The Daily Tar Heel Monday, September 12, 19889 Opffliom Celebrating the Diew pa F j Today is the first day of the Jewish new year, 5749. We AL don't ring it in the way we do on Jan. 1; it's a pretty sedate religious event. When I was younger, it meant that I got a day off from school when the rest of my friends had to go. As I grew older and more socially conscious, it made me feel alienated from my classmates because I was celebrating a holiday that no one else really knew or cared about. Throughout grade school and into high school, a battle broke out in my house when this time of year rolled around. I despised being different and not having normal holidays like the rest of the world. This animosity continued into college, where, with out the gentle, guiding hand of my parents, I really let it go. Every September around the time of the new year, I would go through the motions of celebrating, but more out UNC fir policy o cflra Illegal or abusive use of drugs or alcohol by members of the University community can adversely affect the educational environment and interfere with maximum achievement of per sonal, social and educational goals. In 1987, the University established a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program for faculty, staff and students. The program was developed to address the problem of susbstance abuse through education, and where appropriate, through referral and or disciplinary action. Recently, the Board of Gover nors of the University system adopted a Policy on Illegal Drugs. The policy directed the Board of Trustees of UNC-CH to adopt a policy on illegal drugs that comp lies with the conditions of the Board of Governors policy. The Board of Trustees has now adopted this policy, and I write to inform you of its terms, effective August 24, 1988. The policy provides that stu dents, faculty and employees here are responsible as citizens for knowing about and complying with the provisions of N.C. law that make it a crime to possess, sell, deliver or manufacture those drugs designated collectively as "controlled substances' in Article 5 of Chapter 90 of the N,C. General Statutes. These substan- LILJ G - E0RQ Studeinits As a student representative on the Traffic and Parking Advi sory committee, I feel that it is important to keep the student body aware of possible changes in parking policies. I urge you to respond to this column via the DTH and to supply me with your written reactions by depositing them in Suite C of the Union. Our deadline is Sept. 22. First is the issue of resident park ing. It is unrealistic for students to think they can retain their North Campus spaces with the growing faculty and staff needs. Better parking attracts better faculty and staff. I would rather have a better professor before me in the classroom than have my car on campus; after all, what am I here for? To adjust for those hardship cases who must have their cars on campus, I propose that the remaining spaces (only a few) be given out purely on a hardship basis Laura Pearlman Associate Editor of habit than anything else. My outlook changed this summer during a visit to West Germany, after a friend and I took a side trip to Dachau, a work camp located outside Munich. When my mother and my aunt ' heard that we wanted to visit Dachau, they were appalled. Everyone knows what happened, they reasoned, so there's no reason to visit a place so . full of sorrow and waste. They believed that since what happened at Dachau was before my time, going there would serve no purpose aside from disturbing me. But I'm glad I went. Not going to Dachau would have been an injustice tatee adopt Paul Hardin Chancellor ces include cocaine, amphetam ines, marijuana and other drugs. Any member of the University community who violates that law may be subject both to prosecu tion and punishment by the civil authorities and to disciplinary proceedings by the University. Disciplinary proceedings against a student, faculty member, admin istrator or other employee will be initiated under the policy when the alleged conduct is deemed to affect the interests of the University. Penalties will be imposed for violation of the policy only in accordance with the University's existing procedural safeguards that are applicable to all discipli nary actions against students, faculty members, administrators and other employees. The penal?, . ties that- may be impqsedorv; ' violation of the policy ori( illegal;U: drugs range from written warnings with probationary status to expul sion from enrollment and dis charges from employment. Minimum penalties are speci fied for trafficking in or possession of illegal drugs. These minimum penalties include, for example, mandatory expulsion (for stu dents) or permanent dismissal (for - IF G-ETS PICKED m Mark Dendle Guest Writer determined by applications and interviews. The displaced parkers might then be moved to fringe lots and simply move their cars on campus for weekends. For those who have jobs they must drive to frequently, I suggest looking into some form of employment on campus or close by. You might earn more, as well as saving on gas, wear on your car and time spent. That would also make UNC more of a student community, and at the same time would release those parking spaces for staff. The South Campus situation is, of course, slightly different, as the residents are more isolated from the not only to me but to the people who died there. The day we chose to visjt was quite warm, without a cloud in the sky. I even remember that the birds were singing, which I didnt expect. I had pictured the area as being perpetually covered by a black cloud, a bleak wind blowing constantly. Not true; the sun even shines at Dachau. The concentration camp itself was an anti-climax. All my life, I have seen photo ; graphs of concentration camps, full of dejected people living in misery and squalor. And when I saw Dachau for myself, I think I half-expected to see a place where time had stood still for 43 years. After the Germans aban doned the camp, I thought the moment in history would be pre served forever, like Pompeii. In reality, however, the camp has changed so much that it's even hard r-i faculty and staff) for the sale of or possession with intent to sell cocaine. Illegal possession of any amount of cocaine carries a min imum penalty of suspension from ; employment or enrollment for at least one semester or its equival ent. For marijuana, the minimum penalty for sale or possession with intent to sell is suspension from employment or enrollment for at least one semster or its equivalent. Every student is responsible for being familiar with and complying with the terms of the Board of Trustees Policy on Illegal Drugs. Copies of the full text are available from the Office of Student Affairs. I want you to , know that even though it is necessary for me to devote most of this letter to informing you officially of the new drug policy, our Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program is broader than the Board of Governors requires. It includes extensive education and referral efforts on the part of the Diyision of Student s Affairs,; , :and itTStudenL Health. Service. . Should you ever nied information or assistance in dealing with a drug or alcohol problem, please seek it from your residence hall staff, your faculty adviser, Student Health Service and the Office of Student Affairs. We are interested in your health and well-being, and wish you success in your endea vors here at Carolina. ON restaurants and shops of Franklin Street. In this view, resident parking should not be taken away, although it may be moved to the Smith Center lots. Resident students should also show consideration for their fellow class mates who need to have parking close to their classes. Before the walk from the lots to main campus, the com muters have already had to battle atrocious traffic .to get to campus, while the residents take their showers. Car pooling as a major resource for commuters is not taken advantage of often enough; Special car-pooling parking permits, saved until after drop-add, should be guaranteed to groups of three or more riding together, with the larger car pools receiving the better permits. To aid in finding car-poolers, the University should notify all those who apply of interested neighboring students. to recognize the places where those familiar textbook photos were taken. And it was so clean and neat that it was hard to believe that atrocities had ever occurred there. When we entered the camp, the first place we went was the museum, which traced the rise of Nazism and then chronicled the lives of prisoners with relics and documents. Huge blown-up photographs on tbi walls depicted the faces of the prisoners. They all looked the same: huge dull eyes, sunken cheeks and shaved heads. j . Outside is the monument to the victims of the Holocaust, and then the bunker foundations that stretch in neat, endless rows, forever. Only two are standing, and they were rebuilt when the site was made a memorial. We saw rooms where prisoners were sent for beatings and solitary confinement. Past those Keep Dim vice-piresicleotial campaQ Nothing ii race dis the incn ; in the 1988 presidential disturbs me more than incredibly ridiculous con troversy surrounding Dan Quayle's beauty. More than the cheap shots taken by chief executive hopefuls Michael Dukakis and George Bush, more than the questions surrounding Quayle's national service record, I am offended by the insinuation that the women of this age would vote for a candidate because he is pretty. I have more than a passing interest in politics. As a voter, I examine candidates and issues and vote on the one whom I think has the most to offer. As a student, I have studied the mechanics and subtleties of the often outrageous politicking in this country. As a news reporter, I have interviewed and reported on candi dates with as little bias as possible! Some of the politicians iVe met in J. cast mv vote tor the candidate Sandy Dimsdale is a senior jour my short career I've found competent, 1 find most qualified and most nalism major from Conover. yypociriues are crawuninig .out he fi onsidering this is a presidential f f election year and more prop osals have been thrown at you than anyone would want to hear, I was reluctant to introduce a radical suggestion. I found it difficult to resist, however, and quickly began to organize my thoughts. First, let it be known that I in no way support or advocate censorship. (Radicals reread that if it hasn't set in.) My suggestion is a simple one: all hypocritical editorials and commen taries should be barred from publi cation in this newspaper. In addition, renowned hypocrites should not even be mentioned in the DTH, except to ridicule them. I find myself insulted when some idiot expresses views that he or she does not really believe in. Since I spoke out earlier against censorship, you may think my prop osal makes me a hypocrite. This is far from the truth, as the DTH can turn down prospective hypocrites by telling them their contribution would destroy the journalistic reputation of the newspaper or that the office for "MAD" magazine is not in Chapel Hill. For those of you who need exam ples of these masqueraders, or who think the problem is nonexistent, let us look back on the past few months: B Evangelist Jim Bakker becomes embroiled in a sex scandal and is quickly chastised by one of his contemporaries, Jimmy Swaggart, who later himself is rumored to have Already, there is a free service, Tri-a-Ride, that is willing to put together car pools. Give them a call. Some bus routes should be redi rected or new ones added to provide more direct routes from apartment complexes to the Student Union. Our classes aren't on Franklin Street, they are on the main campus, and nobody wants to go all the way around campus at 7:50 a.m. The number of overall spaces will go down; the cost of replacement spaces will go up (decks cost about $6,000 a space). The money is going to have to come from somewhere, and increasing permit prices is obviously a possible source. Surely, it is fair to ask the users to pay for the parking, with one exception. Those hardship , parkers who cannot afford to pay higher rates should be able to pay a reduced rate. Staff with large households should also be considered of rooms was the crematorium where the bodies were disposed. I didn't go there, so I don t know what it was like. , As I stood in the yard where the prisoners had gathered, I tried to imagine that I was trapped inside the walls of cement and barbed wire. I wanted to feel scared, to wonder what had happened to my family and friends: I wanted guards to be afraid of and to look into the gaunt faces of other people like me. , But I couldn't do it. I could not imagine life as a prisoner at Dachau. Such fear and hatred is so far outside ; of my frame of reference that I can't understand it. I left the camp with many questions and few answers. The value of the visit was not in feeling what the prisoners felt, but in the thoughts it provoked in me. e color out of Ah s Sandy Dimsdale Editorial Writer concerned and admirable. Some others have made me feel like I should shower after the interview. But none have I found more offensive or more condescending than the slimy chauvinists who think women of the 80s who are better educated arid more professional minded than ever would vote for a candidate because he resembled movie star hunk Robert Redford. Equally aggravating and presump tuous do I find extremist, rah-rah feminists who think a woman should cast her vote for the opposing ticket just to prove she can't be taken in by a pretty face. Please! George Markham Guest Writer "sinned." OA very strict advocate of gun control, Carl Rowan, shoots an "intruder" in his backyard with an unregistered gun. Rowan should have just shot all of the Democratic leaders, as all of his editorials begging for restrictions on privately owned handguns lost all of their credibility. B Actress Jane Fonda, not allowed in a New England town where she was to film a new movie, suddenly apologizes to Vietnam veterans for the derogatory comments she made against U.S. forces during the Viet nam War, in hopes she will be allowed to make her film. This act of greed and selfishness is the lowest form of hypocrisy as (like the bumper sticker Says) this American traitor female dog betrays both her country and her own convictions. B This newspaper printed two editorials endorsing a specific candi date for student body president last spring. After many influential groups and campus leaders threw their support for the rival candidate, who eventually wound up winning, the DTH was quick to point out that endorsements for student body pres ident should not be condoned. Per haps the writer of the editorial was under this system. The sophomore parking issue was ' raised by the advisory committee as early as 1986 and now is being resurrected with a vengeance. With the changes proposed above for North and South campuses, this would become unnecessary. Sopho mores would simply fall under the new plan, as would juniors and seniors sorry, freshmen. Another great problem is the persistence of illegal parking by students on this campus. If you take a vacant space in a lot for which you do not own a permit, you are bumping someone out of their space, perhaps to park in another lot where that person might be ticketed. Sure, everyone makes a mistake once in a while; that's why I propose an escalating system of fines. The more tickets you have received, the more you must pay for each additional one: I wondered about German society and why it was so ripe for the tragedy of the Holocaust. Now I wonder about American society, and if the same situation could occur here in the distant future. I wonder what it was about the prisoners of Dachau that made the Germans fear them so much. Why else would they create the greatest war machine the world has ever known and kill with such routine efficiency? With these questions in mind, I look to Rosh Hashana not as a duty this year, but more of a privilege. To celebrate this new year, and every new year since 1945, is a privilege earned for us by everyone who. died in a concentration camp. . v Laura Pearlman is a junior English 1 major from Asheville. dedicated to solving this country's problems not the candidate with the bluest eyes. flflOTV that fhf ntU onlnrMno.t not as influential as he thought it would be. B Campus radicals protest U.S. government activities in Nicaragua but criticize the same governmental leaders on their lack of action on South Africa. They neglect to men tion the relative distances both Managua and Pretoria are from the United States, which of the two countries is more of a threat or what will happen to the citizens of the countries if these radicals have their way. Hypocrites are crawling out of the woodwork and are a threat to their own integrity. Why anyone should waste their time with these confused and deranged individuals is puzzling. Keeping them out of the newspaper will not draw any attention to them, so their efforts will go unheard. Maybe they can be kept silent until a certain issue (April Fool's Day, Homecoming) and then the stories can be printed so everyone can get a laugh. If you're a potential hypo crite, look out. Hopefully someday you will never be heard, although with your distorted views no one will care what you say anyway. George Markham is a junior chemistry major from Fayetteville. em ma iei s sian. wuii a iu ami inweave u vy $10 or $15 each time. Also, I wish to remind you that those parking appeal applications, which many brag about lying on, are there for honest appeals; lying on those forms is an Honor Code violation and grounds for suspensionWhere is your honor? Now, these are only some of my broader solutions to this maze of a problem. But whether we're dealing with specific problems or long-term proposals, students must be willing to give a little. They will have to make some sacrifices before the parking issue can be resolved. --. - -iL CIA i : : U.. Mark Dendle is a senior interna tional studies and French major from Lexington, Ky. go