CGLA from page 1 BllClOjStS The Daily Tar HeelMonday, April 13, 19873 from psfp 1 wasn't worth living. "I think if the CGLA can prevent 'one person from feeling that alone, then it's worth having." Parkerson Ripley's remarks were followed by applause from observers and some congress members. : Debate then turned to whether homosexuals are born gay. "That's where the crux of the argument lies," Brian Ferris (Dist. 14) said. : One of the CGLA members who presented the group's budget ques tioned the idea that people choose to be homosexual. "What fool would FSClllty from page 1 take the resolution seriously and perform the study. If a study were done, the BOG's terms could be decreased, leaving the UNC System more vulnerable to intervention by political bureaucracy, Sanders said. Because the BOG the "protec tor and guardian" of each school in the system would be less effective, the Assembly would take more interest in the internal affairs of each individual institution, Sanders said. And if such a study were commis sioned, the UNC-System president might have to relinquish authority in choosing individual governing boards, he said. Or, the General Assembly could decide to allow the speakers of the House or Senate to choose the boards. And the most serious problem would result if legislators asked how each institution differed from the others, Sanders said. "We would not be advantaged by having differentials aired in such a manner," he said. "They might have questions we'd rather not have asked." C 3 Hated Knowledge To Go This is exciting natural history. handsomely illustrated." -Newsweek Bird-watching on a cosmic scale... A fine and important ; book for general readers and devoted nature buffs." $12.95 - Roger Caras Hands and Hearts A History of Courtship in America Ellen K. Rothman The Age of Birds Alan Feduccia No one can escape the appeal of the revealing writings Rothman has uncovered... 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David Maynard (Dist. 10) and Student Body President Brian Bailey introduced similar amendments that were also defeated 14-8. The final 20-2 vote closed debate on the CGLA's income categories and allocated the funds recom mended by the Finance Committee. CGLA members hailed the deci sion as a victory for their organi zation. "Not only is campus atmos phere (towards homosexuals) improving, but the attitude of people being elected to the Student Con gress is improving," said Mark Donahue, editor of Lambda, CGLA's newsletter. equalizes out the three branches," he said. "1 don't really care what happens, but I think it's good for the congress." Also at the hearing, Guy Lucas (Dist. 19) proposed increasing the Phoenix editor's stipend from $300 to $400. In support of the amendment, James Farrer, former Phoenix edi tor, described the difficulty the student newsweekly has retaining editors, because most students can not afford to work for free. Lucas' proposal was approved by a 14-8 vote. And the Carolina Athletic Asso ciation (CAA) was denied money to establish a homecoming queen scholarship, while $10,250 was approved for CAA fund-raising and a new school spirit committee. After David Maynard (Dist. 10) proposed a $410 CAA homecoming queen scholarship, the congress defeated the proposal 12-10 on the grounds that the scholarship would be sexually discriminatory and that the amount requested was too much money for Student Government resources. The congress granted the CAA $2,150 to buy T-shirts for fund raising, and $8,100 to establish a "fever committee" to increase school spirit. Groups which received their entire budget requests were Campus Y, Carolina Course Description, Carol ina Course Review, Carolina Indian Circle, North Carolina Student Legislature and the North Carolina Forensics Union. Also, the Lab Theatre, which asked for money for. the first time in its 40-year existence, received its entire budget request of $6,565. Student Government now has an operational surplus of $14,767. Staff writers Kimberly Edens, Helen Jones and Laura Pearlman contributed to this story. T SL t X EVERY MINUTE ClINIQUE" :iiifl Pits; .-.v.v.-.v.v-v 1 OMQUE different moist urg ing lotion MMHPW( js' S f s&f A ::.-. - .' - . on ...... "J ! I CUNiQUE p 2! O AFTER-SUN BALM WITH ALOE . I- I .( i i I : O Q 3 Q 3 YOURS FREE! Our Gift Exclusively Yours With Any Clinique Purchase Of 10.00 Or More Saving face. . .it's easy with Clinique products. All are fragrance-free and allergy-tested, so you can depend on them for gentle and beautiful skin and haircare. And now there's a bonus. With any 10.00 or more purchase, receive "Every Minute Clinique," an extraordinary gift containing: Clarifying Lotion 2, Dramatically Different ' Moisturizing Lotion, Blush ' Re-Moisturizing Lipstick, Electric Ruby Glossy Nail Enamel and After-Sun Balm With Aloe. Supplies are limited; one gift per customer, please. 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