'm gay.' It's really sad 'cos I think it keeps a lot of straight men from interact ing; just as people; just as average close relationships," Howard says. When asked to decide if she would rather be gay or straight, Donna says, "I would probably choose straight because being gay has caused a whole lot of problems that if I were straight I wouldn't be dealing with right now." Karen says, "I feel fine about being gay. I enjoy it. I suppose if I were talking about some sort of ideal I think people ought to be bisexual. I certainly wouldn't choose to be exclusively straight." "If I went back to zero I'd like to be bisexual," Howard says. Dan says, "I'm not unhappy being gay. Being heterosexual would be something different. I don't think it would be better. I have never had sex with a woman, and it's something I would like to do. I have had meaningful social-interpersonal relationships with women. When I was in college I dated quite a number of women." Karen says she dated several men. Howard dated several women at college. "I enjoyed dating them, but I couldn't get into sex. I am attracted to women by their personalities but not by their bodies," he says. Chapel Hill is the only city in this state that has an ordinance that says that a per son working for the city (excluding the University) cannot be fired because of sexual preference. But theordinancedoes not pertain to hiring or being in public places . Howard says, "I wish it would be OK for me to walk into Harrison's and dance there with another guy. But I can't 'cos I'd get thrown out. If I sat in Harrison's and put my arm around another guy and kiss ed him, I'd probably get thrown out." Christophers, on Chapel Hill Blvd., is Chapel Hill's only gay bar. A bar is the traditional place for homosexuals to pick up partners. Dan says the most common way two gay men signal interest in each other is through prolonged eye contact. "Most straight men walking down the street will look at another man and look away," Howard says. "Now think about how he lets a woman know he is in terested in her. He probably looks at her long and hard. Looks up and down. Right? It's called cruising. It's no different for a gay man." Donna says in addition toprolonged eye contact, lesbians signal interest by smiling and speaking. Donna says some gays in the past have signaled their homosexuality by letting a red bandanna dangle from their pants' back pocket. Some gay men wear one earring. Some gays wear a button that has an inscription concerning their sexuality such as "How dare you presume I'm heterosexual." Gay baths are found in large cities like Charlotte and Washington. It is common for gay men, but not lesbians, to go to gay baths. "When you walk in you pay your money which is $6 for a room and $4 for a locker," Dan says. "In the room there's a bed and a locker. You get a towel and the key to. your room. You wear only the towel wrapped around you "You leave y6ur door Open and lie there seductively, and someone comes in your room. Or you go out to somebody's room. It depends on 'how assertive you are. I usually stay three or four hours. "In most cases there is some personal feeling. We need to dispose of the myth that says gay men are attracted to all men. I mean, all heterosexual men are not at tracted to all women. There is a respect and a caring for the other person. It's not totally mechanical," Dan says. Many gay baths have weight rooms, dance floors, showers, and sauna baths. In seeking a sex mate, gay men are con cerned most about physical appearance while lesbians are concerned more about personality. "Gay men who are DOONESBURY overweight, too thin, too old or too bald find difficulty being accepted in the gay bar setting," Dan says. "The emphasis is on cruising and picking up someone. It's all based on physical appearance. It has lit tle to do with the individual's personali- ty" Concerning Anita Bryant, Howard says, "She really upsets me. And I'm very upset that she has so much power. It's really incredible that so many people sup port her and believe her and think that she's a wonder woman. It's scary to me. I am Jewish. I say God will accept, me if I love and care for other people regardless of what their gender is." Dan says a large percentage of people (two-thirds of the male population) who define themselves as heterosexual have had at least one homosexual experience. Dan had an affair with a dorm counselor and a football player. "Neither of these people identified themselves as being gay. The football player was using me as a convenient sexual outlet' The Carolina Gay Association was founded in 1974 by Dan Leonard. Its ac tivities include weekly rap sessions, monthly lectures and programs, dances. The Tar HeelThursday, July 13, 197811 consciousness-raising groups and a newsletter. Monthly meetings have 15-30 participants. Weekly rap sessions usually have 5-15 participants. Gay Awareness Week last March reached about 500 people. Six to 10 people who had not identified themselves as gay or bisexual before came to do so during that week, Dan says. There were 12 lec ture sessions during Awareness Week, with about 20-25 in each session. Last year the CGA set aside a day in which people who were gay were to wear blue jeans. "It makes people realize that gays are everywhere. It makes people who usually wear blue jeans very uncomfor table and experience some of the anxieties that gays may have about being different," Dan says. This year the Duke Gay Alliance used the blue jean tactic. "One of the counter moves at Duke was if you hate fags wear a shirt," Da i says. Donna's last words were: "1 just came out last September which means I was alone from the ninth grade until 1 was a junior in college. I met my first lesbian and gay man last September. I was flunking out last spring. I just did pull myselt together to take three of my exams. Two I didn't take. Which means I got Fs in the courses. That was last spring. This past fall I was on the dean's list. Every bit of that change is from coming out . . .feeling gotnl about myself, finally after all these years." by Garry Trudeau ' YEAH. W we a.' turn's up, Jf MAN GONE, PUTCHY? W. PUKE? I SS5, THE AMY I FIGURE IT, WITH YOUR IN SIDE DOPE, WE COULD CtEAHUP, WHAT SORT OF INSIDE POPE, DUTCH MAN? j uheluwascm- IN9 TO SEE IF YOU COULDUSEAUTTIE ACTION THISSEAS0N. I'VE HEARD ABOUT YOUR NEW PEP PILL PROGRAM ANP.. SP0RJSMED IQNB PRO GRAM! IT'S A SPORTS MEDICINS PROGRAM! I YOU KNOW, PLAYER AN ALYSIS. WHOS UP WHOS NOT, WHOS PLAYING HURT, WHOS PLAYING HIGH, THAT SORT OF THING., gjHAWER.m POINT 5 YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A LINE ON UHATIs GOING INTO THE TEAM FEED- BAGS, AMI, RIGHT? WHATRE YOU PRO POSING, DUTCHMAN? I JaSf TV J DUNN0, DUTCH, YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT SOME PRETTY HEAVY DUTY SCAM. IT COULD COST, TOO. HOUfS YOUR SEEP MONEY SITUA TION? NO, I NEW DEPTHS, MEAN IN PUKE, NEW TERMS OF DEPTHS. RISK. NEVER BETTER. I'M IN THE MOB NOLO. OH, WAT'S right. nice picture in "Newsweek; BY WE WAY. CHICAGOPRESSFEST! On the Front Feature Tables . . . an exciting batch of treasure from Chicago University Press! Limited engagement! Come browsing, do! .Stat (This feature at the downtown shop only.) 119 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill Open evenings This Week's Special HONEY DIP DONUTS 99$ a dozen no coupon necessary Watch for next weeks special starting Sun. July 16 45 Munchkins for $1.00 reg. $1.79 ou:::a;i' ias::mo 129 E. Franklin St. Chapel Hill 929-9553 Mon-Sat 10-6 Hot Diggity Days Sale July 14-29 Saving money for relaxing vacations is as important as having distinctive clothes and accessories to take along with you . . . Andromeda can help you do both. Special prices on floral print outfits, straw hats, various sandals, shawls, canvas totes, blouses, shorts, camisole topsK men's tie-dyed shirts, and many other items. "Being gay has made me very strong individually. I've had to stand on my own more times than 1 care to remember."