Usur Chilly Cloudy and cool today with a nigh in the 60s, and the low dipping to the frosty 30s. Snorting Cocaine sales and use are the subject of the cover story in today's Weekender. i A i 23 Serving the students and the University community since 1893 Volume 87, Issue No. 133f)f Thursday, April 17, 1980 Chapel Hill, North Carolina NwSpmArt tJ3-C24S BusJrwsi Advertising (33-1113 Minority affairs amnders criticise reiHrt9 lack of input position, sou ' JL 1 i ght i By LYNN CASEY Staff Writer The Committee on the Status of Minorities and the Disadvantaged will recommend Friday that the Faculty Council request that the chancellor create a function within the University's administrative structure that will enhance the well being of minority students and faculty. The recommendation is part of the committee's final report assessing the University's efforts to address the problems and needs of minority faculty, staff and students. The committee has concluded that the University has failed in its efforts by omission. The report does not specify how the function of addressing minorities' needs and problems be done. It leaves that decision up to the chancellor. During open hearings last fall, the committee found that no one disagreed that a mechanism should exist within the administration to enhance minorities on campus. However, views differed on whether an office of minority affairs or an assistant to the chancellor would best serve the function identified in the report. The report states, "The need is not for a position or an office described by any particular descriptive name and we propose no such name. An office or person of whatever name which did not have these functions would not address the problems and needs identified." The report discussed four problem areas concerning University minority affairs. It said there was: No administrative mechanism to coordinate minority admissions, financial aid and counseling, "all of which are obviously interrelated functions bearing directly on the success and welfare of minority students." No systematic review of reports and data to monitor recruitment and welfare of minority faculty and students. No central mechanism to advise persons on how the University can guarantee that the best efforts are made to enchance the well-being of minority faculty and students. No central mechanism within the administrative staff to advocate changes and causes for minorities. The report stresses that these functions must take place at a high administrative level. "We strongly urge that the person in charge of these functions reports directly to the chancellor and should be accountable to him," .it states. It further adds that the person should not be in an administratively subordinate position to the several vice chancellors in the present structure. UNC law professor Charles Daye, chairman of the committee, further said the report stated the need for the institutionalization of these functions. "Creating a temporary committee, temporary office or temporary anything won't work and would not be satisfactory," he said. Hayden B. Renwick, associate of the College of Arts and Sciences, said, "It is an excellent report for what it says but there are a lot of open ended things." Renwick said the report did not talk about numbers, and full implementation of-the report would require many people. "I don't think it's going to be fully implemented," Renwick said, "What you're going to have is one super black or four or five super blacks trying to implement the plan. It just can't be done." In a Wednesday night meeting the Campus Governing Council unanimously voted in favor of endorsing the report but added that the report was just a first step in increasing the number of minority faculty and students on the UNC campus. The CGC further promised to continue to fight and speak loudly about the need of "a truly representative University community." y- 'lit Wit f- i NO To S -1 florae iTPr r u i Hscott snarpe Leo Varshauer protests Thornton report Wednesday ...curriculum changes set off widespread criticism By GARY TERPENING Staff Writer The Dean's Coordinating Committee to review the undergraduate curriculum presented Tuesday night the recommendations of its nine subcommittees, and the proposals to revise liberal education at the University were met with heavy student criticism. Student Body President Bob Saunders criticized the committee for the lack of student input used in its decision making and said efforts to revise the curriculum were being made too quickly. "Why the hurry?" Saunders asked. "There is a perception on campus that the report is being rushed through. This is the only hearingwhere students have been able to have any input, and we need more like this. I strongly urge you to slow down." Samuel R. Williamson, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and chairman of the coordinating committee, said the report on the curriculum must be completed soon and cannot be taken back to the drawing board with each new change of Student Government opinion. Weldon E. Thornton, coordinating committee member and English professor, said the subcommittee's recommendations were tentative and subject to further review. "The job of the coordinating committee is not to merge and pull together the subcommitte's recommendations into a revised version of my committee's report," Thornton said. Thornton was chairman of the Committee to review the Undergraduate Curriculum, which presented its report to Williamson last June. Williamson said there will be more discussion and more student opinion gathered before the report is completed either late this semester or early next semester. "We are in the process of putting things together with the cooperation of students," Williamson said. In addition to Saunders' comments on the report's timing, the recommendations were criticized for not addressing black studies and not allowing flexibility for students choosing curriculums. In a statement issued earlier this month, the UNC Black Faculty-Staff Caucus opposed implementation of the original Thornton report or any revised report that did not address sufficiently black studies. The caucus said in its statement the recommendations of the Thornton report were deficient because they failed to provide that every UNC student should be exposed to courses which focus on black culture. The recommendations threaten to dilute the quantity and quality of exisiting courses which focus on the black experience and also will diminish the capacity of the University to attract and retain black faculty and students, the caucus said. The nine subcommittees recommended for the General College curriculum: See THORNTON on page 2 Proposal may spell departure for Iranian students By GELAREH ASAYESH Staff Wriler "My father's been sending money (for my education) for jive years. If I have to go back now it's all that money and all that time and all the pain from the separation down the drain." Iranian student at North Carolina State University Although State Department offcials have said President Jimmy Carter's new hard line against Iran will not affect Iranian students in the U nited States legally, a proposed regulation may result in the students having to leave the country. "(When you enter) the United States (the official) gives you what is called an 1-94 form an entry and departure form which says how long you can stay in the United States," said Verne Jervis, press officer for the U.S.. Immigration and Naturalization Service. It is the 1-94 form and not the visa which allows a foreigner to stay in the United States, according to Peter Topping, acting director of the UNC International Center. Most foreign students in the United States have duration of status on their 1-94 form, which allows them to stay in the country as long as they remain students. The proposed regulation would eliminate duration of status and return to the previous system of 1-94 forms which would be valid up to a maximum of one year. This would enable INS officials to review the status cf foreign students each year to determine whether they are complying with the terms of - their visas. Under Carter's proposal, once the duration of status is revoked, the students as well as other Iranians should have to leave the United States once their 1-94 forms expire. "We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons, or where the national interest of our country requires," Carter said. Only Iranians who need emergency medical care, or have immediate family in the United States would be allowed to remain in the country, Jervis said. Iranians who fear special hardship in Iran, like religious or political persecution, would be allowed to seek asylum in the United States, he said. Jervis refused to speculate on whether Iranian students would have their 1-94 forms renewed once the duration of status was dissolved, "They are not affected at present," he said. "As to what may happen several months from now, I cannot comment or speculate on that." Many Iranians in North Carolina are unsure of what may happen to them. "When there is no diplomatic relationship (between the United States and Iran) life can at any point become difficult for Iranian students," said Abolhassan Jalilvand, an Iranian at UNC who is working toward his doctorate degree in business administration. "How can you get money? (There are) a lot of potential problems which are not clear right now. "I have worked consecutively since 1974 to get my doctorate. M y only concern has been to finish my education. There will be a tremendous financial and psychological cost for me (if I have to go back to Iran)." Most students are concerned about money which the Iranian government previously channeled to them through the Iranian embassy which was closed down last week. However, a third party may offer to assume some functions of the Iranian embassy, government officials said. "The Iranians have discussed (it) with several countries," Anita Tockman, a press officer in the State Department said recently. "There have been press reports that Algeria will do it, but it has not been formally announced." The United States and the third party would have to formally accept the proposal, as well as the Iranian government, Tockman said. "A lot of my friends have had financial troubles." said one Iranian at N.C. State University. "The money is not arriving on time. I was rather close to the brink myself for a while." Although they feel themselves to be See IRANIAN on page 2 Visitation change stuck in bureaucratic shuffle . r f A. J il'-" Peggy Leight By LINDA BROWN Staff Writer If you're a student at Carolina who's been around a couple of years, you might remember a controversy concerning dorm visitation policies. You also might remember that because of that controversy, the Residence Hall Association turned in a report suggesting 24-hour visitation on weekends. If you're not sure what action has been taken on the issue, you're not alone. After being in the air for more than two years, the proposal has yet to receive final approval. An analysis Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Donald Boulton said Tuesday, he hoped he could make a decision on the proposal by next week, but that he had not had much time to look at it. The proposal, which has gone through three RHA presidents, was begun in 1978 by then RHA president Don Fox. Fox, who is in law school now, said this week that in 1978 he heard a rumor that there might be a crackdown on visitation. RHA officers then went to the housing department and to the chancellor's office to check into the rumor. "The more we got into it and talked with the residents, we found that no one was particularly happy with the situation at that time," Fox said. To find out what the students thought of the current visitation policy, RHA distributed a survey asking the students, among other things, if the visitation policy met their needs. Of the students polled, 85 percent said they believed the visitation hours should be extended. RHA then made a final recommendation on the basis of the survey results and on advice from residence directors. The recommendation proposed two added hours to the weekly visitation schedule and 24-hour visitation on weekends. Once completed, it was sent to the Housing Advisory Board. When the board met last fall, it made its own proposal. The board suggested an option plan which allows students to choose between four visitation policies: no visitation; 10a.rn.-l a.m. Sunday through Thursday and 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Friday and Saturday; 10 a.m.-1 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and open visitation weekends; or 24-hour visitation all the time. The boards proposal was not sent to Director of Housing James D. Condie until shortly before Christmas break. He developed a proposal from those of RHA and the Housing Advisory Board. Condie's proposal, which now is with Boulton, has not been made public yet. The delay of a visitation proposal decision has at least one person upset. "We wanted to initiate something hopefully by last fall and at the latest this spring," Fox said. "Since I graduated last spring I can't really say where the problem is. With all of the research we put into it, I can't believe that it would be the fault of RHA." Fox said the delay might lie with the administrators. See VISITATION on page 2 r e t i I Don Fox R ape escort service expands By MELODEE ALVES Staff Writer A female sophomore leaves the Undergraduate Library about 9 p.m. and decides to walk back to her dorm instead of waiting for the bus. As she passes through the parking lot near her dorm, she hears a rustling. She attributes the noise to a squirrel, but still quickens her pace. Before she reaches the end of the lot, a man springs from between two cars, shoves a knife to her throat and rapes her. This is a hypothetical situation, but, unfortunately, it does happen. Many women have chosen to walk by themselves at night to a library or a dorm. And that decision has left them open for attacks ranging from simple assault to rape with multiple injuries. As concern about rape has increased, the University Police have urged women not to walk alone at night. Some parking lots and paths are well lit. Yet these efforts may not be effective in deterring a potential attack. In a survcry of 230 students taken by a Speech 55 class, 85 percent expressed much concern for security on campus. The remaining 1 5 percent thought that it was only a slight problem. Of the women surveyed, 71.5 percent said that their activities were restricted at nighj and 28.5 percent said that they didn't go out at all at night once they reached their dorms. Joe Buckner, a sophomore from Siler City, decided earlier this semester a method more effective than staying inside or walking scared at night was needed to combat such a serious problem. The method he came up with was the Rape Assault Prevention Escort service. Comprised of 180 men from the Olde Campus Residence College, the RAPE service provides escorts for women to and from the North and South campus dorms, Granville Towers, the sorority houses, McCauley Street and Fowler's. The men are required to work only one hour a night with six men and 30 alternates working each hour. The RAPE service is available from 7 p.m.-l a.m. Sunday through Thursday. During exams STOW, Scott and Henderson residence colleges will join Olde Campus and service will be provided 7 p.m. -7 a.m. every day but Saturday, Buckner said. Although the escorts are volunteers, the residence, advisers in Olde Campus, who takes service calls, have a complete list of where, when and by whom women are escorted. "The RAs pick the most dependable, outstanding guys in the area," Buckner said. "We want to eliminate the possibility of imposters getting in." He added that if a woman thought an escort was too friendly, she could report him and he would be removed from the service. Response to the service has been good, according to the Speech 55 survey. RAPE, averages 15 calls a night. Of the students surveyed, 85 percent said the service was valuable and they would like to see it continue. It was given a good-to-excellent rating from 54.6 percent of the North Campus students and 60.4 percent of the South Campus students surveyed. Only 1.2 percent expressed a negative attitude about the system. Buckner has been tentatively granted a $720 budget for next year by the finance committee of the See RAPE on page 2 Mam quantities Spring festivals increase beer sales L I .k ! X - v 'Jim 2 -J! - Fowler's stocks up ...before the deluge By DIANE VETO Staff Wriler Signs of this weekend's Chapel Thrill concert can be seen all over town ticket lines winding around the Carolina Union, students sporting Chapel Thrill T-shirts and local stores stocking shelves to the hilt with beer. In anticipation of the coming festivities, some local beer retailers have ordered up to a tvw-eck supply of beer to ensure that they will not runout. During Springfcst last year, retailers were unprepared for the increase in bccr-drinking and were unable to supply enough beer for all their customers. "It's dangerous to run out of beer as wc did U year," said Jim Caye of Fowler's Food Store on Franklin Street. "We get a lot of irate customer." Fowler's sold an average week's supply of beer in two days during Springfcst last year, Caye aid. This year the store's shelves arc stocked with a normal two-week supply to meet the demand. In an average week. Fowler's sells from 500 to 1,000 cases of beer. This week they have an extra 2.000 cases in stock. "We have enough beer to float the BntUh nav," Caye said. He believes there is still a strong ptmibiliiy ttc store will sell out of beer. The Happy Store on Franklin Street ha doubled its regular inventory in preparation for the concert's beer drinkers. "I his is strictly speculation on our part, since this is our first year with Chapel I brill," manager Stanley New bold said. "We're counting on not running out. but we're strictly shooting in the dark." he said. Sales of premium beers at I he Happy Store normally range from 300 to 400 cave per week. East week the store sold about oOO cac for Springfcst, he said. He said he expect sale to be even higher this weekend. Wayne Cole. of Party Heveragc C o on Franklin St.. said there was also a rise in beer alc at hi store last weekend "If that (lat weekend) wa any indication, we'll really have a good weekend." he &4uJ. Cole estimated that beer alc ihould more than triple during Chapel Thrill. epccidlly if the weather is gtHid. "On that particular day you have more people drinking beer than uuai!) drink," he aid. "It put people in a good frame of mmj " HudeiM-f the faoK-'st v.-Hifi)j Ker. make up the majority 01 trie loucavcU tock in retail torev I tic retailer hope they will be prepared to handle the demand of ihn vcaf' vuluuci.

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