6The Daily Tar HeelMonday, April 5. 1982 nht laihi mv MM 90th year of editorial freedom John Drescher. eJu Ann Peters'. Mamum Kerry De Rochi. aom ej,u Rachel Perry, ufc Alan Ch apple. cuyEJiw JIM WRWK State and National Editor Linda Robertson. Swe Eik Al Steele, Pkot&tmpky KEN MMGlS,Attocia Editor Elaine McClatchey.p Lynn Peithman. n Editor Susan Hudson. f Editor NlSSEN RlTTER,lrE1lwr Teresa Curry, Spotihi Editor News will be what udd:.. says, it is Food fight (part II) With two separate proposals before him and a third in the works, Chancellor Christopher C. Fordham HI has not had enough time to make an informed decision on the future of a food service at UNC. Be cause several distinct alternatives do exist, the chancellor should hold off making a final decision on such a complex issue until all options have been thoroughly studied. When first announced three weeks ago, the original proposal was pre sented as a do-or-die move designed to save a rapidly failing food ser vice. The proposal, drawn up by James Cansler of Student Affairs, Charles Antle, a member of the Food Services Advisory Committee and Assistant to the Vice Chancellor Biruta Nielson, recommended a quick decision by Fordham with renovations set to begin in May. That report immediately drew criticism from student leaders who said it was incom plete and failed to address many questions surrounding the affect on students. Within one week, a second food service plan was presented to Ford ham, this one drawn up by Student Government. This plan also called for renovations of Lenoir Hall, but recommended that Chase Cafeteria be used only to serve dinner and that the Fast Break restaurant be left in the Carolina Union. The proposal also called for transferring the profits from residence hall snack bars and vending machines to a central food service. The result would be a $6 per student food-service fee and a room-board plan for a smaller number of students. v Using Chase Cafeteria for dinner is a sound idea because it is cur rently the only meal most students eat there. Renovating it would not at tract more students and is not the solution; neither is .forcing South Campus students to pay for the improvements through a meal plan. Most students on South Campus simply do not eat breakfast and lunch at Chase. ' The reasoning behind the Student Government plan makes sense in other ways. For example, the FSAC plan calls for moving the highly successful Fast Break into the Pine Room. The Fast Break is successful because of its location: students in the Union stop by on their way through and grab something to eat. Moving it to the Pine Room would eliminate this advantage. Like the FSAC plan, the Student Government proposal calls for a meal plan for a limited number of students, but with needed qualifica tions. Any students assigned to a dorm not one of their first five choices . would not be required to eat on the meal plan. Students in Greek or ganizations could pay a small fee and be exempt from the plarii ln addi tion, the plan would be phased in over three years. Only the minimum number of students for the food service to break even would be required to be on the room-board plan. Another option is under review by the Residence Hall Association. It has been considering a set fee for all students in order to avoid a meal plaH anywhere on campus. The major drawback of this plan is that it imposes a fee on students who would not use the food service, residents of Granville Towers for example. None of the reports by itself is a complete proposal, but the Student Government plan comes closest. One option, allowing the University to take over food services, has been largely ignored. The push for a hasty decision has been because administration officials fear . the ARA operated food service may soon leave the Universitya weak excuse considering the number of companies" that would like to take its place here. If an on-campus food service is to be successful, improvements are crucial. But the University should not rush into a decision because of alarmist cries that all the food service problems must be solved in the next week. j Best and brightest When David Halberstam speaks on the influence of the media at 7:30 tonight in Memorial Hall, he will speak from an experience that is twofold. As a journalist, he has achieved the highest honor of his pro fession, the Pulitzer Prize, for his reporting from Vietnam. As an author he has been able to step out of his role as a journalist and report on the business of the media in his book The Powers That Be. Halberstam's speech is the culmination of the three-week long Carolina Symposium. Under the theme "America in Pieces," the sym posium has addressed fragmentation in America. Symposium workers should be commended for their hard work. Their contribution cannot be ignored. They have brought a rare op portunity to Carolina students by raising questions and issues that affect and concern us. Tonight's address is an example of that type of oppor tunity, one that on student can afford to miss. ' ; - By JOHN DRESCHER "News is whatever I say it is," former NBC anchorman David Brinkley once said. If news is whatever the anchorman says it is, then starting tonight Roger Mudd will determine what's news and" what's not. Mudd, who received a mas ter's in history from UNC in 1953, will join Tom Brokaw tonight as co-anchor of the NBC Nightly News as the pair re places John Chancellor. As NBC's Washington correspondent, Mudd has handled all stories originating from the capital. Now, with co-anchor Brokaw stationed in New York, Mudd will be even more involved in the daily production of the news. "It'll mean that I'll be more intimately involved in the assembly, assignment and preparation of the broadcast," Mudd said in a telephone interview. While previously Mudd's script had to be approved by NBC headquarters in New York, now he will have the freedom to make his own decisions as to what stories will be aired and how they will be presented. "I think we have the Washing ton expertise to make our own news judg ments," Mudd said, "and it will also save us a lot of time." Time. In the super-competitive world of network news, saving a few minutes here and there can make a big difference. After all, news is only good when it's new. One of television's largest advantages over the print media is its striking im mediacy that enables it to cover breaking news far better than newspapers. But there is another side to the time factor, and that's the amount of time the public is willing to put into acquiring in formation each day. More people are spending that time watching television news and not reading newspapers. While Mudd is all for every American watching the news every night (preferably the NBC Nightly News), he's disappointed that fewer Americans are reading a daily newspaper. s "I don't think it's a good sign," he said. "People are spending less time in forming themselves. They're missing the. depth they should be getting! Philosophi cally it's not a good sign and economically it's not either, with papers having to go out of business. One of the shortcomings TV news has is that it doesn't do news deeply; it kind of skims across the news and just touches the top." "I think it's mandatory if you're really serious about broadcast journalism, be cause there simply isn't the training at local stations," he said. "I feel like two to three years on a newspaper is really obli gatory. More and more, networks are hir ing people that haven't worked for a paper. I see that as a bad sign." That's not in tune with those who feel acquiring a newspaper background for TV news is living in television's Stone Age. "In 20 years, the definition of news will be entirely different," said one TV news analyst in The Washington Jour nalism Review. "Television's old fogies 'Networks are trying to make news brighter. ... I think it's bad that we have to take something and change the nature of things to make them more attractive. It's a dangerous trend. We should be reporting the news, not changing if Roger Mudd Mudd said television news may be able to provide more depth in its coverage if it expands to a one-hour format. Both local stations and the Federal Communications Commission are blocking that expansion, although many in television news feel it's only a matter of time before the expan sion occurs. "An hour would be great if we made intelligent use of it," Mudd said. "If all we did was double the amount of stories we have now, then no, it wouldn't be bet ter. I think we need to cover more com pletely some of the areas we cover now, and then expand to areas we don't cover now." : ;. v Newspapers provide more depth for readers, but they also provide a depth in journalism training that radio and tele vision stations do not, Mudd said. The best places to learn journalism are at newspapers, not in radio or television. who worked on newspapers and went to journalism school will be dead and the news will be in the hands of people who know only about ratings." That is exactly what Mudd fears: that TV news will prostitute itself to the ratings and disregard good, informative journalism. He says it's already hap pening. When ABC hired sports mogul Roone Arledge to boost its ratings in 1977, Arledge introduced entertainment to network news. It worked and now the battle for the rating points is more fierce than ever. . "I think what's happened is the comp etition for the audience has increased," Mudd said. "Networks are trying to makes news brighter. I'm troubled by this. I think it's bad that we have to take something and change the nature of things to make them more attractive. It's a dangerous trend. We should be re porting the news, not changing it." It appears NBC is following that same trend by moving Brokaw from the Today show to the co-anchor of the news. Brokaw has spent more than five years chucking feather pillows at show-biz folk, as one writer put it. Although Brokaw was once a White House reporter, his move to the co-anchor strikes many as re miniscent of when ABC hired Barbara Walters. Mudd disagrees that Brokaw is the show-biz type. "When Tom went to Today, the (To day) anchor had done dog-food commer cials and all that. Tom changed that. There wasn't as much fluff. There's still a lot of lighter stories and features but I think Tom was picked for the job because he's a hard-working fella with serious in tentions." Contrary to gossip reports that say Mudd is upset about sharing the anchor, he says the co-anchor format is a good one. "There's a great deal of advantages," he said. "It gives you another person thinking about things, another perspec tive, another person with a strong repu tation for honesty. There's more mobili ty. One can travel, one can stay behind. It's a good system. It also distributes the work and prevents the one great wise man from dominating the network." That is not to say Roger Mudd would not mind being that one great man. At 54, he has reached the top of his pro fession. There's no telling what the next step may be, but for now anyway, the NBC Nightly News from Washington is what Roger Mudd says it is. John Drescher, a senior journalism and history major from Raleigh, is editor of The' Daily Tar Heel. Letters to the editor Students acted irresponsibly To the editor: On March 29 I shared the excitement of our winning the 1982 NCAA championship with fellow UNC students. But my enthusiasm quickly dissolved upon see ing the senseless conduct of students and other Chapel Hill residents on Franklin Street and on UNC's campus. The irresponsibility of some people never fails to amaze me. Within the first minutes of the Monday night celebration, two students were abruptly jolted from the roof 01 a moving car when the driver, (no doubt intox icated), decided to ram down Franklin Street at 30 mph. The siuo nts hopefully weren't badly injured. I didn'f stay around long enough to hear the report. Saturday night's melee, after our semi-finals victory, was also the center of upsetting scenes. Perhaps the site of small children walking hand in hand with their parents was the most disturbing. I saw an indescribable terror On the face of one infant who was undoubtedly shaken by theponfusion and noise of the crowd. I even observed one woman trying to climb over a wall while juggling her 16-ounce Schlitz and two-year-old child. How can parents subject their children to such a frightening and . abnormal atmosphere? ... And we wonder where crime and alcohol abuse come from. I would be the first to admit that winning a national championship Hs exciting and that a celebration is definitely in line. But can't this celebration take place with our minds and bodies remaining intact? I don't understand what pleasure is found or what point is made, in becoming so drunk that one cannot feel or react to anything that is going on around him. Furthermore, I fail to see why the following correla tion holds: the bigger and badder the event, the bigger and badder the partying and drinking must become. Isn't the hard work of UNC's great basketball team and coach only demeaned by one's using it as an excuse to get as drunk as one can possibly get? Dean Smith and the team deserve a better show of our appreciation. I needn't go into a detailed description of the van dalism done to the campus during the celebration. We've all seen the painted slogans, strewn toilet paper, broken glass bottles, beer cans, etc. Indeed, partying and drinking have become so-called "established traditions" at Carolina. But no matter how longstanding these practices are, I believe that a re evaluation of them needs to be made when they produce so many negative results. Betsy Thomas sen 836 Morrison Blue Jeans Day To the editor: , In the DTH editorial ("Blue jeans and gays") of April 2, you declared that "if the Carolina Gay Association wants to have Blue Jeans Day every Friday, that's fine with us. If it's not fine with you, perhaps you should think about why it's not." I have thought about it, just as most other UNC students thought about it as we got dressed that Friday. , Blue Jeans Day '82 put all of us (straights, gays and in differents) in the position of making some type of state ment about our sexuality, regardless of whether we wore the clothes which befitted our respective preferences. The CGA deemed that the pants we chose to wear on March 26 revealed whom we chose to sleep with. Presumably, this is exactly what the Gay Rights Move ment has been telling us is no one else's business. Jeep Bryant 1721 Granville West TV evangelism threatens tradition The Daily Tar Hool Editorial Assistants: Michelle Christcnbury, Jon Takott Assistant Managing Editors: Lynn Earley, Karen Haywood, Ann Murphy'' Contributions Editor. Gdareh Asayesh . : ;r News Desk: Ted Avery, Joseph BerryhilL Paul Boyce, Stacia Clawson, Allison Davis, Lisa Evans, Evelyn Faison, Donna Fultz, Ivy Hilliard, Dan Hart, Melissa Moore, Michele. Peficey, Laura Seifert, Jan Sharpe, Martie Hayworth, Jule Hubbard, Renae Lyas, Clare Lynrnan, Lin Rollins, Dale McKeel, Mary McKecl, Lisa Reynolds, Lynsky Rollins, Tracey Thompson. Martha QwBin, assistant news editor. ' News: Cheryl Anderson, Greg Batten, Teresa Blossom, Scott Bokjack, Laurie Bradsher, Stacia Clawson, Teresa Colbert, John Conway, Alison Davis, Tamara Davis, David Deese, Amy Edwards, Charlie Ellmaker, Mary Evans, Dean Foust, Bonnie Gardner, Steve Griffin, Lucy Holman, Charlotte Holmes, Julie Jones, Peter Judge, David Lam berth, Elizabeth Lucas, Alison Mallard, Christine Manuel, Alan Marks, Kyle Marshall, David McHugh, Mary McKeel, Alexandra McMillan, Sheila Miller, Karen Moore, Melissa Moore, Robert Montgomery, Rosemary Osbom, Sonja Payton, Sue Powell, Lisa Pullen, Sarah Raper, Nancy Rucker, Mike O'Reilly, Suzette Roach, Laura Seifert, Ken Siman, Kelly Simmons, Mark Stinneford, Anna Tate, Lynne Thompson, Virginia Trull, Bonita Walker, Sonya Weakley, Mary WtUoughby, Chip Wilson, Wendell Wood. Katherine Long, assistant state and national editor. Pam Duncan, assistant university editor. Sports: Jackie Blackburn and S.L. Price, assistant sports editors. Kim Adams, Clifton Barnes, Greg Batten, Tom Berry, Jerry Brattori, R.L. Bynum, Norman Cannada, Grady Cathey, Richard Craver, Michad DeSisti, Stephanie Graham, Morris Haywood, Bob Henson, Frank Kennedy, Keith Lee, Draggan Mihalovich, Lew Price, Kurt Rosenberg, John Royster, Stephen Stock, Charles Upchurch, Eddie Wooten and Tracy Young. Features: Jill Anderson, Shelley Block, Lorrie Douglas, Cindy Haga, Lisbeth Levine, Mitzi Morris, David Rome, Vince Steele, Debbi Sykes, Rosemary Wagner, Randy Walker, Clinton Weaver, Susan Wheelon. Jane Calloway, assistant SpotSskt editor. Arts: Jeff Grove and Marc Routh assistant arts editors; Dennis Goss, Julian Karchmer, Ed Leitch, Dawn McDonald, Tim Mooney, Tom Moore, Karen Rosen and Guha Shankar. Graphic Arts: Matt Cooper, Pam Corbett, Nick Demos, Andy Fullwood, Danny Harretl, Mike Haynes, Dane Huffman, Sam Mitchell, Janice Murphy, Vince Steele and Tom Wcstarp, artists; Suzanne Conversano, Jeff Neuville, Faith QuintavcH, Zane Saunders, John Williams and Scott Sharpe photographers. Business: Rejeanne V. Caron, business manager; Linda A. Cooper, secretaryreceptionist; Lisa Morrell and Anne Sink, bookkeepers; Dawn Welch, circulationdistribution manager; Julie Jones and Angie Wolfe, classifieds. ' . Advertising: Paula Brewer, advertising manager; Mike Tabor, advertising coordinator; Harry Hayes, Keith Lee, Terry Lee, Jeff McElhaney, Karen Newell. Deana Sctzcr. Betsy Swartzbaugh and Anneli Zeck ad representatives. Composition: Frank Porter Graham Composition Division, UNC-CH Printing Department. Printing: Hinton Press, Inc., of Mcbane. By NISSEN RITTER Robert Alley would like nothing better than to participate in a face-to-face de bate with Rev. Jerry Falwell. He sees the current trend of television evangelism characterized by Falwell, host of The Old Time Gospel Hour, and Pat Robertson, host of the 700 Club as a threat to American tradition. Alley, who teaches religion and chairs the Area Studies program at the Univer sity of Richmond, is a founding member of People for the American Way. Estab lished by television producer Norman Lear in 1980, PFAW is a monitoring or ganization designed to keep an eye on Falwell's Moral Majority and other right wing religious groups. Ironically, Alley somewhat resembles' the outspoken leader of the Moral Ma jority. But the two Southern ministers have little in common. "I have been concerned for over 20 years with the distortion the fundamen . talists have been perpetrating," Alley said. "I think the best way (to confront the fundamentalists) would be to engage Falwell and Robertson and others in a head-on discussion or debate of ideas. "It's a monitoring group trying to keep up with what's happening in the world of television evangelism," Alley said. Alley said the one-way communication in television broadcasting prevented any possibility of interaction between the public and the broadcaster. Because of this, he advocates open debates. 'My own feeling is that Falwell and Robertson are afraid of that (open de bate)," Alley said. "I would dearly love to get Robertson and Falwell on a one-to-one discussion of the issues where we had equal standing on the platform and where no holds were barred about what we could deal with." In addition to supporting public de bates, Alley encourages viewers to request alternative prograrnming or air time to present their opposing viewpoints. The Federal Communication Commission's Fairness Doctrine requires stations which air one side of a controversial and im portant public issue to give equal time to the other side. . . "I want to broaden, not limit, the dis cussion," Alley said. "Falwell has the perfect right to the positions he holds and the perfect right to espouse them. I thoroughly endorse that." IN QUOTES Alley listed three concerns about the Falwell-Robertson brand of. religious broadcasting. He placed misrepresenta tion of the Bible at the top of his list. "When Falwell and Robertson and the rest of these characters began to appear nationally and get national prominence, I was disturbed about the way in which they were manipulating people, abusing the intellect, generally misrepresenting the nature of the Bible and Christianity," he said. The outspoken minister also criticized religious broadcasters who endorsed po litical viewpoints on the air. "They (Falwell and Robertson) either do not know or do not care to know about the relationship between church and state in the 18th century and the religious free dom that we have," he said. But Alley's harshest criticism focused on the integrity of the television evan gelists themselves. "One of the things I've learned very quickly from dealing with Robertson and Falwell and their people is that they have no compunction with re spect to lying," Alley said. "They will lie with great glee apparently. They will say something and deny it. If you do not have documentation in your hand when you're charging, it is hopeless because they have no integrity at all when it comes to the truth. "I was present when he (Falwell) made the statement that the prayers of Jews are not heard by God which he later denied having said. I did hear him say it, and I've got it on tape." Despite the public attention given to Falwell and the Moral Majority, Robert son is the real threat, Alley said. "I think he (Robertson) is far worse and far more dangerous than Falwell," Alley said. "He not only has the power through his network to reach far more people, but the way he's willing to abuse people through faith healing is not something Falwell does." Alley also said that Falwell's basic ap peal was limited to a small group of sup porters in his home base, Lynchburg, Va. "Falwell is weak in Virginia, and he knows it," Alley said. "For the long run, I think Robertson will have more staying power than Falwell. It doesn't matter where Robertson is; he could be on the moon." Both Falwell and Robertson broad cast their programs from Virginia. But Alley said the presence of the two promi nent television evangelists in Virginia was only a coincidence. "It's an accident because Virginia does not have the fundamentalist creden tials to support this stuff," Alley said. "I would say the two most liberal states in the South religiously are North Carolina and Virginia. "Virginia really has nothing to fear from Jerry Falwell. It's the United States that has some problems. But if we can de velop a concern for Falwell and Robert son here, that says something to the rest v J M Robert Alley of the country." In contrast, Alley said Falwell and Robertson have everything to fear from the public by participating in open dis cussion. Alley added that he understood their reluctance to face him in a public de bate because he was confident that they would lose. "But if people end up thinking that Falwell's got the better, then it's, all right," Alley said. "That's the way de mocracy works. It's the risk of democ racy, and I think it's a risk worth taking.' Nissen Ritter, a senior radio, television and motion pictures major from Rich mond, Va., is arts editor for The Daily Tar Heel.