4Tht! Dc:!y Tcr MrslMonday, November 10, 1980 . - : i . t r o 1.'. 0 -wmS K'-j man" "'qP ,. Cy f.IAIX r.GUTII :s:f Wnier play, presented test weekend by the Carolina Union's Eroadway on Tcur appro. "Sorr.ctirr.es I tkixk my head b so bi bzecusz it is so f ull cf dreams. " These are the words of John Merrick, the hideously deformetl circus fredc in Tks EkzlzrJ Ktan. Throughout ' the series, Merrick attempts to normalcy by interacting with ordinary people and accepting their standards and moral codes. U b at wv mw OVcri 6IH V;.:r:K" m L. f r ' O f 1 -" ' i. UIOV 'CLAYOUUSH 9 Wjl ;.'0V CHOW?G3:15 5:1 7.t S:CC 'When Dr. Frederick Treves introduces the elephant man,th.e audience sees a good looking man dressed" only in a 'white loincloth. As Treves points to slides of the real elephant man, the actor who will play John Merrick slowly contorts his body to suggest the deformed creature. This transformation allows the audience to use its imagination and is an amazing theatrical moment. Because the play deals with Merrick's mind and not his body, it is fitting that there is no actual manifestation of the deformities. The story begins as the elephant man is left to die by Ross, the man who has been exhibiting him in freak shows. Merrick is rescued by Treves, then a newly appointed doctor at the London Hospital. What follows is an attempt by Treves, and ultimately society, to mold Merrick into the cultured, respectable person he thinks Merrick should become. Treves seeks the aid of an actress, Mrs. Kendal, so that Merrick can relate to a woman who is not appalled by his appearance. Mrs. Kendal introduces Merrick to the pleasures of both society and women. . Merrick also is introduced to Bishop How, a clergyman who sees the elephant m:n as a symbol of the internal struggle common to a man who is seeking oneness with God. Princess Alexandra, Lord John and Carr Gcmrn also become patrons of Merrick. At one point each of the characters in the play voices a belief that Merrick embodies the perfection they admire most. This allows ; the audience to see how the other characters are molding the elephant man. As, the elephant man becomes more and more human, he loses part of "himself in the process. Because of the enormous weight of his head, he has to sleep sitting up. When Merrick tries to sleep like normal people and lie down, the weight of his head cuts off his breathing. Courtney Burr is excellent in the title role; he captures the humor and the pathos inherent in the part, yet he never becomes overly melodramatic. Joan Grant as Mrs. Kendal has the' proper amount of personality to play a believable actress. She successfully meets the challenge- of portraying a surface character who eventually allows her true self to be revealed. ; As Frederick Treves, Kenneth Garner, jives an admirable performance,' yet he never fully captures the Victorian priggishness portrayed so well by Kevin "Conway in the original Broadway production. Music, lighting "and the set design combine to provide an appropriate mood and atmosphere for the drama that unfolds. Cellist Larry j. Rawdcn ably plays his pieces so that they remain unobtrusive and yet considerably aid the performance. The lighting ranges from purely theatrical effects to very subtle: changes. And the lighting becomes; important because the setting never changes. Instead, a curtain or a set piece suggests the locale. This is particularly effective because of the psychological nature of the play. Brent Peek's direction skillfully complements Bernard Pomerance's play. The symbolism and the character relationships are brought to life by Peek's tight direction. .! ! Cc'Jrtncy Curr (center) in tho prii3-v"nn!n3 'Cc-hant f.'.-n' ...attempting to reach normalcy by adapting to society Public service announcements must be turned in at the box outside the D TH offices in the Carolina Union by 1 P-m- if they ere to run the next day. Each item will be run at least twice. TODAY'S ACTIVITIES The Student Nanj' Association will have a meeting from noon until 1 p.m. in Camngton Hall. Interested freshmen and sophomores are invited to attend. The Institute for Self-Study will sponsor a seminar at 8 p.m. called Toward Conscious ose An Intrtrduction to Seif-Siady. Gurdjkff Method. The meeting will be in the Club Room of the Carolina Inn. . V.. . i m Colcbrcto tho.ycnr InBlccirrcs: f . A I VJin a yenr'o ypply of bcsrlSI; Droning FRIDAY in tSia jn oo in Yack office. FIT at MOON King's Kids, a Bible study and prayer group, will meet at 8 p.m. For more information call 967-9584. An Occupational Health seminar on "Tevatologtcal Testing: The Need, The Tests, The Future," will be held at 1 p.m. in room 103 Berryhill Hall. Shelley Tyle, a researcher for the Chemical Industries Institute of Toxicology, will speak. The Student Committee on Crime Awareness and Prevention will hold its organizational meeting at 3 p.m. in room 207 of the Carolina Union. All students with an emotional or intellectual interest are invited to attend. The Department of Statistics is sponsoring a colloquium on the "Aspects of Structure for Multivariant to Negative Binomial Distributions and Negative Binomial Point Processes." At 3:30 p.m. in 324 Phillips. Robin Milne from the University of Western Australia and UNC will speak. Refreshments will be served at 3 p.m. in room 316. i r Charfetof) Heston Susannah YorK TKHAVAKEninG Shows at 7:30 9:30 You arc. cordially invited to a reception celebrating the publication cf LLuiiG 11 lug' P T7T It : 1 I M U : i Twentieth Century Odyj by tec Of at I !; I i "' 11 ! ; i I j f - - ' - H I ! . . ! " ' : i i : ; . i A i i H V - . 1 1 i : 1 f SSD3CDI?. s Monday, November 10 3:00 p.m. Student Storcs-UNC Campu E.P. Dutton Publishers "Prcfccccr Ludington's authorized biography draws upon years cf research to revcerons cf the mo:t interesting and enigmatic writers of cut time: in fact, virtually idenilUcd with our time." WaStaf Matthaw is dangsrous in HOPSCOTCH Shows at 3:15 5:15 . 7:159:15 CAROLINA CLASSICS SERIES Spencer Tracy and KsSierine Heptoum in AdsmsRIB Matinees at 3:00 5:10, L ' An interviewing workshop, sponsored by the University Placement Services will be held at 3 p.m. in 208 Hancs Hall. The Devotional Life Study Group will meet from 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at the Baptist Campus Ministry. The Baptist Campus Minis, try will sponsor a new student fellowship from 9-10 p.m. at the Baptist Campus Ministry. The North Carolina Student Legislature will meet at 7 p.m. at 351 Hamilton Hall. Interested students are invited to attend. The Society for Creative Anachronism will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room A at Chapel of the Cross. The Media Board will meet at S p.m. in 321 Greenlaw. COMING EVENTS 7. ETA BETA TAU and ALPHA DELTA PI will sponsor their annual blood drive on Tuesday- in the Pit. Please donate it doesn't hurt. "Megabar Pressures in Sub-Micron Volumes, a joint DukeUNC Physics Astronomy Colloquium will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday in 265 Phillips. ' Practice interview sessions with a counselor will be held from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Tuesday. Call or drop in 211 Hanes to make an appointment for a one-hour session. Sessions involve videotaping and a critique of practice interview. Call 933-6507. The executive committee of the UNC Young Democrat! will meet Tuesday at 5:30 in the Carolina Union. The ABS career planning committee will meet at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in 308 Hanes Hall. Thinking about applying for RA? Need that summer job? Grad school ahead? Learn how to make a great impression on employers at the University Placement Center session on interviewing skills, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Morrison Dormitory. AIESEC will host Dennis Appleyaid of, the UNC economics department, at 8 p.m. Tuesday in T-5 New Carroll Hall. He will speak on the economics of underdevelopment. The UNC Highway Safety Research Center will hold an open house from 1-3 p.m. Tuesday. The center is located off Manning Drive near Craige Residence Hall. Venez tous la table Fraaraise le mardi a 6:30 p.m. a la Carolina Inn. The UNC RacquetbalJ Club will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the courts in Woollen Gym. Everyone is welcome. Avery Slave Auction will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday in Avery's Courtyard. All proceeds go to Multiple Sclerosis in Sarah Holiday's name. Meet the candidates running for Min BSM from 12:30-2 p.m. Tuesday in front of the Undergraduate Library. Come chat with the ladies so you will be able to cast your vote for Miss BSM on Tuesday. There will be a meeting of Billet's board members at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. Thomas Crawford will speak on the "Scottish CoRtriburJoa to Literature" at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in Greenlaw Lounge. ECOS, the environmental group, is having a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 100 Murphey. latramnnib Al IM efrkrutli and fftct staff must turn in timeshcets Tuesday because of the upcoming Thanksgiving holidays. Failure to turn in your tirneshcru by the deaX.rve will result in a two-week dday of your checks. Psl CM will host a graduate school careers night for psychology majors from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday in rooms 213-215 in the Carolina Union. Oa Site Interview" workshop will be sponsored by the University Placement Services at 3 p.m. W edneday in 209 Hanes Hall. The UNC Ski deb will have a ski tuning and repair cfcnk at 7 JO p.m. Wednesday in 101 Greenlaw. . UNC Sailing dub is having a meeting for the election of new officers at 7 p.m. Wednesday in 431 Greenlaw: Walk for Humanity Committee will have an important meeting at 4 p.m. Wednesday in zoom 406 of the Campus Y. ITEMS OF INTEREST AaditioM for Eripldea' Ilippotjtaa" wi'J be held by the department of dramatic art. There are eight major roles and a chorus of 16. Actors, singers and dancers are needed. Call 933-1132 for more information. The auditions will be held from Nov. 10-13 in Paul Green Theatre. CHEC is now meeting at 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday in the new Student Health Service building. Health Education Suite. CHEC provides information on breast and pelvic examinations and contraceptive methods. First Annual 1950 Homecoming parade Organizations that would like to be in the parade should contact Charlie Brown at 933 1515. We need hosts and hostesses, waiters and waitresses and sales clerks for the Campus Y Handicrafts Bazaar to be held Dec. $-7 in Great Hall. All interested persons can sign up in room 102 of the Y building. No experience necessary. Applications for Homecoming Qutea may now be picked up in Suite C or 106 Lewis Dorm. For more information, call Charlie Brown. CAA President at 933-1515. Officials. ..still need soccer officials. ..giail mural basketball begins in two weeks.. .all persons intertsicd in officiating grail mural contact Rick Fair, superintendent of officials, 933-1 153. ..pay minimum, hours flexible, outstanding performance awarded by membership in the UNC Officials Asxiation. Faculty-staff.. .fs volleyball in progress.. .persons interested in serving as volunteer liaisons . for a University department in fi program, contact Rob Frye. Student Legal Service Advtaory Board seeks an undergraduate student interested in a minimum of at least two years service as a board member. Contact 5LS, Suiie A of the Union, or at 933-1303 if inierested. The Carolina I noa proudly announces MOTHER'S ' FINEST, la concert Thursday, Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. in L'NCs Memorial Hall. Tickets are S6.50, available through the Carolina Union Box Office. 1 r- a 12 i. IT o 5 1 i ii - (Mi t li H i u w v-r k y u ni u HtiJ Vis Suss ygj n m m w my a T . 1 FOSDECUC'S Coiintiry Style But All You Can Eat for 02. 99 Barbcquc Fried Chicken Fish Potatoes (Green Beans Collars! Greens Corn on Cob Rice and Gravy Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Every day for Lunch and Sun. thru VJcd. nlghta ' Keep your.csgirie.tunc. , "j f a :tip on saving energy "N Your Christmas Rstsrveisom 740 Airport Road Chapel Hill Th3 Carolina Union Prcccnta i AM ANBMTI0N 1 i:ov. to-21 U?STl!3 n x u;:;o;3 lgoe 10 Different Chov;3 from Doonccbury to Dull- winkSo. Sea Union Deck end Posters for a ccmp!;t3 list cf .1 I r V rtt&& i'CC tut iavaCvcaI ?itlt teen rw V '"-A,.. ZM At f.'? ( L'.;xr to J Ary if v. 1 1 ! H " sr, V,V VOU 6ET 0 TALL? VVtfCkM f.i'Vi i W i 4.- m. -t it it's .v-i7 tiFWirm ;,:si mi into ec'.a 0 W.zSz CO0T5 A FillEP hlffii 60055 PO'JJI.. 1 ii" I'll to . JJ PC . i T (Jw ..f.t', , . r t'E.'ET A 6C05E, vou cm mmv kvj pcri'T k:;:ja3! J rn & .. ... g stt r 1 1-,, rrri r- c",,. r.--f v.,,..l HvuiU I ii.a wail. lwx.U I yvl fity r - j r - - if ls4 ISs it O c, ;:i inn) 1 f r. w -w by Gerry Tru-:zu W W W i II i I ( (In ' ' r r 1 I 1 i I ! 1 1 i ! J t 9 (M -- w 7 "C. 111 a - A it. t t if Li; - 1 1 f 1 f - y I if . - r I t i. ! i J I ' , , - - i U ' ! ?

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