12 The Daily Tar Heel Monday, November 14, r latlg 96th year of editorial freedom Karen Bell, News Editor MATT BlVENS, Associate Editor KlMBERLY EDENS, University Editor JON K. RUST, Managing Editor Will Lingo, cuy Editor Kelly Rhodes, Am Editor CATHY McHUGH, Omnibus Editor SHELLEY ERBLAND, Design Editor At the top of academic affairs The University has finally made it official. Dennis O'Connor is no longer the acting provost; he's the real thing. The Board of Governors approved Chancellor Paul Hardin's appoint ment of O'Connor as provost at its regular meeting Friday. Before July, O'Connor had served as vice chancel lor of research and dean of the Graduate School. The appointment was no surprise. O'Connor has been filling the post since July, when former provost Samuel Williamson left to become president of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn. The appointment should be of great interest to students, because the office of the provost is ultimately responsible for the quality of education within the University's Division of Academic Affairs. Students are greatly affected by the provost's actions. The title sounds important enough, but it's hard to appreciate the scope of the provost's administrative powers. The position, created in the mid-1960s as a replace ment for the Dean of Faculty, brings together the concerns and conflicts of all aspects of the academic affairs, from allocating funds to overseeing the hiring process for faculty. The provost controls the mechanism for gaining recognition for new programs, expanding old programs and meeting the demands of current ones. As the University will never have enough resources to give all programs all the funds they deserve, the provost Vets deserve more than a day Veterans Day came and went Friday with little fanfare. A brief ceremony took place on campus in front of what at best could be called a sparse crowd. The traditional Veterans Day parade in New York City drew fewer spec tators than its 500 participants. These incidents demonstrate an attitude that is evident across the nation Amer icans seem to be trying to forget the wars of the past and turning their attention elsewhere. It can be argued that this attitude is not such a bad thing. America, which has avoided military involvement in a significant conflict for nearly 15 years, appears to have realized that limited warfare is ineffective, and that war in contemporary superpower relations is an inconceivable option. Economic might is rapidly replacing military force as the most effective tool of influence in the world; perhaps people are simply responding to this development. But America's apparent lack of concern for her veterans is particularly troubling. The psychological effects of past wars are still evident in society today. The best example is the state of the Vietnam veteran. Some Vietnam veterans and their In February 1987, an irate student fired off a letter to the editor, in which he labeled the DTH staff a "communist-sympathizing, leftist-Marxist, neo-hippie, limp-wristed, terrorist-supporting horde of pseudo journalists.' Some would say we proved ourselves just that with our editorial coverage of the recent elections. After all, we endorsed a straight Democratic ticket (it was a nice gesture, for all the good it did) and we definitely ran more opinion pieces supporting Duka kis than Bush. But things are not always as they seem. Our endorsements did lean to the left, but our editorial board voted only 4-3 to endorse Michael Dukakis and 4-3 to reluctantly endorse Bob Jordan. That makes us the most conservative DTH edit board in quite a while. Those who charge that we ran more pro Dukakis letters than pro-Bush are abso lutely right. We did. But what our readers couldn't realize is that we ran almost every pro-Bush (or anti-Dukakis) letter we received. Unfortunately, we received about 10 Dukakis endorsements for every one Bush endorsement. In fact, we had so few Republican pieces for the Monday before the election that we found ourselves holding the entire page so Bill Taylor, president of the College Republicans, could offer his Bush endorsTt. We even called him 1988 ffiar Intel Jean Lutes, Editor KAARIN TlSUE, News Editor LAURA PEARLMAN, Associate Editor KRISTEN GARDNER, University Editor SHARON KEBSCHULL, State and National Editor MIKE BERARDINO, Sports Editor LEIGH ANN McDONALD, Features Editor DAVID MlNTON, Photography Editor Kelly Thompson, Design Editor faces many difficult choices. And O'Connor's decisions set the tone for the success or failure of UNC's academic endeavors. Students should be encouraged by this appointment. In his short time at the University, O'Connor has demon strated an ability to relate to students. His goal of unifying the campus proves that he understands the need for improving communication within the University bureaucracy, and his inter est in implementing research and computing services to link UNC's schools and departments is commen dable. He also recognizes the need to improve faculty salaries and benefits and to actively recruit more minority faculty. O'Connor's task is not an easy one. The ominous words of the 1988 management audit, which concluded that the University is falling behind while coasting on its former glory, still echo in many minds. Wooing top flight academicians from other col leges and universities requires constant vigilance and more money than is readily available to this state institu tion. Hiring more minority faculty is easy to promise but difficult to accomplish. And balancing the need for strong research with the need for strong teaching is a near-impossible task. But with support from Chancel lor Hardin's office and continued openness to new ideas, O'Connor can help the University move into its bicentennial with renewed academic commitment and hope. Jean Lutes families experience unusual difficulty in coping with everyday situations. It is not uncommon for veterans to harbor feelings of frustration and resentment. Many suffer from depres sion and marital and drinking prob lems. The way America received these veterans upon their return from fighting contributed to their plight. The Vietnam conflict was undoubt edly a controversial event in this nation's history, and to many it was an unjustifiable one. But the solemn fact remains: 58,000 Americans lost their lives in the fighting, and countless others still are affected by the painful memories. These individuals gave greatly of themselves some will ingly, others unwillingly when the country called. And yet, upon their return, they were received in disgrace. Veterans Day is simply a designated time for Americans to show their patriotism and pride for veterans. It is important to be aware of the sacrifices that have been made so that Americans and others can experience democracy. Regardless of one's opin ion of U.S. foreign policy, America's veterans deserve respect and admira tion. Let's not forget about them. Louis Bissette the last word- back and asked him to make it longer! Perhaps the campus Republicans felt secure with Bush's lead after all, pundits and polls declared the race over two weeks before the Election Day. Or perhaps the Bush supporters felt that a horde of neo-hippie pseudo-journalists would choose to suppress opposing views. I sincerely hope this wasn't the case. We gladly run letters and columns which disagree with our editorial stances or question our news coverage. It's only fair that we provide equal time for opposing viewpoints. We are committed to free debate of the issues, and it would be hypocritical to avoid criticism of ourselves while finding fault with everyone else. So far, IVe only discussed our editorial coverage of the campaigns. Our news coverage is a completely different area we take special pains to keep news and opinion separate. State and National Editor Sharon Kebschull could devote an entire Last Word to our news coverage of the elections. But since we're out of time, suffice to say that our state and national writers worked overtime to provide the campus with extensive, professional and objective coverage. It's unfortunate that our editorial page stances force the rest of the staff to face charges of unfair bias in their reporting. Matt Bivens o time for A s I sat in the Pit last Thursday, I A wondered if I might some day jLjXmarry one or more of the exquisite female students who walked by. I thought, however, that this would be exceedingly unlikely considering the difficulty I was having even finding a date for the weekend. While I pondered making today's column a plea to 60 percent of this campus, a friend of mine joined me in the Pit. He suggested that I write about student apathy. I told him I didn't think anyone would care about that, and he nodded his head in mournful agreement. Such a situation is tragic and I'm not just talking about this particular columnist's woefully inadequate love life. College campuses have traditionally been crucibles of change and students the instigators of progress. Each of us has something we'd like to see improved. It may be a personal grievance or one that affects many others but it's there. But there are several critical situations on campus which warrant the concern and action of us all. The quality of our education is inex tricably tied to the quality of our instruc tors. Yet we are losing many professors because of low salaries. According to a report by the Special Action Committee of Student Government, almost 30 percent of the professors who left UNC in 1986 87 did so because of the low pay. The Board of Governors proposed to increase faculty salaries by raising out-of-state tuition. Yet in North Carolina, raising tuition to UNC system schools only increases revenues for the entire state budget. These revenues do not necessarily return to the institutions. We must make sure that the increase has its intended results, and other avenues for faculty pay raises should be explored, including private-sector financing, alumni contributions and an optional student fee. DTH belittles Holocaust To the editor: I must respond to Dave Hall's "The lessons of the Holocaust" printed in the Nov. 11 DTH. Comparing Israeli treatment of the Palestinian uprising with the Nazi's exter mination of Jews during World War II is not only a weak analogy, but belittles the Holo caust. In the former, 300 stone throwing, car-bombing protes ters have been killed in one year. In the latter, 6 million passive, innocent people were killed for no reason at all. Even worse than this feeble analogy is Hall's use of the word "race." Hall says, "isnl it amazing that a race of people (Jews) who only 40 years ago had no homeland, is among the most powerful nations on earth." While calling Israel one of the "most powerful nations on earth" is merely ridiculous, calling Jews a race is dangerous. Before the Nazis came to. power, no one called Jews a distinct race. The Nazis created this myth. They were the Aryans or "master race" and the Jews were a lesser, weaker race. Someone writing about "the lessons of the Holocaust" should know this. Moreover, saying "the Palestinians were there first" completely ignores the history of the area. If Hall wants to know about the truth, he should read a history text and not Palestinian propaganda. MICHAEL SHERMAN Graduate Statistics N Winners losers and rhetorical musings 7 think someone who would do that has got to be kind of sick. " Frederick Schroeder, dean of students, on the recent death threats against members of the Chapel Hill Coalition for Freedom to Dissent. ODD "It is very hard to walk around campus and the law school and the grocery store worrying about someone blowing my brains out. " Law student and campus acivist Joel Segal, on his response to the death threats he recieved. BAD " We can now speak the most magnif icent words in politics: The people have spoken. " President-elect George Bush, on his victory in the election. DBA "There's no time for anger and no time for bitterness . . . we all agree North Carolina comes first." Bob Jordan following his unsuccessful bid for gover nor. Jordan was defeated by Republican incumbent Jim Martin. DBS "Sometimes students are interested and sometimes they're not. " Virginia Julian, apathy we've got trouble Stuart Hathaway I Spy Alumni play a big role at UNC, as anybody who has ever sat in the upper level at the SAC can attest. The Educa tional Foundation Rams Club provides a valuable service to the University, through scholarships for about 800 student athletes. But its great resources need to be expanded to include the educational pursuits of the entire University. A matching-donations policy, whereby con tributions to the athletic department are accompanied by an equal gift to the University, is a method employed at other universities to distribute the resources and to check the influence of alumni organ izations. Revenue sports must not cater to the whims of sports-crazed alumni, nor prostitute UNC to professional sports. They must always remain subordinate to the primary role of UNC: education. Another problem for this campus is race relations, highlighted by the issue of the Black Cultural Center. The lack of an official BCC at UNC has caused the black population here to create one by using South Campus housing. The result of this has been a loss of racial interaction, racist nicknames and misunderstood, minority needs. A fully-supported BCC would allow blacks to maintain a support system, as well as provide the entire campus with opportunities for racial interaction. And the BCC issue has so overshadowed the campus racial agenda that the welfare of other minority groups at UNC is often neglected. UNC itself is too often one big White Cultural Center. What too often passes for tolerance is really ignorance. America and UNC should not be a melting pot. We should strive for what Readers9 Foraim CkicayWw GORBACHEV CORElGN J Hi! W t H FOR DEMOCRACY COMES "R? POLITBURO Wall graffiti to be expected To the editor: I was appalled at the graffiti vandalism some over-zealous Bush supporters had scrawled on the temporary wall erected for the remodeling of the Stu dent Stores. I thought to myself what an immature, spiteful and offensive act this was and how it is not in the true spirit of politics in America. But then I realized something. This cheap attempt at savoring the Republican presidential victory was actually quite representa tive of the way the Reublican party, namely" Mr. George Bush, chose to go about run ning for office. The students who scribbled the graffiti (and signed their initials and their class only) chose to make derogatory remarks about the Democratic ticket instead of highlighting the victory of the Republican candidates. This made no sense to me, but I guess to a Repub lican mind it did. This is just how Mr. Bush (dare I use the term "president elect?") chose to run his campaign from the very beginning; it was in keep ing with the proven Republican tactics of libel and slander which permeated the entire race. So I guess this was the reaction I should have expected from the opposition: to con tinue using the cheap and backhanded - tactics that got them into office. I don't know why I expected the College Republican to have an attrac tive, respectable banner flying over the Pit congratulating their victors. I dorit know why I expected victory to transform the Republican party into Week in Quotes a voter registrar in Orange County, on the unpredictability of student voters. HDD "I keep reading about voter apathy in this year's election, but I've seen more excitement around the headquarters this year than I've ever seen. " David Lineberger, acting chairman of the Orange County Republican Party, on projected Voter turnout. ODD "All of the students in the future will pay for any mistakes the committee makes now. " Board of Trustees chairman Bob Eubanks on the drawn-out search for a permanent Black Cultural Center. ODD "The hammer of the gods what do you think that is?" A rhetorical musing pondered by Robert Plant during his concert at the Smith Center. HDD "It is a time for Jews to sit back and think about their Judaism and the impor tance of this event in their history." x Jesse Jackson calls a quilt, with each race," religion and sex enjoying not only partic-.; ipation, but understanding. The management of UNC's facilities and space is an ongoing crisis in which students can play a crucial role. For example, we; have to recognize that not everyone wanting to park on campus can do so. While a parking deck is an option, park-and-ride lots and improved shuttle service are also part of the answer. Here students must not only work with faculty, admin istrators and alumni, but the town as well.' At the same time, the campus food service is losing money. The University contracts several agents to supply different . aspects of the campus' food needs, and the space in Lenoir and Chase which Marriot has is not enough to fill the demand. The results are long lines and high prices to make up for lost business. Students were instrumental in forcing the former food' service, ARA, to leave campus. And while alumni may not be so keen in having a v parking deck or a cafeteria named after ' them for their generosity, they may still' be persuaded of the need. Undergraduate and graduate, this' student body has within it the power to create change. We took the Speaker Ban' Law to court in the '60s, fought for our' right to distribute student fees in the 70s,- and helped reform the curriculum in the ' Os and every time we were successful.-' Students are inescapably a transient' group. But while we are here we can do many things. With responsible judgment! and action, we can improve the entire University community now and for pos' terity. As has been written long ago, the ' only limit we students have is our own.' initiative. Stuart Hathaway is a junior political science and history major from Charlotte..' 3i mm 7 I, OCT J 9M General i LA FOF ALDER 1U SOVIET UNION something I would consider attractive and respectable. But dont get me wrong, guys. You all made me exceed ingly proud proud to be a. member of the . Democratic party. DAVE DOWNING "' . Graduate English Letters policy TUa rtsit'7i TVt Vaal AUG ASUUjr 1 Ul iitci welcomes reader comments and, criticisms. When writing letters to the editor, please follow these guidelines:, Students should include name, year in school, major, r phone number and home. town. Other members of thf University community should include similar information, f Lauren Stone, director of the UNC Hillel on the fiftieth commemoration of "Kris-,-tallnacht." Kristallnacht, or i the night o, the broken glass, is considered the first., event in the Holocaust which claimed thex. lives of 6 million people. IBB "We are always recommending to deans : and chairs of departments to look out for.' minority faculty members at other cam puses." Dennis O'Connor, newly-: appointed provost, on the efforts to draw: more minority faculty and administrators to the University. B B B "I do plan to take this to tne fullest extent , of our rights. It's public defamation. Black Student Movement president Kenny Perry, on the Carolina Critic's demand that the BSM be defunded. "Charges of racism are the last resort for people who have no other more valid argument. " John Hood, editor of the Carolina Critic, in defense of his publi cation's call for the BSM to be defunded. - Compiled by associate editor Laura Pearlman. m '4 4,

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