f ' " i , r n A chill in the sir Partly cloudly and cool to day with light winds. High in the upper 50s. Chance of frost tonight. " 1 1 L 1 - X I I 1 X m a a i Fencing competition The Carolina. Challenge, hosted by the UNC fencing team, will take place Satur day and Sunday at 8:30 a.m. in Fetzer Gym. Copyright The Daily Tar Heel 1982 Serving the students and the University community since 1893 mmi nil nnmum I i iiiiiiiiiHinTiicrwfffTffirff""'i Volume f 3, Issue Xi ill A Friday, October 22, 1032 Chapel Hill, North Carolina NewsSport sArt 982-0245 BusinessAdvertising 952-1163 1H undms error in'GP 1 .1 DUG eel to be correcte By MARX STLNNEFORD Staff Writer Because of an administrative error, the Graduate and Professional Student' Federation has been shorted an estimated $10,000 over the past two academic years in student activity fees entitled to it under the Student Constitution, according to GPSF president Peter MaHinson. The GPSF is guaranteed 15 percent of activity fees paid by graduate and profes sional students under a constitutional amendment passed during a campus-wide referendum in February 1980. Wayne Jones, acting vice chancellor for business and finance, said the mistake pro bably occurred because accounting pro cedures at the UNC Office of Business and Finance did not change with the amend ment, causing the Student Activities Fund Office to use incorrect figures in calculating the total activity fees paid by graduate and professional students. A base figure of $9.50 per student the total activity fee paid by individual graduate and professional students after the $3.75 intramural fee is taken out should have been used to calculate the total activity fees paid by graduate and professional students, Jones said. However, in transferring funds to SAFO, the office of business and finance split Carolina Union fees $3.17 per graduate and professional student from the remainder of the activity fees, Jones said. As a result, SAFO used a figure of $6.33 per graudate and professional student to calculate the total activity fees paid, and made the GPSF allocation on that basis, he said. "I have not been getting the correct figure for graduate .student fees," said Frances Sparrow, director of SAFO. "Wayne Jones has assured me that will be corrected next semester." In the future, student fees probably will be transferred to SAFO as a "block," Jones said. "When we make our distribution to SAFO, we'll probably be dropping the Union as a separate allocation and let that allocation be made in SAFO," he said. "Manual calculations" will be made to ensure the GPSF receives the . correct allocation for the current semester, Jones added. At a meeting with Mallinson Friday, Jones provided assurances that the GPSF would receive money it is owed for past semesters, Mallinson said. "I'm satisfied that the mistakes will be corrected and that we'll get what we're due," he said. Because of the error, Student Govern ment has received more than its share of student activities fees, Jones said. Because of that, the money owed the GPSF would have to come from Student Government resources, he said. "I would assume it would come from unallocated monies Student Government has," Jones said. "In a sense, it's only a' bookkeeping entry. It would reduce the surplus on deposit in Student Govern ment's account and increase the amount in the GPSF account." , If Mallinson' s estimate of $10,000 is correct, the money owed to GPSF would have to come from the General Reserve fund, which consists of funds ap propriated to Student Government, but not allocated by the Campus Governing Council, said Student Body President Mike Vandenbergh. See FUNDS on page 4 . ... i Students advised to list personal property taxes By JOHN CONWAY Staff Writer For years, the Orange County tax office has attempted to locate residents students included who have failed to pay personal property taxes. This year the search for those not listing property in Orange County has intensified, Student -Legal Services director Dorothy Bernholz said. SLS has had about 30 inquiries this semester concerning tax notices sent to students by the county tax office in September, Bernholz said. The number of students receiving tax notices this year has increased because of a reinstated method of locating students living off campus. Under North Carolina Law (GS 105-296), tax supervisors can subpoena any informa tion or documents giving the location of persons owning property in the county, in cluding the listing of tenants at local apart ment complexes. Most students believe that they are not required to pay property taxes in Orange County because their legal residence is in some other county, Bernholz said. "There is a difference between where your property is located and where you are a resident," SLS attorney David Kirkman said. Other students claim that the property they have in Chapel Hill already is taxed in their home county. But Orange County Tax Supervisor Kermit Lloyd said the tax should be paid in the county where the property is situated (as of Jan. 1 of the current year) for the longest period of time. Because most UNC students attend school nine months out of the year in Orange County, the property is required by law (NCGS 105-304) to be listed here. The only students exempt from listing are freshmen, first-year transfer students and any student who has not resided in Orange County for less than half the calendar year, beginning Jan. 1, 1983. Those students refusing to list their per sonal property in Orange County are guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed $500. Students exempt from listing include freshmen and first-year transfer students. "We have always actively pursued the listing of personal property for residents of Orange County," Lloyd said. "We don't know whether, they are students or not, and it wouldn't make any difference." The most common method used by tax collectors for locating property owners in the county is reviewing a computer print out by the N.C. Department of Motor Vehicles. From this list, collectors can locate owners of cars registered in Orange County. And recent legislation has made it more difficult for property owners to evade tax collectors. See TAXES on page 4 w 1 ' r'n i 1 - s ; -J si' Mb ft If yi I i ft? f i f :- Hih mm- t &' :y:y. If . f MB.. ' A 1 i 1 DTHTom Carr Opposition UNC students, faculty protest in the Pit Thursday. The protesters claimed that IBM's influence in South Africa supports the apartheid government. They also opposed UNO's interests in IBM. Hunt vs. Helms Political experts predict N.C. Senate election to bring national attention to state in 1984 race By KELLY SIMMONS Staff Writer The 1984 elections are more than two years away, but the North Carolina senate race already is becoming one of the most controversial and most highly talked-about campaign in history, political observers agree. It is the year the two. most powerful forces in North Carolina meet head on, as Gov. Jim Hunt is expected to challenge Republican Senator Jesse Helms for the seat, possibly the second most important race in the nation that year. "Everyone's looking forward to this (the 1984 senate race)," said Thad Beyle, UNC professor of political ;5cience VIt!s. the ultimate climax of the two strongest political powers in the state locked in combat." " Although neither Hunt nor Helms supporters would say whether their candidate planned to run, Tom Chumley, a part-time student at UNC-Charlotte, said he was scheduled to go on Hunt's campaign payroll in February. Chumley said he has been doing political re search for Hunt off and on since March of this year. "It's pretty much established that he'll run," he said. Chumley has compiled statistics and analyzed voting trends in each county in the state in order to make pre liminary predictions about who would be favored in each county. He said Hunt's top priority was to get a strong amount of minority groups registered. Brent Hackney, a Hunt spokesman, denied that anyone had been hired to work on Hunt's campaign. "There is no Hunt campaign," he said. A UNC School of Journalism poll released earlier this week showed Hunt to be leading Helms in popular sup port across the state by a 16 percent margin in a hypo thetical 1984 senate race. Hunt's lead was 70 percent, compared to Helms' 15 percent among blacks. "Hunt decidedly has favor now," Black said. He added, though, that the election would not be a walk-away for Hunt. "Hunt supporters are being too cocky," he said. "It will be one of the fiercest political fights seen in North Carolina in decades." St y. y. X It Gov. Jim Hunt David Flaherty, chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, said he strongly disagreed with the ' results of the poll. "It's done by liberal professors using their students to get what they want," he argued. Flaher ty said he thought Helms' 1984 senate chances were ex cellent, but had no figures to back his statements. The poll results the party had were strictly theirs and were not released to the public, he said. Beyle said the race would be a battle of styles Helms' media-oriented campaign versus Hunt's grass roots organization. He added, however, that Hunt would not be without television coverage and Helms would not be without some organization. The question was, he said, which would make the biggest difference to the people of North Carolina? See related story on page 4 Richardson Preyer, chairman of the North Carolina Campaign Fund, Hunt's political action committee, said he thought North Carolinians would rely on Hunt's political organization more than on Helms. His reputa tion in the state is very good, Preyer said. He added that Hunt had some unpopular things to do as governor dur ing the next two years, but he did not think his popu larity would erode greatly. "North Carolinians like his clean lifestyle," Preyer said. Last year's Helms-supported controversy over Hunt's proposed gasoline tax increase is not expected to play a key role in either campaign, Preyer said." "I think that was important as an opening salvo in the Hunt-Helms battle," he said. "The Helms people took on that issue as a way of attacking Hunt and weakening his popula rity." - The fire was returned recently by Hunt, Preyer said, when the North Carolina Democratic Party took out full page ads featuring Helms and East as the "tobacco tax twins." The ads served to remind North Carolinians that Helms and East switched their votes in favor of Reagan's tax package which doubled the federal excise tax on cigarettes. . . Beyle said he did not expect Hunt's involvement in the PCB issue to greatly affect his campaign. He said groups involved were not likely to vote for Helms; the worst that could happen would be no-shows. . Merle Black, UNC professor of political science, call ed the situation a matter of the people having nowhere to turn. He said people who feel they have been mistreated by Hunt certainly do not feel confident in Helms. "He (Helms) writes off the black vote completely," Black said. To win, Helms would have to get a landslide f -, ... 1- ."V Sen. Jesse Helms DTHFlle photo of the white votes, which he has done in the past, but never against a challenger as strong as Hunt. "Helms has gotten himself into a corner by his lack of representation of blacks in the state," Black said. Black said Hunt would not need the white majority to win. He would be able to get enough of the minority votes for a victory. "They (minorities) will vote to defeat Helms." Hackney said the governor's approach to social issues was vastly different than Helms. Hunt was not as con cerned with social issues as he was with the economy, Hackney said. His main focus in the election probably would be on rebuilding the economy and on education. Said to be the second best-financed race in 1984 by politicians across the country, plans already are being made for funding the campaigns, Preyer said. Preyer, who created the North Carolina Campaign Fund to offset Helms' political action committee, the . Republican Congressional Club, said money was not be ing raised specifically for Hunt but for any Democratic candidate under attack from the Congressional Club. "If Hunt did not run, we'd support whoever the Demo cratic candidate was," he said. Neither Preyer, Beyle nor Black said they thought Hunt would be able to raise as much money as Helms, but Preyer said he thought Hunt could compensate having less money though his grassroots organization. . Beyle said he did not believe Hunt would need as much money as Helms. Two other groups, the Officials of Independent Action and the North Carolinians for Responsible Government, also have been formed on Hunt's behalf. The governor is aware of the groups but has not had much contact with them, Hackney said. ' Helms could throw a monkey wrench into everyone's plans if he were to become disenchanged with Reagan and decide to try for the presidential nomination himself in 1984. "We'd miss the great battle," Beyle said. nmeroBscipi inoiys creates innovative, majors Ey LUCY HOOD Staff Writer Indian studies, political change and an honors thesis on social systems in space col onies. Through the University's interdisciplinary studies program, students have been able to pursue such interests which they would not have been able to study otherwise. The program began in 1971 with a director, Mark Appelbaum, and about five students. It was the extension of the Merzbacher report which reorganized the undergraduate cur riculum before the Thornton report was im plemented. The Merzbacher report eliminated some general college requirements and attempted to give students more freedom in developing their majors within departments. Appelbaum, a psychology professor, said the students who started the program with him were enthusiastic. "We had exciting and in teresting kinds of students. Some came out of the honors program and others were A and D students," he said. The A and D students were the ones who did very well in courses they liked and did not try in required courses they did not like, he said. "Their grades shot straight up (after pursu ing an interdisciplinary major). They had picked their courses and worked on what they wanted." , One of the students who began the program with Appelbaum was Mike Barefoot wno owns A Southern Season Inc., a food store specializ ing in wines, cheeses and imported food. Barefoot studied nutrition, an interdisciplinary major at the time, before a degree program was established in the division of health affairs. "I wanted to study food from the consump tion standpoint," he said. Appelbaum ran the program for about four years. Lewis Lipsitz, a political science pro fessor, took over around 1974. "The most important thing to tell you about is that it expanded tremendously to 125 or 150 students," he said. Lipsitz said the program grew because it was publicized through pam phlets, talks with students and general college advisers. But a spokesman for the College of Arts and Sciences said the program expanded because permission granted to pursue an inter disciplinary major was granted too easily. "Word got around that it was flexible. I think it became too flexible," she said. Now the program is run by Cynthia Dessen; she has been able to devote more time to it than previous directors who had to direct the honors program at the same time. But appropriations are made for an honors director and an inter disciplinary majors director. . "Now it (the program) has a structure and guidelines thanks to Dr. Dessen," the spokesperson said. 'It (the structure) was changed before I came by a committee directed by professor Richard Soloway that studied the honors program and the interdisciplinary studies program," Dessen said. The report issued by the committee required eight core courses instead of six and specified that four of those eight be concentrated in one area of study. It also required 12 electives, three each from natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. And the final addition was a 2.4 minimum QPA requirement. The report has discouraged students from pulling together a jumble of unrelated courses they have taken and forming a major and from pulling slides together to form a major, Dessen said. ' s "The students have to know where they're going," she said. "I tend to see a lot of students who want a few courses that look good on a resume. A lot of my counseling helps these peo ple take these courses and remain with tradi- , tional majors. I try to weed out those people from ones who would be good candidates." A few examples of interdisciplinary majors are American Indian studies, a combination of writing and public relations, environmental studies and political mass media. An American Indian studies major is Deanne Boisvert, a junior who said she came to Carolina to study drama but found herself reading more about Indians than about plays, so she decided to change her major. "I've always been interested in Indians," she said. "When I lived in Wisconsin many of my friends were from the Menonam tribe and my father lives in Pembroke, the home of the Lumbee tribe which is the second largest tribe in the United States. See STUDIES on page 4

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