Friday, December 4, 1981 The Daily Tar Heel5 n IJ(S)u vQi!l? ! i yQi IT 1(Q) Mitog) 1 fc " A lip mil in Dm i-iiii 'SWP ' d) (0)D) THIS IS ONLY A SAMPLE OF THE BOOKS WE WILL BUY! Hemingway: IN OUR TIME, (Scribner), paper Harris: CULTURE PEOPLE NATURE, (Harper), 3rd 1980, cl Messenger: IMS BEAG-1SLE OF IRELAND (Holt) '69, paper Gardner: ART THROUGH THE AGES (complete) (Harcourt) 7th 79, cl Fristrom: PRINCIPLES OF GENETICS (Chiron) 1980, cl Stine: APPLIED CHEMISTRY (Allyn & B) 1981, 2nd, cl Conway: PRIMER ON PASCAL (Little B), (Winthrop) 2nd 1981, paper Brockett: ESSENTIAL THEATRE (Holt) 1980, paper Waud: ECONOMICS, (Harper) 1980, cl Horngren: INTROD TO FIN. . ACCTG (Pp Hall).1 981 cl : Ginott: TEACHER & CHILD, (Avon) 1 st, paper McCrimmon: WRITING WITH A PURPOSE (HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN) 1980, paper Abrams: NORTON ANTH OF ENG LIT (Vol I, Vol II) (Nor ton) 4th 1979 paper Dorglass: NARRATIVE OF LIFE QF FRED. Douglass (New Am. Lib) '68 paper De Bly: GEOGRAPHY, REGIONS & CONCEPTS (Wiley) 3rd ed, 1981, cl Thurman: INTROD. OCEANO GRAPHY (Merrill) 3rd '81 cl Crean: DEUTSCHE, SPRACHE TEND LANDESKUNDE (Ran dom House) 1st 1981, cl Kritsch: MODERNE ERZAHLUNGEN (Prentice Hall) '64 paper Bain: WRITER & WORLD OF WORDS (Prentice Hall) 1975 paper Giannetti: UNDERSTANDING MOVIES (Prentice Hall) 2nd 1976 paper Wells: COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS (KentWads-. worth) 3rd '81 cl Al.n uLr THERE'S MORE AT HOURS: WHAT CAN I SELL? At each buy-back period we are able to buy only those texts the teaching staff has indicated will be used again the following semester. HOW MUCH CAN I GET? With this commitment we are able to offer 50 of the price of hard covered books, 33 13 of the price of paperback I i i i mXim MikWw' WHAT DO OTHER BOOKSTORES DO? The buying back at 50 of current list price is the policy of most college stores. The policy has worked successfully in a large number of college stores and makes for economical and easier means of exchange in used books. WHAT ABOUT BOOKS NO LONGER A Buyer will offer you the current wholesale price on all books you wish to sell. This price is determined by the law of supply and demand, and if the bcjpk has been in circulation for a long time or is not being used by many other schools, this price will probably be less. Many students feel their books are worth more to them for their personal library than the amount the bookstore buyer can offer for them. This you must decide for yourself. YOUR 8:00 ajnu 5:00 p.m. 'ON CAMPUS" i i i i i I I I IK' I I THIS IS ONLY A SAMPLE OF THE BOOKS WE WILL BUY! Faulkner: SOUND & FURY, VINTAGE, (Random House) '54 paper Hemingway: SUN ALSO RISES, SL-5, Scribner paper Melville: MOBY DICK, (River- - side) Houghton Mifflin '56 paper Warren: ALL KING'S MEN, (Bantam) 1973 paper Weigley: AMERICAN WAY OF WAY (Indiana Univ Pr) '77 paper v:;-: Caro: POWER BROKER, VINTAGE, (Random House) '74 paper . Blum: V WAS FOR VICTORY (Harcourt) '77 paper Ambrose: RISE TO GLOBALISM, (Penguin Viking) 2nd Rev. 1980 paper Sklar: MOVIE-MADE AMERICA, " - VINTAGEHRandorrvHouse)' Kasson: AMUSING THE MILLIONS (Hill & Wang ( Farrar) 78 paper Lefler: N.C.: HISTORY OF SOUTHER STATE (Student Edition) 1973 cl Gunther: CASES & MATER IALS ON CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, (Foundation) 10th ed 1980 cl , Bone: REFERENCE BOOKS FOR SMALL & MEDUIM SIZED LIBRARIES (Am. Lib Assoc) 3rd ed. 1 979 paper Crane: AN INTRO D TO LINGUISTICS (Little Brown) 1981 paper Hoffmann: CALCULUS FOR THE SOCIALt MANAGERIAL & LIFE SCIENCES, (McGraw) 2nd 1980 cl - Mill: UTILITARIANISM (Bobbs Merrill) '71 paper Shank: AMERICAN POLITICS, POLICIES & PRIORITIES (Al ly n & Bacon) 3rd ed 1 981 paper Aronson: AMERICAN GOV'T. (Winthrop) 1981 cl Biehler: CHILD DEV., (Houghton M) 2nd 1981 cl U' n o) r vry INV 3 11111111 m: