.Thursday, Septsmbsr 25, 19C0Th3 Daily Tar HscV5 7 Pi 1 v rs i t ... i Jl It's just possible that football and basketball hackers have been playing the wrong gomes for all these years. Those vi ho have been down in Woollen Gym. or out on Cannichael Field fouling away, arguing with referees and starting fights probably would have been better off in Dowrr-an Gray Pool playing water polo. Water polo? That's right. Water polo is the ideal sport for frustrated hatchet men and women because the rules and strategy not only allow repeated fouling, but actually call for it, said UNC Water Polo Club coach Charlie Cooper. Water polo can be played in just about any standard-sized pool. In the deep end rests a rectangular goal 120 inches by 40 inches. The goal in the shallow end is eight inches taller to allow for a standing goalie. There are seven players on each team who splash around and try to throw a volleyball-sized ball into the opposition's goal. All players, except for goalies, can only use one hand when handling the ball and cannot stand on the bottom of the pool. When an offensive player has the ball within shooting range, the nearest defensive player fouls him in just about any way he wants to short pf assault, Cooper said. Play resumes when the now-defended offensive player passes the ball. The only restriction on fouling is that a defensive player cannot foul the same offensive player three times in a row without another foul on another player occuring. A 30-second out-of-the-water penalty results if this rule is violated, so water polo strategy dictates that Wield hockey Following a weekend of frustrations at the Connecticut Invitational, Carolina's field hockey team hopes to bounce back in today's 7 p.m. encounter with the Durham Club team. The Tar Heels were shut-out in both of their tournament games. Eight ranked Connecticut scored a 5-0 win, while No. 18 Vermont beat UNC 1-0. Against Connecticut, Carolina trailed by one goal at halftime but allowed four second-half goals which coach Yotir support will keep the Snack Bar operating. If you have comments or suggestions, let us know, You can help us to serve you better! snack ba: will now be open 0.00 pm-10:00 pm Sunday through Thursday I. C- 4Jl 4 fen 4 . 25 words or less Students 4.75 Ncn-Ctudcnts 2.75 Kdd St for each diitioiutl word l.CO mora tut bes4 4 or feoUj!c tyjMi 10 prcnl 4iwc.ovmt fur adi run S tonweuv day Ham trial Vmrf Ctttp V. m m A f i::. cnTArnr r:rrn::a f ijimt far Aadrvo Tlr. at 7; 3 f-m Im 2J3 AlsKtsl. Cvrye p!a com. . W 4 -W m4 rour.D: r.rrNCS in v,cr:r?rs Loaxa rcu.ND cu: uz.a:u,a: m v.cc:iin cm mi-n I'M-Vrr room Tur. rvwr.ipj, Cfc3 lU.a cl rouro: i:o.-ocnAfrrD raiss c3tn c'.i. la c-a Ws-i!(-wJ Dstv-t. C3 V;-'t-0 f GLT-.T): fi:T (DF I'lIYS b lU r-'--l ' i;sJ !';.'. ' l.-' h ruot-i -v A 11 'i h fint! i9 11. c"J .1-f 2 :n.7-::;t.- i'- f-f;in r::' t T- . r.,t rii l '. . i: - t A in I fit p-4 '1'IT im I ' t .. j - ,n: r;..ail;T rt,. - j t, r ! 1 1 I., J ; 1 f i f : ' ft" J t (--u.'i m ."$. I :. . - e ,-.i defensive players simply switch to another offensive player. The club sport draws about 35 players to the pool five or six times a week. About 20 had played before this season, Cooper said, and about 12 are seasoned players, including former University cf Southern California football player Mark Davis. Because it is a club sport, graduate students are allowed to participate. Many of the team's veteran players played at other colleges, some in-state and some at water polo hotbeds like California, Florida and the Northeast. Cooper stressed that water polo is a simple game. "It's something you can pick up if you're a good athlete," he said. "A lot of these people just came down to swim one night, saw what was going on and said, 'What's that?' and we ended up letting them play." JVIs Clubs By John Drescher Former Carolina swimmer Frank Covington, a recent addition to the club, gave up swimming because it took up too much time and effort. Now he plans to stay in sports, but not get out of the water. "I love it. There's nothing like it," he said. "It's a great sport, especially for vueets IBi&rhaEVTi Ze&wi Dolly Hunter partly attributed to a style of officiating that allowed rougher play. Against Vermont, Carolina outshot the Catamounts 19-3. In tonight's match, the Tar Heels face a team composed of former college players hoping to make the national team. "We are looking to score upon them and wear them down," assistant coach Cecelia Bean said. "I think we are probably in better shape than they are. When you need a break, try a snack at Chase! 7i VOICE TEACHES TiyUNED N.Y. and Europa. Clattlcal and nutlcali alnglng for actor beginning or advanced. Ph. - BASYSnTER NEEDED for !S-monih cU twin E'iU on Friday am's 10-12:33 andor Thursday pm'l 1-3:33. Don't b afraid, tt't 6in. Call Muni Cross at 942-2SS7. NEED: TUTOn. Macro, economics SI. Benavte, twkc weckfy. to rrvkw lctur and answer questions. pay. Ca3 CUrkk 933-&33. SPANKYS NOW TAXING ATFUCATIONS for part tlm and full rimt cooks and ciher ht'p. Apply between 3-4:33 weekdays- AHT MAJOHS earn money In spare time. We need U'ustrstors for our fiction and non-Rction putUcations. N".V PuM. P.O.Eoa 2. Sn Marcos. CA 92049. WANTED: NON-?JOKLNG MALES as subjects In paid EPA breathing experiments ea the UNC Cli campus. Total tme commitment is 13-15 hours. Including a free physical examination, py Is t5.C3 per hour. We need heaLhy scales, se 1S-43 mAih no aHfgies and no hvver. C2 &-S Mon..frt. for mors Ir.laimaSon, $$-123. LOOKING FOn S3 AMZmQUS people that imhJJ lie to earn up to ICC3.C3 a rmmih. L'y arpolntment Oftfy. ct.3 903-5112: Sua.. Ti., Ved. after 10:C3 P.M., Man., Thuts. and irt.: 12 C3-2 C3 P.M. A-STlT-t m,-,tta 4 fe snrj at LT.C t-4l cf i:UL, f4 Mes . f cl" -t t,is3 potest!, ea af a3 e -rii. t..J t?v ti: T.t3 at av i '?. ca fs.t? i r:ti:a. v: :v c: . ly at c : 2 v-'. r ' :. v c j a- v w i a ILi c:r: c.'iTi.rf rir rot- ;.! .r i ' t S t I r , 'tt.' '" ' . , ' at A. L -ry ! ti,l., Jl.tlt if. ,), TO FIND EXPEHIENCED UAtiYL.TTrr. foe Vi and jrear W',. f t'-.r .--! i t;. --;('. f. -s. I i. c.i tt,";;, I W 4-e i-i I i J -w- V 7. short people like me." The club will play nine gzir.zs in the Southern Water Polo Conference Tournament on Oct. 10 and 24, and will also play an exhibition match at Duke Oct. 1 at 8 p.m. The club will enter both an "A" and "B" team in the conference tournament, which pleases Cooper because both experienced and inexperienced players will get a good amount of playing time. The club finished fifth last year and Cooper said they should have a legitimate shot at third place this year. Notes: Lewis was the Residence Hall Division winner of the Intramural Track Meet held Monday and Tuesday... Avery finished second in the meet.. .Chi Psi was the winner of the Fraternity Division, with Pi Kappa Alpha finishing second... The UNC Women's Water Ski Club won its fourth straight tournament this weekend at Auburn... Freshman Lisa Adams led the team with first place finishes in tricks and jumping... The victory virtually assures the team of a bid to the regionals next spring in Texas...Entries for the IM decathlon, team badminton and floor hockey are due Oct. 1. ...Woollen Gym hours have changed... The Gym is no longer open until midnight on weekends. , "We beat them 1-0 in a pre-season scrimmage, but we know that they will be tough. This will be sort of a primer for the James Madison game (at home at 3 p.m. Sunday)." The only changes expected for tonight's game are more substitutions. "We feel this is a way to give the subs some confidence and build our depth for later in the season," Bean said. R.L. BYNUM CAROLINA-COP CENTER IS YOUR STUDENT STORE! L. I pep. PHOTnrnPY tm I V Pni ft m W ' StzLt-SlZUVImZ LETTER OR LEGAL SIZE IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Research catalog 306 pages 10,278 descriptive tietinss-Ruth 11.00 (refundable). Cos 2SCD7C, Los Angelea, 90025. (213) 477-E225. CELEEHATE the WEEKEND, or any occasfon with a dvticious homemade CAKE. Free delivery. Chocolate or , Vanilla with Cutter creme or ChocoUte king. $10.03. 929-1197. 942-2321, 929-1645. AT.E YOU HUNGRY AND IN A HLT..TV? Stop by TH FAST CREAK Snack Car In the Student Union. Congratulations to U.S. CcIUr. John Coone, Rene Caputo, and Kay Surrett for thlr winning s2305 Pie come by 3023 Steele Bu&Ja to coSect yjour prkes. Thanks to everyone for yam creative responses! THE DATING BANK New. registered, projresilve. serving the Lonely, unrairrkJ focaTy by rnJ. Eos 154), Wncn-Skm. NC 271C2. 1-7&1 1579. QUIET. NON-SMOKING FEMALE nedJ share 3 bedroom Town HtH.se spartmerst. I C-5.67 per month plus u',:'.,:ie. Walking distance Irom cao.fu; ar C5vdt;iaSn3, dUliwhf. f 21-7C21. 1579 SEARS A! TT!, 8-traca. pUno. s:.e steni with DdVy Son4. Ee-5t em-.5.rt. Great sound. Spetkeri tnctude-J. Wt 175. C Drfd i flJ-7-51. r..o t:c:.ct to r .:o.r.v.AY tci :. -.3 . r-: ti d i-t. ct. 4. 4 C J S J ti I r Lhi f s. i". i 'i a ru: ttt ::-'..' t - .re ti f si H CI r J I I. f.r'i. t' . I c ,.-( J Ijt' ' . 1, ' " t, '- it , Ci is.:; 17. i. ; i - i i c:. :ly t. r t m' If J r s, i J ,1-. FhJ Bc:sy in tha water " ...polo club member 9 ' a "l W OFFSET PRINTING also available I I U II OffN 24 HOUSS I SCib.ko $3.CD I Texaco w3 C" 1 C 3 V I . Keg 4 V delivery resefvatwrw ft rY w 57-9791 or 942-1494 JJ ntxvs r ;TV-'T15 'x- 'v- - W 7 nights a week " y , lit Carolina Copy Center Rcms Head Plaza Chapel Hill Hours M-F 8:30-5:30 S67-258S v 9 -y ... . vy-.w i the ads FOU SALE: 1972 Model 4S3 CC Honda. The b&e is In excellent condition. S5C3 or bet oZer. Helmet and owner's manual Included. Call 333-2w5. USED FURNITURE We have more of, H than anyone In North Carolina. Desks, bookcases, chests, soas, tables, and chairs. Trading Post. Greensboro St.. Carrboro 942-2017. 10 Discount with this ad. SURGICAL SCRU3S Shirts or pants In blue or green. 19.95 each or $18.95 a set. SmaS. medium, or large. Women order a s!ie smaller. CAMPUS CASUALS. P.O. Bos 1972, Wheaton Md. 2S9C2. - Of sif1 V- $ siM W W W' iMIs USED AND RARE COOKS. A 25 UbSe (5 hardbacks for $1). Peperbacks ' published price. Open 7 day wk. T3 9 iUm-fti. The Cook House, SCI W. Franklin St. 4 TICKETS to Ga. Tech a"e for sale. C3 9i2-42&6. 9 30-2:3 pm. NO NUKES The moviebuy the sound track on Asylum at the Record Csr. NEED SOMEONE TO CARFOOL with torn Grerboro to Chap! H.3 M F. t; ' d-Klg and sssollne. C3 272-12D1 between 4 03-11 :W p.m. V.1U. EUY NEW AND USED LPs (Rxk. Foi. Clsialcsl. Jn etc.) aid ENTIRE CCLLT-CTiONS. Alo U;tt. CkxJ prices. C3 92?-bl7S, Wave name and rurnbf . t cnr.rr n.vn.iY m lo e p ' f-!r.'nd loit'J same. W.3 pry rtctZmt prV e. C3 933-4743. fleas c3 beijrf 2 p.m. FrvJay. V.fTID; USI.I SOFA frUy a two sestet. T cherr the bter. C3 J M a,k fot Torn or I . it. NAVAJO TSADING fO';T C-y.tof g"'-"i & .twetf 15, 14. Ui; f5d jcw!rv. aJ iUriaI f-U. d-aards caftt ft ca.-r, a.'.i ;Li3 s-vrr. 113 W. ftv.lL II'Y, WA?T TO CET fVZW-ii:Zs? Try T& A.Vhemff. LlNCt ly acienef s5s$ fStsf l3 e t f f I s o . f:tli. f;.!i8cs, j s - f . y. etc. C 1 9 : 1-17 11 5 tf S , 7 4 - -1 1 Hi.!JS i- i -?rft 2 f . ".LT.:: ! I'-.r lis U I' J . 1 , t et . . '. I'; I, f.r, . j ( id .' r i'.."! fc : c I r ft. r ' i J ,.-r r j . . s ' s. 1 ; f V Dy LINDA F.GIIZnTSON . Staff Writer "Another one bites the dust," the crowd chanted as the undefeated UNC volleyball team . extended its season to 4-0 Tuesday night with a victory over UNC, nervous in the first game, lost 10-15. But then things started clicking and the Tar Heels won the next three, 15-10, 15-3 and 15-12, for the win. "It was by far our best performance of the season,'! coach Esth Miller said. "We started out sluggish. I think the team was emotionally drained even before the match started because we were so up for N.C. State." In the first game, UNC appeared tentative, hitting shots out of bounds and into the net. State prevented the Tar Heels from establishing any rhythm by hitting off-speed shots. UNC's Adri Esnard placed her sets right on target and Jenny Watson stopped State's attack with her blocking and saves. Cindy Adcock, Terri Wallace and Katie Howard, Carolina's main hitters, provided spiking power. "It was a total team effort," Miller said. "I really can't single anyone out. I was particularly proud of Amanda Thomas and freshman Sandy Schmidt, u ft f .. V3ul tan's? OUR CLASSIC GOLF JACKET FROM BRITAIN The return of ona of our most treasured tradltiona!s, this pop lin (cottonpolyester) with knit collar, cuffs, waist, zippered front, red tartan lining. A great go!fer, all-around good sport, in natural or navy. Also in leather suoda and fine pima cotton. GREEK RESTAURANT J NEW BAR 'J NEW HOURS OJ 1 .BELLY DANCING f m ! V CcLLY DANC$rQ: TprrMOpm Si) I 10 pm- 2 am '. ii . 7-9 BAR HOURS: 5 pm- 1 am 5pm- 2am A-T, Si LUNCH HOURS: 11am- 2am SI, - , f 7a . I -.-.,-..,..,.,....Jl.. . ... ,-. Classified ads may be placed at the DTH Carolina Union 0S5A, must be prepaid. Deadline: (noon) one business day before ad LUXURY ATArnrET.T FC3 nETT. t:3 asstatli flraslac. air. Jast fcal't. Caeetla"?. WaRLiaa llstaaca cf casssia. EaerV ..lc!et iaa rt. C&.'J aftee p.sa. S I2-C14. ONE EEDROOM APT. TO SURLET: AvaSatte Oct. 1. Air conti-:loln3. eablevteion, swimming pool, ako oa bus iUe. 1 22 J per month. Deposit negotiable, ca.1 967-9125 after 4 pm. Available far Immediate occu;arbcy. One beioora spsrtmnt totany electric, on bus Lr,, pool, laundry f::.:es. Carpet, drspes and wsw fornUld. CL5 vltion avsI-U. Ca3 923-3:2! Mon.-Sst. 13 4. AVAILAaiX IMJ-SEDIATELY 2 be-droem fory aparmTit 2 mlls kom ViC on bus tm. carpeted. 1273 mon:KV plus sit.lltUs. C3 Karen Holmes 9S7-29S7 or ?C4-lt;4. YOU TOOK DIE CLUES v4 m&d a vew rert anj-l slnet yn trftf.-?ed fcotn U?CG. A Utte bt fovtng t'omi. Ca-'vI.-tmi a f-:fe--ct ptace -"w thai y4 'e bre. Ill II a.' T t i.t i ta w'..i t o t- i i:?r "7 t.1 r, I a f y 4 i-'s-f t. 1 f (isl t;;sr fc-r). ''f t- .' . t r. tRCirTY f.U'.c i.'.-s : -eo-r ..i:M Cett I a ; f v ' l' -i '. M 15. M. J?V-t-- ' ! ".I f J .rj::..y t v v !J 1.4 111 WJ It X ' I -'"l cc: a: il c.n 4? w ; f ( tj i - e "s c-l I 3 1 -$. C,..fr p-i ta G-s V. .vr . . Ca -t-a- ah: mi r n--'-- 4---',-- it:-.-r l-s-r-- ;-flfs' ' r- 1 r -j 8 ? '' !.4.e -' !. i if--.wru'J I I - .' I - j r; 12 i a- J I m J '. . 11 f'.,l. - If- ;: M G-W O- . f - . f . -Ci". ltd i V-'l It ( 4 I 4 , t-'.S b v v ky w,y ktj who came off the bench to do a fantastic job." '$'h rsi t o 5 r tr -r "I ? ?t , o if injured Laura Held. By the third game, the Pack became disoriented and made numerous mistakes as UNC wen 15-3. State was ahead 5-1 in game four before the momentum shifted and UNC won, 15-12. "State made some communication errors while cur communication was better, although it still wasn't real noisy on the court," Esnard said. "But we played a stable, even match and didn't lose cur composure even after the first game. We play we'd when we're coming b&clCe. "I love playing a team like State that gives us good competition," senior Cindy Adcock said. "It's hard to get psyched up for the other teams in North Carolina. We were tired in the firstame because we were so excited, but then we relaxed." Wallace played with a broken finger. "It bothered me until it got numb, and when you get caught up in the emotion of the match, you don't feel the pain." Carolina competes in its first tournament when they play in the Eastern Kentucky Invitational at Richmond, Ky., this weekend. . '.. t ( V' I 4 -I t " ' . i- . - k,- . , C D Dcvntc;vn Frcnk!!n Street 300 B. Rosemary (Beside PTA Pizza) Phono 942-5194 Friday-Saturday Monday-Sunday Sunday-Thursday Friday-Saturday Monday-Friday DTH Ofliccs or mailed to Chapel Hill, NC 27514. All Ad must be received by . 12 Is to run. JAf.E B. Happy Ckthdtf 1 doa'l know how I would have aurvWed so for this year wUhout yout shoulder to lean on. Thanks fot being Ihere. Love, DRor. QENMONSTER: A crossword puiile this is not, because the dun I could cve wouldn't mean as much as sbnp!y writing: I love you! MARX S: Heard that the heat in Ten mskes yoa big boys sweat slot. Hope thai te open date M yon rest enough for Mar,Un2 Ik to. STTn I, wi.h t?ils noie. we carfw"y .-ro. send a wth to te . . . "My ywf darns cotne true of MyTd Ceah and S4.ng. Itio Hsppy C-".hdr,r Love, fUn and P. CARRY (!ls "the it"); ltJTY F-IRTHDAY! TharAs for being suh a ffrtat I Wnd afn I rr id you you're Urr .'kJ Rwi?Wj-F3 !f,i fove you"- je. . Ct..lA LorAL-ig f.nfd to a fos!.sc srt.crf CU4 to have y arrk! t'. j door is aleva p, love fcora yfr f 1J PsJ. J'-xx y. TOTliE CLOf.RE la tie hurr-.ar :;s rwa: Ifs b a spring .- J smmr, a I L 11 Ii vi f wy. LWf'r b out ywiJ ai-w.s Vt ags, L. HEY HAZY EOtl! i5t .n. ry -ft a mo y te e,iSeroa5a. F3 cferi-.S I 2 1st. You snean so mth to me. W W, TO TI IE U'E ' V.: 3 e.Ko f s - i trur4 j t..V.;c pas, Tlwsrla lac!! f rvws t.e yratufol f:l N 411 C-tb. YO Y.122 -m ten fcae v-r vwa KJ. Il$;-fy r..' i.-y f,Ti t;. r ,s wi ' t?.e tjm. rcoTT ccurcr fiLt;r:ins; Dua'i ctf ifl D-Vt '--e ji,i t g I i 1 a r U. Vtoe ?.,) y a '.J k-f - -I A St tt vw I- -"1 t t r! TUr.GY. IWTY 17-iJ f in- .11i-W are r ji.!.' I (' ' i f J 1 t t il kh "i'it - t .. - ' " !-. s IV f ' 1 . t ' f, V ."it 1 I r T' " t r if,,i m t. t " . S 'I eat I v . 1. . 2 t s .:. Y.-.. ft -( -M('i ui! ! v t i f t .-' r y t i- t I i' .t t t-e t I Ml ;. , t t i - 5 tt J , 1 - I i J s. 1 If AC ! I It (h' t t I a 7 ; t . 1 it.', t - . ..s s-s S . -M- . . i ::. i " I r 1 r