Thursday. February 19, 1981 The Daily Tar Hsel'3 7 J Dy I) KAN I.OWMAN Slaff Wrilcr Inefficient transportation, disposal and storage of hazardous and radioactive wastes are problems both waste producers and the genera! public will face in the near future, two nuclear power opponents said Tuesday. Chip Reynolds, program coordinator for the Nuclear Transportation Project of the American Friends Service Com mittee, and John Bernard, member of the Mayor's Task Force to study nuclear energy in Chapel Hill, spoke as part of the Carolina Union's 1931 Symposium cn Energy. "More than 3 million shipments of hazardous wastes are made in the United States each year," Reynolds said. "The majority of these are low-level producers of radioactivity, such as smoke detectors." Reynolds said about 200-250 shipments produced each year contained highly radioactive wastes and spent fuel rods from nuclear reactors. "In fact, the 273 shipments that were made last year con tained more radioactivity than the total amount contained in the other ... ship ments," he said. Reynolds said the wastes were trans ported in huge steel, concrete and glass cylinders. "There are only 17 of these casks available for use and seven of them are of the same design," he said. "Be- cause of inadequate testing, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission only recently found out that these seven have started to develop warps and bulges which could conceivably leak radiation." Bernard said many of the spent fuel shipments were transported through North Carolina on U.S. 258 and on Interstates 95, 85 and 20 to the Savannah River Plant near Aiken, S.C., where they were stored temporarily. "One of the problems with this tem porary "storage," Reynolds said, "is that many of the plants are beginning to suf fer from the 'constipated reactor syn drome." Because these plants have lim ited storage space, Reynolds said, three" methods of storage have been proposed. "First, they can re-rack the spent fuel rods in order to Fit more material in the same space; second, they can use transhipment from Filled plants to plants that still have available space; third, they can open a central location for storage. "None of these possible storage meth ods helps eliminate the problem, though, and they all increase the amount of handling of radioactive materials," Reynolds said. Three sites now are being considered as central locations for spent nuclear fuel storage: Morris, 111., West Valley, N.Y., and the Barnwell plant in South Carolina. Bernard said the West Valley site nearly filled to capacity had almost been dropped from the list by the NRC. lviioot FeierendiMiiio raaos it .. In last week's elections all the referendums ' passed except number four, which supported a decrease in the summer student activities fee by $2 per session and an increase of 50 cents per fallspring semester. Referendum one, which passed, required an undergraduate to leave office once he re ceived a bachelor's degree. It also gave the Campus Governing Council the power to, with the approval of the Board of Trustees or Board of Governors, and with approval through a campuswide referendum, determine or alter student activities fees. Referendum two, which passed, took away article four, section 5B. Passage of the referendum means Elections Board members now will be appointed by the Elections Board chairperson, subject to the approval pf the CGC. Referendum three deleted the section in article five requiring the inauguration cere mony to take place four weeks after the final election. Referendum five, which also passed, was in support of a $2 social fee per summer session to be collected with summer housing rent. Tho Carolina Union presents phyllis lamhut dance company .. V' " " performing SAT., February 21 8 pm Memorial Hall Reserved eeato: $5 for UNO students, privilege card holders, and over i 65; $6 general -public at Union Box Office B THrf Plus: one week resi dency including open re hearsals Friday and Saturday 11:30-1:30 pm in Memorial Hall. Also: Open Master Class TODAY (Sign up at Union Desk). ) A VERY SPECIAL EVENT! rvr-) nnnnncinr CLdULIULdLjnA cMBSSAQB! Through this mcsssgs, virtually thousands have realized Iho call of Jesus Christ cn their lives and hs;v they can bring practical solutions to tho vcrld's prcb- 1 m concern Gn n p" - & k! Lw VJ? v .Played and sang with Tho Commodores, Marvin Gaye, and Andrao Crouch. 1p.m. 7 p.m. 10 a.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. Grrrard U:M ur:c : Gcrrard I fall M . V Up ' ?in ,- 1r v. w . j .i i t 1 1 Gcrrrrd Ha!I it ? , 1 I . f t t. iv r f ".'1 r i i i i f. ( 0 I : : : , ! : I ; : : ; ! If ii ij r H ' ! .' i 1 ' C By DEHOCHI Staff Writer : The Campus Governing Council Tuesday approved several amendments to the elections bylaws and the CGC bylaws, and made appropriations amounting to $691. Under a new provision in the elections bylaws, the Elections Board is to review the election districts every two years to ensure equal representation. If the report shows a deviation of more than 10 percent, the CGC would then revise the districts. CGC Speaker Cynthia Currin said Wednesday she supported the revision because the Elections Board members would become more familiar with the districts. . y "By working with the districts the members would have a better idea of what the districts are; they'll know the width or depth of what they are getting into," Currin said. "There are a lot of districts. This way, they can be familiar with them before the spring elections.' Another amendment to the elections bylaws said that financial statements for referendums must be submitted by the treasurer or a designated member of the group petitioning for a referen dum. The council also approved an amend ment to the CGC bylaws which defined residency as the place where a person actually lives. The laws had stated pre viously that residency was determined by the address listed with the Office of ; Records and Registration. In other action the council approved a $471 allocation to the North Carolina Student Legislature to pay for the regis tration and lodging of NCSL partici pants. The council approved an appro priation of $220 to the UNC Advertising Club to help pay the expenses for par ticipating in the Associated Advertising Federation held in April. . The council passed three resolutions, the first calling for beer sales to be allowed at the Carolina Inn and other University-owned hotels. Another res olution called for a study of alternate balloting procedures for the Elections Board to use in the general elections; The last resolution recommended that the Student Health Service be named after Dr. James Taylor, who will retire as director of SHS this spring. A f. Each cf these advertised items la revirfr3 ta be reay avaSs&l J ; fcslow tJte advertised prtc in each A&P Store, except S3 tpci3c in tnt aa. t::3 rrr;3 crrrns res zzi kct txxuzu to , tor at or ;a"y rsctad I I br.iiu uu;.ui ' til LJ Xv I J C"LY tl C-'TTL V LL ft C?"""T"3 Si ' - s . Regicter to Win 1 00co ilorth of :' r Waat Oy You r Choice!: Drcving VIU B3 HwScI Saturday Night At 6:C3 P.M. To Dctcrmlna 1C09o vu iriER In Each ASP Storo In fJorth And South Csrclfna (Except Aiken & Ceeuf ort). Winning Tieket From Eech Storo V ill Bo Forwarded To ASP Chcrlotts 0! ries. V.lnncr Will Rcceivo By uzll A 'ICO80 Gift Ccrtificoto For steaks or izczt Ol YourjChcles. No Purchase Necessary. You Must Ee tw 16 Year Of A; e To Enter. ALP I BioibteToVn.' Ii I 'ENTRY ELANX-GRZAT STEAK GIVEAVAY THURSDAY FEB MEMBERS (QUESTS INCUDES PURrTS FANTASTIC 'tUBLE-TRDtlBLE " 2-4 -I LV i r' I STREET ADDRESS - -J - I I I . - s, j city ; : state ; J I ' TELEPHONE 71? CCDS : I bi Lt w -j L. y Full Cut "r" 't-V-' I (nAn ' Bono-ln;.. 1- UriDYGUAUTY " "" " , ,1. -- I sr- n ' n- .-rcr- ; I vOjjLiL, wJ -J-Uli i V ' j S I r- ft " "''' H - lb. 13 B H J . iLL- J Li A hi L xj i x3 - Ui-" Jg Sliced ib. 70 1 Sliced ib. 7S ' xt ) wnais jour j 1Q? , ' -. !:;.tost one ',' 1 . VyTien purchasing comdomsVyou should bo prepared to tell tho pharmacist what size you need true or false?, ! 2. In actual practice, birth control piHs aro effective in preventing pregnancy. a. 50-60 b. 65-75 c. 80-S0 d. SO-95 89.5 3. Who believed that the penis was connected to tho lungs by tiny canals which produced erection? , a. Leonardo da Vinci b. Sir Isaac Newton c. Freud . -6. Aristotle : . 4. If the penis never enters tho vagina during "sex, pregnancy can still occur true or false? 5. A woman cannot get pregnant the first time she has intercourse true or false? 6. You haven't really had intercourse if a. you were drunk b. you didn't plan it jr 8A2t noA S3 a "9 X3UEu5ajd esneo c buiSsa eyj tin joabji Pub aiajhs ubo 6ujuodo rcu:52A em oj sop yiq episiro pcscs;3J uuads erux V - , JB8A B UJIRSM JUBuSsjd q IJIMOt-S Aj85SUJSXOJdd3 'uosdsoBJiuoo joj ind m uo A"3J usujom atpb Ajisnxss ooifl lm sutam s?m "P 'Z . Iubm noA (sujopuoo Aubiu mom) Ssjpsd ezss jBq,vi jo coiotp b abij noA i5noq3 .'jib e;a ezs euo socpuoo 'cibj 't Supriscd? Vcnt mcro fnformctlcn? Chcs!: cut "THE COnrJECTrOUM Fob. 23-2G sponsored by tho Csrclina Union end Tho Human Sexuality Informs tion end Counseling Servleo Schedule of Events. GO!fG THROUGH CHANGES. It's di.McuS to rrcko dscislocs about ssx whsn you'ro not even euro what you feel. Parcnti, peers and partners have tecllng which may innuence you, teit this worichop v;!3 hc!p you explore your own values and assump tions about sex. - HOV TO TALK ABOUT SEX. This worshop will focus on da- veloping tha skins ncad to ovcraoma our awkwardness in 1 talking about ssx to doetors, partners, parents, friends. If ycu crinsa at tho thought, Cis workshop is for you. " 1 RELIGION AND SEXUALITY. An cpon and candid discussion d reiiglof) and sexuality with representaSves of Jewish end Christ- j lan traditions (members cf tho U?C Chaplain's Association), i TALK V.TTH WE. Caing ttla to comrnunieato end maka deci slens together are critical skills for tha health cf any ' refat'c!p-Hfcfia:risrftewwe& - to Icam theas tkiils. wii cr wi-out a partner. Wednesday, February 5 MACCUUrilTY, FO.NTTY ATO AfiDHOGYrtY. is an-1 I Savo 1 26 ANN PAGE A&P QUALITY F f ''k 4it. fp. w ri '''' ,'t "" If ... urf I lint i i i I ctn. v . Lotvlaf diKf i mM en csa : I -(coISI:(oK! , L. - S PUHE VEGETAELE I j ?!"- "t s t., FES. 21 AT ASP I'l CVSSTl VMl & CnnCr3 & mzm mm j ia cn us sa fc-J fti fca imi feaM tf3 -ai E3 tea ess esa esa tea t lc:;t c::s oth ti::s ccufcj c:03 uj iu eai imi kos wa kj bmi fc- w saa imi m 31 3 Bl US B9I t9 E9 B1 : PLAIN SELF-RSSiriO UN3LEACHED OREAD FLOUH ill j J fTk?ff,w,. r?wvf . - lb. , . ) ' l ; y L..L;LJ W yLwJ . rj bag Li , e ' trrr s li.vjt c::s V.1TH tkjs ccurca csca : csa ' 8 V ; Ttrr.u sat., fh. 21 at At? i cirra :ra a ctnr-t-") J fi)-(cIejtirfo)l j wi sa ea ea ssa mm n A SUPERS CLCND, H'CH IN CHAZIUAN COFFEES , .JwwtfUWw? ban . r ' 4 1 u 1 Fi ! r i i J F 1 t I I . ! a a All wttt AAiminiM M n CSHj t;::.j sat., rn. 21 at as? i:j c:: -.;:l i::a a ar.r.rcr.a ft V B3 K3 Ea K3i IBM SSS t" t " r 33 Kii w mm msm sae Monday, February 23 3:00 p.m. 202 Union 5:30 p.m. 207 Union Tuesday, February 24 3:00 p.m. 217 Union 7:00 p.m. . Grcclaw Lcurr3 ii f ' ! -i AtM 1 lift . V i k,'ASIL.NGTON STAT E EXT H A A ! C f . v r v - : ncd nr.. ;Vv ccLc::iYELLCvr:rE ? ; .j- it w M f I cr W W I vi t f ; v. c.-j Tor.ui 3.C0 p.m. 217 Union 8 CO p.m. 202 Union 1 y Thursday, February 23 .00 p.m. Ccc-rie Lowv;3 drogyrry? Ar3 you fcrrJnina, maacuns, tc2 neicr 7 Can fad-1 tonal ideas cf rr-ascuSnity" and larrinlrty fc valued in our I chans!ng soeiity? Wii! tha fuiura chare 5 cur dcltnitions? Thcea que--ons win fca explored find cut moft about yours cS end other pecpk). . CEU3ACY: DECIDING f OT TO HAVE CDCV."hal rea- ona da a pcraon hava for net beihg invdved trxwrJ rclatons,, p? riow p da you taks car cl rteedj that you hava for intimacy v;thcvt it 7 i ara C:a fcaaalita cf choccinj net ti ba hvcVod in a t- -al !! rcJatioriahp? ti5- do you maka tha m: -4 cf thesa pcrdj tct- Jj v5cn rc'-aoniips? do you do t-.ban you'ra l'-"3 c-y Jl from your teyki end cr .n,Vier47 ! T f VIE C COY FCH V.C TN (ri about -ec". : .:, . F cr every v-yzn w.ho 1"'3 13 c': :. ca r rv,-Cf..-5, v 3 V- J cviap v J c", r c re.-.: -u:Jt . : 1 1 : r a . :n r : 3 arJ f.r-':;, r -.- 1. 3 tc . v. ',''.5 ht: "vJ an c.;v - tr.J fa. "3 c.-i c, ; -.-. '-7 f:r q.- : :: 1. w Tt 12 rWlt CODY FCH frrri (PL;? a ta tbcu ' F'.rr. rr - v, ' . ;::'-.-;. 'f i' .5 l c .'i c t c -1 t - :i t :i I 5 a-i r ' t ti i t : 7 ' 1 n : :. J1.1c.-7C J ' j. , 1 f " , " ; ; u : 7 f.f r-j : n Ann! 3 i:i i Ui y f f. L, 1 w 4i its cr.! 1-. ftitufxf p f - r . v y j 5 -i Yt in"? k 4 i r r- 1 w " r ------- t -Wfc t C CO p rt. 2:2 u i

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