4The Daily Tar HeelWednesday, Septembe4 2, 1931 Use the classifieds Only $2.00 for student (25 word limit) The Clean Machine Established in 1971 and operated ever since by UNC alumni we have a newly renovated store with the largest selec tion in town. Over 500 bicycles in the warehouse including. . . Lc.lJU CPEGJdSEOTT Repairs - 2 mechanics 8 years exp. Hours: 9 am - 6 pm Mon.-Sat. 110 W. Main St.,(acrossrfrom Wendy's) Carrboro, N.C. telephone Public service announcements must be turned into the box outside DTH offices in the Carolina Union by noon if they are to run the next day. Each item will be run at least twice. TODAY'S ACTIVITIES NCMH Votwriaer Orientation The required orientation for volunteers at NCMH for the fall semester will be held at 5 p.m. in the fourth Floor Clinic Auditorium. AH volunteers must attend. Questions? Call 966-4793. AH persons interested in working on the ESM secretarial staff please meet at 5 p.m. in the BSM office, Suite A of the Union. Ekony ReadersOnyx Theatre will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Craige " Rec. Room. Attention Little Sigma. Open House is from 7-9 p.m. The dress is casual. An important meeting will also be held at 4 p.m. Thursday. Formal rush starts next week with Casino Nhe. Please come. They need all girls. Aajjd Flight will have its first meeting of the semester at 5 p.m. in Lenoir Hall. All old members are encouraged to attend to plan activities for this semester. "Star-Spanjfed Extremists," t short film about extremist movements in American history, will be shown by Americans for Common Sense at 7:30 p.m. in 100 Hamilton Hall. Bill Balthrop, UNC debate coach, will lead a discussion on the "New Right" afterward. Aavrioaa for Common Sense will have annual elections at 8:30 p.m. after the scheduled program in 100 Hamilton Hall. Pay membership fee of $3 at the table or at the meeting to be eligible to vote and hold office. - Women's Voleybal Oub will hold its organizational meeting in 303 Woollen Gym. Everyone interested in recreational volleyball and USVBA competitive is invited to attend. St. Anthony HaB invites ail students to attend a poetry read ing, including local and visiting poets to be held at 7 p jn. at 7 favm 0J WD VEGA (aA 207 Pitts boro Street. For more information, contact Marie Sifford at 967-9172. AngHicxa Student FeBowsbip Holy Comimmioa is at 10 p.m. in the Chapel of the Cross. Fellowship time follows. All are welcome. There will be a meeting of the Sports Club Council at 7 JO p.m. in 214 of the Union. Alt presidents and treasurers should attend. The UNC Coalition for Social Justice will be holding a plan ning meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 221 Greenlaw. COMING EVENTS Young Americans for Freedom will hold an organizational meeting for all interested people at 7 p.m. Thursday in 218 Union. Everyone is ktvned to a reception to be held at 3 pjn. Thursday at Bull's Head Bookshop celebrating the publication of a new book. Men in the Middle, by Peter Filane, professor of history " at UNC. Fetlowrtiip of Christian Athletes will meet at 9 pjn. Thursday in the Wrestling Room in Fetzer Gym. Everyone is welcome to join for fun and fellowship. Campus Christian Fellowship will have a bible study at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Union. The topic will be "Your Personal Testi mony." All are invited. There will be an organizational meeting of the UNC Debate Team. All interested persons should attend a meeting at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in 209 Bingham Hall or see Dr. Balthrop in 109 Bingham Hall. HilWs Religious Committee meets at 8 p.m. Thursday at the Hillel House, 210 West Cameron Ave. If you are interested in planning religious events, study sessions, etc., fed free to war UJLLKJ 3S? aw- Mnn Kin TO SEE WE HERFF JQHES COLLEGE H.'.'G 1 SPMCIAUST DUiUUG THE RUIQ PRQZOTIOM snidcrfT STORES It 1 . $20.00 "ON CAMPUS' 1 come. All are welcome. For more information call 942-4057. The Union Performing Arts Commit let will meet at 4 p.m. Thursday in 220 Union. Anyone interested is welcome' to attend the first Pre-Law dub meeting of the year at 3:30 p.m.. Thursday in 202 Carolina Union.' v . t ; 1 ; '.. BSM Gospel Cbbk Auditions will be held at 9 pjn. Thursday .; in Upendo Lounge. Musicians are welcome to auditions also. You are invited to a special video of the 1981 International Humaa Unity Conference at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Classroom 3 of the UNC-CH School of Law. The video is being sponsored by the N.C. Universal Unity Council. Attention Little Sigmas. An important meeting will be held at 4 p.m. Thursday. Please come. AIESEC (International A"ociation of Students in Econo mics and Management) will hold their first meeting at 5:30 p.m. Thursday m 207 Union. Everyone is welcome. BtoodrnobSe sponsored by Kappa Psi will be in Great HaB ' of the Union from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday. Appointments may be made by calling 968-9390 or 968-9010. A program at the Baptist Campus Ministry featuring Dr. William Ckmmons of Southeastern Baptist Theological Semi nary will be held at 5:45 p.m. Thursday at Battle House. Clem mons wQl speak on "Christian Lifestyle." There will be a meeting of all new students interested in working with Student Government at 7 p.m. Thursday in 202 204 Union. . . Study Abroad: There will be a meeting for aS students inter ested in studying abroad this year to discuss Fulbright, Mar shall and Luce scholarships at 4:30 p.m. Thursday in 569 Ham ilton Hall. If you can't come, stop by 405 Hamilton for more information. .-..; Hillel is having Shabbal dinner at 6 pan. Friday at the Hillel House at 2K) West Cameron Avenue. Cost for the dinner is $2.50 for affiliates and S3 for nonaffiliates. Services follow dinner at 7:30 p.m. For more information call 942-4057. Reser vations must be made before 5 p.m. Thursday. Come to the French Table and enjoy a drink and some con venation at 4 p.m. every Thursday at Papagayo's. ITEMS OF INTEREST Intramurais: Entries are due Friday for IM open golf tourna ment and annual "Napoleon" basketball tournament in 203 nn nam1 I f M. . f Thi iroflnii Cam 0J ,jtf 10:00-4:00 deposit required JUsBJS mm iHaj .- v -i Jipwit 1 1 1 iwt ii will llMiiiniilni iinia nwiM timm-y Ml'''' Woollen Gym. Apply Now, The Big Buddy Program is still accepting appli cations for Big Buddies. We will start a waiting list on Sept. 16. Come by room 102 of the Campus Y Building. . ; The UNC-Modd United Nations dub is accepting applica tions for new members. Applications can be obtained at 352 ; Hamilton HaQ or at the Union desk-. Deadline for applications . is 6 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 6. - . ' BSM membership cards are ready for .those who joined at the membership party. They may be obtained this week between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the BSM office. Suite A of the Carolina Union. Everyone is encouraged to come out and join. The Campus Y announces the formation of the Campus Y Foram on Energy stud the Environment. Anyone interested in working with the Forum should stop in the Y office, Room 102 of the Campus Y Building. Flay Water Polo. The UNC Water Poh Gab begins practice this week (Monday-Wednesday, 8:30-10 ajn. indoors; 6:304 pjn. Tuesday-Thursday, outdoors). We are interested if you are. The Interfraternity Coaadi will provide continuous shuttle service to those interested in visiting off-campus fraternities during open house as a rush activity. Pick-up points will be at the Carolina Union Circle Drive and in front of the Phi Sigma Kappa House from 7-9 p.m. The Union Gallery Committee is accepting applications until Friday. Please contact Chairman Tim Rogers at 967-61 16 or go by 200 Union. ..." Applications art now available at Union desk for anyone in terested in going to dinner with George McGovera or attending the McOovern reception. McGovern will be speaking on Sept. 8 in Memorial Hall at 8 p.m. Applications should be returned to the Union desk today. Human Sexuality Information and Coanseiing Service is ac cepting new counselors. Applications are available in Suite B arid at the Union desk. Cellar Door, UNCs student Eterary magazine, is accepting applications for fiction, graphics and poetry staffs. Appli cations are available at the Union desk and are due by Friday. The Baptist Student Union will have a fall retreat at Camp Caraway in Asheboro from Friday to Sunday. This year's theme: "He who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen." .SETT d 3siqr,'Hn spo'ntswEAR fori Less T03 V2 ibt2s$Qi Si, Cid fill. NXX cpsa 10:10 to 6 27714 l r Hl RSPOtP ADMISSiON HELD OVEr 2ND VVEEK3:00 5:10 7:20 9.-30 1 Tho Carolina Classics Matinco Show at 2:30 starring CLARK GABLE VIVEM The UNC Rugby dub will practice today at 5:30 p.m. (sharp) on Ehrmghaus field. On Mondays and Thursdays the club will meet at the Fetzer track at 5 p.m.' For more information call Nic Addison at 942-2675. The Navigators will meet at 7:30 p.m. today. The weekly rally in 226 Union is changed for this week only to Gcrrard Hall. All students interested in Biblical prophecy are en couraged to come. Weekly Bible studies and Christian fellow ship meetings start this week. AADSAS (American Association of Dental Schools Appt calion Services) are available in 312 Steele Building and 101 Nash Hall. Completed and corrected applications must be re ceived by Oct. I in Iowa City, Iowa. - LSAT (Law School Admission Test) Oct. 3, S38, if applica tion is postmarked by Sept. 3. Additional S15 late fee if post marked between Sept. 4 and 10. Applications in Nash Hall. The DAT (Dental Admission Test) is Oct. 3 for $25. Applica tions must be received by Sept. 7 in Chicago. Applications are in 312 Steele Building and 101 Nash Hall. Test review materials are on reserve in the Undergraduate Library and 106 Nash Hall. Ushers needed for PRCs production of The Front Page. See the play for free by signing up to usher. Performances are Sept. 15-27. For instructions, see the sign-up sheet, 203 Graham Memorial. Women's rugby? Why not? A)l interested persons should call Gretchen at 967-3296. The United Nations Oub is accepting new members until 6 p.m. Sept. 6. Applications are available at 352 Hamilton Hall and the Union desk. Completed applications are due at 6 p.m., Sept. 6 at 352 Hamilton. There will be interviews for prospec tive members, and new members will be inducted the week of Sept. 14. Pre-MedPre-DentPre-Vet students: Come to an interview ing skills workshop on Thursday,7-9 p.m. Be prepared for your professional school interviews. Sign up at 312 Steele Building. CHEC (Contraceptive Health Education Clinic), now meeting at 7 p.m. every Tuesday in the Health Education Sec tion of the Student Health Service and at 3:30 p.m. every Thursday in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge of the Union, is geared to help UNC students to be responsible partners in mat ters concerning sexuality. CHEC provides an informative, in formal discussion and slide presentation of contraception. 1 TlCKErg AVAILS CtUpalHill HELD OVER Now Showing! 7:1 5 . fhj f 2ND WEEK Series only LEIGH V, 5T i