6The Daily Tar HeelFn-i iv January 25. 1985 Jeff Hiday, Editor Joel Broadway, Managing Editor Mark Stinneford, Associate Editor Ben Perkowski, Associate Editor Kelly Simmons, University Editor Vance Trefethen , State and National Editor Melanif. Wells, dty Editor Dan Tillman, Business Editor Lynn Davis, News Editor Frank Kennedy, Sports Editor Jeff Grove, Arts Editor Sharon Sheridan, Features Editor JEFF NEUVILLE, Photography Editor LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Ciiar Jim 92 nd year of editorial freedom From hermaphrodite to eternity University housing, or lack thereof, is a problem that has faced UNC for years, until this coming year or so it seemed. It stands to reason that if a school pours $6.8 million into a new facility and stocks it with 500 beds, that it could open its doors to 500 more students, right? Not exactly. Not yet, at least. In the interests of renovation, students in Aycock, Graham, Stacy, Everett and Lewis dormitories will be uprooted next year and placed in the new, unnamed, mid-campus dorm upon its completion. It's a bold move, sure to ignite a spark or two. But it also shows foresight in housing needs, and as such is worthy of praise. For incoming freshmen, this turn of events won't make much difference, but it will leave a scar or two on those returnees. Certainly these students have nothing to lose in the material sense: The rent they pay will be equivalent to that of their present digs, or some $200 less than the projected $770 per semester for the $6-million hall. But freshly painted walls won't remove the tainted image of housing from the eyes of many students especially those living in Lewis. Already feeling shafted by their androgynous makeover for the fall when the dorm will become co-ed Lewis residents now face eviction altogether. But the situation's not as bad as it might seem. Housing officials have pledged to group Lewis and other residents in the new facility, due for occupancy by October or November, by floors thereby allowing them to retain their identity in intramurals and in social pursuits. Housing, no doubt after weighing all the options before it, has exhibited sound reasoning in effecting these renovations now, rather than waiting several years when it would disrupt occupancy even more. It might be easy to suggest that these proposed changes could be done in the space of several summers instead maybe not five dorms at once without interrupting the school year. But, as Residence Hall Association President Mark Stafford points out, such a program would string out renovations over eight or nine years, rather than a neat, compact eight-month period. One can be truly grateful that the University has a new, vacant dormitory available to house its displaced students. In other years, such an option wouldn't have been available. For five North Campus institutions that had gotten a little old in the tooth Aycock, Graham and Lewis have been a part of this campus since 1924 1985 will be a year of rest, but a time of renewal. Death with dignity On Jan. 17, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled on an issue that has caused its fair share on controversy among doctors, lawyers and ethicists alike. The issue, "the right to die", concerns the freedom of patients to refuse medical care once it has become apparent that they are terminally ill. In its decision, the court decided that all life-sustaining medical treatment, including feeding tubes, can be withheld or withdrawn from incompetent as well as competent terminally ill patients, provided that is what the patient wants or would have wanted. The decision finally puts into black and white was has been debated and argued about for years. The ruling is a good and reasonable one; other states should follow New Jersey's lead. The New Jersey case is but one of many of the ethical-turned-legal prob lems our society faces. Because of the decision, perhaps New Jersey will be rid of some of the red tape and ambiguity that has surrounded the "right to die" issue for too long now. Other states, such as our own, prefer not to legislate such an issue, but instead leave it up to individual doctors and families to decide the fate of the terminally ill patient. Far too often, though, this proves unfair to the patient, who wishes to die with dignity but is not allowed to do so. Families are frequently too emotion ally involved in the situation to make a decision that reflects the wishes of the patient, or else have too little clout with doctors who are more concerned about malpractice suits than what is best for the patient. Doctors, too, have long struggled with the legal and moral dilemma of whether to let a patient die, while at the same time fulfilling their Hippocratic oath of "do no harm." And while the ethics of the "right to die" are far from being resolved, the New Jersey court decision at least straightens out some of the tangles from the legal end of things. A uniform "right to die" law would be beneficial to all parties involved, especially the terminally ill patients' families, who often suffer the most. In the past, the family of a patient who was brain dead and being kept alive by a machine had no choice but to stand by and watch. The Karen Ann Quinlan case is the epitome of the fight families sometimes have to go through to have their wishes and those of the patient met. People shouldn't have to go to court and sue the doctor or the hospital treating their relative to let their loved one die in peace, but it happens. A uniform "right to die" law would prevent this from happening. Doctors would also benefit from a "right to die" law. As is is now, if a family decides that a relative should be removed from a respirator or given no medical treatment, and then later changes their mind, a doctor could be sued for malpractice if the patient died. While this is unfair, it explains why many doctors are reluctant to allow their patients to be "unplugged." With a uniform "right to die" law, doctors will not have to face potential malpractice suits while doing what is best for the patient. Finally, society would benefit from a uniform "right to die" law. Society spends millions of dollars a year trying to keep the dying alive. In fact, over 28 percent of the $75 billion Medicare budget (about $20 billion the equi valent of what was spent on the unem ployed in 1984) is spent to care for the dying. If people are allowed to die with dignity with no hassle from the courts or the law, fewer people will be kept alive by artificial means, and, as mer cenary as it sounds, fewer tax money will be spent trying to prolong a life that is no longer really there. While the medical community has made enormous progress in preserving life, there comes a time when even the most advanced knowledge cannot help. At this time, doctors and society must recognize that patients who wish to do so have the right to die with dignity. A uniform "right to die" law would be the best way to give terminally ill patients that right. A note to candidates Each candidate for campuswide office will be allowed a maximum of two letters from supporters to be printed in the Letters to the Editor section of the editorial page. The letters should be triple-spaced and typed on a 60-space line. One of the candidate's support letters may be a maximum of 40 lines long; the other may be no more than 20 lines long. The Daily Tar Heel reserves the right to edit letters that exceed the max imum lengths but will make every effort to work with candidates on letters that require shortening.Dead line for candidate endorsement letters will be noon on Wednesday, Jan. 30. One final note: Endorsement inter views to be held tomorrow for candidates for student body presi dent and DTH editor have been moved from Frank Porter Graham Lounge to Room 226 of the Carolina Union. Happy campaigning! Here's what Parker won't tell you To the editor: In the first weeks of this semester the DTH has printed two columns by Student Body President Paul Parker. Both have been informa tive, well-written columns relevant to issues that have recently been on the minds of many students at UNC. However, I feel that on the two issues he addressed, he has failed to see important points. In his column telling students to feel pleased about the Rams Club's decision to let us have some better seating in the Student Activities Center ("No more Mr. Bad Club ioi the foundation," Jan. II), Parker asked us to change our attitudes about the Rams Club and look at the positive aspects of what they have contributed to UNC. The column did change some of my views on the matter and I, like many others, am glad to have a new, major facility for watching basketball games and other large University events. I am also pleased that the Rams Club is able to provide scholarships to young athletes who might otherwise have not come to UNC. However, I think the Rams Club has gotten its priorities wrong. Surely Parker is able to see that the large amounts of money given to the Athletic Department would be of more use to more students if it were spent on the academic side of life at UNC. I'm sure the gift to the University of the SAC will benefit a large number of students, but what will it do for educational resources here? Going to basketball games there will not improve the standard of degrees earned by students. On the question of the mandatory meal plan ("Clearing up questions about The Plan," Jan. 23) that has been receiving so much attention from candidates who are after Parker's job, I feel that the essential point has been overlooked. UNC should be a place where, so long as one doesn't infringe upon the rights of others, one can be free to lead one's life in whatever way one chooses. This should apply to any aspect of life at UNC, be it academic or otherwise. This freedom should include the rights to decide where one lives and where and how one decides to eat. Anything compul sory with regards to something as basic as eating should be discour aged and has more to do with life at high school than at a university. Both of Parker's letters were commendable and I feel that they attempted to clarify the issues concerned; I hope my comments point out aspects of those issues that I believe he failed to address. Scott Martin Ehringhaus Naivete To the editor: Jim Townsend's analysis on the civil rights ordinance is off the mark ("Feminists, conservatives lead fight against porn," Jan. 21). This ordi nance allows the victims of porno graphy (women) the right to sue the pornographers for violating their civil rights as female beings. This ordinance was misrepresented as a prohibitive law when in reality it does not involve any sort of prior restraint. Also, this ordinance does not view pornography as obscenity, but as the subjugation of women. . If a women is raped and the rape is filmed the woman has the' power to prosecute the rapist, but she does not have the power to have the film of her rape taken off the market. This ordinance empowers the woman to remove the permanent record of her sexual abuse from the public view. Pornography is an $8 billion business a major investment by men to keep women in subjugated positions through exploitation. It is rather naive to think that this or any other mere ordinance concern ing women's civil rights would bring this multimillion dollar industry to a screeching halt. Margie Walker Chairperson Association for Women Students My Lord? To the editor: I recently discovered that the name, "The Commons," has been given to the latest contribution to on-campus dining. Does this mean that the upstairs in Lenoir Hall will be renamed, "The Lords?" Will one have to be the son or daughter of UNC alumni to inherit the right to eat in the upper house? Will one have to be an elected member of a campus organ ization to eat in the lower house? Andrew Balgarnie Chapel Hill Among the ridgetop wolves By EDWINS. JAMES You won't believe this. Fact is, I was driving through all this frigid, stormy weather in the Carolinas somewhere out there in the western mountains several weeks ago. It seemed the temper ature would never bottom out bleak, raw and record-breaking, you know. Suddenly, there waving at me wildly thorugh the blowing snow stood a figure apparently in distress. Of course, I stopped and picked him up. Dapper little fellow, he was. Looked like he had just stepped out of Brooks Brothers Russian-type fur cap, Scottish tweed overcoat and the most expensive cowboy boots a man ever laid eyes upon. He told me he had them custom made in the most exclusive bootery in Houston. Had sort of a sharp, sly face, though, he did. "Man," I said, "What in glory be you doin' out in this weather?" "Lookin' at the finest piece of property you ever saw this side of Maggie Valley. Storm sort of caught me by accident. Sure was a pretty site that right along the top of the ridge finest place in the world for a major condom inium complex." Then he went into the financial details and his ultimate profit in sale and removal of lumber, the most economical speculation con struction possible, etc., etc. "That's all4ine. Mister," I told him, "but I can hardly see in all this snow. Stick yer head out that window a bit and watch the road for me." That is when he saw the wolves. And, hell, you won't believe it, I saw 'em, too, whole pack of 'em live, snarliest varmits with the biggest fangs and wide-open red dest mouths drippin' with wilder- Stalking a mountainside near yoi ness. Never saw anything like it in North Carolina, or, for that matter, in South Carolina. That fellow, he stopped talkin'. I got that old buggy of mine goin' like she never went before. Old wheels just spinnin' off. Got to spinnin' in all that snow, going so hard they began to smoke. But the wolves were gaining on us at every jump, teeth agnashin' and mouths afoamin' and the wildest fire in their eyes. Frightens me just to think about it now. Next thing I know those wolves were all over us. I didn't have any choice. I didnt know who that other fellow was. He sure talked a whole heap about makin' money, deals, gettin' in and gettin' out safe. Fact is, I didn't 'specially like the man. Didn't know him anyway. Well, there wasn't anything else I could do. Those hungry wolves were all over. I took the stranger by the neck and pitched him out. Just as he hit the snow I heard him yell, "I'm a real estate developer!" Well, you would have thought those wolves would have torn that poor man to death. Made me sort of sick to look back. I just didn't want to see him torn to pieces before my eyes. But you know I saw it. They didnt. They were all shaking hands with him and calling him brother and asking him what church he went to and how was business down in the Piedmont. And, you know, I still can't believe it. I didn't know there were any wolves still in the Carolinas. Edwin S. James, UNC Class of '47, lives in Rock Hill, S.C., and frequently writes The Daily Tar Heel to report on his adventures. The Great Card Swap: a logical plan for The Plan To the editor: Recently the DTH has been the scene of various and sundry proc limations and positions, debates and denounciations, examinations and explanations concerning that ubiq uitous non-issue: the new $100 mandatory meal plan. At the risk of denying student body president candidates anything with which to arouse the interest of students, it is time to forward a logical solution (a solution that I surmise many have already been pondered) for all those eminently sensible scholars who avoid ARA Food Services like a dentist's chair. This suggestion is based upon the assumption that ARA will retain the current system of meal cards for next year. If any change is impend ing, no one has troubled themself to inform the student body, but that is a topic for some other letter. Nonetheless, if the present system is retained it seems quite simple and rational for students who do not desire or need the mandatory meal plan to sell their meal card to a student who normally buys a $100 plus plan. So all of you prospective, dissent ing mandatory plan holders, start to track down someone who intends to buy a $300-$500 plan. Conver sely, those dorm dwellers who propose to buy a $100-plus plan might line up a few mandatory plan holders to do business with. In fact, a kind of meal card co-op could be set up by some campus organization for prospective meal card buyers and sellers, but such a system is by no means necessary. If indeed the ARA system is changed to preclude this solution then this letter will prove to have been a waste of time, but if not, then perhaps some people will be happier and we all will be spared further fretful hand-wringing and angry gnashing of teeth. Jeff A. Taylor Carrboro World and nation "There must be no wavering by us, nor any doubts by others, that America will meet her responsibil ities to remain free, secure and at peace. " President Reagan, opening his second term Monday in an inau gral address in which he restated his themes of limited government and strong defense. Reagan spoke during ceremonies moved inside the Capital Rotunda because of bitter cold outdoors. "These are very good numbers. Virtually every category showed a relatively modest increase in prices. " Karen Wasserman, an econo mist at Chemical Bank, comment ing on figures released Monday by the Labor Department that showed inflation was held , to 4 percent last year. Meanwhile, figures released Tuesday showed the economy grew at a rate of 6.8 percent last year, the best perfor mance in more than 30 years. " feel a great sense of solidarity with all of you. I want you to know I feel these days, as never before, the momentum is with us. " President Reagan, encouraging more than 71,000 pro-life demon strators who marched in Washing ton to mark the 12th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision making abortion legal. Speaking by phone and sound system to the demonstrators who braved a Week Qui Review numbing cold, Reagan warned, however, that bombings against abortion clinics could only hurt the anti-abortion cause. "We're on third base now. But what is missing is the mastermind. " Agapito Aquino, commenting on the arrest of the Philippine armed forces chief of staff and 25 others in the 1983 assassination of Aquino's brother, opposition leader Benigno S. Aquino. Oppo sition members welcomed the development but insisted that Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos was behind the assassination. "I'm sorry for what happened. I still feel afraid. " Harold Brown, a 68-year old Chicago plumber, discussing the incident last week in which he shot and killed a knife-wielding man who attempted to rob him. Brown turned himself in Monday, but police declined to bring charges. Authorities say they believe Brown used "reasonable force" in fending off two men who attempted to rob him as he carried his groceries home. Brown shot the knife wielding man three times, and another attacker, who was carry ing a gun, fled the scene. State and local "I enjoyed serving with him because I knew exactly where he was coming from. He was a very hard worker who was also highly opinionated. " Chapel Hill Town Councilman Bill Thorpe, remembering late Councilman Winston Broadfoot. The colorful Broadfoot, who was 64, died at his home who died of natural causes on Tuesday evening. " knew Mother Nature was going to get revenge for that warm December. Climatology-wise, this isn 't supposed to happen. But it 's happening. " Larry Datillo, a forecaster with the National Weather Service at the Raleigh-Durham Airport, describing the unusual weather conditions that brought two inches of snow to the Triangle and then followed it up with the coldest day recorded in the state. The 9 degrees below zero recorded at the Raleigh-Durham Airport shat tered the previous record of 2 below set in 1899. Campus "We were really dedicated to getting someone from outside the University. We wanted a star quality, an image of intelligence. We wanted to create some enthusiasm. " Genevieve Coombs, chairman of the graduation committee, explaining the selection of CBS News correspondent Charles Kuralt to deliver the 1985 com mencement address. Kuralt, editor of The Daily Tar Heel in 1954 55, is the first commencement speaker in at least a dozen years who is not an honorary degree recipient or a member of the University faculty. "Most people were real excited about it. A lot of people started to play in the snow as soon as they saw it. " Deborah Simpkins, a senior from Asheboro, describing stu dents' reaction to the snowfall that greeted them as they came out of ticket distribution at Carmichael Auditorium Sunday. About 2 inches of the frozen white stuff fell on the Chapel Hill area before tapering off at about middday. Sports " hadn't performed very well recently and I hadn 't been concen trating well. I just wanted to do my part. " UNC center Brad Daugherty, talking to reporters after tying his career record by scoring 28 points as the Tar Heels vanquished a surprisingly tough Jacksonville Univeristy team, 74-68. The win pushed UNC's record to 14-3.

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