The Tar Heel Monday, August 24, 198733 14 a Ihioly mess : : ' ' Local ministers deplore the saga of Jim and Tammy Bakker By ALECIA HOLLAND Staff Writer The problems of Jim and Tammy Bakker and the battle over the PTL Club have had a negative impact on the image of televan gelism. According to local mini sters, the controversy has wea kened the credibility of televangelists but it may benefit local churches. Tm not just amazed, I'm abhorrent!" said Manuel Wort man, the United Methodist Cam pus Minister, when asked about the Bakker Falwell televangelist controversy. "Those of us in the mainstream are amazed at the amount of money that televange lists bring in and expend on salaries and houses. Most of us have found that they are doing just what they have now been proved to have been doing. If we haven't said 'see, I told you so' already, we have felt that." Robert Seymour, the minister of Olin T. Binkley, said, "I haven't had any confidence in this kind of ministry (televangelism) for a long time. It is already damaging to the televangelist movement, but people have short memories and in a few years it will be ancient history." James O. Abrahamson, the pastor of the Chapel Hill Bible Church, said, "It is better that this controversy, as ugly and embar rassing as it has been, be exposed now than continue. Many people have suspected what is going on for a long time." Pastor Evans of the United Christian Fellowship of Chapel Hill said he was surprised that people have been so alarmed that an evangelist could make a mis take. "It is a shame that this controversy has been dealt with publicly and not privately by the church." Both Evans and Abrahamson's ministries are evangelical, but neither is directly related to the televangelist movement Neither Seymour's nor Wortman's minis try is associated with the evangelist movement. Abrahamson, Seymour and Wortman believe that televange lism's lack of credibility may benefit local and community churches. Wortman believes this will not affect most main stream churches because most of their finances come from local church members. However, this could go in favor of local churches because there is public accounta bility of funds, or accountability to those who contribute, he said. "Prosperity Christianity is not what I consider Christianity to be. In my way of thinking, televan gelism is not the way the church should be. Televangelism is a form of religious entertainment it's like Johnny Carson with a reli gious host. The church as I under stand it is a community of faith, with a focus on people being present as people," Wortman said. "My fear is that so many of the contributors are the poor, the emotionally unstable and the elderly, who, for whatever reason, send money without adequately informed judgments," Wortman said. "There are some people who are ideologically bound by a belief pattern that you are supposed to send money to get into heaven." See HOLY MESS page 43 Dips Countiy Kitchen 'Put a little south in your mouth 405 W. Rosemary, Chapel Hill 942-5837 II STUDENT PRICES! 'ml r.tC-VZSAhoico-DiscsYsr SUNGLASSES by B AUSCH & LOMB 1 IFiF UnhKrsiiyCpliciciiii University Squcro, Dcv.ti:cv.7I Chcpc! II"3 942-0711 . -'''-.'MiO-ft SrtOvt ORIENT EXPUESS RESTAURANT SAVORY SUMMER FARE Come into the Orient Express and sample fine goods from a wide variety of European traditions All served aboard a restored 1914 Pullman car. , Slavic Dinners & Lunches 201 E. Main, On The Tracks In Carrboro 967-8933 SnaKk Bar and Convenience Store (LcffATEOlN THE MONOGRAM O.UB BUILOINC) 1 m I ! Mi Sen Dsinlis V PCGG W ScSoScdps i " I " j introductory offer 16 OZ, bottle V (while they last) eJeJeaCn Vcanned Sohos only) a m n fr f t i 0400 0000040000000000 0000040000000000 . Health & Beauty Aids School Supplies Special Prices good from 82487 until 83087