2 The Daily Tar HeelThursday. Mcvc.h .'6. 1981 n rv T""7V it V u u u u 1 I - t r-a . yet this year? Reagan plan may face defeat FCDUCED ADMISSION TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE UNION. l Acadc-my Award k .. ;. r4c5fninea NighBy at "TH GREAT SANTIf!" . i S i ii Ccrc"r.a Corsica Certrs f.! HI2 ClUClETIA'.qrJZOn presents , i . '. f I Mi Conductorless Ensemble of String Players SUNDAY, MARCH 29 0 PF3 MEMORIAL HALL Tiecto C2.00 for UTJC Cclcnto Tickets Available at Union Desk o ro 25 words or less Studcnts1.75 Non-Studcnts 2.75 Add 5' fur each 3ii:iona! word 1.C0 mort lur boxtd ad or bok3fac typ 10 percent discount for md run S conaecuttv day SPACE SHUTTLE LAUNCH BUS TP.? Tht Akironomy Club and S.O.A.R.S have chartered but allowing Gexltl planning. Arproximate cost tZd round-trip. For info call Susan 942-5737. Chris 942-7127, or Jack mCSIlMAN WOMEN: Tha PanhSenic Council otT a fu.'l smMtr achoUrhlp to a second tfmntrt Freshman. If Interested, coma by Tha ranhel OCke, Suit A, Union. LOST: LAD'LS" COLD TIMDC a-ristwatch torwtirf Utwi UnkMi and Northampton Aftt. via McCorlia ftact and Ifanderson Street. Tkaaa ca3 9&7-2S24. (reward) rOUN'D-Sat B:hl at Z3T V.U of Pennies party. Lads watch. CeU 547-330 after 11 pm and FOUND: 1 tbt IZOD Jatket. Tound 3 or 4 ks a". Say s&hrra you lost H & it's yours. Ca3 X 3 LOSTSII SUNGLASS US. Erowi frsTsia. yr tint, Nar iifpet wi. 0V pair that aver tt. If Lund, f kas ct3 ?7C31. A&k tr J.-y. LOSTj COLD U.:C fcraceWc CarrcJ IL3 Au::orium. ftrsfc-ard? 13 rjaHars r.J a cWar fokar, Ca3 SC7-2:3. LOST: A COlO IIT.IZUT.TX tranVt at iV J sl!.-ry Hour lUrch 3, If teuni rtta c3 iW7l . Ui.U! LOST CN2 CnrXN CA?VAS Kfty tack "on w asr .-.t.s C.-U ca Saturday. U I-j-ard i'..a c3 n - WANT! ): N0N-S'-t0r.:f;3 KAILS as v !ts la paid tS'A tri.43 ;rTtntS o tha UC Cll eaupii-'v. Ta1 t. tommt'mtnt it 13-15 rtuurs fc.kd;!i-j m lwr ttylcal asamtnatkw. fay t 1 5 t'J pf tur . U ard h'.?-.y w"S, " I ::h rxt a "rf ;: aid ik Ka(.?.-v. t'3 S i !..! rt. l-rf rua fc;ffm i:-;n. Ll tilt. I tt f CllA'tfi; ft'l immt J1 N f a4ocd. r . Imult, V M ftfj-flT-J ttit f't teqWd. J ' ! 8 t ?! yf J tf .v! f ijf Ii is- a'5 f 3 !? t h .( i-i-::.,t'.;ti Asi J ill MiiNf iui ti ,;; N C. t-i !; lir-.v.--t t .'mir Mril tFll, a T'i. I rwf ;,,t H t Nominated for Six Dai;y at Academy Awards 2:00 515 Roman TCCO 830 Pofanski's ..J U.-77- .-J i 1 DH'' - Jnc23 ct 2:3D tt 4:45 J ZIl DALLE1T - - ' Ws SaW- Tickets $6 UNC Students, Union Privilege, over 65 $7 to General Public available at Union Box OJpice presents SUMMER JOB OPENINGS FOR CAMP COUNSELORS at Camp Sea Gull (boys) and Camp Seafarer (girts). Serving as a camp counselor is a challenging and rewarding opportunity to work with young people, ages 7-16. Sea Gull and Seafarer are health and character development camps located on the coast of North Carolina and feature sailing, motorboating. and seamanship, plus many usual camping activities including a wide variety of major sports. Qualifications include a genuine interest in young people, ability to instruct in one phase of the camps' programs, and excellent references. For further information and application, please write a brief resume of training and experience In area(s) skilled to Don Cheek, Director, Camps Sea Gull Seafarer. P.O. Box 10976, Raleigh, North Carolina 27605. , ACCOUNTANTNIGHT AUDITOR POSITION Night auditor to audit records for workshops and conferences at Granville Towers. Compensation Includes salary, furnished apartment and meals while cafeteria is open. Accounting background necessary. Forty hour week, working 1 :C3 am to 9:00 am, Monday through Friday, from mid-May throuqh mid-August. For an application. ' caU 929-7143 or come by GranvL'ie Towers South, University Square. EOE-MF. THE BACCHAE is hiring a DJ Immediately. No experience necessary. Apply at the nightclub Tues. thru Sat. after 8:33 p.m. LOOKING FOR A SUMMER JOB In tha Triangle with f.exiUa hours and GOOD PAY? Alternative Moving Systems Is hiring movers for runtime and part-time work beginning now thru May. Call 967-5225 for more Information. SFEND THE SUMMER IN NEW ENGLAND: Camp f3etkt buys' camp In tha mountains of western Maisachut tttt has openings far counselors and program specialists. Also nurses (RN). Job descriptions and openings avftSabla at tha riacement OT-re. Sin up lot Interviews schedukd far March 25. COUNSELORS FOR WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA co-ed summer camp. Room, meaU, laundry, salary and travel aoanca. Experience mi necessary, but must tf3y fcvii end wwllrj Sih chliJren. Only chran-cut rwa-sraekisg coea students need apply. For arp&atfoflbrochurf write: Camp riflewood, 11. 1 OevcUnd Rd., Miami Beach, Fla. 33141, SWIMMING POOL POSITIONS-Tewn of Ci : i Taking apptlcaitons thru A?rd 15 for lii.jusrj tif Of Si. Instructor. & Ast. Pool Mjr. Wwk daysneesikflMjs. Prefer prevVus aicperknca. US LGUATID (S3.35hr) rtfn Aiy. tfcvi certlctn: work May tS-Sept. 7. 1M INilRUCTOR tS3.4-3hr requiea V.S1 cert&ta; May IS Sv; t. 7 ASS? FOOL MC.l Stift 43X3 . hr; 5hrsk during summer) retires WSI certta: lata Aifii-sfy &e?t. For eti poi:;l-r.s. n ?v: Iks.'Kee Dept, i . J lUfst Hi. C;-I IU t-OAAE. nASfl'.AlL . HO. I !. !. 5 :j i -. . t'ii i'lirt t if Si rt r.i , t .t e uu'tj A, 4 1 5 k rr I -. I OA' , SOfTl-AlL UMFinES, ',;,(;, To f Charel r-i ; & v .- a I cr - i. i , I aso ttmpkt nit ' Jn ie. lrvI. Fee S! 'J. i f), rffr If j !. I? j ' r-f rious if tv ApfU 3: lljnt i.i. Char i3 r IK) (iU WANT TO TFACH? r tiara 3 .:.:., I V:.li Tt Attn ;.S AC! NCY, ? ' ' h. Ji-iiAl '. lilCJ, 11: 7i ir. iu; WASHINGTON (AP) The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee said Wednesday that President Ronald Reagan's three-year tax cut is all but dead, and he urged Republicans to help draft a "consensus' al ternative with only a one-year reduction. Rep. Dankl Rostenkowski, D-IU., said the bill that emerges from the Ways and Means Committee would be smaller than the $54 billion Reagan wanted for 1932, in part to help hold down the deficit. Expressing hope for a "consensus bill" backed by Republicans and Democrats on the committee, he suggested: Cuts in personal income tax rates, but weighted to provide extra relief for the low-and middle-income taxpayer. Reduction in the capital gains tax from a maximum of 28 percent to 20 percent. . A cut in the maximum tax on unearned income from 70 percent to 50 percent. Proposals for tax credits to offset the cost of private education have gen erated little support among committee members thus far, he said. -TtZore aid for El Salvador WASHINGTON (AP) President Ronald Reagan won narrow congres sional subcommittee approval this week for $5 million in military aid to El Salvador in a vote one opponent compared to the "Tonkin Gulf resolution that deepend U.S. involvement in Vietnam more than a decade ago. The House Appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations approved the $5 million by an 8-7 vote shortly after the administration announced plans to send an additional $63.5 million In economic aid to El Salvador. That would raise total U.S. economic aid to the war-torn country this year to $126.5 million and military aid to $34.5 million. Diocovor Won Things in CELEBRATE 2 &1FJP v. , by Jan a light-hearted wr r-. ksBMSaiiBMeHS& Classified ads may be placed at the DTH Offices or mailed to the DTH Carolina Union 065A, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. ATTENTION MEN Excellent summer resident camp counseling opportunities for men interested . in serving youth ages 7-16. guiding them In their physical, mental and spiritual development Only those persons who will dedicate their wholehearted efforts to help each individual child develop his or her potential should apply. One must have ability to teach In one or more of our specialized activities. Students, teachers, and coaches should apply. CAMP THUNDERBIRD. located 17 miles south of Charlotte, N.C. Is an ACA accredited camp member, specializing In water sports (sailing, water skiing, swimming, and canoeing), yet an added emphasis is placed on the land sports (general athletics, tennis, golf, archery, riHery and backpacking). Horseback riding, Whitewater canoeing and tripping are extras in our excellent program. For further Information write or caU G. William Olmer, Jr., Director Camp Thunderblrd, Route 4, Box 166-A, CLover. S C. 29710 (803-831-2121). cervices ATTENTION GRAD AND HONORS STUDENTS. Aaron Services will type your papers at a discount. That's right, a 10 discount on theses and dissertations. If you want It riht. bring it to Aaron Literary Services, NCN3 Plaza, 967-1270. HELIUM FILLED BALLOON BOUQUETS DELIVERED for special occasions or lust for fun. Singing clowns available. Ask about our student speciaL CaU Balloons and Tunes 967-3433. COI4FLETE BESUHE SERVICES at BUSINESS SPECIALTIES, ICS Henderson Street. We specialize fai resume preparation. W tailor our professional resumes and cover letters to meet IndtvUtial needs and t'yllstic preferences. CaaStS-4739. J ' F.Z. ICS KUCX SH0V' FEATURES a live disc )ockey playing beach, disco rock, and new wave for any size party. Ca3 952-5273 for reasonable prices. FIANN1NG TO GET MATJUED fa the next 6 months? Ck3 Dr. Joseph Lowmaa (533-5432) at I C Psychology Depc for formation about f ,'.LE 6-week premarital education program. HUMAN SEXUALITY INFORMATION and CouoscUftti Sarvtc oSfa cou.nt!lsg and referral en contraception, rtlatIonsh!s. pregnancy, homoseiualay. and veneral disease. Call f 33-SSC5 et drop by E,uSf B. Unto. SXYZL'S fl-No FrCs" Stwdent Teacher FL'hts Europe. Asia. taraeL A.', tea. f '.ILTAVT CW&al StdtTch Travel Sfice. 21 FifJi Avenue New York. N.Y. 1CCI7 2i2 37?-3S32 r 2I2t:3Clll. re : em. rv.-s.. tfc iftU. -... s s l.J to snart tedrowin to 2 bt&som Coioay Aft, tartinf Jft or Au'mU hare K ttrA and fcU-Urs. Ca3 Teroa or Ann, ?2-77v9, TWO K'ON-Sf.OJaN'G ItALE r.OOMJtTCS BRted t shara Fovrroft A. potA, AC, l-MLm, a J C3 Hrk. iZ. a1: 9. Uv tn2-t. TWO UCC8AL ftffALC ROOMMATES U'ANTtH til Im0 2 b4i9ora art i?.is 13. A,tks. I 3 plas S toti-."krs f wrtw.a, Fnau's c.i3J3.:.s. HA VI .ST IOU.SD A KOCH YET? I steed Cry. evt-!aie tt ti.i,..i tc:e twmfiUr if 4 fiHrs:?v ha Ihm tftt) I i Ii i fa.-k Aj, 7 SPRING WITH de Hartog romantic comedy ff&vpf f;'j ' , 0 suwtiaw -T3 fi .4tI7? c FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share Foxcroft Apt. for summer school andor next school year. Furnished, on bus route, laundromat, pool, sauna, tennis courts. Call 967-8667. FEMALE ROOMMATES WANTED. First andor second summer session(s). Carolina Apartments, J-bus route, pool, air-conditioning, furnished, dishwasher. Call Kathy 942-1414 or Loretta or Allison 933-1678. NEED TWO MELLOW ROOMMATES for 2-bedroom Brookside Apt. 15 min. walk to campus. $77 month Vi utilities. Lease starts in May. CaU 933-5337. NEED A PLACE to five this summer? Rooms available in house two blocks from campus. Call Carol or David if Interested at 933-1436 or 933-8634. for cafe 1971 DATSUN 510 Wagon, good condition, new clutch. 23 mpg, I1.C03, caU Eruce 933-0173. Early morning late nite. MOPED FOR SALE: Excellent condition, one owner caU 963-9033 Jim MacGZl. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME! Witness tha NCAA finals in Philadelphia. Two tickets available. CaU 967-6167 and give best offer. 1975 CB 34CT HONDA 6700 miles good cond. Best reas. or. CaU Jim 967-7645. MOBILE HOME for sale. 2 bdrms, 1 bathfumUhed all appliancesair. Asking S54Q0. Ca2 925-6321 Keep trying OLYMPIA MANUAL PORTABLE ELITE TYPUnrrlt. wide carriage. $60. Air Una ticket, NYC to HDU. 165. Wilson T2CC3 tennis racket, fine condition 115. 933-C646. FOH SALE TATE DECKS. JVC KD-23. technics Ml 4. Both in excellent condition, f 175 each. Also guStar amp. 933-5162 afier 6 pm. FC-1 SALE: A red Vm PonSac Firebird cortverliil a.1 A black top and glass rear wbWbw and In good cond.:ion. U Inierettrd c3 Frttman at 933-2S73. - S J , 'tame w m-M-A : - rfaw NAVAJQ TTIADING POST Btrt-g C4J & t'ivtrt 10, 14. It; fold ie!ry. and denul gold, tu-v'fj d.sfxetnit cn carat & over, !rft..-!g s.ivet. 513 W. Fra.'.kia c::i rcn f.iz.':i y sea-r;a hTf, 3 mmS traa..! racer - a art4. TVm, i ed:.laai Ta- Fa'ar Ess k' 2 2 J &SSa Cawfee, V. e art e?w eceptEi a?t! Fcxcrtft Apartrnesta. i54.. it'..: l . at Car.:'as7 t?,C t: w lita-a aai ax"4i f starsl f ear' aotl.l ar i rt"'i-r.s a''i.i.".fia. t. a ftszt la ! t'-a lst u Mt at ti .l.L it s .J ie tit t sa tt k7-?am. XI wUSi t war k ' s Ls y t-6 i I 5 , i u n c, TUDr(TT loniriY icrn W v-" s?lii tutt to rte i.l t.w la I C:a at i7-2l5. f.tarla Hiccrdo end Abx Wl'scn c'iscuss cppcrtur.Itles ... Peace Corps End Vista are interviewing this week " Ey TAMMY 'WKIG5IT- ; Staff Writer A 76-year-old retired truck driver arrived at the Scotland County Vista office seeking help. He had been a driv er for 35 years Gnd had never learned how to read. While driving, he had de veloped his method for reading road signs and, upon retiring, decided to broaden his literary skills. In nine months, Vista volunteers taught him to read on a sixth-grade level. The truck driver began tutoring others, be came a recruiter and is now chairman of the Literary Council of Scotland County. . ; . This is just one experience that Alex Wilson, a former Vista volun teer, encountered. "When you're, working with people who want to 'help themselves, they lerirstfrnuslr quicker," he said. 4- Wilson, a graduate of 'UKcin American studies and education, is holding interviews this week at; the placement service office and the Carolina Union for those' persons in terested in signing up for Vista and Peace Corps work. Tau Epsiion Phi presents its 2nd annual 60's Revival Party Friday, March 27, 9 pm Kegs end music 216 EL Rosemary CALVIN KLEIN JEANS FOR HIM AND HER 10 OFF other designer jeans also available Bgi nS iw urn ii 9 : Intown checks VISA Mastercharge All ads must be prepaid. Deadline: Ad must be received by 12 (noon) one business day before ad is to run. FEMALE LAW STUDENT NEEDS a place to live 'next year. Prefer with gradprof. students and on busline. Ca3 Vkki. 967-5504. WANTED: One or two tickets to Final Four In Philly. Call Bob at 942-7790. Will make great offer! WILL PAY $500.00 for Granville female contract CaU Tammy 933-1811. WANTED: TWO STYX TICKETS. Will pay the going price. Call 933-4573 anytime. Keep trying. Ask for Bill or Gabe. for rent SUC LET 2 bedroom Royal Park Apartment, pool, bus route, available May-August Call 942-5331. SAVE 35.00! Sublet two bedroom, partially furnished Foxcroft apartment beginning May 15. New carpet On D bus route. With pool and tennis courts. Call 929-7354. COOL, CLEAN, QUIET! Summer sublet with option. AC 4 bdr duplex trt country. Washer, garden space. Fum&hed for amiable sorts. Bicycle distance from campus 9679990, KAPPA ALP! IA Tl 1ETA SORORITY I IOUSE wl3 b open both sessions of summer schooL 1143 session for double, $2C0seion for single. For more information, call the house manager at 967-9166. - SUDLET 2 EEDHOOM FURNISHED Kingswood Apt from May 15-Aug. 15. Good location. AC. L bus route, pool, cable TV avable. !2?9roo. For more information ca3 967-4339. SAVE $75mo. on 2-br apt. with option to uk over teasa in fa 3. J-bus route, AC. pool, laundry, large closet space, no bto- 912-6971. SUMMER ROOMS FOR KENT, KAPPA PSf Frat House, tinn't 4150 per aewkai. doubla $103 per setxkm. CaiJ 963-930 or 963-91313 for more ir fe, 'SUMMU? SUCLET: 2 EECHOOM ESTES PAT.X Apt Availabie mid. My-Awj. ptlo ! renew. Rent reduced from $273 to $20. CaU Chales at 97-9723. GOING TO SUMMEJl SCHOOL? ' SulWf or esrjmt Ictt torn ', 15 tntj Aag 15 fei KJ2t5food Apt. 2 bedoom. Pool, bualine. Terms negotlatSa, 942-1 C22. SU?'.Mta SUCLET: ONE EEOr.OOM furnished ' Unlvetsify Lake Apt. Carpeted, -tmr.tog poeA. It s tut. AC, fcp-tfkary, . 929-4 6tS. 2 cjxnooM APA.'rntr.vr t smm lUy 1 5-Aug, 15. Roval f-'k; fcsrhed. AC, poof. em J bu routa: rent negotiaU. Ca3 HMilt, rTT.'ATE r.OOM A?D BATH to furihf tr'aijf ' in Uc pa.'k 5 m:'.tt 6o ean;. W er t-L-s d.5jst. dvT a. si C3 MJa si S57-2Ci?. Pteik'f o!S.fsler. , itY nrrontrn A.r5 i m i :i a tvj pt.v a4 tak t-f way. fT r3 V i J 4'." I if caa ;tro a r.:rc to noAstim? r kt Irt. a4 a V4ir,j ti'tr ,-. (i tsiT-tiri. tWa 5 lia at V t, -j, O kte M;t ! f- 7 J t ! ' .fThitTTlR. W R iR The organizations are looking for recruits with a sense of their own strengths and weaknesses, he said, adding that his recuriting efforts had been successful in reaching UNC volunteers this week. Since the Peace Corps and Vista began, 1,600 people have volunteered from North Carolina, Wilson said. In addition UNC ranks . among the nation's top 10 colleges in ' the number of persons recruited. "The people here are willing to be a little more far-sighted," he said. "They are willing to apply what they ' learn here in academics and in social curriculum to Peace Corps and Vista. UNC students have a desire to serve. Tom Brown, a public information officer for Vista and the Peace Corps, said the oportunitx to serve in the . ' Peace Corp"s is not limited to those with . specialized training . . Peace Corps is a two-year volunteer- service sponsored by tne federal govern- ment. It participates in developing areas such as Latin America, Asia, the Far East, and Africa. Vista serves the United States through volunteer assign ments of one year, Brown said. . 1 mmtM n f-7 .rras1i r? upun a personal charge account today r HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KELLY AND EMILY a super goot and a sparkling A Phi Q Jewell ANG1E J. Where is old MacDonald to give you a kiss on your birthday! Happy 20th( DLU. STOLEN BROWN WALLET from Hill rehearsal room. Contents valuable to owner, keep money. If found, leave at Music Library. No questions, Paul Chandky 967-7352. RUSTY: You've run the gamut (gampot?) from afterbirth to chipmunks! Tha Bagger (and proud of It!) . HAITI MISSIONARIES! Today's Thursday -don't forget to take your Ar alert wi :h your elephant kike! Good to see everyone on Sunday Missed you, John and Tripp. Sea y hi Suckertown! Tha Iron Market Merchant of Monirouis. SCOTT EEC ID EN CE CCLLECE elaaaevc ejpeilenced cadi dec Islv leader. Vet Tlatr4y to elect FHATilC V.HX3 fovarao f CX HARCELOS birthday Is Saturdy!!! Ladies, be sure to f!v him good luck klsst (and watch him blush!) Signed, Marctlo's Brother. DONNA ANN Happy 22ad Birthday. iUn you have great day! You're not getting older and you're already better! Love, Roger. HAPPY 21st to my funny Honey Bunny pie Pie Pie wiA Love from your tweet Heart (who's In trouble now!) , ' P.OY SUGAR, Thanks for betaf so special! How'4 you reach perWtioit before 25? Mike an A oa your exams & ya ktf me in PftC-y I voi akeady! Phytiis. aiUCK T. fbppy 21t Ckrthday. 143 and FTL. Your secret adfnfeer, SPWNG GETAWAY A s prion weekend In ii SwAfej. No tostemipiions ewepl oe vow wand Stedy or ttnwind by tha t?etJ tn ym?r coy cofi"e. W.C.U, t!rfy nearty. $33 far 2 po t. 135 fyr 4, isifeV. Mountain VmA, U.S. 411 Bmoh, Siva. N.C 705-55-4327. HEY TAR HTXLS. I know youcaado Id Let test make tt Si2 Good ltk in fl.iny-npecur! 0,J, and Dsx. . a EDOrSSN; SI q--es inlUt en hmce. vtmot en espanoL Vr.r e ern.'y i-les) pra la etna. fabf r R rui codar ,fcf:-.-ris..'? Qt t rfs para la ces? A bora tewda h-.Wt? Para, U;-ms de t ska toi bi-n. Ta f-e-&a. TO T) C -UGLY" f-tUTE ad mt rir cf stwt thfea moorh AJ daiitrl, have (real tirtwr tn 4ft.J'y tfcwlr-j tKe tieel la 1c1arvf V Cs D. Herry EMy fc ev fstl lvora CJ', Cla C . ltt ATTN, IX-TK-TFs Yw hv rt?fJ v bs twMifl isstf, A3 to Mvts, f r--v 3 22 ; aw'Ca la Cdy. f"'V 4 fcsaasafy. Ia TO .fV i.'-iT. l".Vi. t , .v ; ,.','.Y a'-i (i. tti it 4 s f astY 4e t-il I i iti I C -t i ----!-. i. "I - ii a 4 h h't a -r, t . t - r s. f ' sal. i 1..", n r t a - a. V ' I a !' t( f $ I t- i a vt prevent Birth i sssiaisais jh.

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