The Daily Tar HeelFriday, February 9, 19907 dth CZDsissof Send Advertosmg s;or ,ease b the iST!4Ws rf""g's now liable FREE. Know your ant txtfy status 966-6SS6 TravelVacations SST SPRING BREAK TRIPS! -llamas Cruise 6 days. $279. -2s Jamaica. $299. 8 days tsrcun. $399. Incl aircruise. some meals, parties, i-oftng Break Travel. 929-4321. lvo Henderson St. SPRING BREAK JAMAICA! Only $589. From Raleigh! Includes airfare, hotel (8 days7 nights), much more! Hit the beach for the party of the 90 s! Space Is limited so call now! 1-800-331-3136. LOST: Gold class signet ring. 2-5. Could be anywhere. Reward! 968 8914. LOST: Set of keys w yellow Century 21 rubber keyring. Return APO. HATE TYPING? I et me do it. Call 967 0583 for fast, professional service on Macintosh PC. MA in English, famili.'y v.ith MLA styles. Ask for Cindy. SPRING BREAK 90S wants you to m ii r-ii.n - -r t rnw I e icii ling 1 1 jt 1 1 S299. For info call 929-5125. SPRING BREAK JAMAICA FROM $449 complete!!! Enjoy hot nites. cool drinks, reggae music & sandy beaches traveling to Jamaica w Jamaica's oldest & largest colle g ate tour operator. Organize group of 2.0 & travel free!!! For more info & reservations contactr STS at 1 S00 643 4S49. SPRING BREAKERS White sand, crystal clear water. Florida's 1 nightclub; where? Panama City Beach: Fla's newest & best Spring Bfeak hot spot. Call for more details. 9330464. SPRING BREAK Bahamas 3nts $199 extra nts avail. $39 holds your spot! Hurry, space is limited! Breakaway Tours 1-800-456-7499. Your Spring Break Specialists. Lost & Found FOUND: Gold earring, last Thurs. near Kenan Stadium. Call 933 8156 to ID & claim. FOUND: Set of keys in Gardner Hall wOmega Psi Phi keychain. Claim at Union desk. LOST: 14K gold cross. 25. Sentimental value. REWARD. Call Jennifer 942 6723. LOST: 1986 graduation class ring, near at La Terraza WXYC Dance night. Reward. 933-9186. LOST: Black & grey pocketbcok. 25 in Lenoir. At least returr. per sonal items (keys & pix) to APC. Services RESUME Why wait until the end-of-semester rush? Student rates for writing and typing resumes. Laser printing. Free pick-up and delivery. Call Dolt Write. 967-3786. LOOKING TO ESTABl ISH CREDIT & increase your buying power? Visa. Master card. & Discover cards available for soph grads wautomatic oppioval. Call or leave message for Bo. 933 6120. PREGNANT? NEED HELP? Free pregnancy testing and counseling. All servxes confidential. Call PSS 942-7318. Sat. appts. avail. Trying to get a workout by yourself sometimes leaves a lot to be desired... Find vourself a workout partner in the DTH Classifieds Health Column 962-0252 THE FABULOUS FIVE?? Who are you trying to kid? Wouldn't frusuated or faineant be more fitting? All talk and no action, we should have expected as much from you. The Chicks. TO THE handsome redhead with the leg brace: Your name is Rob. You're also a Pi Kap. I would really like to get to know you better. If interested, please respond. another redhead. YO CAM! Happy Birthday! You may not know who your condom man is. but we love you! Have a super day Deb. Elaine, and Heather. SR CLASS GIFT "In my opinion, undergraduate teaching is the heart & soul of UNC. That Is why I am so support ive of the Senior Class phonathon to raise money to establish a Teaching Fellows Program at UNC's Center for Teaching & Learning. As undergraduate teaching Is further strengthened, the beneficiaries ultimately are our undergraduate students - & they are why we are all here." JOHN SWOFFORD, Athletic Director. ABORTION - To 20 weeks. Private & confidential GYN facility wSaturday & weekday appoint ments avail. Pain medication given. Free pregnancy tests. 942 0824. DOES YOUR CHECKBOOK have you at your wits end? Call Patti 942 2418 (if no answer leave mes sage). Balancing checkbooks is my specialty. Personal or professional. FAST & ACCURATE WORD PRO CESSING service: typing exp. includes law papers & briefs, term papers, resumes, cover letters. & applications. Call 933-9263 today! Tutoring Health ECON 10 Tutor needed for inten sive review. Good py. Call 933 9186 & tve msge. STUDENT GOV'T TUTORING PRO GRAM offers free tutoring: Spanish. French. Italian. Econ 10. Math 22. 30. 31 & Stat 11. 23. Tues 7:30-9:30. 3rd floor Bingham. Personals ITALIAN TUTOR. 929-7320 before 9am or late night. OEffipQ MM 1 YR GOLD membership at Spa Health Club for Sale $300. save $150! 968 1997, lv. messge. WE SUPPLY BEST CONDOM MACHINES & quality condoms in the market. Wholesaleretail, mail ing orders accepted wconfidential ity. Special deals for organizations, groups. 929-4479. ask for Sim. Do something different for St. Valentines Dayl Enter the DTlt Personal Valentines Contest Deacons CONGRATS Delta Sigma Pi Pledges. We are looking foward to getting to know you better! The Brothers of Delta Sigma Pi. RON, I LOVE you today more than words can say. And I'll love you even more tomorrow. Love. Tiffany. OSiWjm wmm immnm & C9 from page 5 FRIDAY 10 a.m.: Tcath For America Day! Eighty-lhree fifth graders from Carrboro Elementary School will be orf campus to take clases and participate in other fun activities until 2 p.m. Welcome class of 2001 ! Noon: CGLA w ill sponsor a lesbian Lunch in 220 Union. Senior Marshals of 1990 remind you that senior basketball block distribution for the Georgia Tech game is from noon to 4 p.m. at the will call w indow at the Smith Center. 6:J0 p.m.: Baha'i Club organizational meeting in 2 1 8 Union. At 7:30 p.m.. an informal discussion."The Evolution of Morality." in the Black Cultural Center. All are welcome. SATl'RDAY 7:30 p.m.: The Baha'i Club will sponsor "Women Needed to Take the Journey to World Peace." a lecture by Bahiyyih Nakhjavani in 121 Hancs Art Center. SUNDAY 2 p.m.: The music department announces a free concert by the All-Carolina Band and UNC Concert Band in Hill Hall Auditorium, i 8 p.m.: The music dcparlment announces a free concert by Brent Wissick. baroque cello and viola da gamba in Person Hdl. ITEMS OF INTEREST The Carolina Week by Week Campus Calendar wants students to edit, evaluate and create the 19W 91 edition. Contact Christie Blom at 967-4783 for more information. Photographers encouraged. Betty Bell and Martha Bell Blake-Adams: Wa tercolors and drawings on exhibit in the Morehead Planetarium through February. Sunday through Fri day hours are 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Saturday hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. An exhibition of work by the art department faculty from UNC will be on view at the 1 lanes Art Center Glass Gallery through Feb. 16. The 1990 Yackcty Yack. is having its last portrait sittincs for this yeir through Feb. 23. Call 1 -S(X)-873-759110 make your appointment. Applications are available at L'CPPS for Teach for America (teaching positions for non-education majors). Deadline for filing at UCPPS is Feb. 15 at 5 p.m. Recruiters w ill interview March I through March 3 An Interracial Relationships Support Group is now forming at the University Counseling Center. This small group v. ill prov ide a confidential and sup portive environment in which members may leant about and share their own experiences in interracial relationships. Beginning in mid February. For more info call the University Counseling Center at 962 2175. The L'NC French House is still accepting applica tions for men to live in the French Houm: next year. Those interested contact Sain Wootl'.ey at 933-1007. The Diversity of Aaro' : t. Moore: Exhibit in the Union Gallery will lun through March 4. Sponsored by the Carolina Union Gallery Committee. Your chance to meet the artist coming in February! The Student Government Tutoring Program offers free tutoring in Spanish. French. I con 10, Math 22. Math 30. Math 31. Stat II and Slat 23 every Tuesday night from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Come to third floor Bingham. The International Center's lax Seminar Tor International Students, Scholars originally sched uled for Feb. 1 3 in 209 Manning has been rescheduled for Feb. 20 in the Union Auditorium fiom 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. for students. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. for scholars. The Union Cabaret announces to all singers, actors, dancers and musicians "II air" auditions. Feb. 1 2 and Feb. 1 3 fiom 4 p.m. to 1 0 p.m. Sign up at the Union desk by Saturday. Call Fric Dishman at 942W92orCorinOrtlam at 933 9602 for moie info. ing Wake with some offensive spark. The jumping-jack has hit double figures in four of the last five games, including 20 against Duke, 27 versus Virginia and a winning tip-in with three seconds left against Old Dominion. Carlyle has seen his scoring average dip from 13.6 as a freshman to 6.5 this year, but he is still the Deacs' main three-point shooter ( 1 6-42, 38 percent). Senior Ralph Kitley (6-10) and sophomore Phil Medlin (6-9) are slow space-eaters. However, Kitley did have his best game of this year against UNC with six points and nine rebounds. Although Wake's frontline remains its strength the Deacons are die second-best rebounding team in the ACC the Tar Heels' inside players Swimming had a field day earlier in the year. Rick Fox led the charge with 19 points, and he was backed by Kevin Madden (14), Scott Williams (12) and George Lynch (11). from page 4 cided against fielding a team for the second half. "The points I scored weren't easy," Leslie, who suffered a cut lip, said. "They sent five players after me the whole game." Leslie had tied the record of 105 points by hitting four technical foul shots awarded after South Torrance failed to retake the court but they were later nullified by a Southern Conference ruling. Sideshow fTHIS IS OUTRAGEOUS I GAVE $10,000 TO THE RAM 5 CLUB... tK ... 1 nbAN EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION... Calvin and Hobbes TMVUHG. SOtAKjME. HAD TO HER. FIRST SWVJV HER. UP GOOD. I VNWl S0SE. AND O.C&UG UER. MOUTH NCXADYE TtN SOte WORK. i foU'VE VAIE PNCUGtt TRAPS IrJi TO THE YJMER -A SNEEZED m SPUE UT0 w fcxoMnou, AND PIMED As POLVA ON WE Y4HH BRASS GW WIRE FLMfcor. hi ft . - a V...,Mi. . f.'.'i,imi!;iti'.s! J - ' U N-,.vv..i,y .1- . Ml,) nh-v - - 'J', ..AND I HAD TO WMK MORE THAN 3 FEET am TO GET TO THE DEAN DOME 7 1 e. Doonesbury HBY.JJ.! WHAT 15 l-Y, THAT YOU MP MIKBPONT 0H.6RBAT.M1K3! TULZONKSR.OF ALLFfflPLB, ALL ABOUT OUR. SEX fee, PONTIWRRY. fiJU.,I...HY! YOU'RE HE PIDN7 WEARING 1H5 SHIRT UNPER5TANP I6AVE YOU' OOP, AUJORP ISAlV AUYMJAY. YOU GOT THAT RIGHT! o YOU LOOK. REALLY urrr MIKE1 HOLD IT! LET ME 5TANP aw. THAIS OKAY, lOOTTA FUN... PC?1 - I'M TERRIBLY SORRY, SIR. WE'LL JUST TEAR DOWN THAT BUILDING OVER THERE, AND BUILD A NEW rAKKlNU DECK RIGHT AWAY. Jity iiu,. .il'Wl m 11 m' Castaway Street M31 HMMM... O.K. BUT WtlAT ABOUT THE HOSPITAL'S PATIENTS ? OH, WE'LL WHEEL 'EH BACK ONTO THE DECK AFTER THE GAMES. i r ji - - ....inn'" - ..)! Cff, v. I 1 ,..,iniii"" I THlMK IT TME I A it CUI '.A 17 1 ITg A '51. M r -CP- Vtfl WAOUG THE Go AN y way, 1 WSom T0 0OW.V0U rVOW.WMflT f I 6T THAT lf 7gfJ WITH fllftt Df!rJlTELV. AND SHE'S ClYlM flrJD ALL -rufi-r Hoi P ON, oKti. f C0SE tAE. vATJy CHANGE- A A - a win v 7UST fiS ifWuOHI.Hi HAD tyHAT DOES HE WAWT ffflM us? Mowt y TOR P SIKLOIN THE Daily Crossword by James E. Hinish Jr. ACROSS 1 Rice dish 6 Hindu hero 10 de Pascua 14 "...nothing like " 15 Clapton 16 Require 17 Site of Ariz. State U. 18 Nub 19 Poi source 20 Suspect something amiss 22 Sense of 23 Dublin's land 24 " in the Sun" 26 Army man: abbr. 29 Clear 30 Mend 31 NC fort 33 Court proceedings 37 Data 38 Certain bill 39 Sty cry 40 "The lamb will never cease him" (Shakespeare) 43 Tedium 44 God: Fr. 45 Health club 47 Sixth sense 48 Of stomachs 51 Make money 53 Pilasters 1990 Tribune Media Services. Inc. All Rights Reserved 54 Reflection 59 Untruths 60 Overlook 61 4-bagger 62 Coup d' 63 Curare kin 64 Overweight 65 Accuse 66 Elderly 67 Stretched DOWN Taps gently Footnote word Metallic cloth Abundant Sensation Rue Solo 8 Erroneous 9 Pretend 10 See 47A 11 Sutures 12 Playwright Jones 13 Embellish 21 "You There" 22 Tresses 25 Genetic substance 26 "You really haven't changed !" 27 It. river 28 Fish hook 32 Refinement 33 Chop 34 Mudville group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 35 Antelopes 36 Omit 38 Pathetic 41 Milan money 42 Wreath 43 Listening reach 45 Perceived 46 Tablet 48 Early physician 49 Author Loos 50 Vapor 52 Mythical weeper 55 What "video' means 56 Ness force 57 Dame Myra - 58 Baobab 60 Farrcw ClAlSlE l UlTll IAIS nAlTllP H.11M A W A S H JLXJL-L D 0 ViC0JJE.S.jL A.IU.L Z I N C.Aili-rr L I 1 1 S Z r I H 0 NUT ONK NJL E R I M 0 01 S 0 N B A R E lANi.-AJLILL lillAN-AL-EHALl. R E P 0 S US S M 0. RjXLl wTaTn 1 A illiiGIIlI lill'lAii IT i. IL H M HAIL IliM IsmTlst JolAlNlE ISI iBlOlMlAj mE) in I II 1 1 tor a sikloin y TV L. . f t?D - tV - WAif- I'M 6ETT1.V6T0 iHS SnMtm D GUI 5 i fOlL0W!W6 US. J LIKE HE 5 SOUGHT HIS SOOlt foR THf VjEEJir-- " loiTHiS Do0fX)O N -rrL--j-v EvciSC Mf. you ron.0or 1HIC RAT, Rf AT THt MM V V ' GROCER THE TViO &?IS HOPPED 0E 1 Legal Problems ? call Orrin Robbins Attorney at Law 968-1825 1 n 3 4 5 TTi fr a 5 jto hi 1 12 I13 17 18 Ti TT" 22 13 24 25 28 27 28 mmm 29 30 J 32 33" 34 35 36 37 3T 3i 40 TT" 42 3 " ' 45 " 46 47 4 49 50 51 52 53 "" TT 55" 56 57 58 59 ' 60" "" 61 62 63 64 65 66 87 Ibr .Saliom t Largnt PuhHshrr PirrctaHrs SUMMER JOBS He a sales repre sentative for one of our campus telephone directories nationwide. Gain valuable experience in sales, marketing and advertising. Travel to Chapel Hill, NC for a five-day expense-paid training program. Earn an average of $3,400 in 1 1 weeks. interviewing on Campus: February 19 and 20 Sign-up: Career Planning and Placement GRAND OPENSNG! SATURcky, FEbRUARy 10 Up TO 50 SAViNQS Ram Furniture Outlet 106 N.Graham St. (near Pizza Hut Delivery) Mon. 968-3549 Sat. 10am -7pm Cfiave(?(it( All TTlie Spcrts All True TTfllie TWO SATELLITE DISHES vHh 7 screens Daily Specials 12:30 pn-WOcn CcH: 929-6978 W. FRANKLIN under LaTerraza

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