4Tba Daily Tar Hrrl'T'nirsdav, Septri-.iv 1P 1980 at 6 p.m. in the Student Lour j: on Thursday. Cairf'Sis Crnsde for Cttrist wilt hold its weekly meeting at 6:30 p.m. in 210 Ha.nes. "What's the Score: Update of the status of ERA in N.C." will be discussed at a 7:30 meeting of the N.C. Trwsje Cksfter of Women ia Commarik-aiioas in T7 Carroll Hail. FtSews&p of Ctsristiaa AsMctes We will have our weekly meeting at 9 p.m. in the Tm Can. Mike Roberts, UNC basebill coach, will be speaking. Also, final plans for the beach weekend will be discussed. Everyone is invited. The list of new counselors selected for fall training for the Hasttsa Sua.':iy lafurmadoa ad Coeasesiag Service win be posted at the HSiCS office today and tomorrow. First meeting for new counselors is Tuesday Sept. 23. AH Alpha Clsl S;;ma brothers meet tonight at 7:30 in 221 Venable. This is a called meeting. ln!enrdiate S&ilor's Review offered by the UNC Sailing Club for ail interested people preparing to take their Skipper's Exam. This class will be offered Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in room 215 of the Union. The Poverty Actios Committee of the Carr.pas Y will hold its first meeting at 3:30 p.m. in the upstairs lounge at the Y building. A3 welcome. Are yo registered la vtt ? If not, learn how to get registered. Come at 9 p.m. to a forum on voter registration for all STOW residents in Spencer's parlor. The Thursday Program of the Baptist Campos Ministry will feature Dr. Robert Seymour, pastor of Brtnkley Baptist Church at 6 p.m. in the Cattle House. The program wiU be preceded by recreation at 5 p.m. Actuarial EtainlMtios Part 1 and 2, Nov. 13: Part 3. Nov. 14; Part 4, Arrlkationt must be received in ChicaTO by Sept.' 25. iZS.ZZlZJ plrt. ApptkalionsTain n.rrr?s Kail and 101 Nash Kail. CaroBea StadenU for Life wiil hold a short organic uonsl . meeting at 7 p.m. in 300 New West. Refreshments ,;t be provided. Cpsts Crussd for Christ's weekly meeting is 6:30 p.m. It's open to all, if you come be on time. Pfei Gsiaraa Weta Eid mixer at 9 p.m. on 5ih floor ' Granville West. All rushees and non-rushees invited. Come parry-hardy. t COMING EVENTS "Studying Rdijioa at the State University," by Peter Kaufman, the second in the series of Dinner Discussions sponsored by the Campus Y, will be held at Dr. Sockwell's home on Friday at 5:30. Come by the Y to sign up. UNC Ssliing CJish Rigging workshop for people preparing to take their Skipper's Exam will be held Friday at 3 p.m. at University Lake. This class b mandatory for those wishing to take the exam. Positions are open on the FJeetloas iocrd for two gradute members. Anyone interested, please apply in Suite C by Friday. The deadline for CGC pedilcas for districts 17 and 19 has been extended to Monday at 3 p.m. Only people residing in those districts are eligible to run. Public service announcements must be turned in at the box outsid- the CTW offices in the Carolina Unioo bv 1 p.m. if they are to run the next day. Each Hem wiil be run at (east twice. TODAYS AVT!VmEs There wrll be a meeting for all students interested in applying, for Rhodes scholarships at 5:15 in Hamilton 569. Application forms and explanatory material are available from Mrs. Stephenson in Hamilton 559. - The EiadiWisiSt Discus&ioa Group will meet at 3:30 p.m. " at the Presbyterian Student Center on Henderson Street. - Ambassador Marshall D. Skultsaa, a leading authority on the Soviet Union, wiU give a lecture on Soviet-American relations at 8 p.m. in Memorial Hall. The Undergraduate Art Associatioa will hold a meeting at 4:30 in 1 15 Ackland. Art majors are encouraged to come as well as other intereste3 Lambda, the Carolina Cay Association newsletter, will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 217 Carolina Unioo. The L'SC Cyc!is$ Club will hold an organizational meeting at 6:30 p.m. in 221 Greenlaw. Come if ya can. The Elack Studeet Movement is organizing a BSM Carolina Cheerleading Squad (male and female) to lead soul . chant at a pep rally before the Maryland game. If you want to "pop what ycu got' for UNC and the ESM, come to practice at 5:33 hi the Great Ha3. The UNC Cf.ess Oub wi3 meet at 7:33 in the Union. The tournament this Saturday will be discussed. The rVild-Campus Ctsspter of later-Varsity OrUtiaa FtSowsfcip will meet at 7 p.m. in rooms 213-215 Union. Bob Arbarno, Christian psychologist, will be speaking on "Christianity and Emotions." Petitions are now available in Suite C for any residents of districts 17 and 19 who are interested in running for those CGC scats. Petitions are due in at 3 p.m. and must contain only signatures of people from districts 17 or 19. Campus Oiriniiaa Fellowship will have a Bible study at 7 p.m. in the Union. We will be studying Romans 3. Tbe First CcSeiate Bass Masters of L'NC win have its organizational meeting at 7 p.m. in Greenlaw 107. Whether you're a member or hobby fisherman, come on. Coraasanity 1 meets for an evening of supper and sharing. Sponsored by the University Presbyterian Campus Ministry c ttch cl ttst 2vrt:d Kns is rvouirsd to bs rtmd i!y sl!sSi! for tilt st or i"sc!:.c-:'y rots d ) ' 111 6 . K f ""7 t' f 1 " f 1 i. r 'IF" i if'-) . - j 1 J i v . 4 fc it it rf' rft , 71 TL TI ' f j, s Li L... J L. . J Tcdy! i - Tu;a C:.J rc:r.!cr.;2i C:--3 pst Is cv.'itSa ct 123 Crest Atlsnt's a Tea ; " Cc-r- Ca. TL3 prcrasSon li tchef2i to er,i cn UzvtxSzr 2 t::x -...U.trri" '3 cfHclsKy end, however, hca c!l csnta pJscss era p jf. (? f yj'"" l&'f ' i if - Ifo cccy to pfay Tick r.2 CS rg-Ma?d EIio conceal l.x'- Jt trr'z'i row cf S nutrrs vfScst'y, hort2stijr cr Cs-oiuu'fy on cny on of 4 ? e-tm card cr!st mis, Lj p Vs OmOWIVItCTMMIMIllMl OOM 0005 I'M j -1 J.. 0 HUES i ia m i at K CM -i" J "i ' iiiai 12 F I Li U L i i . '.A 1 1 ) n f 1 i i i i V . . AI? C'JAHTY CCr.N-FED FRESH P" f" . m pm I it ASSORTED COUHTHY "nn - l"'U (10-LC3.V 5 j C J v V bi t..wtiii 1 a a. w --f m f" ? m rp fn&mm U.Si.A. INSPECTED D0X-O- CHiCKEN LD. I r(-; Li :cr-- -j-' Atp ouw-rnr heavy 'I"st?bm caain no tttp mm:) nonoi y 1. , " A'P QUALITY FRESHLY i r IN 5-LD H 1 I 4 A 1' 4 d. roll f -nrnrD mm IT usrr rwi errs tx couro ,nnFUilH VEGETAELE HGsf?! siiORiEiaiio ' LU. fe) CAM VKub-i, wuimi mi., -ri. n, hi mt uwtl nu hub uiiuteunu lb. c-yt r -m : a curz.-.D cld:d. niai in chazslian coftees r"" -"-- CUSTOM T o-i vm Ttt'i ccurcs v3 r-i.-W t&T., JT. t3. AY Mr R CHIKI KJU, AK0 OUIIOflO i -s. 1 : 'v. i IW (CiOlUI-lOjKMj 3 ACCCHTED ;1 f9 I5f! I 1 i- J hLl, tww t., tat. m, rur em wu mo carrsoss urn e-t wnn TK! esunsi r 13 3 CI I A2 w m& r w v V ' ' ' " 1 "3 f"r f , And Eavirta v4 W W ikJ M. CAfi. ly Cr.y . m t m U r 1 "i o 1 C:!1? rrn1 s ! ; i 1 J - . W Lm W W J g 0 .1.0 1 V- ... dir r"!f - inr nKUt ) r P"i r ! s ,f . s a Is t W W & t, ,.., CTt Cr V. ... J ' . J . .. i - r m r- -; f It r:inr:i i n ' : ,C X MO NEED TO BE IF YOU READ M? tlathi (Tar HfH! T'-a er tv rr ri n ttt r --OTn nr-m ! TT I 'I l W tr' f jV", I ! " I t ! i ) ! ' 1 : . H t 1 li i 1 fi The University Counseling Center this year will offer students the opportunity to receive grants to fund self-designed t humanities projects in a program called Youthgrants. To be eligible for these grants, students must present a summary of their proposed projects to the National Endowment for Humanities in Washington, D.C. by Nov. 15. . According to Ruth Bernstein, program director of Pre-Career Experience Program, Youthgrants, offers students an opportunity to get paid for doing something they like to do. Further information is available from PEP at Nash Hall. Berstein also said students needed to begin looking for summer jobs now. Getting a summer job means six to nine . months of checking out options, writing resumes and making contacts, Berstein said. PEP helps students to do this, she said. To participate ia this program, a student must attend one of its orientation meetings. The next scheduled meeting is at 1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 22, in 203 Gardner Hall. WILLI C I'JSIL vli fjWWwLi "We .don't really place students in jobs," Bernstein said. "We solicit information about career-related jobs and internships." PEP also has information about federal and state government internships. " TED AVERY k n J ereigii policy acivioer to speaii Ambassador Marshall D. Shulman, special adviser to the U.S. Secretary of State on Soviet affairs, will speak about Soviet-American relations tonight at 8 in Memorial Hall. His talk "From Rorschach to Rashamon to Bumper Stickers," will explore a variety of viewpoints on foreign policy. Shulman was formerly director of the Russian Institute at Columbia University and is on national service leave from his faculty position as Adlai E. Stevenson professor of international relations. The lecture is free and open to the public. r? TI 'X. Urn ii -' lliii ,n i iH Hmiiihii3 SLihwi li n (Oi l '( it V'JLJULJ (kak'a) n. The Hindu word "khaki" means "of earth" or "of li dust" as applied to the modern uniform cloth color. The French claim that their colonial troops in India became so tired of the road dust on their white uniforms that they had them dyed dust color. q The Khaki slacks at The Hub of Chapel Hill are a o classic. Pelt loops, plain front. Our all cotton Khakis are $28.50 and the poly-cotton blends are $27.50. Don't just take our word lor it ... come got into a pair lor yourself. I in 103 E. FRANXUN ST., CHAPEL KILL, SHOP 9-6 i) IS Y y-i . : n (( vyf AH T I -j' O U R STU D E NT STO R E! PER PHOTOCOPY SELF-SERVICE LETTER OR LEGAL SIZE Carolina Copy Center k . 1 v--" . OFFSET PBIMTiriG ALSO AVAILABLE X" 4 r nnr i tiiirn innni inr v LillU I W W U i I Ill 0m f. I n.mi MnH Dlin ljsii - - - a.M WllteWI 1111 Hours M-F 8:30-5:30 SS7-2585 .a presont TAMSEN DONNER: A Woman's Journey featuring Martha Nell Hardy 8 p.m. Gorrard Ha!I Friday, September 19 Saturday, September 20 Avdbble ct Union InfernillonDee!: i hem FRIANGLE DANCE GUILD . get ycur coecon tic'clo NOV1 Four Fantastic Pcrfcrmancaa: Murray Lcu;3 Donca Company : Phyllis Lcmhut Danco Company Arthur Hall Afro-American ft - w Mfc 0 w 4 --m te ti 1 I i IL. Lw.iiy UlCwj.-wiU by Norton Rhoadss xr tlcn rrrr.tor 31 l.'.L CL' 5 I'zrzhCzls ZX Get up 9 to ny- LM-j-." 13 lr.'.3 14 Cfaknct 13 LU ts' 17 lic'pfrem cn t. 13 Unuul 21 23 0n3Cfti3 Ken: S3 Dclswsra hJ ft sj 43 French vsrb 1 Cr;t Crr. 42 vr.s' 43 r;5sr 41 Pcrtilti en ttLii i r i . - iv i. hit ii.,.,.. r 1 1 1 1 A ti 1 t mi .( ; - , -i- ( If I ''ill i i' ifl i 1 I I - ' : f i 4 ' 4 1 I f II-'1 t , M I II ." j f I V I . i A I j 1 - ! I I i j t. I h U I 4 I 1 1 ; , I f S t 4 i j H 1 1 ( 1 ; l 1 ' 1 i ! I "Hi ' 1 in 1 43 Arnxfcd 15 tes ws!Ht 13 Pepsi 51 Cscttctl 22 Ccnntcx fa!ruments 24 C(eL-i)Efs3 3 Csrcl 23 TtstJ C3 cct 27 Ctrrsta C-rr.id 23 V.V. U C2 Ccnvtx 23 F'Cynfi Cl L:.y C2 FJsrd 0 - e c Ota "'y n e t CZ DZL eras 23 Hors C7 Cir3 cvcr.t 3 23 f.!;;t 1 lit: 43 Y:Ijk.i 4 C:.ni p-rl 2 llztsi 43 L..::.3 4 Ofcrrc Fr. 45 Lsrl 5 Litis 47 Czrr;A rrLi 43 L;ccaf e ziz2' t r.: j cf ri.3 r.":r 7 Fcrtif C2 t :'. 13 S Llsu! L3 C 9 CfJf I!--. ni'.cr L:.:j 13 Czr.zi cf C3 Ci' Lticx c'J 17 C rr.- :r 11 r.:!;'Jt r':r-3 cft.n3 t3 Lu.t:.i 12 CccrJih ci rj-.Jcf ""- SSP t 1 msmfs V c 'w I V . I I i 1 r jr't ' w f i 1 ' .A 3.03 WVi . . -j Avc::r.b!3fcr ur:c On' i 1 1 I I ' W ' w c 1 J JM M I"" 1 rf T lieu! fr'.l CCD p.m. f.:T.cr;:.l M:.Ii ? r " - tX li r. LC'X C23 I I 1 t i 1 1 i l 1 ! n n ji s , 1 i-s r """.n""i j j 1 , I i I i ., . , mmmmm mmmmm mmmm , mmmm ' 7" ' . j T" " " "" '" i - ' ' """"" " i . """"" . ii 1 I nr : ; j i" i- H 1 l Die 1 U i i I ' I 1 LC! r i jLl LCC LJJIL lLLL i"LlL

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