(The Sathi Mixr HppI - El I I Friday, November 17, 1978, Chapel Hill, North Carolina L'f ' '' DTHKathy Harris By SARAH WEST In recent years, Homecoming has meant little more to most students than just another football game. Few remember the days when it was the highlight of the football season. But in an attempt to bring the excitement and tradition back to Homecoming, the Carolina Athletic Association and the Carolina Alumni Association have laid plans to make this weekend the biggest Homecoming UNC has seen in years. Activities will include two dances, an alumni mixer and a parade, not to mention the Carolina-Virginia game. "In the past few years, Homecoming has been nothing," said Dan Heneghan, CAA President. "It's hard to get people interested" when every home game is a big party weekend. For that reason, we're trying to offer as many J 9 activities as possible we want to get people excited about Homecoming." The CAA will launch its Homecoming events with a parade Friday afternoon. The parade, which begins at 3:30 p.m., will start out at Carmichael Gym, march up Raleigh Street, turn left onto Franklin Street, and finally end up at Granville Towers. Ten to 12 campus organizations will enter floats in the parade. Heneghan said he felt the response was good for a first-time parade. "We can't expect miracles the first year,'' Heneghan said. "We hope that next year there will be more interest and that organizations will put it in their budget in September. This year we re just trying to lay a foundation. See HOMECOMING on page 2 Mickey's birthday ...is Saturday, and Don Woodard has some thoughts on the anniversary of an institution on page 6. Choo Choo recalled ...along with other Homecoming history on page 3. Mark Peel comments on new albums on page 9.