0 Thursday, April 29, 1932The Daily Tar Heel5 hod mrmc chom;e with the time fx By DOUG LEWIS Staff Wrilrr For the past several months, much has been written about the current problems facing UNC's attempts to provide a viable, self supporting food service for students and facul ty. A Food Service Advisory Committee, an independent research firm. Student Govern ment and the Residence Hall Association have worked together on the current proposal fac ing the UNC Board of Governors in May. To understand fully the reasons behind this pro posal, the history of food service on the UNC campus must be closely examined. The first permanent dining facility used for students on campus was known as Commons Hall. The hall was located east of Peabody Hall and was opened at the beginning of the 1885 fall semester. It was a long wooden building measuring 100 feet by 45 feet. The Commons "guaranteed good fare at a low price.M Students ate their meals while under the supervision of faculty and the house matron. They were charged $8 a month for iheir meals and were served by student waiters, who received their meals free. Commons replaced Steward's Hall, another long wooden building which had been used as r dining facility since the early 1800s. As the University grew, its need for a larger dining facility became more apparent. Thus, Swain Hall was opened in 1913. It initially operated successfully as a boarding house. But continued growth again became a problem. Compounding the increased flow of students was the fact that the facilities quickly became outmoded. In an attempt to alleviate this problem, the University increased it dining facilities. In 1924, Spencer Hall and the Carolina Inn were built with places to eat. Spencer operated under the contract system, with each woman paying a set fee for meals. The Carolina Inn operation was a restaurant facility much like today's. Although these two cafeterias helped to ease Swain's problems, they did not alleviate them. Because each drop in patronage caused food quality and service to drop, Swain soon became the University's "white elephant". The decision was made to close Swain and make an attempt at renovation. After having been closed during 1936, UNC President Frank P. Graham announced the reopening of Swain as a "dining emporium" for the 1937 fall term. Swain became an instant success, quadrupling its business. Unfortunately, Swain's ineffectiveness in handling huge crowds undermined its suc cesses. In 1939 The Durham Herald Sun reported, "Swain had long lines waiting out side, which was awkward in winter, and it had to turn away others." In 1939, the decision was made to close Swain and build a new, modern facility Lenoir Hall. Lenoir operated nor mally until World War II, when the Navy's pre-flight program was established. Jim Cansler, associate vice chancellor for student affairs, commented on this period. "During the war about the only students on campus were those physically exempted from serving in the Armed Forces. Lenoir was used by the Navy for its training programs and Swain was reopened for the other military training programs on campus, including the Army's special training group." After World War II ended, Lenoir ex perienced almost 20 years of relative financial success. The driving force behind this success was George Prillaman, manager of the food service from 1951 until 1969. "My philosophy has always been to serve students at the University the best and most wholesome food in the entire area, at the lowest price," Prillaman said in a recent review. In a short time he was able to save the University $50,000 a year. In fact, the Univer sity's food service operation became so suc cessful it was lauded nationwide by several food management organizations and magazines. i During his time, two more dining facilities were built on campus. In 1961, the Pine Room was constructed under Lenoir, in its present location. It served as a cafeteria and a snack bar, serving such entrees as crab, trout, steak and roast beef. In 1964, Ehringhaus Residence Hall was built with a cafeteria to fulfill the needs of students on South Campus. Ehringhaus operated on the same "pay as you go" system as Lenoir. In fact, all the dining facilities on campus operated this way with the exception of the cafeteria in Spencer. Prillaman was bitterly opposed to the man datory contract system used by many univer sities. "The college student of today does not want to be regimented," he was quoted as say ing in a 1966 edition of The News and Observer. "In fact, he rebels against regimen tation. Give him freedom of choice and let him buy his meals wherever he likes. This goes a long way in improving campus food." Prillaman said he could attract students to his cafeterias with professional service, good food and specials. His 40 cent special an en tree, two vegetables, bread and butter and unlimited tea or coffee was preferred by two thirds of those students who ate in Lenoir. The special's price remained unchanged until 1965. 3C J . I ri l I i if? v A A-.ih fIllIS IS in :? n 11 (J 1 m r U ?! 1 ti si! ,hb i i 1 1 1 f s I r- 2i: - uu.iu y: j i, : . Phoio counesy of N.C. Collection Art of Steward's Hail (left) as it looked in 1814 UNC's oldest building once was used as cafeteria This weekend only! Free cups of Fountain Pepsi! This weekend order any 12" pizza and get up to 2 cups of Pepsi free! If you order a 16" pizza you can get up to 4 free cups of Pepsi. They will be rushed to you in durable 16 oz. plastic cups with tight fitting lids a perfect complement to our hot, delicious pizza. No coupon necessary, just ask! Offer expires: 5282 o a k. -- ,i 967-0008 209 US 15-501 Bypass 929-0246 503 W. Rosemary Street 1965 marked a turning point in the fortunes of food service on campus. In that year. Chase Cafeteria was built to serve South Campus. Some were opposed to the building of Chase, including Prillaman, citing a small plot of land and the probable need .for a board plan because of the lack of a large student base as future problems. Additional problems soon cropped up. Charles Antle, associate vice chancellor for business, said "Chase had operational pro blems because of the design of the building. The kitchen was on one floor and the dining facilities were on another with only one small elevator to transport food and dishes. It also had high energy costs and was not cost efficient." By 1969, the University was losing $200,000 a year and finally decided to let a private firm take over the food service program. Contributing to this decision was a state legislature order that all auxiliary services con nected with the University had to be self supporting. SAGA, a private firm was con tracted in 1969 to take over the system. Unfor tunately, two strikes crippled their operation and they decided to leave after one year. 5 Jong's 11 New Management and New Dishes ?m A place you can enjoy delicious Chinese cuisine at ; .Serving authentic Chinese food. Pek.ng ; IIT'Ql IjZQAlS Vfi i Szechuan, Hunam & Cantonese I 7 p ff ... .. I Brill fit Frivi Ittr I V pow open an aay J All ABC permits it 1404 E. Franks St., Chapel H3 929-1613 Soup, Ep Roll & Fried Rice St.50 Msm Dish, Soup, Eo -Roll, ffis4 V Kicnd Hot Tea $2.0-$tS5.v Hoars: Fri 11:30-10:33 pm Sat 4:30-10:30 pm Sun 1 2:00-1 feGO pm Mon-Thun 1 1:30 am-1(h0 pm "There was much discussion at this time about closing the food," said John Temple, vich chancellor for business and finance in a recent interview." However, the decision was made to limit the number of facilities and reduce losses." Subsequently, the Spencer cafeteria, the up per floors of I.enoir and Chase all were con verted to other uses, leaving only the Pine Room and half of Chase to serve the student's food needs. A new firm, Serv-OMation, was contracted in 1970. After initial losses Serv-OMation experienced success for about six years. In 1974, Serv-O-Mation added the Fast Break facility in the Carolina Union. Unfor tunately, Fast Break alsa experienced pro blems because of poor design. "The Union was not built to accommodate a food opera tion and thus suffered from exhaust and fire safety problems," Antle said. Serv-O-Mation then lost money for two years and decided to leave in 1980, citing poor facilities and com petition both on and cjff campus. ' In 1980, the University coi- racted ARA food services, which has one u ar left on a . three-year contract. It remains u be seen how the University will solve present food service problems. ,1 3 Ss S 5 fa4 ysxmA !ss4 kf I i it 4 1 YuJht i " I 1 , Photo courtesy of N.C. Collection Interior of one of UNC's cafeterias tn 1005 ...Commons Hall served as gathering-place for students Lenoir Hall in history Planned cafeteria conversion recalls 1969 labor strike By DAVID ROME Staff Writer If the plan to convert Lenoir Hall into a din ing hall is carried out, it will not be the first time that Lenoir has been used in that capaci ty. The history of Lenoir Hall indicates the political and economic magnitude of the UNC food service issue. Anyone who was in Chapel Hill in the late 1960s probably remembers Lenoir Hall as a good place to go for an inexpensive breakfast, lunch or dinner in a spacious atmosphere. Dr. Lewis Lipsitz of the political science department appreciated Lenoir most of all as a "pleasant meeting place," which provided a "real opportunity to meet people outside your own discipline." He noted the opportunity to mingle with students during a coffee break at Lenoir Hall in the morning, and he said he "always went to lunch with grad students and other faculty." Something happened in the late 60s which changed Lenoir Hall from a spacious, inexpen sive cafeteria run at a financial loss by the University into the focus of a labor dispute which involved the whole campus in the tur bulance of the time. On Feb. 23, 1969, UNC food service workers began a four-week strike. J. Derek Williams wrote in his Master's thesis titled " Wasn't Slavery Times Anymore" Food workers' Strike at Chapel Hill: "Intolerable working conditions provoked UNC cafeteria workers most of them black women to walk off their jobs. Although un precedented, the strike came at a time and place that were already ripe for confrontation over labor, racial and student issues." Lipsitz agreed that there was little question that the food service, although "cheap and. good," was managed "poorly from the standi point of the workers." The University was los ing substantial amounts of money and "the manager of food service was trying to cut all the corners he could. Things they did were out right illegal," Lipsitz said. With considerable support from the student body and faculty, the foodworkers left Lenoir Hall and set up a strike headquarters in Man ning Hall. (Manning Hall was unoccupied at the time because the law school had just mov ed out.) Lenoir Hall remained open for about two weeks as the strike gained following, new techniques and state-wide concern. The striking workers set up their own "alter native" food service in Manning Hall. Lipsitz acknowledged that the Manning Hall food was not too good, but he and other sympathizers felt obliged to show their support by eating there anyway. Another support technique used by student protestors were "stall-ins" in lines. Students would go through the cafeteria line in Lenoir, fill up their trays with food and then leave their trays in line near the cashier and walk away. The school administration finally took ac tion, when the strike was two weeks old, after six black students turned over some tables and chairs in Lenoir Hall. (These six students were later tried and fined $150 each for the incident.) The administration decided to close Lenoir temporarily. These actions prompted a campus rally March 5. Williams writes that on the next day, "at the insistence of North Carolina's governor, Lenoir was reopened under guard of the state patrol, thereby invigorating debate about academic freedom and the University's political integrity." Negotiations continued for the next two weeks, with some picketing of Lenoir Hall and South Building. There was no violence during the entire strike, even though as Lipsitz stated, "people had said there would be." Manning Hall was evacuated peacefully, although tense ly, after the governor forced the strike sup porters to leave the building. . .The strike ended March 21 when "after ex traordinary, j procedures, . state employees throughout North Carolina received a 20-cent increase in the minimum wage," writes Williams. The settlement was less than a long-run vic tory for the workers, however. Capitalism began to play its invisible hand and the Univer sity had a stronger motive than ever to unload its food service responsibility on private industry. The Bottom Line takes a lighter look at the news , every Tuesday and Thursday ort the editorial page of The Daily Tar Heel. Final !eS$rc w XCTCUC MflPTIN Sex Pistols' l99y Pop' The i gXXxX b I tVfc l.lAK I 111 k Clash, Generation X, Dead 06 OoxxxxTO I Boys, Stir Bators, Sham '69, W exxxxx ffili llClPM TheDecline-okrtAsmuchof 2y I iJ a Woodstock as punk may A -N.Y. TIMES JOoJ E Finally, a movie Jm axxxxxxxx; Carol Kane Tom Smothers $WW wOOjiw Debralee Scott Candy Azzara offlXfV) BEST PICTURE If CHARIOTS OF FIRE H j00000060w Twin W68K eJ5rsasssgs0 YxxxxxWJm :0095o 2:00 47S9:3Q W When private industry did take over, Lenoir Hall the good place to meet and eat was a quick victim. Lipsitz said, "One of the reasons Lenoir was abandoned was the private food service found Lenoir to be uneconomi cal." Some of those same workers who had fought so hard for increased pay and improved conditions were found to be uneconomical, too. . . . Will the new Lenoir Hall recapture the friendly meeting place atmosphere it once had before the tumultuous 60s? Dr. Lipsitz said he hoped that at least part of Lenoir Hall might become "something on the model of the Pari sian (outdoor) cafe ... like a coffee house ... something with a little class." STUDENT JUDICIAL ACTIVITY February, March 1882 Charge Court Plea Verdict SaoctkM cheated on Math 31 exam Undergraduate Not Guilty Guilty Suspension through . spring semester, 1982; F in course plagiarized English 1 paper Undergraduate Not Guilty Guilty Suspension through summer sessions, 1982; probation through spring semester 1982; F in course cheated on Chem 11 exam Undergraduate Guilty . Guilty Probation through fall semester 1982; Fin. course engaged in conduct disrupt- Undergraduate Not Guilty Not Guilty ' ing University employee's ability to perform duties cheated on Classics 25 exam Undergraduate Not Guilry Guilty Probation at least through fall semester 1982; F in course plagiarized English 2 paper Undergraduate Not Guilry Not Guilty " cheated on Math R exam Administrative Guilty Guilty Probation through Hearings Off. summer sessions, 1982; F in course cheated on Geology 1 1 final Undergraduate Not Guilty Guilty Suspension through spring semester 1982; F Fin course cheated on Geology 11 final :!; Undergraduate. . Not Gu r . , . , ' r"spring semester 1982fF?r ' in course cheated on Psychology 10 Undergraduate Not Guilty Not Guilty final exam - cheated on Psychology 10 Undergraduate Not Guilty Not Guilty ' final exam . cheated on Psychology 10 Undergraduate Not Guilty Guilty Suspension through final exam spring semester 1982; F - , . . in course For further dispositions, contact the Honor Court. . Permanent Centers open toys, evenings and weekends. Low hourly cost Dedicated full time staff. Complete TEST-n-TAPEsfacllitle$ for review of class lessons and supplementary materials. Small classes taught by skilled ' instructors. Opportunity to make up missed lessons. Volumiimis home-study materials constantly updated by research ers expert mi tneir field. Opportunity to transfer to and continue study at any el our over su centers lit' itmTT in . f . a Call Dan. f m L Mtmkmi 37m Ctumatl Mill RntiUirarrf f f "" "I "! Executive Park Building E Lwi.ViiifkJ Durham, NX;.. 27707 S1S-3-87Z0' I ? 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