2The Daily Tar HeelMonday, September 21, 1981 Go to House for vote Senate-.passes price supports: for tobacco The A-xMtetatMl Press , WASHINGTON In one of the closest votes ever on tobacco legislation, the Senate voted 41-40 Friday to re ject an attempt to change the federal tobacco price sup port program. Friday's vote on a four-year, multibillion dollar com modity price support package for the nation's farmers left the tobacco program untouched. The farm bill now goes to the House. An amendment offered by Sen. Thomas Eagleton, D-Mo., that would have reduced some tobacco support prices was defeated after Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., was persuaded to change his vote. The amendment, which would have given the U.S. agriculture secretary theauthority to cut by 25 percent price-support loans for tobacco that he decided were not competitive with imported tobacco, was rejected by a 48-45 vote late Thursday. Eagleton said earlier he would offer an amendment to prevent non-farmers from owning tobacco allotments, but changed his mind because the measure lacked sup port. The four-year farm bill, approved 49-32, underwent significant changes in the dairy and peanut programs early in the week, but a Senate coalition of commodity interests voted together to head off the attack on the tobacco price support program. Jesse Helms and John East, North Carolina's Repub lican senators, voted with the majority for the farm bill. Helms said the vote was particularly close because "we had some of our people out of town." Terming the Eagleton measure a "harassing amend ment," Helms said: "I never pretended the tobacco pro gram does not have political problems. It had political problems the first day I walked on the Senate floor." Helms said the program's problems would not go away and that the Senate Agriculture Committee, which he chairs, probably would hold tobacco program hearings this year or next year. East, in a prepared statement, called the vote "a vic tory for all of North Carolina and its economy" and "ample evidence of the effective leadership for North Carolina that Sen. Jesse Helms provides...," Helms also criticized his political rival, Democratic Gov. Jim Hunt, suggesting Hunt was not helpful in de fending the program. But he stopped short of saying that Hunt supported the'' Eagleton amendment. "We had great difficulty because of mixed signals from Jim Hunt," Helms said. "The fact remains, Gov. Hunt and Sen. Eagleton conferred and engaged in con versation during the development of the so-called Eagle ton amendment." Although he originally said there could be some merit to Eagleton's amendment, Hunt later came out against the measure. Helms and East also voted with the majority for a re duced target price program as drafted by the Agriculture Committee. The program was approved 46-39. The tobacco program survived its most serious attack Thursday after the Senate.rejected 53-42 an amendment by Sen. Mark O. Hatfield, R-Ore., that would have killed the entire program. On Wednesday, senators from North Carolina and other peanut states accepted a compromise that would continue peanut quotas and support prices but end pea nut acreage allotments for holders who do not till the land. An allotment is a government permit to plant a set number of acres. A quota is the number of pounds of produce that the allotment owner may harvest and sell. Reacting strongly to the remark by Helms that Hunt contributed to. the near defeat of the tobacco program by endorsing parts of a plan to amend it, Hunt said Satur day Helms made a mistake when he said Hunt had talked with Eagleton about plans to alter the program. "1 have not talked with Sen. Eagleton, as Sen. Helms erroneously indicates, but I have communicated to him and to other Democrats North Carolina's very strong opposition to his efforts to damage our tobacco pro gram," Hunt said. Hunt also said Helms must bear the responsibility for losing a vote in the peanut program. "Sen. Helms must take responsibility for what happens to our farm programs on the floor of the Republican-controlled Senate, and this week our peanut program lost a vote in that chamber for the first time in its history. "The tobacco program came within one vote of the same fate, and was more seriously threatened than it ever has been before." Hunt said North Carolina Democrats had done their part, and that he had done all he could from Raleigh to help protect North Carolina's programs while they were being voted upon in Washington. "The tobacco and peanut programs are not partisan issues, because we need Democratic and Republican votes to protect these commodity programs. But it is clearly the Republican Party's responsibility to protect pur tobacco program on the floor of the Republican controlled Senate," Hunt said. In a statement to The Associated Press, Helms said Saturday he accepted Hunt's word that he did not com-y municate with Eagleton about the amendment; "I agree with the governor that it is going ttake the united efforts of all of, us, both Democrat and Repub lican, to preserve the program. That is precisely the point I made yesterday," Helms said. RALEIGH WOMEN'S HEALTH ORGANIZATION . ABORTIONS UP TO 12 WEEKS $185.00 FROM 13-14 WEEKS $300.00 15-16 WEEKS $350.00 Pregnancy Tests Birth Control Problem Pregnancy Counseling For Further Information Call 8324535 or 1-800-221-2568 917 West Morgan St. Raleigh, N.C. 27605 Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor hail can keep The DTH from UNC. Look for it in the 40 dropboxes across campus. r v- M ,1 ! ... - " ; ! v v . r .J .rjj 1. 1 . I.i i .. . t - - I U Vlt iWl I I tiiM. 133 W. Franklin St. tlx to GranvKb Towers) Back To School Special , BEE r-swim This coupon is .worth a FREE T-SHIRT when ybM buy any regularly priced: athletic shoes (canvas shoes excluded). expiration date (93031) ? i 0 s?c'jtj (C, 4k' .-?js. :Si..JJ- , swiSv , ' ill "TTi.iiHmilii iiimir -II -f -T r - J 1 7 r .i Performances Friday the 25th of September and Saturday the 26th at 7:30 P.M. in Memorial Hall on the UNC Campus. FREE ADMISSION . Cabinet meets to discuss crisis WARSAW, Poland (AP) Premier Wojciech Jaruzelski called his Cabinet and leaders of major cities and provinces to an emergency meeting' Sunday on urgen political, social and economic matters, the official news agency PAP said. . The state-run news outlet quoted a government communique as saying that the leaders discussed the "state of readiness" of the government and made "iri dispensible decisions' to prepare for "various needs and eventualities." The communique was vaguely worded and made no direct reference to Soviet warnings that authorities must crack down on the independent labor union Solidarity. PAP, without citing specifics, indicated the economic crisis was a chief topic. 300 drown in Amazon accident RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) An Amazon riverboat sank in the north ern jungle port of Obidos Saturday, and port officials said more than 300 people were believed to have drowned. Capt. Elio Palhares told The Associated Press by telephone that 178 of the estimated 500 people aboard swam to safety. Four bodies were dragged out of the water, but the captain said there was little hope the other passengers who fell or jumped into the swift waters survived. Obidos is in far northern Brazil, roughly 2,000 miles northwest of Rio de Janeiro. "The boat had tied up in port. Suddenly it began taking on water. People started screaming and ran to the side that was highest above the river. Then the boat went down," Palhares said. The boat, a relatively modern metallic vessel, was making its weekly run be tween the Amazon River ports of Santarem and Manaus. Sadat limits Egyptian politico CAIRO, Egypt (AP) President Anwar Sadat, in an interview published today, said there would be no new political parties or publications in Egypt un til guidelines were set for "proper democratic behavior." In an interview in his National Democratic Party's newspaper, Mayo, Sadat also said his government was preparing measures to "crush laxity everywhere" in Egyptian life. "We shall chase it even in the homes," the Egyptian president said. , , ' Sadat, in a recent crackdown on political and religious opponents, banned seven publications three by Moslem groups, two Coptic Christian weeklies, an independent political monthly and the weekly newspaper of the opposition Socialist Labor Party. He justified the moves by saying they had "contributed" to fanning the flames of sectarian strife in Egypt. About 70 people have died in the conflicts this year. Racist convicted, may face death SALT LAKE CITY (AP) Joseph Paul Franklin, who faces the death pen alty after being convicted of murder, met with his lawyers Sunday to decide whether to seek sentencing from a judge or a jury. Attorney David Yocom, who helped represent Franklin at his three-week trial in the sniper siayings of two mack joggers, said the 3 l-year-old avowed racist rnust decide by this morning whether to ask 3rd District Judge Jay E. Banks or the jury that convicted him to decide punishment. Utah law allows execution by firing squad or life imprisonment for conviction on charges of first-degree murder. Franklin, originally from Alabama, was found guilty early Saturday morning of killing Ted Fields, 20, and David Martin, 18, on Aug. 20, 1980, as they jog ged near a park with two white teenage girls. The all-white jury deliberated five hours before returning the guilty verdict. An Evening of Southern Traditional Music featuring SOUTHERN CRESENT ENTERTAINERS and ALGIA MAE HINTON " -4 J J - Tonight 8:00 pm Union Auditorium Rm 102 Admission Free A presentation of the Carolina Union Performing Arst Committee in conjunction with the UNC Curriculum in FoMor. lOSDii'QQdd elddQ Classified ads may be placed at the DTH Offices or mailed to the DTH Carolina Union 065A, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. All ads must be prepaid. Deadline: Ad must be received by 12 (noon) one business day before publication. - Classified Info-.'V; ! V". Return ad and check or money order to the -DTH office by noon the business day before ' '' your ad is to run. Ads must be prepaid,, . . ;' Rates: 25 words or less Students $2.00 Non-students $3.00 5 for each additional word $1.00 more for boxed ad or boldface type Please notify the DTH office immediately if there are mistakes in your ad. We will be responsible for only the first ad run. lost & found CARELESS!! I HAVE FOUND YOUR S-4 parking sticker on North campus. Call between 4 pm and 5 pm (only) 933-4274. Lucky You. FOUND: RAINCOAT AND CALCULATOR in Hanes 308. Thursday afternoon after 3:30 class. Call 933-6183 to identify. LOST: KEY CHAIN, WENS. Somewhere on campus, h b tan and has four very important keys on it. If found please call 933-7037. Cheryl thanks. $25.00 REWARD. For return of lost keys! On Carolina outdoor sports keyring four keys my name on back of keyring. Please call Dawn 968-1336. ORANGE COUNTY RESCUE, which handles medical emergencies in northern Orange County, needs volunteers to work nights and weekends. No previous training or experience is necessary just ' time and interest. For more information, call 967-1095, 929-1514, 563-1435 or 732-8984. for sale USED AND UNFINISHED FURNITURE, WE HAVE more than anyone around. Desks, chests, bookcases, etc. Trading Post, Greensboro Street, Carrboro. 942-2017. Free delivery with this ad. announcements DID YOU READ ABOUT PHI SIGMA KAPPA? Well come hear more about the Different New Fraternity. Call Robert 968-0441, Cris 942-4397. Spaghetti Dinner Wednesdays, 6:30. help, wanted ANYONE INTERESTED IN ASSISTING the Carolina Wrestling Team In any of the following areas please come by 147 Carmichael to see Coach Lam. (Statistics, promotions, scorekeep Ing, photography, wre&tlerettes) WEIGHT GROUP. Student Health Service sponsor ed group for students at least 29 pounds overweight (or some time. Will discuss lifestyle changes for permanent weight loss. Meets Thursdays 3:30-5:00 lor 8 weeks. If interested call 966-2231 ext. 254 for screening appointment. SAVE A LIFE! Senior Life Saving Cour offered if we can get seven people Interested. Call 968-0016 ak for Beat; time and date still flexible. Volunteer for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency research. Eam $50-$65 upon completion of experiment which measures the ejects of 2 hour low level ozone exposure. Earn $50-575 In an expert-1 ment to study the e Sects of low levels of gaseous and, particulate air pollutants. Numerous other minor U studies are always ongoing. Levels of pollutants are low with no known long term adverse effects, and aS research is approved by the Human Rights Committee of the UNC Medical School. Pay is $5.00 per hour. We need healthy, non-smoking males, age 18-40 with no history of allergies or hay fever. Call for more information, 8-5 Mon-prl., 966-1253. NEW LIFE MINISTRIES CONCERT SEKIES. Memorial Auditorium, Raleigh. 193182. Pat Terry; Tim Shcppard; Bob Bennett; Andrus, Blackwood and Co.; The Sharretts. For season tickets ($15.00) or Pat Terry Tickets (Friday, Sept. 25 - ' $4.00) Call Dan Hart 933-3561. SPIRUUNA. THE FOOD OF THE FUTURE. This pill offers good nutrition, dynamic energy, and safe weight loss, naturally. Distributorships also available. Call Rex Mercer, 929-2786. YOUR HARD WORK DESERVES THE VERY best presentation. Fast, accurate, professional typing in your choice of type styles on an IBM Seiectric. Extensive experience with theses and dissertations. 967-8762; if no answer, 967-6070. IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Research catalog -306 pages 10,278 topics Rush $1:00. Box 25097C Los Angeles, 90025. (213) 477-8226 wanted WANTED: COED EXPERIENCED in Girl Scouting to assist with local Junior Girl Scout Troop. Call 942-8098 or 929-7957 evenings. for rent services MR. ICS MUSIC SHOW features a live disc jockey playing rock, disco, pop, and new wave for any size party. Gail 942-5293 for reasonable prices. WILL SUBLET. Assume my lease and keep the deposit. 2 bedroom Royal Park apartment. Call 968-0560. Keep trying. MALE ROOMMATE FOR HOUSE ON TAYLOR ST. off Airport Rd. $150 month and Vs utilities. On bus line. 3 bdrms, kitchen, W & D warm in winter. CaH 942-3904. miscellaneous TOM ROBINSON'S SEAFOOD AND PRODUCE. Seafood Thurs-Sat, Produce Mon Sat, 300 W. Rosemary behind Chutneys. Vi blocks from campus. Customer parking 10 off all produce and eggs 9-noon Saturdays. We feature the area's freshest seafood and local produce.' 942-1221. CHINABERRY CRAFT COOP ANNOUNCES a storewide 10 OFF SALE from Sept. 19 through Sept. 26. Unique handcrafted work by 20 focal artisans. 103'2 East Franklin, above the Hub 967-1603. SURPLUS JEEP. Value $3196, sold for $44. CaH 312-742-1143 Ext. 5263 for info, on how to purchase bargains like this! CONGRATULATIONS LORI M.! You're the best Phi Mu pledge ever! Study hard and make your ' family proud come Christmas! We love you. The private eyes. RF1T RHTKIFS AND STRIPS Ctumr 3ft httrkW styles and5 30 strip colors to choose from. All buckles $2.50, aO strips $.75. Also, good selection ' of earrings for $1.00 per pair. CaH Tommy Wallace '. at 968-0221. Keep trying! W.W., NOT ONE DAY HAS PASSED since last Sept 21st that you haven't been in my heart and tnougntsi ie amo et te quaero more man ever . . . Forever your Baby DoD. GREEK GOD: We heard that as a result of Wed. nite, you are considering a transfer to MOO YOU. Was ft UDDERLY wonderful? an admooer. LAURA, GREG, WEB, GIG. ALLISON, and Katherine: "Who Believes It?" The best roommate I lt-l TL I - t 1 II the way to PHI MU! BEATRICE - DESCULPA ME POR FAVOR. El corazon mlo esta quebrada. Soy muy sincero te adoro mucho. Recuerdes, el am ante de Duque tuya. personals MODERN MOVEMENT. Dance Classes: Creative Movement; Modern; Modern Jazz; Aerobic Movement, and ParentChild classes. Instructor: Susan Jones, Master of Fine Arts in Dance. 929-3447 DOWNTOWN PARKING SPACE FOR RENT less than 'three minutes waBt to campus. $22.50 per month call 929-6577. roosnnsatcs COPYTTiON Is now hiring. We are took l3 'or entfcnslastlc, faoronsh, respons Ible individuals for permanent part-time employment. Apply In person. COPYTKON. 105 N. Columbia. (Just JbeUad the barricade). E. J. & COMPANY TRAVELING DISCO needs parties on football Saturday nights. For $125.00, don't you need good tunes? Call Eddy Hemingway, owner - D. J., at 967-8871 JAPANESE GERMAN AUTOS Repaired by Precision Maintainence, 200 West Street, Carrboro, 929-1976. "Caring about people and the cars they drive." FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED to share one bdrm Camelot Apt. $162.50 month, Vit utilities furnished, on 3 buslines, AC, pool. Available immediately. CaO Michelle 942-5371. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED for Old WeH Apt. 88.33month plus utfliiles. On J bus route, AC, nice people. Can Dawn or Amy 967-3015. ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS a game called the low-life and four fat pieces of S (better known as Ronald Gifford B. E. Jr., Tracy Lyn S., Joshua S., and Kevin Paul F.) got points for their low-life acts (stealing, cheating, abusing the handicapped, etc.,.) 2 pts. here 4 pts. there. They tried to be the scummiest of the scum. Little did they know they didn't have to try. The dreaded PamelaUte and The Fearless Amy lite. FANTASY AND SF FANS (and everyone else) get the dope on doom at the F & SF Club meeting - Tuesday, Sept. 22. 7:00 pm in 204 Union. F1AWOL TOBY: "SING A HAPPY SONG!" Happy 21st B-day! Go for a Black-Russian-like a "Big-Dog"! "Give H to me Baby" BIMMHYBARTPCT. Monkey. See Monkey-Do! PAT pusscat? So Fine! We hue you, Poopsie and Shawanda. . . NEED REFRESHMENT? An Invitation to Stock Moose in Penn! Lodge Inquires to: The Carrots. Ail bids accepted. OMAR. HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY to my sweet and sexy, but not so secret little sister. Yes you Susan! Have a great day. Love, BIG BROTHER. HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY, SUSAN. You are so special to aS of us here. We never thank you enough. Drink one for each of us. Love, your Delta Tau Delta brothers. ,