The Daily Tar HeelWednesday, February 14, 199013 TravelVacations Lost & Found Services Health Personals Personals Personals Personals BEST SPRING BREAK TRIPS! Bahamas Cruise 6 days. $279. 6 days Jamaica. $299. 8 days Cancun. $399. Incl aircruise, accom, some meals, parties. Spring Break Travel. 929 4321. 106 Henderson St. SPRING BREAK JAMAICA FROM $449 complete!!! Enjoy hot nites. cqoI drinks, reggae music & sandy tje&ches traveling to Jamaica w Jnaica's oldest & largest colle giate tour operator. Organize group 20 & travel free!!! For more info 'Alfeservations contactr STS at 1-6t64S4849. -SPRING BREAK 90 S wants you to go to Cancun starting from $299. For info call 929 5125. FOUND: LARGE RED 3 ring binder wnotes & coursepak on South Bklg steps. To claim call 933-7728 or 933-7 725. FOUND: Monday, money in Union. Call 942-1454 before 9 pm to identify. Services RESEARCH INFORMATION la.'ff est I'fi.Tjr of In'orrrjuon m V S. -ailSLb,t:ts Oder Catalog Today with VISA.MC or COD ToumEEHOTUNE 800351-0222 in Calif. (213) 477-8226 Or. rush $2.00 to Research Information 11322 WJTO Avt. f206A LOS Apgetts. CA 90025 RESUME Why wait until the end-of semester rush? Student rates for writing and typing resumes. Laser printing. Free pick-up and delivery. Call Do-It-Write. 967-3786. RESUMES PROFESSIONALLY TYPESET while you wait. Student Special: $15. Call 962 0019. Tutoring SPRING BREAKERS White sand, crystal clear water. Florida's 1 nightclub; where? Panama City Beach: Fla's newest & best Spring Break hot spot. Call for more details. 933-0464. SPRING BREAK Bahamas 3nts 3199. extra nts avail. $39 holds your spot! Hurry, space is limited! Breakaway Tours 1 800-456-7499. Sour Spring Break Specialists. Lost & Found lOST: Gold class signet ring. 2 5. Ceuld be anywhere. Reward! 968 914. FOUND: KEY at P lot bus step 27. Claim at Union desk. FOUND: Infant toddler's white tfaseball cap. 2-7 on walkway btwn New West & Old West. 933 6275. 4-OST: Class ring. 10k gold, topaz. Stifiburst cut. Dixon HS. 2-5 on &mpus. 933-7344. ABORTION - To 20 weeks. Private & confidential GYN facility wSaturday & weekday appoint ments avail. Pain medication given. Free pregnancy tests. 942 0824. PREGNANT? NEED HELP? Free pregnancy testing and counseling. All services confidential. Call PSS 942-7318. Sat. appts. avail. DOES YOUR CHECKBOOK have you at your wits end? Call Patti 942 2418 (if no answer leave mes sage). Balancing checkbooks is my specialty. Personal or professional. HATE TYPING? Let me do it. Call 967-0583 for fast, professional service on Macintosh PC. MA in English, familiarity with MLA styles. Ask for Cindy. FAST & ACCURATE WORD PRO CESSING service: typing exp. includes law papers & briefs, term papers, resumes, cover letters, & applications. Call 933-9263 today! STUDENT GOVT TUTORING PRO GRAM offers free tutoring: Spanish. French. Italian. Econ 10. Math 22. 30. 31 & Stat 11, 23. Tues 7:30-9:30. 3rd floor Bingham. ECON 10 Tutor needed for inten sive review. Good pay. Call 933 9186 & Ive msge. Volunteering VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. The Assoc of Retarded Citizens-Orange County needs volunteers to work in a one-to-one relationship with per sons with developmental disabili ties. Call 942-5119. COHDOHS: myths & FACTS How much do you know? FIND OUT! Be in the Student Union West Lounge Thursday. February 15, 1990 12 pm - 1 pm MELVIN: TO THE MOST beautiful guy in the univ. drinking coffee In the Union on Mon. You know I'll never ever forget you. I don't (to you) He and everything I ever said wasIs always true. Till our sophomore year. ILU forever and more. PS Everything was written to you only. I love you, I'll miss you, Turtle. MISS COURTNEY, MISS MERED ITH, & MISS STACY: Anytime, any place, any favor. We are your indentured love slaves. Tyrone & Rufus. Happy Valentine's Day! SR CLASS GIFT -CONGRATULATIONS TO THE Class of 1990. The gift of funding a Faculty Fellows is most appropriate and will do much to enhance the under graduate teaching here at Carolina. This truly is a living and dynamic gift. Best wishes to a great class." Donald A. Boulton, Vice Chancellor and Dean, Division of Student Affairs T.E.A.B.: The past is water under the bridge. Besides, neither of us go to Duke anyway!. All my love, your constant invalid. PS. you never did give me a dollar to buy you a flower! Happy Valentine's Day! BETH. LAURIE. SARAH: Happy Valentine's Day to my favorite alco holic skanks. You have made this past year the best. I love you always. Steve. 'air in the tires. "Call It Love" but as it turns out. I'm married. Did all htat come out of the tailpipe? Do your thing CB. & I'll see ya at TT. Love your CBBF. Dana (Ardi V) GINGER. G-BREAD. let's go camp ing in the rain, hang out in parking spaces. & go to Whynotl Denny missed that shot like water, buy you cheered anyway! Love ya CB! Dana (Ardi V) MADAME MONICA. Bonjour two-can monster! WILL you take the J bus (man) roun' n roun traffic circles? Blame it on the rain if ya can't get DANA & GINGER: Happy V-Day. or is that Y-Day? Oh, I forgot. Dana, that comes later w a J. The ques tions is: WILL he do his thing? Not goin' do it, not goin" do it. G-Bread: the Ski Club has your number along w the DTH Sex Poll. Uie Alderman phone... Well, fellow CB's we all have Tamour de rras vies now (like G-Snap really had a problem). Just remember: If -it makes us feel better. Call if LOVE! "Monster" Monica Personals GOOD LUCK UNC Women's Swimming & Diving Team this wknd at Ace's! We have THE WILL TO WIN... let's do it!! Health WE SUPPLY BEST CONDOM MACHINES & quality condoms in the market. Wholesaleretail, mail ing orders accepted wconfidential ity. Special deals for organizations, groups. 929-4479, ask for Sim. SUSAN. MORRISON 832, you fascinate me. I want to get to know you better. Interested? Wednesdays always seem to bring surprisesWe'll see. Not Chris TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Welcome to the 90s. If you are interested, make your move. From the crippled Redhead. SR CLASS GIFT JUST AS THE U.S. ARMY exhorts young men and women to Join Its ranks and be all that they can be, the Center for Teaching and Learning exhorts all instructors In academic affairs to use our services and be the best teachers each one can possibly be. More than half of all Instructors In academic affairs currently use the Center's services. Your gift to the senior class will enable the Center for Teaching and Learning to promote teaching and learning excellence in more creative, Innovative and effective ways. Joel Schwartz, Professor of Political Science, Dlretor, Center for Teaching and Learning. Commuting ... doesn't have to be a solitary pursuit... use the DTH Classifieds to find carpoolers going your way... FREE ...FREE on Mondays WKDNESDAY Noon: The Institute of Latin American Studies and the Institute for Research in Social Science v, ill hold a Great Decision Lecture. "The Balance of Transition: Perceptions of Political Outcomes in Argentina. Brazil, Uruguay and Chile." with Edgardo Catterberg of the UNC political science department, m 210 Union. Call 966-1484 for more details. AIDS Awareness Week Committee, sponsored by the BSM. CGLA. Student Government. Campus Y-, Newman Center. AED and Carolina Union, will have a BSM Workshop on AIDS and Minorities in the Union Cabaret. There will be a discussion following a skit presented by the Ebony Readers. ' 3 p.m.: Career Planning and Placement Services will hold Job Hunt 103: Interviewing Skills Work shop for seniors and graduate students in 210 I lanes. 4 p.m.: Joint UNC-Duke Physics and Astron omy Colloquium: "Tests of LorentzandTime Rever sal Invariance," w ith Dr. Tim Chupp of I larvard Uni versity, in 265 Phillips. 5 p.m.: Yomen's Forum of the Campus Y will meet in 206B of the Campus Y to continue planning the Take Back the Night safety march. Everyone is welcome! The L'N'C Vegetarian Society invites you to a FREE vegetarian dinner until 7 p.m. in 104 Howell. Homemade meals, recipes and general info. All are welcome! 5:30 p.m.: The Newman Center will hold its Stu dent Night dinner followed by the Dating Game! All are welcome. A lecture on Sexual Behavior Patterns and Safer Sex will be given in 100 Hamilton as part of AIDS Awareness Week. All arc welcome to attend. Lutheran Campus Ministry will hold its weekly communion service followed by a fellowship meat at 6:15 p.m. at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Campus Center on Rosemary St. Welcome! 6 p.m.: The Wesley Foundation invites you to join them for a Christian fellowship and shag lessons at 214 Pittsboro St. Dinner is $2 and all students arc invited. 7 p.m.: The UNC Bridge Club will meet in 212 Union. New players are welcome. L'CPPS announces a presentation by Ferguson Enterprises in 210 I lanes. SEAC will have a big meeting in 21 1 Union. New members are encouraged to come. Clean Air Act, Earth Day. U.S. Forestry Service March, National SEAC network and much, much more. 8 p.m.: Treat your Valentine to poetry and prose. The Cellar Door is sponsoring an open reading at the Skylight Exchange. 1 1 p.m.: WXYC FM 89.3 will play the new album from the Blackgirls. Procedure, in its entirety w ith no interruptions. Midnight: Cellar Door reminds you that this is it! Your last chance to submit poetry, prose and graphics to the Cellar Door Literary Magazine. 216 B Union. Castaway Street Calvin and Hobbes BEDTIME, K0DO. f , TY S rw. tC BED fxjn -vjj wr& s& vTrt r . A ... t5M j? .. UvrtTrtEfc DIED OfV VALfM- nf77EM.BuT EWYBOOY M . TTfT CX ' nvL c A U -ts oav. e km tw W?-0 Vl . 2 V I I X ctifTn TmMK Of HIM AND t VcKY I Ml h ciku- . SWISJ ; i . t ti. h rv ! "- jt i I i &tj ii k ii oy i i i r - rrz zz a i iaii fri ? J'i r&i 17 i N -rl year iTWKfifcjwf rtWTw wore m ., -rtJKTJl 1 1 VI M- - II ATTVJhKX I -i- -J-l ' 1 I : . , I 7777Sn ft lOVfc ONMVt. WH w&r oGa; Bfjr H :Z3V JTM r m . jp, i- t. V Tj- 3p$L JzrZL r9S &FZZW I -WTiE PZBSIPtNT JUST 1 BUT I CAN TELL YOU, AS MS it TWGMUXXAD IT SN7CN& TO RUNAWAY A VIETNAM-ERA VETERAN ,,uAn nAcT FROM A FI6HT. NOT THAT MYSELF, S0M5TIM5S A mDO. mAWOLFOR ll . .. lxta,, HE HAS ANYTHING TO PROVE- MANS GOTTA POlAJnAl o? RRFMJSiak TSFPU TTlm U-J. mmuamumTTI ; jgy a r- DTH. The best news on campus!!! 77 ' AWP NAVAL AVIATOR PURJNG t -V r THE BUG ONE! f C' Zi Jr&fe C -V ri SM -ZZZ I call 3 PiVf' J V-4 ' P$0C' I OrrinRobbins a ySr IsM i kA . hi 1 4 I UM2T 1 1 Attr SI lino AVI. MOW .' CrHT I WCH THE NEXT NO, 100 NEED CAN I JUST WMCH PIEKSE CX, JUST 10 HlMMTES.' TWEH 1U GO STRWGW TO FMEWINJTE5.' JUST FWE TJRH OFF TWE TV. UXX, I'LL JJST A T-EY1 M0CS. CDWAEKIMS, vX? SEE.UERES WW f MOR.VTE SUMCOWAEKIAI.' I GUESS M GOT ( PftETTH PNTWETVC. J WlLEMTIrVES DAY 'S 80IN?N ANO MUSHY. THE CAMPY ISAJ'rAS GOOD AS HflLLOWffA LIKE ON HfltLOWffW I LIKE HALLOWEEN. Doonesbury MR. VICE PRESIDENT, tUOULP YOU t AGREE THAT MR. BUSH'S TRJPTO THE COOy.&iAN PRU0 GJUFERENCB IS F0OUSH AND UNNECESSARY? mo 8TH 1 3SN I'M wokmiCt UN NAmnm.M nv,f I'fA GLAD. fl . V THE CLASS GOT evR1B0tff Pi CARD- KAREN 4- KliajZZ OUT. LATELY I'VE JUST fELT LIKE I'AlGo.vG TO ScREA. I f f EL LIKE A WfM7j iAf orr.i ir,f A r C r U ME-04-LOOK AT THE TIME f OUR RESf?AfOrVf wetfe -for e6- BEN (CNE YEJWMjO) vat tnTines Dftt Sucks. PFnPLEIN' RELATIONSHIPS ARE HlPPY WHILE TH05 E Without JUST HME ITRU5BEU IN iHCiK HLt). IBM. JOE UN il c ' c j J. fop TWU WAVE AMOTHEK I I IOMZ $GU5&H'Ou$eB i R TWO tAUIOM A BAZ CAZ&flHGr Uil THE Daily Crossword by Victor Jambor, Jr. r ACROSS 1 Confront 5 Long hit ",'.9 "Yes " -13 Impulse conductor -, 14 Look fixedly .:-.15 Complications ; 16 Tear apart ;;.17 Caused by the moon 18 Math course 19 Pixie ' 20 Certain measure 22 Utopias -24 Curve 25 Take out 27 State houses -.32 Certain pupil "33 Series .34 At once 35 Legatee :'36 Make butter T37 Beach, FL 38 Oath words 39 Diving bird ; 40 Shelve 41 Horsemen? 43 Pot-bellied -44 Doctrine 45 Croc's kin --46 5 on the Beaufort Scale 51 High toss 54 Falls behind 55 Tropical vine ' 56 Gaucho weapon C 1990 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Ail Rights Reserved 57 Rebekah's son 58 Presley 59 In the last analysis 60 Move arduously 61 Profound 62 Turk, officials DOWN 1 Turn out 2 Skating jump 3 Bonbon 4 Conclude 5 Overwhelms 6 Baton 7 Nomad 8 Carapace carrier 9 With all its parts 10 Stack of wood 11 Entrance 12 Nearly 14 Obliquity 20 Hither 21 Moran or Gray 23 Active one 25 System of good conduct 26 "Blue Shoes" 27 Whitefishes 28 Swiss river 29 Part of a race 30 Sophia 31 Aramis' weapon 33 "Mask" star 36 Disintegrated 37 Turn thumbs down 39 Slit 40 Glow with ardor 42 Absorbent paper 43 Destroys 45 topical tree 46 Took a plane 47 Tabula 48 Mild oath 49 Tick off 50 Roof edge 52 podrida 53 Barks 56 Fur scarf ambor, Jr. I BU I N I K tj 0 1 A IT I E I S Ll I IB J I T SI S I AW IDE I A J S JiUt R A f 1 Bj A IT IE SF C t A SSY I lea Ieir" 1" sTk u L I I D I E SHIRE oIwTe M 1 L w . 1 JL L L H 1 v L ! pJtS I S P I E Tj HEAP f S C I A M 1 P j f C 1 H E R I R I YJ i 2 3 U I is 5 ? i I 9 ho I11 I12 13 14 " Ti 18 17 Ti 19 " 20" 21 22 23" 24 25 2fl" "mm" 27" 28 29 30 31 32 "" "T" " 34 35 "" 37 38 39 " "" 40 41 42 """" 43 44 45 48 47" iT" 49 50 " 51 52 53 54 1 55 1 58 ZZLZZ CZZZZJ tJZZZ 80 j1 82 Greenhouse & Eastgate Help Wanted afternoons & weekends, 20 hrswk. Come by during business Hours Ilasigaic (boridc a Souihcra 4cmoo) 967 856HChaicl I till 688-4VtODurham 10-6:30 Mon M IO-6Sat I S Sum Greenhouse Ixicaijoi) Sunrte Dr., Chapel Hill GetYour Thesis Done In A Day. 3 -3 3 3 3 High quality copies Choice of hindings (iuaranteed deadlines Open 24 hours 7 das a week It's on time. Or on u. 100 West Franklin St. 933-2679 HidnigtiL Qate Shows FRI & SAT Nights $2.00 sex, lies, & videotapes Tito llnlu tmvnti W 9 it Little Mermaid 7:00 Nightly Only (G) Sat & Sun Matinee 1:303:155:00 Everybody Wins Nightly 7:309:40 (") Sat & Sun Matinee 2:304:40 Blaze 9:00 Nightly Only (R) Stanley & Iris Nightly 7:009:20 (PG-13) VSat & Sun Matinee 2:004:20 j r OIL ELLIOT ROAD at E. FRANKLIN 967-4737 $3.50 ALLSHOWS BEFORE 6PM Bette Midler Stella 3:20 5:20 7:20 9:20 " ifiKH 'W HM Detective Mac Stern is fating the greatest challenge of his career... His new partner. jiiiLJ Lu lyjiiu i Ol, 3:00 5:00 7:00 9:00 y Flashback (R) 7:159:S0 Born On The 4th of July (R) M-Th.7:30 Fri.-Sun. 7:009:50 MATT DILLON KELLY LYNCH mi WINNER 1 GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS 2 J BEST MOTTO PICTURE J BFJSTT ACTORS - Nfcsw fmnmm BEST ACTRESSY. j, r C PGj is- ?!l5Cil!flflLARSITY EAST f RANKLIN CHrCL MILL r 7:I5CQ