Chance of rain today Cfear this afternoon Weekend: mostly fair . Highs in the 60s , mm urn if,.;;: W ' on CIA covert acllcn Hamilton 1 00, 8 p.m. i---y .Leu me (Labaire Serving the students and the University community since 1893 Volume 96, Issue 85 Thursday, November 17, 1S88 Chapel Hill, North Carolina News Sports Arts 962-0245 BusinessAdvertising 962-1163 ao! "it 'nl tT n tt n 4 A rl imam prcayoir nam I 1 n. mniran) By BETHANY LITTON Staff Writer : The United States should be a leader in the human rights effort because it" has already overcome many struggles as a nation, Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young told a Memorial Hall crowd of about 1,000 Wednesday night. . Young was the keynote speaker of Human Rights Week 8, sponsored by Campus Y. ' "The human rights movement that flows forth from this country flows forth not from self-righteousness but because we want to save our brothers and sisters from the kind of violence we have experienced," he said. Young, mayor of Atlanta since 1982, served as a U.S. congressman from 1972 to 1977 and as the U.S. representative to the United Nations during the Carter administration. ; He said the United States is on its way to a mutual acceptance of differences. M to By SIMONE PAM Staff Writer ' The Black Student Movement is distributing questionnaires to find out how much black students know about the problem of minority retention on campus. BSM members handed out ques tionnaires in the Pit on Wednesday and will continue handing them out through Friday, said Kim McLean, Minority Retention Task Force co chairwoman. If students aren't aware there is a problem, then they can't do any thing about the problem of reten tion," McLean said. SUnodleinit By NANCY VYKLE Staff Writer After about an hour of debate Wednesday, Student Congress voted to appropriate $200 to help fund today's Human Rights Week '88 speech by former CIA agent Philip Agee. Several congress members opposed the fund allocation because they said the speech was political. The Student Constitution prohibits congress from Death penality cr5t5cizec a ineffective aimd By CHRIS LANDGRAFF Staff Writer The death penalty in America has more to do with politics than truth or justice, said Joseph Ingle, director of the Southern Coalition of Jails and Prisons, in a speech Wednesday. "There are over 2,200 prisoners on death row and most are in the southern United States, as over 1,200 prisoners are on death row in the states of the old Confeder acy," he said. There are no convincing argu ments that support the death penalty, he said. "There is no study which substantiates that the death penalty is a deterrent to the crime of murder." Though many support the death penalty because they think it is cheaper than incarceration, execu tions are actually more expensive than imprisoning someone for life. . "Florida, which is second in (modern) executions only to Texas, spends approximately $5 million to execute one person, according to a recent study. Life in a penitentiary is much, much less expensive," he said. By describing the case of con- ght etd Human Rights Week "What we've seen in our society in the last 200 years is an evidence of a society that has learned to respect and protect the differences that make us," he said. Young .said understanding of dif ferences is the key to equality. "The differences that exist in this auditorium are right now creating wars," he said. "Yet we're here right now, side by side, a beautiful array of God's children." Young talked specifically about the experience in the southern" United States. A race riot, such as one that occurred at the University of Mas sachusetts, would never happen here because of the "wholesome multira cial experiences that we now take for granted in the South," he said. "We're a stronger and healthier region of our nation because we have Once the questionnaires have been returned, the information will be compiled and the BSM will attempt to institute programs to educate students about the problem of minor ity retention. "Our first step is to establish some type of avenue to increase minority retention," said Qwendolyn Brown, the task force's co-chairwoman. "We hope to find out what we need to worry about in terms of educating blacks." The survey was divided into three sections, McLean said. The first section asked minority students, if they knew UNC has problems retain gayg Congress to (help fioimcfl funding events of "political partisan nature" without a two-thirds vote. Congress Speaker Neil Riemann ruled that the Agee speech was a partisan political event and that a two-thirds vote was necessary. The fund allocation passed 16-8-2. Agee, author of several books concerning the CIA, has been a vocal opponent of the CIA, and some congress members said they opposed giving money to a speaker who would Human Rights Week victed murderer Willie Darden in detail, Ingle illustrated the ways in which a prisoner can become a victim of the politics of the death penalty. Though Darden had an eyewit ness who saw him far away from the the murders at the time of the crime, the all-white jury found Darden, who is black, guilty, Ingle said. "He was the 18th person to be executed in Florida since the death penalty was made legal in 1977. Though this happened in Florida, it is not so far away since Darden was born in Greene County, N.C.," he said. "The death penalty has little to do with deterring crime and a lot to do with getting elected into office," he said. The 'politics of death' mean that candidates cannot afford to oppose the death penalty or grant stays of execution because they would appear weak. The death penalty is also a racist penalty, relating not only to the effort forced ourselves to accommodate and appreciate the differences in the region," he said. Atlanta's unprecedented economic growth is a positive result of a stable social climate, he said. Independence of the judiciary, freedom of speech and the protection of First Amendment rights have made Atlanta "the booming metro polis" that it is, he said. "Good race relations turns out to be , very good business," he said, "Those places that are developing are the places where human rights are being respected and protected." Specifically, he said the non-violent nature of the 1960s civil rights movement made it possible for this country to be a model for others. "Because we were able to go through all of this tension and all of this turmoil with a minimum of violence, we are able now to be See YOUNG page 2 eawaireiroess of miowiroty ' ing minority students. The second asked whether they were aware of support groups available, like the BSM. The third attempted to focus on the problem of retention and to pinpoint if a lack of studying is one of the causes of low-minority. retention. Some of the specific questions asked in the survey included the graduation rates for black and white students after five years, the name of the director of the Black Cultural Center, the number of organizations in the Black Greek Council and the average number of hours spent studying each night. not provide a well-rounded view of the CIA issue. "It knocks out a hell of a lot of student support if you only stand on one side of an issue," Thomas Elliott (Dist. 7) said. "We just open ourselves up to charges of partisan funding every time we pass an act like this." An informed discussion on all sides of an issue is necessary, Elliott said. Several congress members said representatives from the CIA had also yoiost Joseph Ingle race of the accused, but also to that of the victim. "A study conducted in Georgia proved that the likeli hood that a black will receive the death penalty is between four and 12 times greater if he is accused of killing a white than if he killed a black," he said. See PENALTY page 3 r J" I ' ' ' : '-'A f).vi-, ; ' . ' : I Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young "We want to see what their atti tudes are. Maybe they are not aware of the resources, available," said Charles Lewis, a BSM member. Tonya Blanks, BSM vice president, described the survey as an instrument to make students want to know more, about the statistics and facts about black students on campus. "Hopefully, it will force, them to take a closer look at themselves, as well as the amount of time they spend studying," she said. Shannon Alston, a sophomore from Greensboro, said the survey asked black students if they were aware of information that could be been invited but had declined to appear with Agee at a previously publicized event. ' Jurgen Buchenau (Dist. 4), , co author of the bill, said Agee's speech was pertinent because of the ongoing CIA recruitment debate on campus. "We haven't had a chance to hear from anyone who knows about it," he said. "It would be of tremendous educational value to the University community." Members of congress in favor of the measure argued that the CIA is a non-partisan organization because it is a government agency. But Elliot said he disagreed. "It is political in that it involves the indictment of a U.S. government agency," he said. Candidates oGiueirvBewe. for vice chaimcellor post By BRENDA CAMPBELL Staff Writer - The committee searching for a new vice chancellor of business and finance has reached the interview stage in its search, said Royce Murray, chairman of the search committee and Kenan professor at UNC. "There are some outstanding can didates that the committee is consid ering," Murray said. "We are really pleased in the sense that the search is going well. We have reached the stage where we are interviewing the candidates." The committee is not working under a specific time schedule, Murray said. "The chancellor (Paul Hardin) and I want to see the position filled, but it is important to the University that we consider the-process carefully," he said. "Because of this we have not w -, . DTH David Foster gives the keynote address of Human Rights Week '88 Wednesday useful to them but that the survey also was too broad and didn't neces sarily focus on black students. "The campus should inform stu dents on the population statistics," , said Kim Lea, a freshman from Greensboro. ; " . . . ; The University also has to help black students deal with problems that are unique to them, Lewis said "The administration is also not being active enough in making black students more aware of the challenges ahead," he said. "And it means more than just getting blacks to come here." Harold Wallace, vice chancellor of University affairs, said black students speech Ken Costner (Dist. 10) said that Agee, in his book "On the Run," had revealed names of CIA agents and secret information, resulting in " the passage of the Identities Protection Act. - "I'm not sure this is the type of speaker students would want us to appropriate money for," Costner said. "It's obvious he's pretty much a traitor to the country because he gave out state secrets." Agee's background and the Stu dent Constitution were both taken into account prior to the introduction of the measure, Buchenau said. Agee speaks of the CIA's historical past, not what they are doing now, he said. Other congress members said that because of his background, Agee set an agenda or time table." There are no requirements for the position, but certain experience is necessary, Murray said. "We believe it is important that the person has had previous senior executive experience," he said. "At a major research university the person needs to have the strong experience and leadership that it takes to balance the needs of various elements of the University." The person accepting this position will be in constant contact with the faculty, students and administration on campus, he said. "We would like someone who will be accommodating to the faculty, students and administration when they come to discuss certain problems and seek solutions," Murray said. "That type of collegial attitude is impressive to us." 9 nssy'es already have support services avail able to them. "There are a number of avenues to assist minority students in charting their way through their career," he said. There are 30 minority student organizations available on campus, like the summer orientation program, peer counselors and career fairs, Wallace said. The results of the survey will be posted in the BSM office, Room 215, Suite A in the Student Union. The correct answers and percentage distribution will be announced Nov. 30 at the next BSM meeting. ooi CD A would be able to explain the upheaval on UNC's campus related to the CIA. ; Some members of congress said the ; $200 appropriation was avioken amount to force congress to take a stand in favor of anti-CIA sentiment. Donnie Espbsito (Dist. 12) said Agee's speech topic was in the spirit of Human Rights Week. "I don't see how this speaker can be isolated from other speakers during the week," he said. Gavin Sundwall (Dist. 16) said he had talked to his constituents about the bill before the meeting. They were eager to have Agee speak even if they did not agree with him concerning the CIAj and they wanted congress See CONGRESS page A The University has three associate vice chancellors that can help smooth the transition, he said. "It will help to bring a new person into an organization that is already running quite well," Murray said. The job of the vice chancellor of business and finance is very extensive and involved in every aspect of the University, he said! The vice chancellor will be in charge of granting contracts, the operation of the physical plant, overseeing University utilities like the Carolina Inn, receiving funds from students and the state, and budgetary planning. "The office of business and finance is involved in every element of University life," he said. "Whenever a dollar passes from one hand to another the office is involved in how the transaction takes place and facilitating it." There's no gnus like good gnus. Garry Gnu