4 Tuesday, November 25, ISCOTh- Dc ly Trr H:c:3 x -aft. 0s iiw- w 8L A. i. . 4. ' -1 O 4. -a, V A. ' ' The time of an examination may not be changed after it has been fixed in the schedule. Quizzes are not to be given in this semester on or after Dec. 1. AH 9 a.m. classes on MWF Dec. 9 9 a.m. All 12:30 p.m. classes on TTh Dec. 9 2p.m. All 4 p.m. classes on MWF; Dusi 71, Maih 22,30,31 Dec. 10 9 a.m. All noon classes on MWF; Chem 170L, 171 L Dec. 10 2 p.m. All 10 a.m. classes on MWF , Dec. 11 9 a.m. All , 3 p.m. classes on MWF Dec. 1 1 2 p.m. Al! 8 a.m. classes on MWF Dec. 12 9 a.m. All 8 a.m. classes on TTh Dec. 12 2p.m. All 11 a.m. classes on TTh Dec. 13 9a.m. All 2 p.m. classes on MWF . Dec. 13 2 p.m. All 11 a.m. classes on MWF Dec. 15 9 a.m. All Fren, Germ, Span and. Dec. 15 2 p.m. Port 1.2,3,4; Russ 1,2; Educ 41; Ling 30 All 5 p.m. classes cn TTh; En2l W Dec. 16 9 a.m. All 2 p.m. classes' on TTh - Dec. 16 2 p.m. All 9:30 a.m. classes on TTh Dec. 17 9 a.m. Ail 1 p.m. classes on MWF; Chem 41L.42L Dec. 17 2 p.m. AH 3:30 p.m. classes on TTh Dec. 18 9a.m. All 5 p.m. classes on MWF Dec. 18 2 p.m. Instructors teach-ins classes scheduled for common examinations will request the students" in these classes to report to them any conflict with any other examination not later than Nov. 7. In case of a conflict, the regularly scheduled exam will take precedence over the common exam. Common exams are indicated by an asterisk. . ' uiioe collection on for refiigeeo. Members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority will be collecting men's shoes through Dec. 5 to ?nrl to the Haitian refugees in Florida. People interested in donating shoes can contact Lilo Hester at 933-4344 or Rickyc McKoy at 933-4114. ACC tournament Sign-up for ACC tournament tickets will be Dec. 2-4, 8 a.m.-lO a.m.; noon-2 p.m.; and 6-8 p.m. at the law school, Caduseus ' Bookstore and Carolina Union. Date of drawing for the 100 student tickets has not been set. ntawMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmipmwmiif CVfw NEVIXXK STYLE TT-.. ' H- 1 . k -V.v v v. .... ........... a Duy Ono Pizza 2nd Pizia u2 at R (Samo Value) pnice Eat In or Tc'co Out 'Every Day Except Fridays Coupon Good thru 121CC3 i . C 03-4371 03 W. FRANKLIN ST. crcN i houks I Chare groceries, bsr, wtr, s on mm terchar, Visa or Texaco crd!t card I 1 ffijtkcc . c"-3 ( Y 1 3 it U Kea lc delivery reservations ftivs in UJ li 1 I f I !' i i' ' I I f i t 1 M . ! I FUR REVIEW PROGRAMS Ca((for Amity's free brochure on the exam of interest to ' you: G00-243-4767 Cy KATHErJNE LONG -Staff V,'r;;er Members .of the Rev. Sun . Myunj-Mocn-backed Collegiate ' Association for Research of; Principles, demonstrated. in front of the Carolina Union Monday, claiming they were treated unfairly in a panel discussion aired by WXYC radio Sunday night. Howard Self, regional director of CARP from Atlanta, said he called the station Sunday shortly before the show "Open Line", was to be broadcast and said he would not appear because the format of the debate -had been changed. "They set us up," said Paula Pierson, producer of "Open Line. All they want is publicity." Pierson said she contacted Erenda Svenscn of CARP Friday and told her the discussion would include Scnja McCarter, a student who has protested the organization, Shirley Sanders, of. the UNC psychology department who is an expert on hypnotism, and Dob Duncan, the Episcopalian chaplain to the University. McCarter had protested the group's presence last week by holding a sign that read: "Do not be fooled; these people are Moonies" by the group's information ' u )i0 if s table. McCarter has charged that her cousin ' disappeared after joining the. group five years ago. Pierson said McCarter would appear during the first 10 minutes of the show to tell the story about her cousin, Saunders would discuss why students joined' the group and Duncan would answer any religious ' questions that came up. Pierson said that Svensen greed to send a representative to the discussion on those terms. "Paula said maybe there would be a psychologist or a minister there, (in addition to McCarter)," Svenson said. . Self, who pulled out of the discussion after he arrived in town Sunday, said he was told it: was a debate between himself and McCarter. "It was stacked four people against one," he said. "They were unqualified to speak about the subject and were negative toward the movement." When Self did not appear, moderator Donna Paine gave background information, on the group which she had researched. McCarter discussed the disappearance of her cousin, Sanders talked about brainwashing and she and Duncan answered questions from listeners. About 12 CARP members chanted and carried signs Monday in pretest. They passed out leaflets describing Sunday's brcedcast and tried to get students to sien a petition calling for equal representation cn WXYC. About half cf the protesters were from the CARP organization in Raleigh. CARP members said they v, ere pretesting for a to present their views. "1 ,- i f i . J i i i I j i 4 V- C J U i ! "We want equal time, we v.ant to be heard," Self said. lie said "Open Line" had practiced religious persecution because it was "slanted completely against our religion." "We don't want publicity for ourselves," Svenson said. "We believe in the rights of the First Amendment." " "I think it's a typical ploy they pull, to pull out (of the show) and then demand time all by themselves," McCarter said. "They shouldn't be given time all by themselves. They had the chance last night." Bill Burton, WXYC station manager, said although the Federal Communications Commission said the Station was net obligated to give CARP equal time cn the air, he would like to set up a discussion between Self and "someone who is informed about exactly what it is they're doing." Frompago 1 (HI C4J &"' k it - ti " m m, at wi m-m jr ! -f' jr " ff ti 1 Athletic Director John D. Swoffcrd said Monday that UNC would be sending the entire 250-meniber band with the football team to the Bluebonnct Bowl in Houston, Tex. Dec. 31. Some of the 230 band members had become upset when, during the Virginia game Nov. 15, an assistant band director had told them the athletic department would send only 25 band members to Houston. There was some talk among members of boycotting the Duke game. One band member at the Duke game saying "Send us to wore a sign Houston" around his neck. Chancellor Christopher C. Fordham and Swofford talked with the band after the game and told them they wanted to send the whole band to Houston. While an itinerary has not been set, Swoffcrd. -said $42,000 out of the bowl proceeds would pay for the trip. "Our intention all along was to take the whole band," Swofford said. The only question was deciding from where the money would come. WILLIAM PESCIIEL and Education Fund, already has threatened to take the Reagan administration to court if it drops civil rights enforcement proceedings against UNC. "I don't think it is as easy to unwind ... as a controversy that just started," Jordan said. With that view in mind, UNC lawyers are preparing their defense for the continuing administrative hearing. In Washington, supporters of the desegregation effort are fearful that the Reagan administration may. end the proceedings. . T t V I J"? o o - - ? - r ' will come in for the quick fix," said one Department of Education official who asked not to be identified. "UNC president Bill Friday will love it. It's a no-win situation." , Reagan never specifically addressed the UNC issue during the campegin. But he has criticized federal civil rights pressure on the Louisiana State University system. He also has been a frequent critic of federal intervention into state matters. c- ? f j - U ' if iA I ill : , H . ' - 1 H j i ' ' I l , M . ' 1 hi?! HI 1 o it."' t i , 1 if ' I rO rxj o o z:1 o o v f , M -J t J J a 3 1 1 t 3 ' N & f w w v , . r C ft . 510 W. FRANKLIN STREET 929-0263 WE ArX rUYING DIAMONDS Vt ! V'hVe are ncv tayin- CL,C3 m.'GS, BENTALGOID, V.'ED-i cT DirG lA!uj, GOLD CO.. j GOLD 1 i.Li SIL E. 9 j JJEWELrX snythinn MAF.ICED IC-i:, 14 K, 1C1C GOLD cr C;? WE PAV TOP DULDV.l iuii blt.i;ut,b biLVuu u. O .'1 r - - fc ,. v. - - 4 ' " ; ,' - ' '' ' ' ' ' ' , ? f T ' ' ; - ' - - t . .. , . - 4 . . I " I ' I ! i: ; j ' '"V " f , , y ,.' S '1 You left the notes for chapter 6 in the library: A sure . sijn tint tomorro'.vs test v.xl be heny v.ith que.; tic:::; from tr ntwt fit .-t l f'y -f i 5 t .,1,-.. iv , Cvi i jl. tti.tl li ; m' -r" r .. I - - t $ .5 i&