6The Tar Heel Thursday, August 1 9, 1985 .mi.. in i ,iu uu .i i i in. ii iilih.ii.ji i . Lin, mil..... ii,. iii I -mill i.i I . "" i .-ii mi ii.uiiii I m i, i n i .1.11. n i Li H I . I I I . milium .1 1 mum mi 1 ml 11J .1 .n 1 mim 1 11 uiii. . mm. mil 11 11.11 .1.. 1 I . 1 1 1.1 1 1 1 1 111 11 1 EreetFip to Loi TrrRfTTTi I'll Mil) jtn )gb with U.G. Martin Con games never end. Here is one of the latest, and I would like to know what you think ought to be done about it. You get a letter or a telegram or a bulk mail letter that looks like a telegram. It tells you that you have won a prize. It may say that you have won one of several prizes. Some of the prizes look pretty good. All you have to do to get one of these prizes is to come by and pick it up and take" a "short" tour of some property or listen to some other sales pitch. Nothing new? You have been getting those for years, haven't you? You can even take a look at the list of "prizes" and figure oui which one everybody is going to win. . But there is a new twist. A new prize that everybody wins. If you haven't already gotten one of these letters or telegrams, it won't be long. Be ready for it. The new prize that is being offered is so tempting. It sounds so good. Too o Now leasing $435 a month o Two bedroom unitsall appliances o Washer and dryer connections o On the bus line o Approximately 2.5 miles from Downtown o On Airport Road Look Forest Apartments sign o Model Open Daily 1 2-4 good to be true and it is. But it almost fooled me. I wanted to believe it so much. And it has fooled some of my smartest friends. What is this great new prize? It is a vacation certificate not just the certificate for two or three nights in some hotel in Miami. That has been around for a long time. No. The new prize promises something like a free seven-day vacation to London (or some other distant desirable place) "including airfare, accommo dations and sightseeing tours for two." . ' Who wouldn't jump at a chance to go to London for free? What is the catch? How can anybody afford to give away thousands of such trips? Or simplywhat is the catch? There are a lot of different catches one of them is a part of almost every giveaway. Here are a few of them: The vacation is for only ONE person. But it said "for two." It sure did. That meant only "sightseeing for two." The second person pays full fare for the airfare. Usually, the second person has to go and pay as a condition for the "free" trip for the winner. A large deposit is required. Sometimes it is refundable; some times it is not. Almost always, it has to be sent to some unknown com pany, at a post office box in a distant city. Would that make you reluctant to send the deposit? That is what it is designed to do. Hill Chapel Delay. Even if the deposit is sent in, some additonal information or documentation will be requested "before processing." Your passport, a marriage . certificate, a certificate from an employer confirming work and salary, a copy of your tax return. They never run out of things to ask for. You would think that they really don't want you to go. They dont. The departure dates that you request will not be available. Your trip will only be available during a period of a few weeks. That time will be inconvenient. If the time should suit you, they will reschedule to a time when you will not be able to go. Is that enough to discourage you? It is enough. to make almost everyb ody give up. Few, if there are any at all, ever make the trip. That is the way it is intended to be. These vacation certificates are sold to sales centers and other promoters for a very low price about $15 each. That covers only administrative costs and profit for the companies that print and issue the certificates. There is nothing to cover the cost of any travel. So these companies have to discourage everybody or almost everybody : from taking the prom ised trip. There ought to be a law. Or should there be? I would like to know what you think. Should the government pass a law to make this kind of vacation certificate illegal? Should the law permit these certif icates, but require full disclosure of "irv nn In 1 J for Ashley on right pm f7 the problems up front? Or should the government do nothing and let everybody look out for themselves? What should be done? : Think about it. I think that your answer will give a clue about what your real political philosophy is. Let TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK Your name and address 1 Government should make these vacation certificates illegal. The Government should permit the certificates and require full disclosure about the negative aspects of the "gift." The Government should not do anything about the certificate. Let people take care of themselves and learn to be careful in dealing with this kind of situation. Other. Your comments: : ' ' Please mail the form to: Xerox I Copies 7 sCx ( Self-Service ) ( 1 me know what you think should be done. If you have already had an experience with this kind of certif icate, I would like to hear from you : Write me at the summer Tar Hee Box 49, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. D.G. Martin co The Tar Heel UNC-Chapel Hill Box 49 Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 105 No. Columbia 933-2679