2OmnibusThursday, October 6, 1988 G4ROUNK 111 "I " f A n ' ' ' 7T .- o Y . uJOMlfB A I JJJ l n..ii.. '-w. I 'ri UJ u U Friday, Octo&er 21 at 8 pm Tickets at Record Bar, Franklin Street; Chapel Ki3Nic8 Price Bocks, Mali Street; Csrr6oroPoindsxt8r Records, Perry Street; BurcamQxbow Music, i Gknwood Avenue; Ra!eishCaroEna Union Box ORice or can 832-1449 j KKWvi.MiK sKX MTWNW, Mm'C9iiMkdMIM lMf7 BJ A '50s DESIGN TAKES THE '80s BY STORM 300 East Main Street Carrboro.NC27510 (919J96&4411 we're fighting for American Heart (W vourlife Association Gardens with stones Sculptures, actually. Co with Anne-Renee vjRice as she takes you to the North Carolina Botanical Gardens' sculpture.exhibit. But watch out for the Venus flytrap. 7 Burning up the comeback trail Ten Ten is on their way up agala P Catch them on the rise as they heat up a music club near you. (i Radon can kill you So can ghosts posing as cameras. Or so Joe T Bob says. And you know he'd never lie. Ceo Trolling Among other things, as Elizabeth Ellen shares her random thoughts about sailors, soldiers, George Bush and their opinions about the new Troll's. 5 A different breed of dog Allison Pike talks to Poi Dog Pondering, a Hawaiian-based band who just cant be pinned down. Ofame that day Do you know when Friendship Day is? How about 3 united Nations' or Mother-in-Law's days? This week graffiti goes off the wall and onto the calendar to take a look at some weird holidays. 7 OFrom screen to sliver screen If you're staying in town for Fall O Break, treat yourself to one of those movies you havent had time to see yet. Plenty of flicks recently opened and are playing in theaters near you. Go ahead, get the TUB of buttered popcorn. tn Breaking away Most of you are probably going somewhere, ' anywhere this weekend, but for those of you vacationing in our quaint village, Week's Fare has your weekend covered. A A not quite a masterpiece But this angelic film set in Berlin comes ' 'very close. James Dean reviews Wim Wenders film, "Wings of Desire." AOco ahead, Bragg usually its considered sort of rude, but Doug ' -Edmunds waxes truly rhapsodic about Billy Braggs new album, Worker's Playtime, which combines love, relationships and political beliefs. Cathy McHugh, editor; Jenny Livingston, assistant editor; Julia Coon, copy editor; Laura Ross, design editor; Usa Relchle, assistant design editor. FJlovIes: Richard Smith and James Dean Music, bands: Allison Pike ;' Album reviews: Doug Edmunds and Randal Bullock Columnist: Elizabeth Ellen Television: Winston P. Uoyd Features: Lesley Bartlett, Celeste Neal and Anne-Renee Rice Cover art of Kathy Buckman's "Azure Gazing" by Brian Foley.- FOR THE RECORD: in last week's Ackland Art Museum cover story, it was incorrectly reported that the University owns part of the museum's collection and plans to buy the entire collection sometime in the future. The majority of the collection is owned by the Ackland Trust, which is hasprt in Wachinnfnn nr fimnfhi ic rpnref-c tha iwinrt-inn ermr MMWW I WW III iJ V Wl l mmm It WmWtmW I V JJI W VI IW 1 VlWI VII VI I Wl ' J J J J J . JJJSJJJ A A . . ,