4 The Daily Tar Heel Friday. April 4, 1980 kjy rnrrjrn IrriT. i tfTiTTi JUL! JLJ J J i U 1 ' - vLiXi HELDOVEn 4th GREAT VEEK EAST FRANXUN STREET 23 45 73 S'5 "'Coal Miner's Daughter' is ah achievement in American cinema, Richard (Irenier.Ciwmopolitan Magazine "A total joy from beginning to end... spirited, honest and life affirming. Sissy Spacek and Tommy Lee Jones are mesmerizing. You'll be rivited to the If SClen. Rex Reed. New York Daily News : SISSY SPACEK TOMMY LEE JONES Anr'lf COMIIiS SCCM: JAL.ES CAAN I'l "HIDE IN PLAIN SIGHT AM MARCELLO nASTP.IAK::i AND NATASIA KINSX, IN "STAY AS YOU THE CAROLINA CLASSIC SERIES f.lATIijEES TODAY THROUGH THURS AT 3:C3 5:00 n fifii L NOW... Beauty and Clamour in the Wonders of C1NEAASC0PE! 0 , X Pt 7. -l J? -A www y tiu w Throughout history he has filled the f hearts of men with terror, and the hearts of women with desire. U0 L FRANK LANGELLA . LAURENCE OLIVIER Rl LATE SHOW FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 11:43 PM NEXT WEEK WOODY ALLEN'S "SLEEPER" AND THE HILARIOUS BERG MAN SPOOF "THE DOVE" rinra iiii Vn7PHBl ll WliuU 0 LATE SHOW FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 11:30 PM NEXT WEEK summer of '42 i TtirniMm starts Tnnnvi EAST FRANKLIN STREET hr!,-.' J "V" " " 'NIGHTLY at 7:30 9:30 See him bafoie lie sees you. Rl i7H rnnn nnfTnnTirvi? k I 3 1 K KIT "--'St I Based on the True Story presents STEVE McQUEEN m "TOM HORN" A SOLAR-FRED WEINTRAUB Pmduct. Mutbr ERNEST COLD Eiscutivi pnxinr STEVE McQUEEN Scrnpkiy by THOMAS McGUANE end BUD SHRAKE fwi br FRED WEINTRAUB Bract! br WILLIAM W1ARD . 'r1 S ' f I'f HIITmCTIB O rtMII U tOUl I (UMOIAI rUnwd in hciavuioa Technicolor X 'j American U Red Cross THE CflROLIUfl THEATRE - I iMtni'Hiiii iifnami K J . . ' R KOW ON THE BIG SCREEN! 9 ACADEMY KOMIMATIOHS! Eves 7:00 9:10 Sun mats 2:40 4:50 pmmmmmmmmmmm CarinipiLiis C Public servtce announcements most bf tu'npd !n t ! by 1 p m if thpy are to fun the net dsy Ear;h ?ti &g9g.liWWIBtolMI..Mill hi otJiJi th t) t W rjttir in (ho CfOlift UrKn Will b fun 8t tir, W.4 i IIVITIES TODt Lt day tn ign up for Intramumt Simmintmpi'itifi. The meet ill tx held on April 10 prrewted hy i slrnke clifie given by immers on the UNC rwim team. The Campiu Y ne? ds interied pernifi io fun it .t.H.e r prugnimmmg Per tons interested incnntdirmimf film, Intwrf , and dinner-discussions series should sppty in HtJ V PnM.I(cg VOIIH RIMSlRAHON. Chap Mill Muniripl Building M)b N. Columbia St. and t arrborn Ton Hall. W Mam St. todjy 9 a.m. -5 p m. and Saturday t a m. to t p m I he deadline is 1 urdfty for th presidential primary There 'll be an F.aslef brktt at tba Moplisl Campus MiniKtry at 7 a m. on I riday at Battle House. Prerej;ivlt.ttiiin for IIFFD JJ. Topic in Human Sexuality ill begin on Wednesday. April 9 at 8 a.m. in 322 School of Public Health Center Cisllery announces an exhibition of prints by Jo Wright Whitton. An opening reception will be held on Friday 8 p m.-IO p.m. The exhibition continue through April 27. Applications for next year's Union film committee will be available at the Union desk through Friday. Member dutiet include film selection and working as projectionists and houac staff. Any person interested in applying for an editor' pom ion on the Black Ink staff should contact Donna Whiuker al 933 4868 or get an application from the BSM offite by April 4. ABOIlTIOn The decision may well be difficult tju. t.tjj abortion itself doesn"t have u i V n'r.i best to make it easy for yoij Pre Pregnancy Tt Very Early Preaancy Tat Call 701-8860 tnylimm The Fleming Ctmttr Friendly . . , Personal , , .VvtfmsViliih at ary.vionahlrjf; -j i An nwliii i Aaaitatinii i BARGAIN MATINEES $2.00 TIU 6 PM MON.-FRI. 2 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS 1NCL BEST ACTOR PETER SELLERS HELD OVER 5TH BIG WEEK! 2:00 4:30 7:00 9:30 PETER SELLERS SHIRLEY MacLAINE BEING THERE United Artists IgGJ Bargain Matinees $2.00 Til 6 PM Mon.-Fri. i urn in imeittttmttmtili0tmjmti Held Over 2nd Big Week! 2:15 6:55 4:35 9:20 AcadmwAward 1T m ma m - - iwrnmanons BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Mickey Rooney BEST EDITING Robert Dalva I i ;.&- f ftl(S 45!dd$$k!l!Oi "THE BLACK STALLION" sumng KELLY RENO TERI GARR CLARENCE MUSE HOYT AXTON MICHAEL HIGGINS nd MICKEY ROONEY Muk by CARMINE COPPOLA Max ROBERT DALVA Dtnrtoro.nwwgr.phyCALEB DESCHANEL Scrmptey by MELISSA MATHISON k JEANNE ROSENBERG and WILLIAM D.WmUFF Bad on the novel by WALTER FARLEY EcuItv Producer FRANCIS COPPOLA Fnducxd by FRED ROOS jndTOM STERNBERG Directed by CARROLL BALLARD IVIImwnmnr From ZOETROPE bTUDIOS Thmcolor IJaJI ' " I HHUCriottcxraES CopynfM O 1980 Untied Artists Corporaboa M rights meraed Gl UnstsdArt3St3 BARGAIN MATINEES HELD OVER THIRD WEEK tii r pm mL co, , 3:00 5:00 7:10 9:00 , TIL 6 PM MON.-FRI. . ' . ,' ..'awiiiii c v i 7 THE BET IS ON: WHOEVER CATCHES A GUY RRST -WINS. IMttkHDariin DONT LET THE TITLE FOCI YOU rr:ra reras rams i m mzziim crCTa loiiui ck ium mnu ts.tr ixa ox mi it sriFaii j ie;xi mm it cui w jss tu r.as rsr it cjb m tm n cm i ta-nt it ir ttmwi tctf COi.ir : uro. n . nwiw,! . i l$ f ' the Mr. NH tl.ll wm b open on Mwl fr.nirt Iff nly tw tnntt Morula yt thta semester, April 14 2t t all JlH ff a appraMitwnt to talk t (.fojiwlof t,f ttHMt btnwM It tba binary f h Center will be (IriMu) (of ( Mnrwlny Maritn ( will talk hHomI a tuitl ls!ctfi experiment at th ot ftHfiins; id lti '4adMi .to)i C ollouium on f UrlnY Ml 4 p m ( ; Wilwm Malt AH) will mt l!pm I ur m M Bryhilt IV. AUn ( roos of th rpt o( otti.nuitrty Mcdume and Hmpital Administration, will spenk on "pirvrntiva Mrdmoe and Mfdaat Prat ta rs in I vrl'ipini ( t.untiwi " Also milmtum of nest year's i.llicrrs will take pU. , There is an AH C ampus Hrrtly Prayer Mretlnf on Tuesday from l2 .Wpm-l pm. in the Onion. Come pray with us for your campus the I ( Pre-I a C luk invrtrs you to rotne hear William Br-nnnt. dirrxtor of theNational HumanitiesCenter, speak on "Why V.u Should and W hy You Should Not Oo To Uw VhoH " Ihe irtrxiwf will be held at 730 p m. in 207 of the I fiKn on f ucdy. 1 here is a ouoJatry workshop of the YMCA Bi Bixidies tm 7 ucsdvy on trw kucockJ Hoof of the Y Building. Nxih l H.a.i, itsmw atlwxul eafakottat arc available in Itar CotuiMUi. ttdxt t rtwary, 1(4 ash Kail. Consult these to ctitck 4.H.a odj(s for LSC-CH curriculum. Af4Jt to ti Mjeasai kWaaal crxrtr)bers-at-larix will be iMlu iw.! i 2 v iMtia . ad a brief letter and '"w U: fcvA t i 0jr-jt (.ov S 4 i v..a. j..,. f-r 1 CPR clasa of the "" y'vt.x r.-vv.,; WryAprU9. 10nd II ' J--r -i.-.--r y f rtt C .-f i 1 Ci osssca'a iUa, it a. je.vi.,,, Mft 4&eSA pxx tot the "" f frf' n-v yv tvyyjn tvr tif'trpc muuc iroun, by ttrndin the conccrl on Tueay at 8 p m m Kd Halt Auditornim. V arM H atrrsc People interested in sailing for UNC aa laakc this Saturday .houbj call Tim at V2S 997. ITEMS OF INTFRF-ST FINAL EXAMS. The beat time to start reviewing is now. T how thiscan work, drop by the I NC Readinf Protrana. Self-help material, on: test preparation, test uktng. study skills, memory training, reading efficiency, etc No charge for one or two visitv previously enrolled students aiwava free. Phillips Annes. second floor. We have evening hour. ' Saturday mornings too. M,uATsARAT,OV The l NC R Prm has escellent MCAT review and practice materials. I nroll now tc AP"' 26 '""n Ph,!l'n Anne- W 9V.VItl No charge to Preva,us reg.Mrants. Hours X , m -f p m Monday through Thursday. 8a m.-4pm Fridav 9am. noon Saturday. Tb Prrdental, Premedic.1 Ad.Wng OfTiee seeking student peer adv.sors for the I9XO-8I academar year Riwng senior prtdental premedical students mi'erested in contrtbut.ng J houn a week acting others in cumcular applcation and alternative careers counseling are invited to apply. Application forms can he obtained from the Adwsing Office. .Ml South. For more information call the Advuma Office. W-2,; Or. IVarman. 96o-2V; M, Allct. 9.VV Nomination forms for the Order of the Old We, an honorary organization recognizing outstanding service o the University are now available at the I'nion dcv JrKl at Wilson I ihrary. Arty N. C. KMT or any person certified in American Red Cross Advanced First Aid and Fnxigcnce ( aie. who is mterevted in becoming a standard and or advanced first atd instructor please call I isa at 93J-I4S7. David at 9 9M,- r Henry at 3.t-3?37. Anyone interested in chairing Campus Y dinner -discussions for next war should stop hy 102 Y building, ask lor Bctw or Dave. All aasoergraduate buann Mudrnts plcave complete the nomonation ballots for the Undergraduate Tekhuig Awards and return them hetore April 8 Ballets may he puked up in Carroll Hell across from the receptionist's desk "-into) SI I 1 V J STs. FIGURE ROYSCHEIDER BOBFOSSEmiFMTs JESSO L4NGE hN Pt INKING LEWND MWR CLTFGOnVN & BEN VEPffN aa'atw f)jrk rw ttin k a - a u at GIUSEPPE ROTUNNO ALAN HEM PHILIP ROSfcNBXRG TONYWAITOH RAlPHBtWlS rwcH nnn rnnnr i ,Jaf JkzC !f RhirjrtJ;" fajl'ih at. i 4 J HELD OVER 4TH SMASH VEEK! BARGAIN MATINEES $2.00 TIL 6 PM MON.-FRI. W3 2:15 7:05 4:40 9:30 THE Daily Crossword by Jack Luzatto ACROSS 25 Illumined 49 Move 1 Nuisance in 26 Fireplace restlessly a crowd shelf 50 Long- 7 Movie 28 Went away handled equipment 29 Nightfall weapon 13 Personal 31 English 51 Clip attitude noble 52 Teller of 14 Homes 33 Fixed over fables 15 Devices 34 Garden 54 Hostile 16 Students worker encounter 17 Man with 38 Cairo's 55 Flag a question river 57 Aggressive 18 Preferences 40 Tongue-lash for a cause 20 Life story, 41 III temper 59 Smelled for short 44 Cavalry of smoke 21 Addict swords 60 Frictional 22 False 46 Soft shoe, 61 Commands attitude for short 62 Royal 23 Conger 47 Make a substitute catcher speech 11 Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: EYE STT t K tAN i; A G Of ST s i ii jTa f i s CZLZ LL D-iN is. t ZZZZ jQR FlA o Toe 0 Z y u aimTp E L . L L A. L 2 it H. L E 1 i. 1 2 1. 1 I .1 JJ. i. L la siLiL 1 1 uir a. 5, tmjL f JilH f A H Ia lJLQl.1 l i a inj J TnJ .n a. ;o funtk it li irrit fiH Li 5tm1 s; 44 DOWN 1 Appropri ated fur tively 2 Theater attendant 3 Excitement 4 Attila 5 Soon 6 Fight back 7 Cod. for example 8 Cruel treatment 9 Cleaning implement 10 Fit for food Welfare payments Supply in variety Inactive Manhandler Lowest part of a ship 22 Jury groups 24 Senior Small car Sends down Music for nine Tie fabrics Having the upper, hand Summoning forth Late Food Breathe Spanish dance PreoVif Expired, ai a policy Hard hitter Hard to restrain Insert Football players Carnival attraction Eiscnhowef Flying record 12 13 15 19 26 27 30 32 35 30 37 39 40 41 42 43 45 43 50 53 54 56 53 " "' i 2 1 4 z pi n T3 rn I T 5 " u " I 17 """"" T7 """ i i " ,. si 1 IT" ' f n T R is it& .s H MMM MWMM ii'lIM .MM MMMV MMOT WMPiNH- MMMW - .MMU mmmh f i ji jil WM ... W'H I J il u I "jT" " " "" " "" TT" " "" H id "" iT" 4 j """" I Ti lit J "" ' 44 45" 0 4 "" 4d " ' 4j "" " J " MMMW M. MWM i. mm H. MMMM MMMM -WMi m nh MM. ss " """"" -jtT " jii , . L ; 1 O by Chicago Trtbun-N.Y. New Synd. Inc. All Rights Reserved 44J

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