"7 T I ' 1 ivJ From paga 1 Capital improvements In the area of capital improvements, $9.1 million has been allocated for new buildings, additions, or Improvements over the next two years. Cordon H. Rutherford, director of the University's planning office, said Monday in The Chapel Hill Newspaper that Ctepel Hitfs capital improvements request was approximstsly $120 million for El projects. Approximately 13 percent of this goal was realized as the University received $3.1 .million for four prefects, which are described below. . $7.7 million for the replacement of chemistry teaching laboratories. A site for the new building has not yet been determined, but It probably will be located near Kenan Laboratories, sakJ Dr. Royce Murray. Murray cited problems with the laboratories in Venable Hall as the reason for a new building. He described the old labs as "very old. out-of-date, in serious need of repair...." : "We're limited in what we can teach in them for reasons of safety," he said. "The new space will allow us to teach a better curriculum." Whereas Venable houses not only the under graduate laboratories, but administrative offices, the chemistry library, faculty offices, graduate re search offices, and other establishments, the new building is for laboratories only, described by Murray as "a genuine undergraduate laboratory building f : ,. :.r.:iLTorrs IS THE -'STARTING " EXCSTluG uEH'S STORE 113 CHAPEL KILL Great clothes sinco 1943 with ono big diffcrcnco-prico. Alton's joined a clothing co-op 7 years ago and their prices era half tho goirn) rats. This fali-lato August-Harris Tweed Sport . - -Coats Elsewho'rd Reg. $235 ......... .pi 1 DX3 Lightweight Wool Flannel Blazers by fvliddish; do Rog. $135 .... ........ .vUOXO- Our own mako button-down oxford shirts, . Reg $27.50 ....................... . . .... .9 Sen w Theso are but a few examples of tho savings in store for you. The best looking clothes in a starting wardrobe, at half tho going rate elsewhere. , Phone: SS3-44C3 . i t ' !! $ Hours: Mon-Sat 10-6:30; Sun 1-4 L 1 ' j i , f J ! 163 E. Franklin St, Downtown Chapel Hill; w " ' N ' ' '-nso 66pi Morrison Blvd., Charlotte " QIU.U. I UwwJ 1 r v -t-l ilu r nn,iKvj r j (3 1 o rn V r "" r 1 r 1 If 1 - I i f s i if - The board allocated $430,000 for the planning of . the new building, and Professor James Coke will , be the chemistry faculty member working with architects in designing the building, Murray said. "I think he (Coke) is very experienced with the working of undergraduate labs and knows whaf s needed," Murray said. An architect has not yet been chosen (the Board of Trustees makes that decision), but once one has . been chosen, the building will probably take 2Va to three years to complete, Murray said. $997,000 for the construction of a new elec trical substation. Robert S. Peake, director of Unr versify Utilities, said, "We are running out of the capacity to serve the University due to the addition of new buildings. We need an additional supply." Peake said a second substation was needed close, to the point of demand, which is South Campus. Peake said the substation will be located near Old Mason Farm Road, just beyond the N.C. Botanical Cardens and just before the OWASA treatment plant entrance. $250,000 for roof repairs. . $75,000 for Occupational Safety and Health Act and Earrier Removal Projects. This includes such things as ramps for the handicapped, ade quate restroom facilities, and firesmoke alarms. Health affairs In the area of health affairs, the total approved expenditures for 1931-82 totals $56.7 million. Of this figure, $49.6 million was allocated as a general fund appropriation. Health affairs includes such institutions as the medical school, the dental school, pharmacy school, nursing school, and the public health school. Following is a summary of the health affairs budget breakdown: , $45 million for regular term instructions. ' $6 million for physical plant operations. $1.1 million for operation of libraries. Area education centers The division of area health education centers was allocated $18.3 million. This institution, directed by the School of Medicine, includes the Health Manpower Program. Dr. Leon M Ennis, finance officer, described AHEC as a program "which pro vides the distribution of health services throughout the state." GALENBAIS. TODAY'S IVINTS CCKANKAX announces a free introductory talk. "Eckankar, an Ancient Spiritual Pathway." 4 p.m., 204 Carolina Union. CW? Forum program will sponsor "Mitterands's Election in France and What it Means for. Us." 7:30 p.m. at Cesar CauseMithael Nathan Memorial Bookstore. 951 t. Main St.. Durham. The featured speaker will be Lucy lewis of the Com munist Workers Party. U.S A. Jar Heel Staffers prepare to see films of last night's party at an'early morning breakfast at the home of the Royal Family. Films include "The O S.A F. Loses His A" and "I Can't Cet Enough of Calendar." . ' - COMING IVINTS The Student Health Service will be open for "emergencies only" Monday. Aug. 17, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Evening and night hours will be as usual The no River State Park will be sponsoring nature walks every Saturday throughout August at 10 a m. The hike will begin at the park office located at the etnd of Cole Mill Road eft tension in Orange County and no fee will be charged. Call 383-1686 for more information ITEMS OF INTEREST American Athesist Center New will appear on Village Cable's Public Access channel S. The date and time will be an nounced in Channel S's program guide. The series is presented by UNC-CH American Atheists. Interested people may write to American Atheists. P O. Box 416. Chapel Hill. The UKC Outing Club meets each Monday at 7 p m. in the Forest Theatre. A Volleyball game will follow the meeting. New members are welcomed. Rain location is in the Carolina Union. The Daily Tar Heel begins publishing Monday, Aug 24 The Tar Heel ceases publication today until next summer Have a Hood year. Classified ads may be placed at the DTH Offices or mailed to the DTH Carolina Union 065A, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. All ads must be prepaid. Deadline: Ad must be received by iz inoon; i ucsaay. CiassHisd Info Pick up ad forms in any classified box at all DTH pickup spots or at the DTH ofUce. Return ad and check or money order to the DTH oftce by noon Tuesday for publication in Thursday's Tar Heel. Ads must be prepaid. Bates: 25 words or less Students $2.00 Non-students $3.00 5( for each additional word $1.00 more for boxed ad or boldface type Please notify the DTH office immediately if there are mistakes in your ad. We will be re sponsible for only the first ad run. WANTED: NON-SMOXING MALES as subject in paid F.PA breathing experiments on the UNC-CH campus. Pay is $5.00 per hour. We need healthy mates age 1S-43 with no ai!erg!es or hay fever. Call Mon-Fri 8-5 for more Information 965-1253. s BECKER'S ELECTRONIC needs a customer relations person from 1 pm to 6 pm Monday Friday. Knofled. of electronic parts and repair desired. CaU Jack t.' 942-7959. PART-TIME SECRETARY NEEDED for Gradual? rJ Professional Student Federation. Typing skiL's req;e J. FleRfbW hours. Position available immediately and con tinues through Spring 19S2. If Interested, write: GPSF; Box 25 Carolina Union. - DISHWASHER NEEDED for UNC sorority for 1531-2 academic year. 123u.eek. plus lunch and dinner. Call House Director at 9424C21 for more Information. i J w 4 vw A w I GLTD: CT:Z DASEALL CLC'.T. C3 533-C; : as J ra&ka an-i aatort; ', DESIGNERS AT DISCOUNT. Clll Class. Anne Klein. Evan Picone, 4.G. Hook, Albert Nippon and many others 29 to 50 o3 regular price. RAY & CO. In the back room of the Osburn Eld. at 412 VV. Franklin St. ph. 9424305. ' AARON SERVICES OFFERS typing, typesetting and photocopying for all your work whether It is a letter, resume or paper. We give a 10 typing discount on theses and dissertations. If you want a quality finished product and the convenience of one-stop, come to AARON Services, NCN3 Plaza, 967-1270. WILL EUY NEW AND USED LPS (Rock, Classical, Jazz, Blues, Wave, etc.) and ENTIRE COLLECTIONS. Also cassettes and 8-tracks. Good prices. Call 929-6175, keep trying. 8 am-12 after 5. f ew FOR SALE: CANON 70-1 50mm loom knse. 14.5 Excellent for sports. Good condition. S100.C0 (Negotiable) Contact Matt Cooper. S62-C245 or -C2iS. M-F.. V.raTGDY G0!?G TO tlwwBg) . I ' )rida afler evaaiae acSior? I have - m ii'l i leca of faraitara tst ataada a trlda " t j 1 - " a. Can yow tt.'p? Ct3 Croola at .... 7rfw7 aaJ leava ameaa mst-d mtms. FLY HOME or to the beach tl.is weekend f r about the cost of drivlni. Pilot desires passengers to share ex penses. CaH 929-74S9. IS ANY ONE INTERESTED m a CJTOOL to NCCU Law School? Flease ca'4 912-'63 aAer 6 p.m. re; EOOMMATES WANTED. Tao m&ks. De-inning Au3 12. $?9.C3 eiont!.!y f.'os cULiifs and dcpo&it. Esies Park A?rtffsent. Ci,3 Era. k. (?!?) 2'. VIS f-f-F Leave Message. P IP 1 TATLCOS ASOASD JIIICTI Coerata oa aarvfviag your first paper 1 aaa qaltiissg tla and JL Now coiatt oriastatloa l0k tag forward to It? LAC & F3. TO LIVELY, KD, MCA; (yes, that's you editor ess, news editoress, and CCD sex symbol). Thanks for a great summer. You have been the best roomies. ILY. MO. JOHN. KEITH. KEVIN, KIM, LUCY, RACHEL, SCOTT AND TOM: You great people have made the summer Tar Heel worth it. HI miss the Tuesday jokes, mud wrestling parties and popcorn fights. Thanks for a great Job. Edwina. LIVELY, It's been BRAVE of you to stand guard with me in the backshop all summer. 1 couldn't have done It without you. The Heel will never be the same. Merd and mucho gracias for everything, the Rascal. ERIGHTEST AND BEST, most creative O.S.A.F., we know it's been a long, hot summer thanks for going the distance. We couldn't have kept It up without you. Remember, Lucy may be gone this fall but the Atlantic Isn't so hard to get over and two of us will be counting on you. Don't let us down. Royally yours, the Horror, the Pun is. her and the Rasc&L HEY TED. MARGARET. TERRI. SUSAN, JACKIE, AND SHERRY: Thank God this la the last Summer Tar Heel, huh? Thanks billions for all the hard work y'&Il put In (especially with the great pay). 1 really appreciate everything. Where eke could Tuesday nights be so vulgar and crude? (You have to forgive Keith. Scott and CL3 too you know those male sex objects). Take care and have a great fall semester! Love, Rachel, DEAR O.S.A.F. (ALIAS K.K. Here's to beer Kjhts, jldvful antagonisms, popcorn Chts, late fares, mud swelling and mega-pancakes, Sure hope you can keep that sex symbol status (hat Wr;i! Always decadent, the Tunlvher." LUCE, hears to bevrr breasts, mud wrestl.'nt. floppy hats and setting for less. Have kin la Spain OSAF. CATTORD LIFEGUARD: Ilera' ih ad yois'va been wantieg. I!op yosi eaa taka a break aad parry daring the year. The Laaky rketo?. KUDWnSSTUNO NEW3 EDITOR: T&a beer down tm abirt was a claaslc bat we're all lookiaa forward to th atoriaa fro as flpalai Cbaoxioaa Fboto Editor. CDV.'RIA: Yor silRa aa editor were accept able bat your eartlee asade it all wortli w tlla. I hope yoa keep the U-desk la a pitrtyiea saood. Head P&otog. PAULA Caazrats on yoar aaeva up la tlbe world er aboaU wa consols yoa after a few f tkaaa 1 asa qalttlass. Ilaag ta tStere! LAC JANE M. If ha3 of the old duo will not return your calls, the other half win. If able, call tonight. 912-1437. The one with no trunk key. ALL THE MONEY In the world couldn't make up for the lousy working conditions at this rag. Just kidding. Ed, Love, OSAF. DAH "RASCAL" E.B. AND "HORROR L,IIa well, It'a bee a real. Car sssiatf f decadaaca aad ! -arlsy U oer. I law caa we forget calsadar Jakee, Z2 aad iaasata r-Sts, whipped creaas, beer-a-cleava -e. lUIiVe le-s, wild badets, toe tag aad Jalca ro7 Kot ta etloa cok-tt water b.ll'Oeaa asid paacky Taaa. a!j!kta. LJLt !on't yoa aad Pu&tar act:! fr Is aext yeart i"U blow It oat oa ta 22ad (evea Asa 1U be tliereT) Take care aad aever toee tl.t Lasaalry. Love, tm former oesaloteat editor of isaacf copv. WELL, it's been a food summer sUS! Tm glad you've been around! LAC. LLT.VY WOOD! Have a good year In that faraway land. Well miss yxt, LAC IV. LIVELY. HICA Ar.D trTXDYi 23 Rsstler baa der;sls- bewa tie best (lace fa be tile nnmtr. TLastka for anallsg It creat. Loee ad CUUr foe rer. HD. 2AThe Tar HeelThursday, August 6. IC31

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