4OmnibusThursday, October 6, 1988 Dinosaur gas, murderous ..'-....j.vWA'. ...... ... . .;.:.:.:.;.:,;.- M-v-v.'. i yy:-:t:.:w:-sstt:-:vyy.:?; . VKo;v:.y:.y ::... ' and steak knife Fu cameras By JOS CC3 E!GGS Many of you have questions about radon Please allow me to explain Billions of years ago a dinosaur died under your house. The title company djdnt tell you this. Now the dinosaur looks real icky. He's got fumes coming out of his nose and slithering up underneath the swing set in the backyard. These fumes have the same stuff in 'em we used to blow up Hiroshima if you breathe this stuff every day while you're watching "Family Feud." your lung will eventually look like a kickball that's been mashed flat under a Demster Dumpster. Youll know this when people come in your house and say, "Hey. sounds like you got 30. 40 cobras under that sofa Oh. sorry. ifs just Sal breathing again." Fortunately, we have a govern ment agency called the EPA that gives us all the information on this stuff. Here's the information they gave us: b Where Is it? Everywhere. b Whose house Is it in? we dont know. a Can we get rid of It? No. a Can we keep It out of the house? Maybe. a What is going to happen to us? You will die. a is that all? No. smokers will die faster. So then they send out this pamplet in the mail, how they surveyed 11,000 homes and about 3.500 of 'em had four picocuries of radon per liter of air, and ail the people in North Dakota will be dead by next year. Except for the people In North Dakota, who just said "Shoot, we aint even gonna try," everybody else in the coun try started asking how soon they were gonna die and whether they should fumigate, and if they dont fumigate, whether they'll have babies bom with 1 2 hands. And then the EPA said you send off 20 bucks for this little radon roach motel that collects the stuff, and then you send it off to Fotomat or somewhere, and they Guaranteed In 30 minutes or less or receive $3.00 dPFFJ 'limited area ' - I Two 12" Pizzas I with one topping only ! $og write you a letter that says. "Yes, you are going to die," or, "Nope - you just put 20 bucks down the toilet" And then if you get the letter saying you're going to die, they give you instructions on how to hire some guy named Jake who drives a Nissan pickup with tools in the back and comes to your house wearing a gas mask and carrying a blowtorch. Jake will only charge you a couple thou to run a pipeline up out of your basement to the roof and stick in a fan that blows gunk into the atmosphere where it belongs. And then, before he leaves, hell say, "Hope we got her. Gimme a call if the baby dont grow some feet pretty soon" Oh yeah, one more thing. Its invisible. Ifs odorless. The little roach motel might work and it might not And Jake got his degree in air conditioner repair from Southeast Oklahoma State Teachers College. Free consumer tip from Joe Bob. Just thought you should know. Speaking of home repairs, "Twice Dead" is about a mansion In El Lay thafS haunted by a movie camera. Just when you think you're safe in bed, this terrifying camera bobs and weaves down the hall, so you cant see exactly where you're going, and then . wham! it races to a close-up of some helpless TV actor trapped in a movie about sleazebaii gangs that want to kill an entire family for HUMILIATING them with special effects. Actually, this is one of the best flicks of "88, the drive-in version of "Sunset Boulevard." it starts with a creepozoid film star dancing around his mansion with a female department store dummy, stab bing her with a steak knife, and then hanging himself from the rafters 'cause they're about to take his house away. Fifty years later, the Ozzie-and-Harriet family from Boulder shows up, runs off a Cro-Magnon biker gang with a shotgun, wipes away some cob webs and starts moving in The only thing Is, nobody's changed PIZZA T 16" Unlimited Items J $50...f any of the furniture for 50 years. The dead film star Is still ghostin' around up therecoasting down the halls disguised as a camera, wrapping ropes around junior's ankles while he's sleeping, peeking in at the daughter and. in the big final scene, Jason-ing to death four or five gang goonies for mashing up his dummy with a motorcycle. You dont know whether he's a good ghost or a bad ghost, or why he carries a 35-mm camera with him everywhere he goes, but that's what makes it GREAT. Six breasts. Twelve dead bodies. Three motor vehicle chases, one with hearse. Two hangings. One dead cat, with bloody doornail. Dumbwaiter skull-crushing. Steak knife neck-plunging. Heads roll twice. Great "Alien" stomach monster rip-off effect. Ghost on a motorcycle. Mirror Fa Noose Fu. Coffin Fu. Basketbail-in-the-face Fu. Drive-ln Academy Award nomina tions for Sam Melville, as Dad, for screaming at the son who doesnt like shotguns, "What the hell kind of kid did I raise?" and, at the end. "Weil, its a good thing they're all dead saves me the trouble"; Christopher Burgard, as Silk the gang leader, for running over a kid in the street, standing over the body, and saying, "You should choose your friends more care fully" Jill Whitlow, the foxy daugh ter, for saying. "Please - dont hurt him - 111 do anything you want"; Travis McKenna, as Melvin the obnoxious fat-boy gang member on a motorcycle, for getting repeatedly beat up, humil iated and attacked by his own vehicle; and Bert Dragin, the direc- tor, who also made the four-star flick "Summer Camp Nightmare," and who made this ghost story, which is pretty dumb, into a decent flick. Four stars. Joe Bob says check it out. Joe cob's Mailbag Dear Joe Bob-. You might be interested to know that my college English professor read one of your articles NOW HIRING PBiygRg - Earn $40-80 a night - Free Meals - Flexible Hours Gumby Aid 12 1'ltem pizza with soda V V" "W ....iJ. .'"' y. ' i Retarded actor attempts to to the class as an example of contemporary American journal ism! What a guy! Valerie Saurer Tallahassee, Fla DearVal: Thats nothing new. I've been on the curriculum at west Tallahassee State Teachers a&m college since I sent in my 30 bucks in 1983. Hey Joe Bob. Here are some planks for your campaign platform: 1. Promise to pass legislation WKVC 1. Fishbone 2. Feelfes 3. Jane's Addiction 4 Let's Active 5. John Hiatt 6 Tom Waits 1. Billy Brads 8. Bed Larry, Vellow Carry 9 Cocteau Twins 10, Lloyd Cole and the Commotions ILSiouxsieand the Banshees 2 Dream Syndicate 13. Jad Fair and Kramer 14. Folkways 15. ARKane 16 Rose of Avalanche 17. Various Artists 18 Screaming Tribesman 19, Toots Hibbert 20. Ladysmith Black , Mambazo hang himself In 'Twice Dead permitting the use of small caliber handguns to make any TV remote control. 2. Promise to repeal as uncon stitutional all local ordinances restricting tipping in topless bars to garter belts if you know what l mean and l think you do. Big Frank Gaughan Westland, 0. Dear Big Frank: I've heard about you sickles in Cleveland that go to bars to watch garter belts dance. Top 20 Truth and Sout Only Life Nothing's Shocking Every Dog Has His Day Stow Turning Big Time Workers Playtime Nothing's Wrong Blue Bell Hnolt Mainstream Peep Show Ghost Stones Roll out the Barrel A Vision Shared 69 In Rock 'Til Things Are Brighter Bones and Rowers Toots in Memphis Journey of Dreams .K'.WA'.'.t-.'.