1 0AThe Daily Tar Heel Friday, September 2, 1988 'The Finest ' Billiards In Town!" Pizza nii2n!l mm w Come Watch the Fall Football Games! 9Q9-101B Talie your heart to court. Or on a bike ride. Or out for a jog. Whatever your sport, vigorous exercise can help keep your heart healthy. 6 i American Hoart Association w 310 W. Franklin St Live Entertainment! Tonight On The Patio Beggar's Molitlay Cone hear the sounds of Buffet, The Beatles & The Dead "Dr. Pepper Night" Only $2.75 Starts at 8:00 pm Sept 1 933-3767 rjzs D ( from C 0 D D Q Q Q tele RENT TV 19" COLOR T.V. Reg. 21.95 month ONLY Student Special a a D 19.95 MONTH Just show your student ID or this coupon. We also rent a full line of VCR s and televisions. . . Call Telerent FIRST! V CARY South Hills Mall DURHAM CHAPEL HILL 2415 Guess Road 467-8400 286-4566 942-0855 May not be combined with any other offer. Expires 1 13188. Telerent will beat ANY rate on comparable equipment. . n n n n n n fi 3 E3 E3 E3 C3 C3 D E3 LZ3 E3 E3 F"" P" pi n n r i rf ri n n n n D n D D V"?''j,:&oS& TJAneA'fsrr "...cafe" I I.-IS .V V li )2:05 4:20 7:05 9:20 J VI I fTs iimniiiiimiuiiiiiiiimiiTUlii Ti inuil - . m i i 'a a J i ' IN PYTHON WHTEti) STEf?EfM ffg?& 1 ORDER NOW AND SAVE! Representative on Campus: 5L- pmni tadleM Stores $10.00 deposit HERFF JONES Union Cabaret brimmin with live entertainment By BETH BUFFINGTON Staff Writer ; ' . "Come to the Cabaret . . . " would . be an appropriate theme song for the Union Cabaret this school year. The Cabaret, which is located downstairs in the Student Union in , the former billiard room, will offer regular, live entertainment every , Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, said Billy Pizer, the Union Cabaret's committee chairman. , Although the Cabaret first opened in March and had about half a dozen programs through the year, it didn't seem to live up to its full potential, he said. "Part of the problem was the lack of publicity and the uncertainty as to when it was really going to open," he added. But according' to Pizer, this year will be different, Now the-Cabaret has its own student committee whose goals include boosting student and faculty attendance as well as encouraging student and faculty involvement in the Cabaret and its programming. "The focus of the committee is to make sure that there is a regular calendar," he said. According to Pizer, he and the committee spent most of August planning September's bill Df fare. "In September, we're billing it (the Cabaret) as the 'biggest free ride since being a kid . . .' because all the entertainment is free that month," he said. "The University Advisory Board is paying for the entertainment." "We brainstormed with the (Carol ina Union) Activity Board for ideas of performers in general and then it was just a matter of contacting people kip MARK HARMON JODIE FOSTER d STEALING HOME fv fir If JLP 'Jt A mf - L wo-jwi a A n Arct?Arxe n show. i WltfUW9' l 7:10.9: ia yta ' (uk sat ' UIM bLIVl 2IHbbl u 2:10-4: Shows Nightly 7:00 9:05 Sat & Sun Matinee 2:00 4:OB SX REASONS WHY THE WEST WAS WILD, i 1 1 Sat A Sun Matin 2:05 4: 15 Nightly 10 Sun Matinee 10 THE DREAM MMTfR iRhi KM ELLIOT ROAD at E.FRANKLIN 967-4737 $3.00 UNTL6PMDWLY AaDAYTUES. (EXC.H0U0AYS) DgiiMME THREE K READUfflN; AND RABBITS! 2:30 the most highly acclaimed movie of the year! PG 1988 Touchstone Pictures TJ!rxsNl 9 and Ambkn Entertainment. Inc. pktu.u ai00IE ilffifMviSMS Ji 1 fc-i'i ' r V.Mj.itiv iii nn in n I I ROBERT CHARLES DENIRO GRODIN I D H 1 G 11 Li A UNIVERSAL PICHTIE 2:2Q Vq l-:j.O q 7:05 o 33 mmmmmmmmmmmmmM A must 23 v fnTPvervmcin. vomnaoidcliilfl. V so compelling, so powerful, so well-performed.. .1 on hardly v POVEnFUI10 fihar 3 Ciry PrttUtt, 1UBCTV, bAftgett X. SV political thriller that turns into a cinematic shock treatment. . . Debra Winger and Tom Berenger are simply RIAGNmGEmV' :;B::Si::K4;-::?SiS:i:S ' STUNNING1 ! I ShockingHI A top-notch shriller from a master filmmaker! N jttovt Ipm. VQM mvttW ..another IIOT-topic film sure to stir things up inside and outside movie houses . IbntCuftDcS, mm MAOZ1NI DEBRA WINGER TOM BERENGER . v BETRAYED COSIVAV1USn 20 4:45 0 7:10 9:35 UNITED ARTISrft'lKWLN WLNKJLIKn, DEBRA LINGER TOM BERENGEI XOSTA-GAVRAS.. BETRAml JOHN HEARD JOHN MAHOMED I OE ESZTERHAS HAL W POLAIRI BILLC0NT PATRIZIA VON BRANDENSTET, JOEESZTERHA.' IRWIN WINKLER COSTA-UWRA Snundmek Album ivttitbla ee Vmm 3mrmr& fcwon ,pwfi wi yA,.,!:;:!:;:;:;!:;:?:!:;:;:;:;;::;:;:;;:!.::;::.;.;;;..;.. ..::.:;;-.. S:::i:::x::::i:.x;:i;':::i:i'j 1 r !Mti .'v.i after we decided who would be suitable for the Cabaret," he said. On Sept. 7 the Cabaret reopens its doors at 8:30 p.m. with a mix of jazz, beach music and ballads by the Ron McCrae Group and Prince Taylor, followed the next night with perfor mances by the Clef Hangers and James and Rodney, he said. "One of our concerns for Sep tember was to pick bands that could draw their own crowds," he said. I imagine that the Clef Hangers as well as The Loreleis will pack it, but that's the idea at first." The Clefs will perform Sept. 8 and the Loreleis Sept. 21. Since the Cabaret only seats 188 people, seating is first-come first serve, Pizer said. "If there's a pos sibility of a performance drawing a bigger crowd than the Cabaret can handle, then well move (the show) to somewhere else." Although the Cabaret may not be as large as other clubs, those who attend the programs seem to enjoy the intimate space and the different feeling it creates. "Everyone seems to enjoy playing the Cabaret and in fact, two of the people who played down there last year have called and asked if they could play there again," he said. --- Although September features undergraduate performances with the Clef Hangers and The Loreleis, the remaining performances are mainly by local talents or bar circuit bands, he said. "One of our goals right now which is an ongoing goal is to get student talent and to act as an outlet for student talent," Pizer said. "There's a lot of students who have the talent but who aren't encouraged to do something with it." ' Because of its atmosphere and location, the Cabaret is an alternative to the Franklin Street bar scene, he said. The closing of the Cat's Cradle may enable the Cabaret to get some of the same type of groups, but he wants to stay away from,beim labelled. "We're not trying to be another Cradle," he said. ;I Pizer wants to make the Cabaifi accessible for students. "There ate people here who are studying at the library or who are just walkine around at night who can stop in aip see what's going on that's why we're trying to have something regularly, four nights a week," he saidi "There really arent that many placed either that an undergraduate can go put to at night, especially for live entertainment;" he saidrfjy?$l Although Jthe CabareTsprbgramr ining now-IdnsiststJf jazz, rock bands, comedy and dance variety entertainment, its programming may vary in the future, he said. j Archie Copeland, director of the Union, emphasized the availability of the area. "(The Cabaret) was built with the idea of four-nights:a-week regular entertainment with the remaining three nights for student organizations who need a performing room. (The Union) really needed a programming area, not just a meeting room," he added. "It (had) been in the planning stages for about 3 years and the change of the drinking age really instigated it," Copeland said. Other groups that are performing in September are Brother Josef and Friends on Sept. 9; Impact on Sept. 10; Pinky Wyoming, and Duke Lacrosse with the Gin Dickeys on Sept. 14; Dear John on Sept 15; Eve Cornelius Chip Crawford Group on Sept. 16 and Roily Gray and Sunfire on Sept. 17. Bids from page 1 authorization to spend the lowest amount offered by the construction companies. "We're very disappointed that we didn't get a bid within our author ization," Swecker said. "We're very . The new lot is key to helping solve parking problems that have increased with a loss of lots to construction projects, Gardner said. North Carol ina Memorial Hospital employees will benefit as well as UNC students, faculty and staff. Also, a committee currently stud ying the possibility of building a parking deck at Craige Residence Hall is "supposed to report to the chancellor sometime soon," Ruther ford said. It the deck is approved, the new lot at Estes Drive will be a key factor -in controlling parking problems created by the temporary loss of the Craige lot, Gardner said. v The parking lot will be financed with money from the parking fee collection which has been reserved for projects like this one, Swecker said, i The new lot would be comparable to the P lot located at Estes Drive and Airport Road. It would have 502 spaces, , including 1 1 handicapped spots and 10 motorcycle spaces, Gardner said, and would probably require bus passes to campus. The property for the lot is already owned by UNC, he said. It is located just east of the intersection at Estes Drive and Seawell Road.