8The Daily Tar HeelThursday, September 23, 1932 twre Sara Bfcu f TlVAL TT-TR i TQ 1 1 IJC U 5 F JCp PO2 year of editorial freedom John Drescher, ANN PETERS. Managing Editor KERRY DEROCHI. Associate Editor Rachel Perry, vmtyEAiuw Alan Chapple. ay Editor JIM WRINN, State and National Editor Linda Robertson. Sports Editor Laura Seifert, n Eduor KEN MlNGIS. y4xxirtr Editor Elaine McClatchey, jvo Susan Hudson, Featum Efow Leah Talley, Am Editor Teresa Curry. Weekend Editor AL STEELE, Photography Editor It's working Last year's consent decree between UNC and the federal government ended the 11-year-old battle over the desegregation of the University system. The federal government wanted higher percentages of black stu dents at predominantly white schools and higher percentages of white stu dents at predominately black schools. UNC officials promised higher percentages but doing it their way. No school program would be switched from institution to institution to avoid duplication of programs, as the Department of Education wanted. Instead, new programs and buildings would be implemented across the school system, most of them at predominantly black schools. So far it's working. A recent report released by the UNC Board of Governors states that enrollment of blacks in the 16-campus system in creased by more than 50 percent in the last 10 years. Now about 34 per cent of the state's black college students attend traditionally white schools. Increased recruitment efforts such as Project Uplift which brings 600 prospective black students to UNC for a closer look at the campus are responsible for the success. But so is the federal government. When the dispute focused national attention on the University system, administrators were forced to find an end to the racial imbalances in the system. The controversy did not end with the consent decree. Black leaders in the state criticized the Reagan adrninistration for selling out to the UNC officials. They scoffed at the flexible goals set by the Department of Edu cation. By 1986, minority enrollment at traditionally white schools is to be 10.6 percent. At black schools it is to be 15 percent. Last year's enroll ment figures showed black students comprised 715 percent of the white campuses' population, and white students made up 11 percent of the en rollment on black campuses. University officials agreed the numbers easily would be reached. How ever, they have committed themselves to increasing the recruitment ef forts beyond these percentages by keeping control of the programs to in crease minority enrollment. And by not agreeing to switch educational programs from school to school, they have guaranteed the continued academic integrity of the UNC system. Time out When football fans tune in tonight at 9 p.m. to watch the Atlanta Fal cons take on the Kansas City Chiefs, they may be in for a surprise the players are on strike and there won't be a game. Nope, no more pre-game warm-up, no color commentary, no Howard Cosell the National Football League Players Association blew the whistle on at least part of the 1982 season Monday, and began pro foot ball's first in-season strike. The dispute, as usual, is over money. For football fans, the stakes involved are high. With nothing else to do, married couples may be forced to talk to each other on Sunday after noOnsrThe Anheuser-Busch and Frito-Lay companies may go broke nothing used to go better with a touchdown than a swig of beer and a handful of pretzels. With no game to draw the customers, bars may have to close on Monday nights. Television sportscasters will suffer, too. CBS's Brent Musburger will likely have plenty of spare time on Sunday afternoons, and sportscaster "Dandy" Don Meredith may have to go back to full-time tea commer cials. At least one good thing will come from the strike, though, some thing football fans have awaited for years: Howard "the Mouth" Cosell, who has haunted televised pro football games for years, may finally be "de-mouthed." THE Dally Crosswond By Frank Geary ACROSS 1 Ungsnt!- manhQuys 5 trap for (htasto catch) 10 Firmly flxad 14 "ApecuUar tortcf 15 Jogs 18 Palo 17 Cantren or Turner 18 Branch 19 Monsy ghren at interest 23 Connie orArtene 22 Tentxdcs 24 Follow 23 Certain case: abbr. 23 Comoor llason 33 Kirk of films 33 Vientiane's land 35 Between QandU 33 Turn Inside out 33 Curves 43 Uaker of beer 41 Hoax ! 42 Call day 44 City north of Lake Tabes 43 Nobleman Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: iAALii ji I i 1. II c ill JLOMlijAVEMll 0 1 1 o TSjTliO.EJ s TjR u t si ' rp "TO ThTe a 11 4 'sioic'icTE V slTTTss a die A lE S IAN5S iLLL T 0 TS ITS H Tf CfA CHE " ftp 1 ft Tu st"" : E'8l N6i H k T A S fH'lA 'GXr c oMt r aTc t e 0 AitiiE' ElllU 1 JLJL TTaTDl .fllElAl&lSi, hqIois ivti 43 Young salmon 48 Beam 43 Dismantle 52 Order for a breather 55 Shoe of a kind 53 Aldaor Ladd C3 Subject for discussion 62 Elanet 63 Location 64 Rough 65 Grafted, in heraldry 63 Procsny 67 Detested e3 Matured DOWN 1 Gckkn 2 Petri dish substance 3 Andrews 4 Bias 5 Soccer team 6 Blackboard adjuncts 7 Brokaw of TV 8 Close 9 Property to Massachu setts city 11 Medicinal herb 12 Luminary 13 Weights for ships 21 Put a lid on 23 Certain fisherman 25 Skill 23 Cry of woe 27 diem 23 Beverage 31 Conduit 32 Colosseum 34 Abbreviated 37 Helen of 33 Key In music 43 Equalized 42 "Yankee Doodle-" 43 On deck 43 Mrs., to Pedro 47 Three: It 53 Sailboat 51 powder (!save) 52 USSR news agency 53 "It's a sin to tell -" 54 Jackson or Smith 53 Monarch 57 Major ending 53 Hollow stem 61 Place 1 7 T 4 I T" i T i 9 ia ii TF" iT" "77" "" """" "j "l5 r 16 TJ la " I li - 20 21 " 22 23 """"" 124 25 j ' f J I . JJ L ; t 33 34 35 I M . 37 ' I I 33" " 33 4 I ! ' 1 45 I ,4" - 47 I M j j 1 m j LJLL 41 iif SI j J2 ii S4 """" """"" " j "" """" TT" """" "" "" r """" .-2 , """" j I 1 1 I f j 1 I III I 1 I 1 1 An example of how our culture has changed since Woodstock By CALDWELL GRA Y What could have possessed three basically level-headed college students to abandon all plans for a laid-back Labor Day weekend at the Outer Banks and embark on the greatest, most ambitious and most stupid journey of their lives across the vast expanse of America. "A Woodstock of the '80s! The US festival," he said as we tried to convince him to go to Hatteras. "Fleetwood Mac, Santana, The Talking Heads, The Police, The Cars, Tom Petty, The Grateful Dead The '80s are the '60s twenty years lata:!" Fifty hours later we drove into California's San Bemandino Valley and the festival grounds at Glen Helen Regional Park. We had no idea that the man responsible for bringing together 18 of today's most popular rock 'n' roll acts was Steve Wozniak, the inventor of the Apple home computer. Thinking that US simply stood for United States, we weren't prepared for the technological twist; giant tents full of representatives of computer companies and scientific organizations that promised to form an "US decade of cooperation towards the betterment of life for everyone." The concert flowed without a kink. Every band was on time. Over 250,000 people were cared for 110,000 camp ing spots, 150 food stands, 382 acres of parking, rows and rows of shower heads wetting down 5,000 people all at once. . .every detail was planned. The skies above the majestic barren hills of the San Bernardino Valley were filled with skywritings; "E.T. phone home," "Welcome to Miller Time,"; while the Goodyear Blimp and thousands of balloons floated in bet ween. As each band performed, more and more of the gimmicks that guaranteed thousands of "oh, wows," were unleash ed. By the time the last band had per formed, the night sky was filled with the climactic energy of multi-colored laser beams, airport searchlights, 16 whirling spotlights, explosions, balloons, flashing electric sparklers, fireworks and floodlights, not to mention the three video screens projecting 50-feet images of Stevie Nicks into the audience all controlled by the down swing of the singer's left arm. They pounded it in, and it worked. "Oh, wow!" I said as this finale dazzled my retina with streams of rainbow colored lights. I realized at that moment that rock 'n' roll would never be the . same. I thought of what my friend had said six nights earlier, "The '80s are the '60s twenty years later." Visions of The Who singing "...we're not gonna take it," and Jimmy Hendrix screaming. . ."pur ple haze all in my brain," 'contrasted ',' ' ' ' '". 'i '', X i, - , ' ' ', Z A .. .. , ' " '. ... s. St Me- V'f 1" if - , r ft-:;-; . 1 1 ti f - f r I 4 lillli -v . . Xv A. . i 4 The festival brought together more than 250,000 concertgoers ...but it failed to capture the creative energy that made the Os unique Photo ooutsy of Dyt Pne sharply with ". . .thunder only happens when it's raining." Advancement, technology, US, at "decade of cooperation," computerized fun what an accepting, pro-status quo generation as compared to the counter culture radicals of the '60s! US was perfect. Every moment was filled with sensations that seemed calculated for "ultimate fun." - This was more than a contrast to '60s rock 'n' roll. It was a prime example of how our culture has changed since Woodstock. The '60s generation was born of the post-World War II affluence, a crop of youth who saw the rat race as a capitalistic horror that lulled individuals into a status quo. With the advent of Vietnam, they became a generation of revolution, opposed to anything representing progress, technology or the establishment. Woodstock exemplified this. Here was an unorganized, poorly planned music extravaganza that brought over half a million youths into a communion that made them realize "flower power" was indeed a force to be used against what they saw as the evils of modern man. Protest and rebellion brought together the artists and the audience, and a bond was forged by their common faith in peace and love. Even without proper facilities or organized activities, Woodstock became a holistic experience that evolved through the individual into a community that voiced its anger through the mouthpieces of the age Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, The Who, Janis Joplin, etc. ... In the 70s, the Woodstock generation went on to the protests of bombing in Cambodia, to Kent State and Watergate. Joni Mitchell wrote, "By the time we got to Woodstock we were half a million strong." A festival of music gave a generation the realization that they had the power to change what they saw as in justice. Today the tides have turned dramatically. No longer do we want to fight the rat race; we want to enter it and beat it. Two recessions, an oil embargo and a falling gross national product make young people today nervous about survival in the real world. Protest is over shadowed by the mere acceptance of a rising conservatism that is sweeping the nation. Much of technology, in the minds of today's youth, is no longer an evil to pre vent but a blessing to enjoy. Video games and stereos are prime necessities, home computers will soon come into use by more and more households, and within the next few years practically every home will have cable television and not three but 30 channels to reckon with. Soon every concert will be an US, boasting giant video screens along with new and increasingly complex elec tronics. The US festival, I realized, was an inevitable step toward a new age of multi-faceted technology. When US brought the country's most popular bands together, they became displayers and advocates of the com puterized technology that took up a large part of the festival grounds. Admittedly, ihe concert . greatly overshadowed the technological exposition. Nevertheless, the connections were apparent; the event ran as smoothly as an Apple home com puter. Whereas the spontaneous creative energy of Woodstock was bom of a common bond, at US there was no goal to bind artist and audience, other than having a good time. It seemed so awkward when Christine McVie sang a slow song to end the festival. Almost as if to say, "We've rais ed hell, now lets get mellow so no one wrecks on the way out." Bringing us slowly to the end of the ride. But then it struck me that the whole festival had fallen along those same lines pre programmed rock V roll, Microchip sensation outlining the experience to perfection satisfaction , guaranteed Here was a stifling of the aesthetic energy that at one time could be seen between the audience and the artist. . The distance is even more than the 50-feet-square video screens seem to in dicate. The distance lies between our generation and its soul, the soul of rock 'n' roll, the lost soul. Caldwell Gray is a senior inter disciplinary creative communications major from Caldwell Station, N.C. 92382 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR .Race issue won't die To the editor: As president of the Panhellenic Council, I would like to respond to the request made by the Campus Y in "Sororities have failed challenge" (D77, Sept. 21), con cerning the possible racist behavior of some sororities, specifically the experience of one black woman in the formal membership selection process. Their concern definitely is legitimate, but I would like to assure everyone that the issue will not just die out. There are many sorority women who have expressed a desire to discuss the prob lems and work on solutions. The sorority system as a whole did not meet the challenge. However, there are many women who were very disappointed and frustrated with their houses' ultimate deci sions. Thank you, Andrea Stumpf, for giving those women a message to identify with ("System needs change from within" DTH, Sept. 21) and a clear Panhellenic goal for all of us to work toward. Formal rush will take place again next September OHO- "war Sftiawr and I would like for there to be a lot of discussion in between now and then. The issue must v be dealt with inside every sorority house. Since several members and participants of the Campus Y are fraternity and sorori ty members as well, they have a good understanding of the problem. I appreciate the initiative they displayed and acknowledge their position in dealing with campus race relations. It will be the in dividual women in the sororities willing to face the problem head-on who will make a difference. Bonnie Fass x President Panhellenic Council Boycott 'Polyester' To the editor: In recent weeks The Daily Tar Heel editorial page has dealt with a wide spec trum of subjects ranging from the tragedy in Lebanon to the comical escapades of the CGC Summer Finance Committee. In most, cases, readers learn a great deal about the problems but are powerless to effect change. Today, however, students must confront a problem and take action. I am, of course, writing about the showing of an R-rated midnight movie, Polyester, at the Carolina Theatre the same theater that brought us that perverted comedy, Porky's. Polyester is a so-called cult film which violates all standards of community decen cy. Polyester is obscene not because it features full frontal nudity (although there is nudity), nor because it glories in ex ploitative violence. Rather, the film is obscene because it revels in the mockery of grave societal problems. For example, a young girls becomes pregnant and attempts to administer an abortion to herself by beating on her ab domen - an action which elicited gales of laughter from the audience. Other characters experiment with illegal drugs and engage in illicit sex. Nonetheless, the most patently offensive aspect of the movie is the distribution of I t 1 Jo?. H -"'"'H-irni 111 -iiinii ili SWWlWS OUR OPTIONS ON THs BSlRUT NV&ACRc. "Scratch and Sniff cards to the audience. When rubbed, these cards emit odors that coincide with the action on the screen. While no one may have objected to the "pizza" scent or to the smell of "roses," other intimate odors surely shocked the sensibilities of any decent individual. What, then, can students do to stop the showing of movies such as Polyester! Cen sorship is not the answer, nor is picketing practical. The most effective protest is the easiest: Simply boycott the weekend show ing of Polyester. Let the Carolina Theatre show the film to rows of empty seats. Finally, the DTH should refuse to run an advertisement this week for Polyester. In short, Polyester is so lewd and disgusting that it makes Porky's seem like the Little Rascals at a Saturday matinee. Kevin Heisler Chapel Hill The mighty Rams To the editor: "We're not sure where it's at; you'll just have to go out and find it." This was the reply I received early Sunday morning from the University Police when inquiring as to the whereabouts of my car. It seems that the mighty Ram's Club has acquired yet another football Saturday parking lot for its esteemed members: the newly paved lot next to the Paul Green Theatre. Without advance warning and without notifying the individuals involved, our wealthy alumni took it upon themselves to relocate approximately 50 cars. My anger over the incident and over the complete lack of consideration on the part of the Ram's Club was only slightly abated by the fact that I would not be charged for the return of my car. I guess that the Ram's Club was more than willing to bear the cost of towing in order that they could have their precious spaces. When you have it, you have it. So, be advised other North Campus residents, because we know who has it and who, in the end, is undoubtedly going to get it. Mark Scurria 209 Everett

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