4The Daily Tar HeelTuesday. February 23. 1982' STUD ENT BODY PRESIDENT VMi vf ar of editorial freedom John Driscmer. iuUu Ann Petkrs. a.w.v:i, i'J,ur Kerry DeRax:hi. Asm-uu-ndiw Rachel Perry, i 'mivrsuy Mtu Alan Chapple. CiiyLJiu J 1 M W R I N N . Si.itc and Naiwul liJiwr Linda Robertson, sws tidier AL STEELE. Pkvraphy Editor Audit control The establishment of a student Audit Board in 1932 underscored the desire for a student-run financial system free of administration control. That same desire for students to oversee the spending of student money still exists today. But in the last two years political haggling and absence of cooperation had rendered the student function ineffective. Addressing these problems Wednesday night, the Campus Governing Council approved by-law changes that provide fair compromise and should put an end to the board's problems. Fifty years ago, when the idea for the Audit Board originated, the goal was to inform students of how their money was spent. The Audit Board oversees the operations of the Student Activities Fund Office, the bank for all organizations using student fees. The accounts include everything from the operations of Student Government to the social expenditures of cam pus dormitories. ' In the past two years, however, the student-run system has been a victim of feuds between board members, Student Government officials and the administration. Because board members were appointed by the president, members began questioning the right of political appointees to have access to check the books of organizations. Last year Audit Board members in effect broke from Student Government by writing their own by-laws and claiming they had the right to appoint their members. The result was a mess: the Norberg administration was battling an un cooperative S AFO office, the Audit Board was refusing to meet with newly appointed members and questions arose as to whom was in control. Presi dent Scott Norberg said he repeatedly tried to get information from SAFO under the Audit Board laws but was repeatedly turned down. The board did not publicly meet from April to November 1981, Norberg said. The lack of an effective policy in the overseeing of student fees only in creased the possibility of the administration taking over the operation. At issue was whether students could handle their own fees; the problems in dicated perhaps they could not. Both Audit Board members and adminis tration officials then proposed the entire student finance system under the administration. ' Student Government officials rejected these proposals and began to work to improve the system. The new by-laws provide for Audit Board members to recommend three candidates for every open position on the Audit Board. The student body president then chooses one of these to recommend to the CGC for approval, helping to eliminate the political ap pointments. In the future any changes in Audit Board by-laws would first have to come from the Audit Board members themselves. Wednesday's changes in the audit board by-laws help continue the spirit benind the "establishment of a student-run finance system. Deari of Men Fred H. Weaver wrote in 1946, "My idea is to do everything possible to strengthen student self-governance and to awaken in our student leaders an awareness of the duties and responsibilities as well as the privileges and freedom of self government." The new agreement is a fair compromise, giving the Audit Board, the president and the CGC a voice in the auditing process. Most important, the agreement assures that students will continue to control student money. THE Daily Crossword By Albert LMisenko ACROSS 1 Wasp weapon 6 Profound 10 Cudgels 14 Abalona 15 Golliwogg 16 Adored object 17 Money of India 18 Holy spirit 20 Golf peg 21 Struck with wonder 23 Completed 24 Clever tricks 26 Wheedle ' 27 Guided wrongly 2ST Personality quality 33 Soon 34 Greet 36 Swiss river 37 Kiel or Erie 39 Drinking place 40 Ballroom dance 42 Collection ' of sayings 43 Oak fruits 46 Raised platform 47 Prosperous 49 Spring on the hind legs Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: rTPTnrv i a i i s i EFWRFrn APE NL JA" V A I rLlD" ARE C L E VE 1 L A nIdJND I A N TELE V I S EL-tn A I L IE ID L -Lk. A. A. X -4JL -LIS L--.-,-, C A R 0 IfE TjT NTHR 0 T B A T 0 PZ I RAPE j A 1T KAN S A 1 C.lTTy R 0 Y ATlI E lDnT0 T TfS lZZTp 0 TTtI "IOl.H AU S JP.H. 0. N JEJSj CfH E RlTp CHAR 1 G R E E nTt"Tb ROIL I N G M1J, W U1K E E B R E W E H ESSE"1! A TjTrpTfr R El nI e'eiduaInItieIsLisInIoiw 22382 i n n n r r i6 n p p r 110 m 12 113 Ti 15 "Te "20 'mmm 21 22 "" """"" "23 " " 11 IT" IIFTl?"" " IT" 30 131 132 "33 -jj jg "37 "39 ' 40 TT : Tz """" 43 45"" """"" TfT 17 '48 " """""" 49 icT ' "" f' If j 54 " 1 55 56" 57 58 1 59" To 61 IF" m"" mmmm , 1 I l , L 1982 Tribune Company Syndicate, All Rights Reserved Ken Minc.is Elaine McClatchey. v.ym, aiiw Lynn Peithman, n, Editor Susan Hudson. NlSSEN RrrrER.mEJir.v Teresa Curry, siviiht Editor 51 Tobe:Fr. 52 Homage 53 Embarrasses 56 Felines 57 Harem room 60 Scenic views 62 boom 64 Asian land 65 Chess or checkers 66 Local dialect 67 Fishing devices 68 Watches 69 Worship DOWN 1 Class 2 Faithful 3 Of nobody in partic ular 4 By birth 5 Lubricate 6 Fools 7 Mild oath 8 Do wrong 9 Sailor's garment 10 City in Mississippi 11 Fruit drinks 12 Carry 13 Coaster 19 Red wine 22 Ties the knot 25 Forearm bone 26 Make butter 27 Colorful parrot ' 28 Pointless 29 Mild cigar 30 City in - Texas 31 Charm 32 Got up 35 Dwelling 38 More recent 41 Jewish month 44 Waist bouquet 45 Catch sight of 48 Sour fruits 50 Kremlin's land 52 Medical patients 53 Whirl 54 Long-eared mammal 55 Med. subj. 56 Arrived 58 Fashion name 59 Summit 61 Merry month 63 Singular Inc. 22382 As the old By KEN MINGIS Almost . one year has passed since Scott Norberg was sworn in as Student Body President, winning office by a mere 28 votes. His victory was small, but it now is apparent that his admini stration has gone further than most in enabling students to play a more active role in the affairs and decisions that af fect them at UNC. While policy has been the Norberg administration's strong point, service has been it's Achille's heel. Programs such as the tutorial service and academic advising have been allowed to drift into ob scurity, a fact noted repeatedly during the recent presidential campaign. It is this service side of Student Government that most directly affects students, and it is here that Norberg's successor, Mike Vandenbergh, will have to rebuild Student Government credibi- lity. Today, when students are asked, "what has Student Government done for you?" the most common reply is some vague reference to Chapel Thrill or calendar changes. Missing are pro grams that students can list as having had a direct affect on them. In dealing with policy issues, Nor berg's administration accomplished a lot for students. The theme running through his term of office that stu dents should be allowed more responsi bility has become a reality in several important areas: the passage of a ref erendum that effectively puts the Audit Board under student control, the crea tion of a course by students dealing with race relations and the complex planning that has made this year's Chapel Thrill concert a reality. In each case Norberg was able to convince either the admin- Scott Norberg istration or the student body that an in creased student voice was needed in university-related decisions. Reviewing the Audit Board referen dum, which was passed overwhelmingly by the student body, it is obvious that Norberg felt a strong need to clarify the board's duties and composition. At the time, some students and administrators complained that it was a "power grab" by Student Government. In a way, they were right. Norberg himself admits that his goal was to make the Audit Board, charged with overseeing the appropriation of student fees, more responsive to student needs. It was a move that, while con troversial, gave students the responsi bility to regularly audit the operations of tine Student Activities Fee Office. At very few universities do students have similar power. From an academic perspective, it was during Norberg's year in office that members of the University relations committee were able to design and im- Letters to the editor To thfc editor: , Raising the drinking age, as recom mended by the Governor's Crime Com mission, seems quite appealing to those concerned with public safety. The Com YOU WANTME TO SPAPE Y0U 6ARPEN? I'M NOT V5ED 10 PHYSICAL LABOR! T 0OONESBURY MIKBY, IF THEY PUT H&tRf IN JAIL, 7H&Z'il0eWCN5 IBFT 10 miHB FARM. nRB CFFAT CDLLBG6, W HIS HAJK PURPL5AHDSTAVS Is t i 7 ' R 13 TsOr- administration is replaced by the new, ideas change plement a course on race relations. Again, few universities provide students with the opportunity to design their own courses. The committee did so in a responsible manner and the course stands a real chance of being expanded into a full three-hour credit class in the near future. . In addition to increasing student re- Mike Vandenbergh will be formally inaugurated as Student Body President at 7:30 tonight in the Great Hall of the Carolina Union. sponsibilities, Norberg has opposed ad ministrative decisions such as the pro posed calendar changes. In late Novem ber, administration officials announced that next year's calendar would be changed, slicing a week off of Christmas break. Justifiably, students were in censed. When he heard the news, Nor berg said he called a hasty executive council meeting, discussed the problem and began making phone calls first to calendar committee members and then to Chancellor Christopher C. Fordham III. He constantly voiced his opposition in The Daily Tar Heel, in ef fect, whipping student opinion. The ad ministration backed down. : This type of reactive approach to Stu dent Government made up a large part of Norberg's success! Other examples included his work with the town of. Chapel Hill over the noise ordinance and the alcohol classes arranged for stu dents arrested for public consumption of alcohol. These issues alone leave Vandenbergh on better terms with the . town than past presidents. Several issues have been left un resolved during Norberg's term, most notably food service and textbook prices. To be realistic, Norberg cannot shoulder the entire blame for the lack of a coherent policy on food service. He has had little cooperation from the ad ministration other than the completion of a report drawn up by outside consul tants. Norberg himself says the problem may not be solved by Vandenbergh or even after his term is completed. Still, an emphasis on food service, similar to that placed on the Audit Board revi sions, might have made further progress possible. -Much the same can be said about the textbook issue. No real solution has been found by Norberg's administra tion, other than trying to persuade pro fessors to get book orders in on time. One proposal would book orders to be in on time. If not,, the professor would be forced to use the same tex tbooks the following semester. A stronger push by Norberg for just such a plan, though unpopular with faculty, might have gone a long way toward eliminating the problem earlier. Perhaps the most obvious failure of Norberg's administration has been his Executive Liaison program, begun last fall. It was originally envisioned as a way for Student Government to'inform students of its plans and to receive input from them. It is just this type of service oriented program that students need. In most areas of campus, the student liaison simply put up a Student Govern ment pamphlet and did little else. No in formation was exchanged, no concerns voiced. Though Student Government now has the structure of the program in place, it remains to be seen whether Vandenbergh can stop it from simply fading away. Looking back on Norberg's admin istration, it is clear that some of the policy changes he pushed for will be of long-term benefit to students. By ad vocating student responsibility, Norberg has given students a chance to prove themselves both to the acbninistration and to themselves. - Ken Mingis, a junior journalism and political science major from Raleigh, is associate editor of The Daily Tar Heel. aising drinking mission, however, typical of most bureau cracies, sees only the immediate advan tages, not the long haul. Alcohol is simply a substance that can be used or abused. Our society allows the 2-23 1982 UnMd SynKt. ww THEN V0U 5H0ULP GET USEP TO IT... IT'LL BE 600PF0RY0U! YOUR FATHER THOUGHT YOU TWZe UXXJLP RAUX MAKB SOMETHING 0F1Hl5HAC5tM!m. H&TWU6HT YOUVBZ TH5 MOST SUCCESSFUL FARMERS IH THE UJHOL& COUNTY. THAT UJAS HIS PR5AM FOR. YOU. I r -- By JONA THAN TALCOTT Mike Vandenbergh has begun to mold his administration with a fair though imperfect personnel selection process and with a solid idea of what he would like to do once he assembles his cabinet. During the last week, Vandenbergh has appointed six executive assistants and begun to interview and choose students for various committee posi tions. By selecting executive assistants without using an application process, Vandenbergh has partially ignored the call for a more open Student Govern ment. Vandenbergh has said that he did not use applications because he felt he need ed someone to begin the process of ac cepting applications for other executive branch positions. He said that the way he chose his ex ecutive assistants would not hurt Stu dent Government's reputation because he and his staff had made other efforts to ensure that all other positions were filled fairly. Vandenbergh explained how he at tempted to recruit a diverse group of students. "We bought ads in The Daily Tar Heel, we printed up flyers; we put a notice in the campus calendar. "I need a core of people to get that message across to people on campus. I feel that we have gone a step further than Scott (Norberg)." Both former student body presidents Scott Norberg and Bob Saunders used selection processes slightly different from Vandenbergh's. ' . "We used an informal application process," Norberg said." I think that an (official) application process is a bet ter way to do it. (But) the feeling of my transition team, my executive assistants and I was that it's practically impossible to choose someone to do work and to handle a large amount of responsibility when you have never worked with them before." "I took applications in conjunction with my executive assistants," Saunders said. However, he only had three ex ecutive assistants working Vith him. Neither Saunders nor Norberg bought ads in the DTH or printed flyers. If Vandenbergh had opened up the selection of his executive assistants to the application process, he would have truly opened Student Government to the campus as a whole and eliminated the consistent complaint that Student Government is just a club. This is not to say that Vandenbergh has made poor selections for his six top aides. The group is both diverse and qualified. At least three of the aides, Donald Beeson, Tony Lathrop and Sally Hadden have extensive executive branch experience. Jonathan Reckford has worked in the legislative branch of Student Govern ment; and though Leslie Takaheshi and Melanie Wilson lack experience, Vandenbergh said they were both very enthusiastic and hard working. One half of the group of executive ' assistants worked on the campaign for Vandenbergh. Still, if Vandenbergh had opened even this level of Student Government up to applications, students could see . the merits of all potential applicants for the job. Politics is supposed to be the art of dealing with people. The public at large will never really know what kind of peo ple Vandenbergh chose to deal with most closely. The executive assistants in his administration will be particularly important because they will be the ones reporting to Vandenbergh on the opera tions of the different committees. In the age no answer use of it, like so many other privileges, by responsible adults. Persons aged 18 to 21 are considered legal adults: they can vote, fight for their country, are totally respon sible for their own actions, livelihoods, P0E5THI5 THINS HAVE A l,FA5T F0RUJARP"? by Garry Trudeau Bern go HELP YOUR imamss FORHSSW TENCIN6, DEAR.- MOM,H(XU LONCjHAS BemBEBN MOM! HAlRPURPtE? previous administration, the cabinet heads reported directly to Norberg. Without an application process, the stu dent reaction to executive assistant selections comes after the fact. Also, people who continued to work within the executive branch during the cam paign season may be overlooked. Only Lathrop continued working in Suite C after the campaigns began. And without an application process, Vandenbergh can still be accused of favoritism or of perpetuating the Chi Psi "conspiracy" (two of his six ex ecutive assistants are Chi Psis). It would be unfortunate if such claims of ex ecutive favoritism were allowed to hurt Vandenbergh's efforts to implement some of his plans. Vandenbergh . already has set his sights on the major tasks of his new ad ministration. "My two highest priorities will be an Academic Advising program and an employment service." Vandenbergh said. The new president stressed he would like to see his ad ministration differ from others in recent years. "I am hoping to spend a lot less time on current issues and more time on new problems that need to be address ed," Vandenbergh said. "I want to change our focus from one of maintenance to one of change." Vandenbergh said that he and his aides would start working on the academic advising service and the stu dent employment service by the end of this week. His executive assistants will begin to research the materials collected in Suite C on both topics. "As soon as we finish with selecting personnel, we will start working on academic advising," said Reckford, who will be vS - - - t Mike Vandenbergh overseeing academic affairs. For future goals and tasks not con sidered current issues, Vandenbergh has presented several new ideas: a student member on the Admissions Committee of the University, a program for helping students closed out of University hous ing find an apartment and a review of the present exam period. Vandenbergh's personnel selection of cabinet-level positions shows his will ingness to stand behind his pledge of openness in student government though is method of appointing executive assistants may leave him open to criticism. With the help of his newly selected aides and cabinet heads, he should be able to tackle some of the problems that have plagued students in the past as well as look to future tasks. Jonathan Talcott, a sophomore history and English major from Litchfield, Conn, is an editorial assistant for The Daily Tar Heel. etc.; yet, because a few members of their age group abuse the privilege, the Com mission wishes to ban the privilege for the entire group. If this same logic were ap plied to all of society, then prohibition would be the obvious answer. If it were applied to our free enterprise system, which is abused to the limit by an un scrupulous few, then Communism would have every right to flourish. The idea still seems to exist today, that, if something doesn't go right, then pass a law against it. Society doesn't seem to learn that its problems will never be solved in the courtroom or jailhouse: slapping on fines, throwing "evil" people in jail and discarding the key carryovers from the middle ages only suppress the problems for a period of time. Doing so is analogous to curing cancer with aspirin. People, of course, must be protected against violent criminals; but, misde meanors, especially victimless crimes, can be handled much more discreetly. Society must get its problems out in the open and begin to tackle them from there, not hide them under books of legalities. To close, and so I won't be accused of not contributing a possible solution to the imminent dilemma: have drinking es tablishments install breathalyzers at the exits. While this will not completely solve the problem, it will at least give unwary drinkers some idea of their coordinate ability. Phillip Carriker 616 Ehringhaus Hall c x:s ? Of o ft tti V? 17