10The Daily Tar HeelThursday, November 16, 1989 3T r must B AMD Mgj IT MlfcS M koCKS" g, A MOTHER 3 CRAT. 10 CALL MYSOF POLITICAL 97th year of editorial freedom RALLY. A RBPVdLlCAH. J Sharon Kebschull, Editor MARY Jo DuNNlNGTON, Editorial Page Editor JUSTIN McGuiRE, University Editor KAREN DUNN, State and National Editor TOM PARKS, Business Editor Dave Glenn, Sports Editor MELANIE BLACK, Design Editor TAMMY BLACKARD, Editorial Page Editor WILLIAM TaGGART, University Editor Jessica Lanning, City Editor CARA BONNETT, Arts and Features Editor Kelly Thompson, Omnibus Editor DAVID SUROWIECKI, Photography Editor Julia Coon, News Editor All III -v s V S I ( Staff issues ignored New vice chancellor long overdue board opinion Amid continuing ' publicity over the comparatively low pay and benefits for - UNC faculty, a similar problem though virtually unknown to many has for too long received little attention from state officials. Throughout the past 20 years, inadequate personnel operations have of ten overlooked the interests of many of the UNC's 5,300 staff members, including clerks, secretaries, housekeepers, food service workers and groundskeepers. Public protests, petitions and embarrass ing media coverage have made this institu tion often appear unconcerned with its employees. But at last these people will be granted administrative representation through the creation of a new post the vice chancellor of human resources. After all these years, it's about time. The new position, to be filled within a few weeks, was created on the recommen dations from a study by an outside consult ing firm. According to the study, the Uni versity has neglected training programs and has poor employee benefits and inade quate grievance procedures, among other problems. Such problems threaten the mission of this University. Chancellor Paul Hardin speaks of serv ice as one mission of the University, yet no "service" is shown toward such UNC housekeepers as Clementine Jones, a single mother of four who receives a yearly sal ary well below the poverty level for her 14 years of service to the University. Many food service workers, groundskeepers and housekeepers have trouble finding other jobs and are locked in to these low wages. One out of five staff employees leave the University each year, and vacancies in these positions have neared 300 in recent years. Until now, no official has spoken di rectly for the interests of these important yet largely unappreciated members of the community. Relations and communication between University staff and administrators have long been strained. In 1969, 1 14 food work ers went on strike to demand a 20 cent pay raise to a $ 1 .80 minimum wage. The work ers received their demands, but not with out the closing of Lenoir Hall, violence among students and National Guard sol diers lined up in the Pit. Clearly, the con flict could have been lessened by an ad ministrator whose job was to deal with workers' concerns. Two years ago, the Office of State Per sonnel authorized pay raises for UNC secretaries and clerks, but when the state did not deliver the raises, more than 500 employees gathered around South Build ing to protest. Many of these people had been faithful to UNC with years of service but were being punished by the loss of University purchasing power. Again, had there been a vice chancellor of human resources, he or she could have addressed the protesters and fought for their interests. Most recently, the lack of administra tive support for employees filing griev ances contributed to a fiasco within the University police department and the reas signment of the department's director. The episode might have been avoided had there been a watchful eye in South Building. UNC's staff members play an impor tant behind-the-scenes role in the school's daily functions. The new post of vice chan cellor of human resources is a belated, much-needed way to provide a voice to those who have gone without for so long. fx MBAUt ALL 1HP) r OO 15 SHOUT VZl AT EACH CTHERl iit DO THESE PEOPLE HrVB A X LIFE? WHY 00 W UEEP V IVSVl - X (MAY8 THAT'S WHY THY k CALL IT KUEE-JEkK fa A career is no good without self-knowledge Too little, too late Navy 'stand-down' not soon enough To the editor: In response to the Nov. 1 0 editorial, "Breed ing boredom: Students ignore education's purpose" by James Burroughs, I am coming to the defense of those "career-oriented" stu dents he refers to as ignoring the purpose of education. Sure, many students misunderstand why they are attending the "University of So-and-So," but they do not ignore the purpose for having a higher education. To career-oriented students and according to the advice of many of their influences, a collegeuniversity educa tion is job training. Before entering a collegeuniversity, career-oriented students learn that a higher edu cation is "a leg up on the competition," a way to "get ahead." High school guidance counsel ors claim that a college education will get a person a "good," "successful," high-paying (the key objective) career and that graduation from a well-known or any acceptable college is a strong credential on a resume. So, a lot of Students come to schools, such as UNC-CH just to say, "Kilroy waz here 21 790." They waste four years and $10,000-plus on job training. Even after career-oriented students arrive at "So-and-So State University," they are pro vided with career fairs and career lectures to inform them of what needs to be done to get their desired career. Posted flyers remind upperclassmen to prepare that resume now or face the consequences (yeah, you might not get that job you weren't going to get in the first place). Getting some type of internship or entry-level position during school is advised. The schools of journalism, business, educa tion, law, medicine, nursing, pharmacy and public health are job-training schools. Career orientation is supported by reminders, advise and major departments. No one reminds career-oriented or non-career-oriented students that they were admitted to "Susie Q. College" for the sake of obtaining knowledge that builds a basis for more intelligent thought. No one advises students to go beyond their class stud ies to explore Davis or any of the other 16 UNC-CH libraries for untaught facts and truths nor are students given time for extracur ricular bookworming. Not many departments at UNC-CH (folklore, comparative literature) are non-career-oriented. Everyone is aware of the poor values trans mitted through radio, television and cinema films. A song played on the radio this weekend, one line of which went "I want to be rich." How can a person get rich? By inheriting wealth or obtaining it legally or by picking a good major (medicine, perhaps)? Finally, as hard as it is to admit, parents help create career-oriented students. "Go to school, Johnny, and get a degree so that you can be somebody important and have a better life than we did." To which Johnny should reply, "Am I not someone important now? Will I be doing anything so different than what you guys have done ... surviving within a mind-poisoning, hypocritical society that does not even know that it is being controlled by forces (we believe to be) beyond our control?" Parents say what they do out of love. They are not to blame for how they think (the same bad influences affected them), but they are partially at fault for what they have done to their child (or chil dren). Some of the blame can be placed on the career-oriented student. They are old enough to think for themselves. Aren't they? Consider that all the major influences of most students brainwash them into thinking the way they do and hypnotize them on a set path for set treas ures. Also, remember that a higher education must be paid for, so a high-paying (but not necessarily stimulating) career comes in handy. So, let me be one of the first, if not the first, to tell career-oriented students that whether they get $100,000 with Merrill-Lynch or $12,000 with Polanski Cleaning Services there is no happiness or success without knowledge of the self and the world. Get an education. Why not? You're paying for one. ANTHONY CARTN AIL-BATES Sophomore RTVMP Leaving no stone unturned, the U.S. Navy ordered a 48-hour "stand-down" to review safety procedures following a series of serious acci dents within the past three weeks. While the Navy should be commended for taking action, two days of safety classes and review of equip ment operations may be too little and too late. This temporary freeze of the Navy means 599,000 sailors, both ashore and on 566 ships, will spend two days in special training sessions and equipment operations classes reviewing basic safety procedures. But placing new emphasis on safety now is similar to closing the barn door after the cows have wandered away. There have been 102 At least 29 people were injured in a fire aboard the USS Inchon during shipyard main tenance in Norfolk, Va. An F-1 4 jet crashed off the coast of Florida. The crew escaped. When people join any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, they are expected to make sac rifices for the their country. Yet lives should not be the price of poor training and maintenance. In a country not at war, too many sailors have died, while the Navy blames the accidents on bad luck and coincidence. Some of these acci dents and deaths cannot be explained away. On May 1, two sailors were washed over board, and officials are investigating a report that their submarine Readers9 Foram is simply unacceptable. ?Tto NtacdS: Lives should not be the While 47 of these . . deathsresultedfromthe pHCC OI pOOr training April 19 explosion on the uss iowa, the av- and incompetence it wl age iiuiuuvi ji uvauio per year since 1984 is 69.5. Why have Navy of ficials waited so long to make safety a priority? Since the USS Iowa tragedy, 25 major accidents involving Navy personnel have occurred around the world. This week's unprecedented stand-down came only after seven serious mishaps in three weeks, five of which occurred this week. On Nov. 12, the Destroyer USS Kinkaid collided with a merchant ship off the coast of Malaysia, killing one U.S. sailor. On the same day, a sailor from the USS Forrestal died four days after an armored hatch hit his head. On Nov. 13, two Navy attack jets overshot their practice range and dropped 1 2 500-pound bombs on a desert campsite in California. One man was slightly injured and a mobile home was damaged. was diving while the crewmen were on the deck. Such incompe tence would not be tol erated in a private en terprise, and it should not be accepted in the U.S. military. Navy veterans, offi cers, sailors and their families blame the increase in fatalities on re laxed training methods, inexperienced person nel and sub-standard maintenance. There has been criticism that training standards have fallen within the past five to 1 0 years. Experts are also arguing that inexperienced sailors are being sent into situations above their capabilities. The Navy must take responsibility for these accidents and stop this cycle of needless deaths. While doing so will not return the deceased to their families, it will ensure that these sacrifices do not continue. The stand-down is a start, but only with a program of active inspection, in tense safety training and high standards can the Navy regain its prestige as a respected pillar of the U.S. military. Charles Brittain Speakers like Gandhi are special privilege To the editor: Monday night atMemorial Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Arun Gandhi deliv ered Human Rights Week's key note address on "Human Rights and Racism." Astounding in its simplicity and appeal to human compassion and wisdom, rather than to politics, their message was moving and thought-provoking as well as informative. Following the address, the audience was so in volved that they continued to sit for an animated discussion with the Gandhis. It was the University's honor to have two such inspiring individuals on campus. It was unfortunate, how ever, that only one third of the hall was filled. It seems that one of the finest aspects of attending such a large, diverse university is the incredible opportunities open to its students. Such an event as Human Rights Week provides an invaluable fo rum for extra-curricular education; the speeches, workshops and cul tural presentations are all free and open to everyone. It is a shame that more students and faculty do not take advantage of the new opportunities and experiences which have been virtually brought to them. We hope that the events later on this week, including the second keynote address, will be better attended. Those students who saw the Gandhis speak Mon day were not a privileged, spe cially informed few. Rather, they were the few who took advantage of our special privilege to be come informed. MELISSA WILLARD Freshman Undecided ROBIN SPENCE Freshman Undecided Uninformed attack makes little sense To the editor: This letter is in response to Daniel Rundquist's uninformed letter entitled "UNC makes turn ing a profit top priority" in the Nov. 14 DTH. Displaying a firm grasp of Econ 10 concepts, Daniel alleges that "any intelligent per son will realize" UNC acts as a profit-maximizing firm. Daniel, please do not count me as one of the intelligent people who feel this way. UNC obviously is not out to maximize profits. If it were, UNC wouldn't turn so many applicants away each year. Instead, it would increase tuition prices up to the point that affording tuition was the only entrance requirement. Present excess demand would be converted directly into revenue. This, my friend, is how a true profit-maximizing firm would act. Daniel also refers to "astronomi cal rates" paid by out-of-state resi dents due to some "ambiguous rule." He must have missed the day when Dr. Waud discussed a subsidy. The state of North Caro lina actually pays for part of its residents' tuition at UNC. Being from Atlanta, I must pay the full cost of my tuition, which explains the discrepancy Daniel noticed. To say that we pay "tremen dous amounts of money" to attend UNC is absolutely ludicrous. I think a quick look at our neigh bors tuition costs down 15-501 should be enough to settle this. UNC is clearly one of the biggest bargains in the country in higher education. I'm not trying to say that UNC is without problems, but unin formed attacks don't solve any of them. I hope that in the future people will not be so quick to criticize the University. Irrational arguments like Daniel's stating that we students are "victims of legal extortion" are counterproductive. They only serve to divert students from real issues on campus and to devalue our diploma which is surely "more than a piece of pa per." BILL CRAVER " Junior Economics fetters policy The Daily Tar Heel welcomes reader comments and criticisms. When writing letters to the editor, please follow these guidelines: All letters must be dated and signed by the author(s), with a limit of two signatures per letter. All letters must be typed and double-spaced, for ease of edit ing. Letters should include the author's year, major, phone num ber and hometown. The DTH reserves the right to edit letters for space, clarity and -vulgarity. Remember, brevity is the soul of wit. UNC exists to educate, not to turn a profit The Daily Tar Heel Assistant editors: Diana Florence and Jessica Yates, arts and features; Karen Dennis and Wendy Johnson, design; Charles Brittain, editorial page; Staci Cox, managing; B Buckberry, JoAnn Rodak and Steve Wilson, news; Lisa Reichle and Richard Smith, Omnibus; Evan Eile, photography, Andrew Podolsky, Jay Reed and Jamie Rosenberg, sports; Kari Barlow, state and national; Sarah Cagle, Will Spears and Amy Wajda, university. Editorial writers: James Burroughs and Jennifer Wing. University: Cathy Apgar, Marcie Bailey, Debbie Baker, Lynette Blair, Robert Brown, Chris Helms, Jeff D. Hill, Joey Hill, Katherine Houston, Stephanie Johnston, Stacey Kaplan, Jason Kelly, Dionne Loy, Kenny Monteith, Simone Pam, Jennifer Pilla, Myron B. Pitts, Mike Sutton, Bryan Tyson, Nancy Wykle. City: Steve Adams, Tim Bennett, Julie Campbell, Jennifer Dickens, Jeff Moyer, Sheila Long, Enk Rogers, Katherine Snow, CamState and National: Crystal Bernstein, Robert Berry.JenniferBlackwell, Wendy Bounds, Wagner Dotto.JulieGammill.Eric Lusk, Alan Martin, Kimberly Maxwell, Jeff Moyer, Glenn O'Neal, Kyle York Spencer, Emilie Van Poucke, Sandy Wall, Chuck Williams. , , Business: Craig Allen, Heather Clapp, Victoria Davis, Kevin Greene. Lloyd Lagos, David Lloyd, Becky Riddick, Vanessa Arts and features: Cheryl Allen, Lisa Antonucci, Noah Bartolucci, Shields Brewer, Gretchen Davis, Cricket French, Wendy Grady, Vicki Hyman, Mara Lee, Tim Little, Matthew McCafferty, Carrie McLaren, Elizabeth Murray, D'Ann Pletcher, Leigh Pressley, Eric Rosen, Hasie Sirisena, Heather Smith, Brian Springer, Bevin Weeks and Laura" Williams. Sports: Neil Amato, Mark Anderson, Jason Bates, John Bland, Laurie Dhue, Chris Fialko, Christina Frohock, Scott Gold, Warren Hynes, Doug Hoogervorst, David Kupstas, Bethany Litton, Bobby McCroskey, Brock Page, Natalie Sekicky, Enc ' Wagnon and Steve Walston. Photography: Jodi Anderson, Schuyler Brown, Gina Cox, Steven Exum, Sheila Johnston, Tracey Langhorne, Kathy Micnel and Catherine Pinckert. E Joseph Muhl Jr., photographic technician. Copy Editors: James Benton, Rebecca Duckett, Joy Golden, Stephanie Harper, Angela Hill, Susan Holdsclaw, Jennifer Kurfees, Lisa Lindsay, Walter McNairy. Elaine Mosley, Debrah Norman, Heather Patterson, George Quintero, Knstin Scheve. Joe Seagle, Bobby Seedlock, Kelley Shaw, Chrissy Stidham, Clare Weickert, Bruce Wood, Steffanie Woodfin and Cameron YUCartoonists: George Brooks, Adam Cohen, Pete Corson, Alex De Grand, David Estoye, Greg Humphreys and Mike Sutton. Production: Stacy Wynn, manager, Greg Miller, assistant. To the editor: If one were to believe Daniel Rundquist ("UNC makes turning a profit top priority," Nov. 14), then they'd have to conclude that there are a lot of unintelligent people in the world. Many of us "unintelligent" people will be receiving our MBA's in May. I'm referring to Mr. Rundquist's grand assertion that "any intelligent person will realize that this Univer sity is difirm ... which is in business in order to maximize profits like any other firm." A firm, Mr. Rundquist, is an entity which a) is owned by one or more individuals; b) seeks to maximize the wealth of those owners; c) in the case of non-profit firms, seeks to equalize revenues and expenditures while providing a service; d) charges a price for its product or service; e)has its viability determined by market forces (exceptions include public utilities and American farmers). While private schools exhibit some of these characteristics, UNC exhibits none. First, UNC is merely a cog in a larger governmental bu reaucracy. Second, UJNC does not strive to maximize the wealth of anyone (and if it does seek to do this, it has done a very poor job of it). Third, UNC does not strive to equalize reve nues and expenditures like private non-profit firms. Instead its purpose is to provide a rea sonably priced, quality education for citizens of North Carolina. An indication of this is the fact that UNC charges different tuition rates based on where a student's home is. If the University were truly a firm it would charge different tuition rates for different majors surely it costs more to educate a chemistry major than it costs to educate a history major. Finally, we will never see UNC go out of business due to market forces. It will remain an entity because it is supported by the taxpayers of North Carolina and by generous alumni. Mr. Rundquist's next assertion that "stu dents at UNC ... might be thought of as victims of legal extortion" would be ridiculous were it not so funny. Students choose to come here. If we feel like we don't want to pay the price (both monetarily and non-monetarily), we can simply leave. No one forces us to stay here, and no one forces us to take more classes to "make us more intelligent." The University merely provides a forum for us to develop our minds, but becoming more intelligent is up to each of us. We should, as Mr. Rundquist says, encour age UNC to improve its faculty, help its stu dents and lower the student-to-teacher ratio. All these efforts, however, cost money. Since the state legislature is being less than generous in their allocation of funds, UNC will have to depend more on contributions from alumni to achieve its goals. Therefore, it is in our best interest to not constantly engage in alumni bashing. The University is not and should not be just for the students, as Mr. Rundquist states. The alumni are an important part of the University as well. Surely the alumni shouldn't be given keys to the store, but we should take into account their needs and desires and find a way to integrate them with the needs and de sires of students (firms call this "goal congru ence"). Concerned students like Mr. Rundquist need to form alliances with the alumni instead of encouraging an adversarial relationship with them and the administration. Doing so will give students more credibility than will writing letters which contain highly erroneous asser tions. J.L. WESLEY IH Graduate student Business administration f