- "" " 1 '"' " 'wriwm-np' sum ii ' ' -'n -f...n- I,,,,,- miir-riin-,,,,--,,, ,. -, .rruM--m , - --.-, B , , -- - . 4 1 ' "s " . ' : . ' ; - J''' - - ... Tetily TCf Hee,Friday February 14, 19867 . Sfeepin' Y- Booty- " p. r , MRT A INEnTi V Three years ago I became infatuated 1 fV U,nni. ;,1r.i.;r. 1 .Trf 1 K Irrelevancy and snobbery are 1 U with a girl in a jean jacket at Linda's- U 1 "WY VdKjniIIie When you Ve got the f if states of mind left up to the I now I'm in love with her. You have I 1 Mhd Hammer J . est yu forget J L individual's conception. J brought me so much happiness d VS f V about the rest"' V Consult Dr. Seuss. I'm jf V in these three years. I can't I lOVe VOU J if VI f looking forward to imagine life without you. W Vj W ' 1 Luv Ya- y V, spending the evening y 1 I love you googleplexes!' 4 1 enpenny J ' Mandy with you, sweet J -Pooky JyTajJ .A Tandy Nqthing!! Love, 1 Dearest 1 Thad! Alias Julian Lennon 1 Happy Valentine's Day Sweetie! V Just need to let you know-you're V on my mind, Today and V " Everyday. You're the J only one for me. Y Love You, 3 Michelle F Mark. Happy Valentine's Day to my favorite tennis player! Thanks tor making each day more special! I love you Kath Slippery Eel . Th ere s no ' 29th, So I'll say it today, We're still together, Two weeks didst people say? Six months of love, Six months of fun, Sixty years? You'll still be the One! Love, The Beast UNCLE I WEIRDO 1 With you, Life is: sharing singing breathing watching jokinq takiina kissing giggling hugging niooiing tickling smiling caressing teaching twinkling LOVING Pamela, I love you. Happy ValentirieV Day! Scott Hey Dick! Happy Valentine's and 21st Birthday! Thanks for caring Love, Shorty Jeanelle, Happy Valentine's Day! Love Shawn MICHELLE, ALL MY LOVE, SEAN DANA? Happy Valentine's Day ILOVEYOU RUSTY PETER How do I love thee? I would need days to count the ways' LYNNA Eddie, Happy Valentine's and Anniver sary to the sunshine of my life! These two years with you have been the BEST ever - Thank You! I LOVE YOU! Always, Tricia. LAURA, I LOVE HAVING YOU AS A ROOMMATE. You definitely add excite ment to my life! Thanks for being such a great friend. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, Jan. SDG & CJB - Once Gods, now weenies. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Need we say more? POKEY! YES, Old, Abe, this is for you. Happy Valentine's Day, Sweetheart! Thanks for making me so happy! I love you - you big He-Man! Pudgies, carpet, scruffies, a"nd all! BARB - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Wish you were here in Chapel Hill. Here's to many more years together. Can't wait for 1990! 1 LOVE YOU! Dan. PTG: My little bunny bunkin! Thanks for tots of "firsts"! Have fun this weekend but don't have sex! I LOVE YOU! Your little Narnie. Dear B.P. (remember), Our time apart is too long and our time together was much too short. Make me your choice soon. Love, Jim. Hey Skooter! I want ot wish your driver a Happy Valentine's Day. Yes, this one's for you Kirby. Love, Tedward. To the Purple One-Here's to a year of daiquiris, men? midnite shows, more men? the Cookie Jar, and yes, more men!.' With Love Devious One v- Happy early Birthday Mark! Remember: Don's fall off "the rock" and don't say damn m church! Let's go fly some kites. Lynne. Fred. I love You! You're fantastic. You've made my life exciting and pleasurable. Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Silly. Dumby Gnomey, Happy V. Day to . our favorite Tequila T. Don't put all your dominoes (dice?) in one basket and watch those green pustules (i.e., fungi). Thanks for tolerating us. We love You! The Jellos. Sdnda - Time Is Ticking Away and the big day is about here. Looking forward to many happy and exciting days. 3 1 2 months '4il Zug Zug. Happy Valentine's Day, Ron. Happy Birthday Sara! Have a great day and remember that twenty is fun (no babies please) even if you are half a hag. Love always, your roomie. 2 Cool Chick w great legs n beaut irish eyes. Still dreaming of Cuernavaca. Sun drenched summer days, red tan lines, freckles, a long cool drink. Languid n sensual nights, ocean surf, n darkness. Wonder, romantic thoughts. Love remains unchanged-hopeful and bright. Hap Val Day. Love. B. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO MY BIG BROTHER, JIM! LOVE, STACY DON -1 HOPE YOU HAVE A WOND ERFUL VALENTINES DAY! I LOVE YOU! STACY,, Angela-Thanks for being such a good friend. We're gonnahave to quit abusing each other so much," Deal? Happy Valentine's Day' 'Love-, William. Anne, Cissy, Angela, Brenda, Paula Wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day! Angela B. William and Tucker & David - For 3 great guys that are the best. Have a Happy Valentine's Day!- Angela B. Brad, Every day is Valentine's Day when I'm with you! Love Always, Keena. Cathy D.- thank you for being my friend! You're the best!!!! Angela B. L.B. "Poo-Poo", Happy 3.8. Remember the Beach, beach blasts, mountains, Chairmen, Tarns, U-2, Emerald Isle, Walker's, Cellar, Phone Bills, Wood lan's, ASU and UNC. Love W.B. Goraeouserest. Having you in my life has allowed rr& tn experience more happiness than 1 dreamed to be possible. Thanks tor snaring yourself witn me. i nope our futures win unfold together. I love you Kenneth L., On this day made for love, I couldn't be happier! You're my Knight in shining armour, and I love you! Yours forever, Carolyn. Joet Thank you for all your love and all the good times we've shared from . Footloose to Bruce Springsteen in our 21 months together. I'm looking forward to our future as well as growing old together! Love, Denise. Baby, you're the best! Thanks for all the great times! Here's to many many more in the future. I Love You! Sweetie (Darryl does too). BRENDA BRENDA BRENDA! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! CATHY CATHY CATHY! Brenda - Yoa're a sweetie! Thanks for all yoa do for . No late ads today - we promise, Ad Staff. My Love, Today I love you more than yesterday, less than tomorrow. I look to our future with faith, hope, and most importantly love. "Trouble" HDT - It's been a blast with everything we've done in the past, but all I've to say today is - Have a Happy Valentine's Day - CG. Mo-person, Happy Valentine's Day to my best friend! How about we get together more than once a week? Good answer! Love, Mellesville. To Dach's best friend, HI! (Oh, I'm being loud, aren't I? OK, hi. ) Happy Valentine's Day, dude. Love, Scum. P.S. 39 days left... -fc . . ,. . . Dana Waaer, Sta-Pafl! Qae paaa saa? Jaat a little oae from Rod erick' Lemoat, Jaanito, Wedgar, aad yoar favorite roommate of all time... Sec, todoa de aoaotroa te amamosl! Watch oat for Janes, P.C., Greece, AND ESPECIALLY THAT DAY ELEVEN DAYS FROM TODAY!!! ("KEELL," or is it "DIE"?!) Rat-Rowl! HAPPY VALENTINE'S ANYWAY WANE!! TEDDY ROCK - Machas graciaa para todo, ta amistad, tn tiempo, ta amor, y las conversaciones seriosas. You're a real best friend - ao one could ask for better (even Susie M.!). I hope we're always close - sometimes long distance relationships DO work... Behave yourself, aad don't pick np any groover habits from Saper Groove! Love ya aad HAPPY VALENTINE'S!! -Tn amiga de verdad. WORM, JUANITO, and KER -JUST A BIG, HUMONGOUS HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY WISH TO THREE PEOPLE THAT I LOVE A WHOLE BUNCH (even if yon do hear "NEVER MIND" quite often!!)!! THANKS FOR BEING MY BUDDIES!! LOVE YA, STAC. Fellow .Cheers-lover: Yes, another one for my Italian restaurant partner. Per manent press forever! Love, your taxi. To MAMA, GRAN, AUNT TIPPY and MARGARET, the most impor tant and special ladies IN THE WORLD to me - I LOVE YOU ALL WITH ALL MY HEART. I KNOW YOU DON'T ALWAYS UNDERSTAND THE THINGS I DO, BUT THANKS FOR STICK ING BY ME ANYWAY. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY Love, Still Yoar Little Girl. Kim, (the M not looking for an S). As we continue our never-ending search for "the cure", I just thought I'd tell you that I think you're a wonderful person and a terrific friend! With love (the other M not looking jor and S). Amy and Lisa, Happy Valentine's Day: Carnations would have been too obvious, so you'll have to split a personal. Kathy. BARRY DOUGLAS R.-Roses are red, violets are bine, what on earth woald I do withoat yoa? Happy V-Day. Love, Ma. P. Na-Na Happy 21st Birthday sis! Thanks for all the good times and memories. You are a very special part of my life. AD my love, Tut. , MIDN DWM Thanks for the last four exciting months, and for the promise of the future. Happy Valentine's Day I LOVE YOU Yours forever, Romeo, Happy Valentine's Day, you sexy little devil! Thanks for making my Kfe so very perfect. I love you. Snowflake. Alicia, Mclanie, Keith, Eva, Kel tic, Scott, Staci,: Rosea are red, violets are pink, withoat yon euys the paper wonM shrink! Happy Valentine's Day and THANKS for the hard work! P. Greg-It's too bad that you don't feel well on Valentine's Day. But have a happy one anyway and try to get better. We're thinking about you- Kathy and Kelly. ZPB3-It's only because of fate that I don't have your now-lt's okay, 1 have you like he never can-Happy Valentine's Day Luter. Happy Valentine's Day to our favorite Lambda Chi! Here's to: Battles and Jaymes, Dick Vitale, and the Knights of Ni! The FNDCS Group. Robbie-Here's to great friends. Love ya lots, C. To the Deepher sisters-Thanks so much for everything. We love you all. Keep smiling- from the Pledges. Paul, I wouldn't trade you for the world or a new car! You're my best friend, and I love you. Happy Valentine's Day. Digger. Tracey, What a wonderful two weeks! 1 should have opened my eyes sooner you were always "standing right next to me" in my mind. Mel Alf: Fm glad you decided to stick with me for a "WHILE". Can I "PLEA BARGAIN" (or more time? I love you. Tori .""" J"" Robert N. Our last VD together!-The past four years have been wonderful! I'm sorry that you have to leave. I LOVE YOU-SPB Kathy with a K, Finally, the personal that we've both been waiting for. ! love you and your waterbed and all your toys. EKM To the Wicked Deepher Witch: Yes, unicorns thrive on strawberry milk shakes, and those TRIVIAL COUPONS too. Keep smiling sister dear. Luv ya, C (squared) and K (squared). My Love, Today I love you more than yesterday, less than tomorrow. I look to our future with faith, hope and most importantly, love. "Trouble" HOT-It's been a blast with everything we've done in the past. But all I've to say today is have a Happy Valentine's Day-CG. Robert N;-Our last Valentine's Day together! The last four years have been wonderful! I LOVE YOU. SPB. Meareen, My Valentine, ! love you so much, and there could be no better day than today to express all my love for you. Jeff. Kathy-Who'd have thought that shaving cream, ghost rooms, and slamdancing in the elevators would grow to this? Thank you! Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Kevin Honey Bear, what if I'd never met you Where would I be right now? Furmy how life just fall in place somehow. I heart you! SusanTm so glad your tragic accident didn't take you away. You can abuse me any time since you're my sweetest Valentine. Champagne tonight? Mike Muku, You are the best Valentine I could wish for. You're such a sweetie. Lots of hugs and kisses from an angel. P.S. LoveYa! Melanie Pie, Thank you for being such a good friend to me! Love, Dogberry. . My Little Minx, ' Happy Valrntine Uy, sweetie. Allh wif li you know I love you, Tim f oinr; to tell you yrt ap.it in as i will lor tlx- rrM ol n.y hie. Tltanks lor oeinf, you BJid lovinp, fix-. You are so much fun to br with, and I'm sorry ve are aprt. Just reniemlx-r, toon we will br toi'ttlwr all tlx: tiiiM (Ajy and mphl (Yeah!!). We will twtvr a nice weekend top.ethertby oursel ves, I ttofx-) complete with Valen tine's surprises. 1 liope you remembered to do what you were supposed to toddy. II not, you will pay (dcliciously!!!). Love, CSC To the Gang at 303 East Rosemary Street! Thanks for being my friends! You are all marvelous! Mary H. LiZ C. You are the greatest suster! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Love Mary. Bwaap! Something's wrong with that Fite girl. Dh Well. Can you hold it? How "bout if you use two hands? I love you. Devie. Hope, Happy Valentine's to a very special friend. It's been fun going to the SAC. I could have sworn I heard you howl. Bren. Dale, to my favorite teacher who laughs at most of my jokes, Happy Valentines! You're really something special. You're my chicken player. Happy Valentines! Bren. Twink, Happy Valentine's! I just can't believe that it's our second one, I've enjoyed it more than you can imagine. Mumble-Mumble-Mumble. Breney. FAB - Roses are red, violets are blue, when you're fat & bald, I'll still love you! (if you're still speaking to me that is.) Ms. P. Happy Valentine's Day to all my bestest buddies: Sarah, Charnette, Camille, Cheryl, Amy, Teresa and Tammie! Have a good one. Love, Dana. Edie Jo, Just wanted to say thanks for being you. "Here's hoping the semester keeps going great (despite your suite). Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Todd Phil, you, me, Elton, Paris - Paradise! By the way, if you win, who will you take? Let's negotiate over dinner (I can be very persuasive!) - Megan. Dear Tammy, I loved you yesterday, I love you today, I will love you forever. You are perfect. Thank you for a wonderful year, Daniel. To the 2nd floor Manly Meter Maid-' better known as Fig-tail-Pooh. No one puts quarters in better than you! We love ya!K&N. Nance, Happy Valentines Day from your far away lover. Don't do anything obscene while I'm away. I love you lots. Thad. QP, Tahoe is for lovers. Can't wait to see you. Love, Jonathon. Dawn Duzan W. The faith you had in me made all the difference. You're a wonder, and I'm glad I met you. Be mine? - Guy Happy Valentine's Day to my beloved vicious Babe - Thank you for so many special memories over the past three years. You've given me "A feeling most would treasure" and I Love You. Your "cute" Valentine. KEITH! You're still my "10-16-box-of-candy"-head, and I love you more than ever- HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY -Steppie. Dear Paula Suellyn - Have a Happy Valentine's Day, Beautiful! I Love You, Doug. To the guy from Georgia in a baby blue tux with a red cummerband: Even though we may seem to clash, looks can be deceiving! Miss Heidi B. Fm still enamored with you after all these days and as your popu larity soars, rumors abound. So much fun! EKM. Robert, Sean and Gregg, Thanks for the memories. We will love and remember you always! Donna, Michele and Skippy. EXILED END... Jan. Laura Ann, Mary, Angela, Angela, Renee, Chrissy. May your Valentine's Day be RED! Love...S&M. k Lee, Lee, j V My Sweet Bebee, away 1 V from thee, my heart J V does not flee. J V, Love always, y . i . Dave wr 1 Greene k Lana, V G.L.O.Y.O.-I.M.Y. 4 K Happy Valentine's Day J Your Old Love J l Lompa, Jr Ns Stephen V U Huntington, I 1 You are my everything J V especially my future ' s Cleopatra w J My dearest I love you fa Husband, more than 1 father of the words can say A most beautiful baby in the world, I You are my everything. I will J V always cherish our love. j . Yours forever, Mrs' Powell W V PS "... Let J "f it be me." i Karen B., AJmost two and a half years 4 U have passed since we first met 1 I a"d stl" mV love for you grows J v stronger each and everyday I Jk V that our relationship V W1" continue the way it is Jjf Worever. Hope you have a W ' "Happy Valentine's Day Jr jWith all my love, Ir Scott S. 'jf DERRICK IVEY- rtt t . . AND BE MINEf !r-THE B-ROLL GIRL Happy Valentine Rush, Jerry & Todd I love you Cool r HAPPY V.D. A 0 Kayley 1 1 Four months of nothing Y but the best. You make J V my day, every day. w . I love you, L Steve Kathy I Hopper D My only hope, or else J I despair to be redeemed ; J y from fire by fire. J Love and shanf ih, r mm, i D Let me "toast" you A V for making this J V my best year J i ever! I y Vi love you! jy Fuzz SheriR, V Happy Valentine's Day! 4 I You've brouth a lot of J V happiness into my J sorry existence. tf I LOVE YOU , Keith JT forever much, Miss N. Kath.

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